已閱讀5頁,還剩21頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、Unit 5 Objective 88 Notes To Passage A Activities On Passage A Basic E-commerce Writingrather than =instead of ,意為意為 “而不是而不是”,與與a configurator and bid function 并列。并列。 88 Notes To Passage A How B2B Differs From B2C Passage A 因為是和相對穩(wěn)定的名單中的商業(yè)伙伴打交道,所以你可以利因為是和相對穩(wěn)定的名單中的商業(yè)伙伴打交道,所以你可以利 用虛擬個人網(wǎng)絡(luò)來安全獲取防火墻內(nèi)所選應用軟

2、件,這樣可以用虛擬個人網(wǎng)絡(luò)來安全獲取防火墻內(nèi)所選應用軟件,這樣可以 免除在你的防火墻外復制數(shù)據(jù)和應用軟件的需要。免除在你的防火墻外復制數(shù)據(jù)和應用軟件的需要。 End 44注解:注解:本句中動詞短語本句中動詞短語deal with 意為意為”與打交道,交往或做生意與打交道,交往或做生意” 等;不定式等;不定式to provide secure access to selected applications inside your firewall 是主語補足語,意為是主語補足語,意為“安全獲取或提供安全進入的通道安全獲取或提供安全進入的通道”; 其中其中 “to selected applica

3、tions”是介詞短語是介詞短語; thus avoiding屬于現(xiàn)屬于現(xiàn) 在分詞短語,充當結(jié)果狀語。在分詞短語,充當結(jié)果狀語。 3) Because you are dealing with a relatively static list of trading partners, virtual private network (VPN) technology may be used to provide secure access to selected applications inside your firewall , thus avoiding the need to repli

4、cate data and applications outside your firewall. Activities On Passage A 1) Whats the most obvious difference between B2B and B2C? 5.3.1 Critical thinking 2) What is the common requirement of B2B type of order? 3) Do you often use a credit card for payment in B2C transaction? 4) What are the better

5、 types of search function in B2B applications? 5) How many partners do you usually connect to in a B2B application to make a purchase? Activities On Passage A Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or expressions: 5.3.2 Translation practice 1) individual customer transactions 2)

6、 order office supplies or parts 3) fairly regular intervals 4) credit card 5) lines of credit 6)search function 7)browse through 8)virtual private network(VPN) 9)provide secure access 10)customers supply chain 個體客戶交易個體客戶交易 訂購辦公用品或部件訂購辦公用品或部件 相當固定的間隔時間相當固定的間隔時間 信用卡信用卡 信用貸款之最高限額信用貸款之最高限額 搜索功能搜索功能 瀏覽瀏覽

7、 虛擬個人網(wǎng)絡(luò)虛擬個人網(wǎng)絡(luò) 提供安全通道提供安全通道 客戶供應鏈客戶供應鏈 Activities On Passage A Give the English equivalents of the following words or expressions: 5.3.2 Translation practice 1) 1) 企業(yè)之間的電子商務(wù)企業(yè)之間的電子商務(wù) 活動的應用程序活動的應用程序 2) 2) 企業(yè)和個人之間的企業(yè)和個人之間的 電子商務(wù)活動電子商務(wù)活動 3) 3) 固定訂單固定訂單 4) 4) 信用系統(tǒng)信用系統(tǒng) 5) 5) 延期交貨的訂單延期交貨的訂單 6 6)在線目錄

8、)在線目錄 7 7)買方或賣方)買方或賣方 8 8)防火墻)防火墻 9 9)復制數(shù)據(jù)和應用程序)復制數(shù)據(jù)和應用程序 1010)顧客規(guī)模)顧客規(guī)模 B2B applications B2C transactions standing orders credit system open orders online catalog buy-side or sell-side firewall replicate data and applications customer sizes Activities On Passage A Sentence translation from

9、English to Chinese: 5.3.2 Translation practice 1) B2C focuses on individual customer transactions, whereas B2B focuses on other businesses as the consumer. B2CB2C(電子零售商業(yè))側(cè)重于與個體顧客的交易,而(電子零售商業(yè))側(cè)重于與個體顧客的交易,而B2BB2B(企(企 業(yè)與企業(yè)之間的電子商務(wù)活動)則側(cè)重于以其他企業(yè)為顧客業(yè)與企業(yè)之間的電子商務(wù)活動)則側(cè)重于以其他企業(yè)為顧客 的交易。的交易。 2) For example, when yo

