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1、中考英語語法專項冠詞講解與練習 一、 不定冠詞的用法用法1. 用與可數(shù)名詞的單數(shù)形式前,指一 類人或事物。2. 泛指某人或某物,但不具體說明何 人或何物。3. 表示 “ 一 ” 這個數(shù)量 , 但數(shù)的概念 沒有 one 強烈。4. 用于表示身份或職業(yè)的名詞前。 5. 表示計量單位。6. 用于某些固定的詞組中。二、定冠詞的用法用法舉例he is a boy.pass me an apple, please.a girl is waiting for you.we work six days a week.we are going to have an english lesson tomorrow

2、. theres a book on the desk.she wants to be a pilot when she grows up.he drives at a speed of 80km an hour.a few, a little, a lot of舉例1. 用在可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)的前面,表示一類人或 the bird lives in the tree.事物。2. 指雙方都知道的人或物。 where are the new books, tom?they are on the small table.3. 指上文提過的人或物。ive got a new pen. the pen is

3、 blue.4. 用在世界上獨一無二的事物前。 the sun is bigger than the moon.5. 用在序數(shù)詞或形容詞最高級以及 only 前。 the first truck is carrying a few baskets.the third one is carrying the fewest of all.6. 用在由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞前。7. 用在江河、湖泊、山脈、群島的名稱前面。 8. 用在樂器前面。9. 用在姓氏的復數(shù)前面,表示夫婦兩人或一 家人。10. 用在某些形容詞前,表示一類人。11. 用在一些習慣用語中。三、零冠詞的情況用法1. 在專有名詞前和不可

4、數(shù)名詞前。the great wallthe west lakesplay the guitarthe greenswe should take good care of the old. in the morning (afternoon, evening), on the left(right), at the end of舉例china, grade two, bill smith, milk2. 名詞前已有指示代詞、物主代詞、不定代 the letter is in her pocket. 詞或名詞所有格修飾時 。3. 復數(shù)名詞表示一類人或事物時。 4. 在星期、月份、季節(jié)、節(jié)日前。

5、5. 在三餐飯和球類運動的名稱前。my father and mother are teachers. today is mid-autumn day.he went to school after breakfast. can you play basketball?第 1 頁 共 6 頁四、特例清單1. 在某些固定詞組中。例如:at home, by bus, go to school 等名詞前不用冠詞。2. 有些中國傳統(tǒng)樂器前不能加定冠詞 the。例如:erhu (二胡),pipa (琵琶),guzheng (古箏)3. 一日三餐前一般不加冠詞,但是一日三餐被某個詞所修飾時,一般要加不定

6、冠詞 a 或 an。 例如:a big breakfast, a quick supper4. 由 festival 構(gòu)成的中國傳統(tǒng)節(jié)日前需要加定冠詞 the。例如:the spring festival, the dragon-boat festival5. 表示成套的東西時,兩個并列的名詞前只需要用一個不定冠詞。例如:a shirt and tie, a knife and fork6. 一些短語中,有無冠詞時的意義是不一樣的。例如:in hospital (生病住院), in the hospital (在醫(yī)院)go to university (上大學), go to the univ

7、ersity (去大學)基礎(chǔ)練習1. what does your brother like to do after school?he likes to play _ basketball with his friend.a. a b. an c. / d. the2. it is _ old book. i dont like it.a. a b. an c. / d. the3. we cant see _ sun at _ night.a. the; the b. the; / c. a; / d. /; /4. one day he found _ suitcasethere was

8、 _ “s” on the corner of _ suitcase.a. a; an; the b. a; a; the c. an; an; an d. the; a; a5. _ old man with white hair spoke _ english well at _ meeting.a. an; an; a b. the; /; an c. the; /; a d. the; /; the6. _ new bridge has been built over _ marling rivera. the; a b. a; / c. a; the d. an; the7. she

9、 used to be _ worker but later she became _ engineer.a. a; an b. a; the c. /; a d. a; /8. we made him _ chairman.a. a b. the c. an d. /9. tom smith is _ european. he works in our schoola. a b. an c. the d./10. i can play _ piano very well, but i dont know how to play _ chess at all.a. a; an b. an; a

10、 c. the; / d. the; the11. beijing is _ beautiful city. its _ capital of china.a. a; a b. the; the c. /; the d. a; the12. i will have _ breakfast after reading my _ english book.a. a; an b. the; / c. /; / d. a; the13. this is _ orange. its_ small orange.a. an; a b. a; the c. a; an d. an; the第 2 頁 共 6

11、 頁14. does allan often play _ soccer after _ school?a. /; / b./; the c. the; / d. a; /15. _ young man over there is _ popular teacher in our school.a. a; an b. the; a c. the; the d. a; the綜合練習1. the children stood in _ circle and danced to music.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填2. i like music, but i dont lik

