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1、冠詞一、導入“復讀機啊你”公交車上超擠,有一女人站在門口, 從車后面擠過來一個 gg 要下車,跟那女的 說了一句“讓一下,下車”,那個女滴木有動。 gg 擠過去時就踩到她了。結(jié)果那女人 好厲害的,不停的罵“神經(jīng)病啊你!神經(jīng)病啊你!”,還超大聲,搞得全車都看呀。gg 一直木有說話,下車時忍不了了,回頭對那女人說,“復讀機呀你!” 全車人暴笑!后邊有幾個搞笑的小孩,不停的伴演剛才的一幕, 甲說“你神經(jīng)病呀你!。 乙說“你復讀機呀你”。 全車人暴笑!后來,有個小 mm 也要下車,擠過去怯怯滴說“偶偶偶想下去,偶不是神經(jīng)?。 ?全車人再次暴笑!那個女人木有說話,可是從邊上飄來一句話“你是不是沒電了”

2、全 車人暴笑不止!二、知識點回顧略三、(1)專題講解專題 1:冠詞的用法冠詞概述:冠詞是一種虛詞,用在名詞或名詞詞組的前面,表示名詞是特指還是泛指。冠詞可分為不定冠詞、定冠詞和零冠詞三種形式。不定冠詞有 a, an。 定冠詞有 the. 其中, a 用在發(fā)音以輔音開頭的名詞之前, 而 an 則用在發(fā)音以元音開頭的名詞之前。一、冠詞的分類不定冠詞(a/an)冠詞分為: 定冠詞(the)零冠詞(不用冠詞)二、冠詞的用法1、不定冠詞的用法不定冠詞 a (an)表示的意思是“一個”。a用于輔音音標開頭的詞前;而 an 則用于元音音標開頭的詞前。 (1)、用于可數(shù)名詞的單數(shù)形式前,表示“一”。there

3、 is an apple on the plate. 在盤子上有一個蘋果。(2)、第一次提到某人或某物。this is an english-chinese dictionary. 這是一本英漢詞典。1 / 6(3)、在一些固定搭配中a lot of / a little / a pair of 等2、定冠詞的用法(表特指)定冠詞(the)是 this / these / that / those 的總稱,放在名詞前,特指某物或某人。 (1)、文中第二次提到某人或某物,用定冠詞 thelook! there is a ball under the table. the ball is mine

4、.(2)、用于指說話雙方都知道的事物或人。would you mind closing the window ?(3)、放在序數(shù)詞前。monday is the second day of the week.(4)、表示世上獨一無二的事物。the earth goes around the sun.(5)、定冠詞放在姓氏復數(shù)前,表示“一家”。the greens are from australia.(6)、定冠詞和形容詞連用,也可以代表某類人或物。the poor / the bad / the rich / the good(7)、演奏某項樂器時,樂器前需加 the。如:play the

5、drums / play the piano / play the violin(8)、在一些固定搭配中。如:in the morning 在早上in the evening 在晚上3、零冠詞的用法in the afternoon 在下午all the year round 一年到頭(1)、復數(shù)名詞前不加冠詞可以表示一類人和事物apples are my favorite.(2)、洲、國家、城市前不用冠詞we live in asia.(3)、不可數(shù)名詞前一般不用冠詞。would you like to drink water?(4)、在季節(jié)、月份、星期等表示時間的名詞之前,不加冠詞; it

6、is very cold in winter in beijing.2 / 6(5)、在姓名前不加冠詞。she is mrs. henry black.(6)、 在一日三餐、表示球類運動名詞前不用冠詞。 after we have lunch, we will play football.(7)、 在一些固定搭配中,名詞前不需要用冠詞。如:go to school / go to bed / stay in bed變式練習一、單項選擇。1. he often has _ egg and some milk for breakfast.a. / b. a c. the d. an2. -what

7、s the trouble with lingling?-she doesnt go to_ school and stay in _bed now. a. a; / b. the; the c. /; / d. /; a3. -do you have _ dictionary?-no, but lucy has _ new dictionary on the bookshelf.a. a; the b. the; the c. the; a d. a; a4. _ earth is round.a. a b. an c. the d. /5. there is _ “l(fā)” in the wo

8、rd “l(fā)uck”.a. a b. the c. an d. /6. i hope you have _ happy day today.a. a b. an c. the d. /四、鞏固練習一.選擇填空。1does jim have _ ruler?yes,he has _ aan;some ba;one ca;3 / 6dany;one2there is _ old bike _ old bike is mr zhaosaan ;the bthe;an ca;the dthe;the3 _ apple a day keeps the doctors awayathe ba can dtw

9、o4how many books do you have?i have _ bookthats _ english bookaa;an ba;one cone;an done;one5at that time tom was _ one-year-old babyaa ban cthe d二、冠詞填空:在下列句中空白處填入適當冠詞,不需用冠詞處劃。1 lets go out for _ walk2 its too hotopen _ door,please3 there is _ woman over there _ woman is meimeis mother 4 _ sun rises

10、in _ east5are you going to do it _ second time?五、拓展訓練一、單選題1 _ tiger is _ chinaathe;a ba;the cthe;from dthe;the 2we cant see _ sun at _ nightathe;the bthe;3 _ useful book it is!ca;d;awhat an bhow a cwhat a dwhat4 _ old lady with white hair spoke _ english well at _ meetingaan;an;a bthe;an cthe;a dthe

11、;the 5 _ great wall is _ longest wall in the worldaa;a bthe;the ca;the dthe;a6 _ new bridge has been built over huangpu river4 / 6athe;a ba;ca;the dan;the7 _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our schoolaa;an bthe;a cthe;the da;the二、冠詞填空:在下列句中空白處填入適當冠詞,不需用冠詞處劃。 1washington is the capital of _

12、usa2 i often watch _ tv in _ evening3 he often goes to _ school by _ bike4、he likes playing _ basketball after _ supper六、反思總結(jié) :當堂過手訓練 (快練五分鐘,穩(wěn)準建奇功! ) 一、選擇題(每小題 10 分,共 100 分)1. there is _ orange and some pineapples in the basket.a. the b. / c. a d. an2. lisa has _ hat. _ hat is very beautiful.a. a; a

13、 b. an; a c. a; the d. an; /3. im watching_ movie. it is about_ interesting love story. a. a; an b. a; a c. the; the d. /; an4his father is _ english teacherhe works in our schoolaa ban cthe d 5 / 65is he _ american boy ?aan ba cone d6does tom often play _ football after _ school?a;b;the cthe;da;7they passed our school _ day before yesterd


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