10、u order office supplies or parts, you usually order the same products as well as the same amounts at fairly regular intervals. 例如,當你訂購辦公用品或部件時,通常你會定期地訂購同種例如,當你訂購辦公用品或部件時,通常你會定期地訂購同種 且同數(shù)量的商品。且同數(shù)量的商品。 3) Repeat and standing orders are a common B2B requirement. 重復和固定的訂單是企業(yè)與企業(yè)電子商務(wù)活動中常見的必要條件。重復和固定的訂單是企業(yè)與

11、企業(yè)電子商務(wù)活動中常見的必要條件。 Activities On Passage A 5.3.2 Translation practice 4) B2B applications are designed with these requirements in mind. B2BB2B應用程序就是根據(jù)這些要求設(shè)計的。應用程序就是根據(jù)這些要求設(shè)計的。 5) A catalog to browse through is not necessarily a requirement, depending on the type of B2B purchase you want to make. 瀏覽商品目

12、錄是否必要,則取決于你想要進行的那種瀏覽商品目錄是否必要,則取決于你想要進行的那種 B2B采購模式采購模式 Activities On Passage A Sentence translation from Chinese to English 5.3.2 Translation practice 1)1)你應該努力把思想集中在工作的學習上。你應該努力把思想集中在工作的學習上。( (focus on)focus on) You should try to focus your mind on work and study. 2)這對新婚夫婦花費了一些錢購買新房子里必需的家具這對

13、新婚夫婦花費了一些錢購買新房子里必需的家具 purchase) 。 The new couple spent some money for the purchase of the furniture necessary for their new house. . 3)3)五天工作制不僅僅對國家經(jīng)濟和個人有好處。五天工作制不僅僅對國家經(jīng)濟和個人有好處。(benefit) A five-day week benefits more than individually and economically. Activities On Passage A 5.3.2 Translation pract

14、ice 4)4)對于合同中這一條款的確切釋義他們的看法互不一致。對于合同中這一條款的確切釋義他們的看法互不一致。 ( (differ) differ) They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract. 5)5)總之,總之,B2BB2B的應用程序的獨特性使得它和的應用程序的獨特性使得它和B2CB2C的應用程的應用程 序區(qū)分開來。序區(qū)分開來。( (set apart)set apart) In summary, B2B applications have these uniq

15、ue characteristics that set them apart from B2C applications. End B2C And Its Customers 1) Organizations that sell to consumers spend millions of pounds every year finding out what consumers think of their products and services and identifying what will motivate consumers to buy more. Passage B 88 N

16、otes To Passage B 那些售貨的商家每年要花費成數(shù)百萬英鎊的資金用于查明那些售貨的商家每年要花費成數(shù)百萬英鎊的資金用于查明 顧客對他們產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的看法以及找出那些促使顧客購買顧客對他們產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的看法以及找出那些促使顧客購買 更多商品的方法。更多商品的方法。 44注解注解:此句中that 引導的是定語從句,修飾主語; spend money/time doing sth 表示“花錢或時間干某 事”,doing 前省略了in;finding out 和identifying 是兩個并列的方式狀語,修飾spend,而且各自帶有 一個what引導的賓語從句;此外動詞短語motivate

17、 sb to do sth 意為:刺激某人干某事或激發(fā)某人干 某事。 2) Imposing your processes on your customers, changing the account team without telling them, withdrawing agreed services with no negotiation, canceling meetings at short or no notice, are all examples of common ways in which suppliers disappoint customers and ulti

18、mately let them down. Passage B 88 Notes To Passage B 把自己的方法強加在顧客的身上、改變會計隊伍而不事先告知、未把自己的方法強加在顧客的身上、改變會計隊伍而不事先告知、未 經(jīng)協(xié)商就擅自撤銷所承諾的服務(wù)、匆忙倉促地通知或根本不加通知經(jīng)協(xié)商就擅自撤銷所承諾的服務(wù)、匆忙倉促地通知或根本不加通知 地取消會議,這些都是商家使客戶失望和最終失去客戶的常見例子。地取消會議,這些都是商家使客戶失望和最終失去客戶的常見例子。 44注解:注解:本句中本句中imposing, changing, withdrawing imposing, changing, w