12、e _ music of this film.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填3. my classmate liu wei is _ honest boy, so we all like him.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填4. there is _ “u” and _ “l(fā)” in the word lucky.a. a; an b. an; an c. a; a d. an; a5. how long does it take us to go to your hometown from here?it takes us _ hour or more to

13、 go to my hometown by _ train. a. an; a b. a; an c. an; 不填 d. a; 不填6. do you know _ girl in green? she is our monitor.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填7. there is _ old watch. _ old watch is mr. zhangs.a. an; the b. the; an c. a; the d. the; the 8. what do you think of _ movie “titanic”?its _ good film.a. the

14、; the b. a; the c. the; a d. a; a9. i dont believe such _ 11-year-old girl can break the world record.a. a b. an c. the d. 不填10. this is _ song ive told you, isnt it _ beautiful one?a. a; the b. the; a c. the; 不填 d. 不填; 不填 11. lets take _ photo! everyone, cheese!a. a b. an c. the d. 不填12. everyone b

15、elieves him because he is _ honest boy.a. a b. an c. the d. 13. li yundi plays _ piano after _ supper every day.a. the; the b. a; a c. the; 不填 d. 14. i like the picture very much because _ colors match well.a. a b. an c. the d. 15. my mother is good at cooking and she is _ wonderful cook.a. a b. an

16、c. the d.不填不填; the不填不填鞏固練習1. lee min-ho is _ actor from south korea. he sang _ chinese pop song on the2014 cctv new years gala.第 3 頁 共 6 頁a. the; an b. /; the c. an; a d. a; /2. look! whos _ boy over there?oh, he is my cousin, bob. he is _ honest boy.a. a; the b. the; a c. the; an d. a; an3. she lik

17、es playing _ piano; her brother likes playing _ basketball.a. the; a b. a; the c. /; the d. the;/4. i have _ english dictionary and it helps me a lot.a. a b. an c. the d. /5. my cousin went abroad at _ age of eighteen.a. a b. an c. the d./6. i think english is _ useful language, and its also _ impor

18、tant language.a.an; a b. a; an c. an; the d. a; the7. mrs. smith has _ 8-year-old daughter who has won two national painting prizes.a. a b. an c. the d. /8. “if you stop dropping litter, ill kiss _ pig.” the head teacher promised the students at a school meeting.a. a b. an c. the d. /9. why did you

19、laugh just now?ted wanted to tell us _ very funny story, but he forgot _ ending himself. a. a; an b. the; the c. the; a d. a; the10. can you play _ guitar?sure. its a piece of cake for me.a. a b. an c. the d. /11.doing lots of listening practice is one of _ best ways of becoming _ good language lear

20、ner.a. the; the b. the; a c. 不填; a d. the; 不填12. if we sit by _ window of the train, well have _ better view.a. /; the b. /; a c. the; a d. the; the13. how was _ dinner at mikes house?it was great. mikes mum is _ wonderful cook.a. a; the b. the; a c. the; the d. a; an14.i had _ unusual day on my las

21、t school trip.a. a b. an c. / d. the15. do you have _ qq number?no. can you tell me how to get _?a. a; it b. the; it c. a; one d. /; one16. i have _ english dictionary and it helps me a lot.a. the b. a c. an d. /17. my pe teacher often teaches us how to play _ football.a. a b. an c. / d. the18. this

22、 is _ old computer. i want a new one.a. a b. an c. / d. the19. i love singing and dancing. i want to be _ actor in the future.a. a b. an c. the d. /第 4 頁 共 6 頁20. what do you know about kite surfing?it is _ exciting water sport.a. a b. an c. the d.21. look at _ calendar. its june 22.a. a b. an c. th

23、e d./22.sun wukong is _ unusual monkey.a. a b. an c. the d. /23. do you know when is _ no tabacco (煙草) day?its may 31st.a. an b. a c. the d. /24.good news! well have _ one-day holiday in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary ( 紀 念日) of the victory in world war ii.a. a b. an c. the d.25. jacks hobb

24、y is to play _ chess.a. a b. an c. the d. /26. the whites have planned to visit _ great wall in china.a. the b. an c. a d. /27. his uncle will give him _ birthday present. itll be wonderful.a. a b. an c. the d. /28. mr smith is _ old man and he usually walks his dog after _ supper.a. a; the b. an; a c. an; 不填 d. the; 不填29. whos _ man under the tree?hes my uncle, _ actor.a. a; the b. a; an c. the; the d. the; an30. can you play _ piano?no, i cant. but i can play _ basketball.a. the; the b. the;


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