19、ithdrawing 和和 cancelingcanceling是四個動名詞短語充當并列主語;是四個動名詞短語充當并列主語;in which in which 引導的引導的 是定語從句,修飾是定語從句,修飾waysways;動詞短語;動詞短語 impose sth on sb impose sth on sb 意為意為: :把把 某事強加給某人;某事強加給某人;at short notice at short notice 意為:在很短的時間內(nèi)通意為:在很短的時間內(nèi)通 知;知;let sblet sb down down 意為:使某人失望,解散,釋放。意為:使某人失望,解散,釋放。 B2C A

20、nd Its Customers Passage B 88 Notes To Passage B End 3)If operational problems crop up, dont keep quiet and hope they wont notice, inform your customers in good time - then they have a chance to manage the impact of the problem on their reputation and business. 如果突然出現(xiàn)了操作方面的問題,不要緘口不談,指望顧客不會注如果突然出現(xiàn)了操作

21、方面的問題,不要緘口不談,指望顧客不會注 意到,而應及時告知他們。只有這樣,客戶才有可能設(shè)法應付這種意到,而應及時告知他們。只有這樣,客戶才有可能設(shè)法應付這種 問題給他們的名譽和生意帶來的影響。問題給他們的名譽和生意帶來的影響。 4注解注解:if if 引導條件狀語從句;引導條件狀語從句;dont keepdont keep, , hopehope ,inform ,inform是三個并列的祈使句,而是三個并列的祈使句,而then then 后面的句子與破后面的句子與破 折號前面的整個句子并列;折號前面的整個句子并列;crop up crop up 意為:突然出現(xiàn)意為:突然出現(xiàn); ; in g

22、ood in good time time 意為:及時地。意為:及時地。 B2C And Its Customers 5.6.1 Tell whether the following statements are (T) or false (F) 5.6 Activities 1B2B organizations spend millions of pounds every year finding out what their customers think of them because B2B contracts are often of high value. 2There is a

23、partner relationship between suppliers and consumers. 3If You are the most important person in your company, you are more important than your customers. 4It is necessary for the customers to find some time to sit down and make contact with the suppliers. 5The suppliers should get to know as many peo

24、ple at customers organization as possible. Activities On Passage B F F F F T 5.6.2 Match the English on the right with Chinese on the left 5.6 Activities Activities On Passage B 1 big brand suppliers A 積極的措施 2 a partner relationship B 所承諾的服務(wù) 3 positive steps C 封閉 4 agreed services D 大牌的供應商 5 block o

25、ut E 伙伴關(guān)系 End Credit Reference In order to avoid involving more risks, the buyer and the seller should make an investigation into the credit for each other. In writing credit inquiry letters, the seller /the buyer should introduce himself/herself briefly and give the reason for the investigation. Le

26、t the credit agency know of the kind of position you are seeking and why you are interested. It always includes the following details: 4 4 Buyers/sellers name, address 4 4 Relations between the buy and the seller,do not give unnecessary information about the proposed customer 4 4 Explain the reasons

27、 of the investigation 4 4 Keep secret and respects 4 4 Present your thanks for their help 資信詢查資信詢查 Basic E-commerce Writing 5.7.1 A Sample of Credit Reference Basic E-commerce Writing Credit Reference 資信詢查資信詢查 Dear Sir The Colton Foodstuff Import& Export Co., Ltd. have asked for a standing credit of

28、 $ 2000, but as our knowledge of the company is limited to a few months trading on an L/C basis, we should like to have some information about their financial and credit standing before dealing with their request. The only reference they give us is that of their banker, the National Bank of Nigeria.

29、 We shall be most grateful for any information you can obtain for us. Yours faithfully 5.7.2 Useful Expressions (1) Any statement on the part of this bank or any of its officers as to the standing of any person, firm or corporation, is given as a mere matter of opinion for which no responsibility, i

30、n any way, is to attach to this bank or any of its officers. ( 任何有任何有 關(guān)個人、公司以及其它任何組織的信用狀況如何關(guān)個人、公司以及其它任何組織的信用狀況如何, 本銀行或本行職員本銀行或本行職員 所提供的情報所提供的情報, 無論內(nèi)容如何無論內(nèi)容如何, 僅供參考。對此本銀行或本行職員僅供參考。對此本銀行或本行職員, 不不 負任何責任。負任何責任。) (2) We are informed: The company is a newly-formed corporation, having been chartered in Sep

31、tember of 1946 with an authorized capital of $50,000 with only $500 recorded as having been paid in. (據(jù)我們所得到的情報據(jù)我們所得到的情報: 該公司為新該公司為新 創(chuàng)立的公司創(chuàng)立的公司, 1946年年9月創(chuàng)立時月創(chuàng)立時, 其登記資本額為其登記資本額為50,000美元美元, 但股東實但股東實 際上繳納金額總計僅為際上繳納金額總計僅為500美元而已。美元而已。) (3) Wed like to know the ability and the conditions of sale of this

32、line. 我們想了解一下他們在這方面的供貨能力和銷售條件我們想了解一下他們在這方面的供貨能力和銷售條件。 Basic E-commerce Writing Credit Reference 資信詢查資信詢查 (4) Of late, payments have been quite irregularly made, and more than one occasion we have had to press for them. 該公司最近在付款方面幾乎沒有準該公司最近在付款方面幾乎沒有準 則則, 我們曾一再催告我們曾一再催告, 然而毫無結(jié)果。然而毫無結(jié)果。 (5) You would g

33、reatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to the present financial position of the firm named on the attached slip. 如有幸由貴處得知附如有幸由貴處得知附 件中所提及的公司目前的財政情況件中所提及的公司目前的財政情況, 本公司將不勝感激。本公司將不勝感激。 (6)We really need more specific information about their technology. 我們需要與該公司技術(shù)相關(guān)更專門的資訊。我們需要與該公司技術(shù)相關(guān)更專門的資

34、訊。 (7) We would appreciate it if you could check up on their reference within a week. 如果你們在一周內(nèi)能核查出他們的有關(guān)資料我們將不勝感激。如果你們在一周內(nèi)能核查出他們的有關(guān)資料我們將不勝感激。 (8)The firm under inquire is operated under a sound and experienced management and enjoys a high reputation in the business circles for their punctuality in me

35、eting obligations. 你所咨詢的公司管理得力且富有經(jīng)驗,以付款準時在商界你所咨詢的公司管理得力且富有經(jīng)驗,以付款準時在商界 享有較高的聲譽。享有較高的聲譽。 Basic E-commerce Writing Credit Reference 資信詢查資信詢查 5.7.3 Writing Practice Basic E-commerce Writing Translate the following sentences into English: End 1) 我們對所提供的信息不負任何責任。我們對所提供的信息不負任何責任。 This information is given

36、without responsibility 2)2)據(jù)我們了解,該公司付款及時,向其提供你方所說的信用額度似乎據(jù)我們了解,該公司付款及時,向其提供你方所說的信用額度似乎 是安全的。是安全的。 As far as our information goes the firm is punctually meeting its commitments and a credit in the sum you mentioned would seem to be safe. 3)3)對貴公司向我方提供的任何有助于審慎決定的信息我們將感激不對貴公司向我方提供的任何有助于審慎決定的信息我們將感激不 盡,當

37、然,這將會嚴格保密。盡,當然,這將會嚴格保密。 Any information you can give us that would assist us in making judicious decision would be much appreciated. It will, of course, be held in strict confidence. 4)4)如蒙將他的業(yè)務(wù)范圍、經(jīng)濟情況及他在行契約方面的信譽情況如蒙將他的業(yè)務(wù)范圍、經(jīng)濟情況及他在行契約方面的信譽情況 告訴我們,則不勝感激。告訴我們,則不勝感激。 We should greatly appreciate your c

38、ourtesy of giving us information regarding the extent of his business, his financial condition, and his reliability in meeting his obligations. Credit Reference 資信詢查資信詢查 Simple Steps to Register A Domain Name First of all, you have to find a website in the Internet, which offers domains. Then you wi

39、ll need to create an account. Here is some more information about it as follows: The Basic Technology Of E-commerce & Related Reading We need to collect some information in order for us to register your name or perform other services for you. If you are unfamiliar with our easy-to-use procedures, at

40、 any time you may click Help (?) “(top-right (?)” icon or left menu item for more information. You must agree to the full terms and conditions of the name registration agreement before requesting service. For the full text of the agreement please use the Terms link in the help section and read the pages carefully. For current prices, you may also want to check out the Pricing Information link if you have not done so already. The Basic Technology Of E-commerce & Related Reading By clicking on the Accept button below and/or by requesting that A register or host


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