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1、讀書破萬卷下筆如有神讀書破萬卷 下筆如有神新目標英語中考系列二:補全對話及其解題方法【考點掃描】補全對話是以書面形式考查考生英語口頭交際能力和邏輯思維能力的一種題型。該題給考生三段對話,每段對話挖去3-4個句子,讓考生把挖去的句子補全。考查點主要是:1 .情景會話能力;2 .邏輯思維能力;【名師解難】補全對話命題的范圍集中在初中階段學習過的 30個交際項目。因此牢固掌握著30個交際項目所包括的各種句型,習慣用語是至關重要的。除此而外,我們還要做到下面幾點:1 .通讀對話全文,摸清對話發(fā)生的地點、時間,人物的身份,對話 的內容。2 .理清上下句的邏輯關系,使你填入的話和整篇對話文理通順,融為一體

2、;3 .符合說英語國家人的習慣,不要按中國人的習慣去應答。4 .注意空白處的標點。是問號就應填問句;是句號,就應填陳述句。 【中考范例】請看20xx年陜西省中考試題:分)15分,計1.5空,每空10補全對話(共vi.根據下面對話中的情景,在每空中填入一個適當的語句,使對話恢復 完整。(a)a: good afternoon, john!b: 1, li wei.a: i hear you are going to kunming for a winter holiday.b: yes, ill go next week.a: 2?b: its neither too cold nor too

3、hot. its warm there.a: 3.b: thank you.【解析】這段對話發(fā)生在 john和li wei之間。li wei向john問下 午好,按照說英語國家人的習慣,john也應該回答下午好,所以第1 個空應填:goodafternoon。第二個空的下一句是回答昆明地天氣情 況,因此我們可以推斷,第2個空應該是詢問昆明的天氣,應填: whats the weather like in kunming? / howis the weather there? 從第3個空的答語thank you,我們可以推斷對方一定是說了祝愿的 話。所以這個空可以填:have a good ti

4、me./ have a good journey./im sure you will have a good time.(b)a: hi, peter! how are you today?b: 4. and you?a: im ok. are you free tomorrow?b: 5?a: were going to the park. 6?b: of course. id like to go with you. 7?a: we are going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. please be there on time.b:

5、ok. thank you.【解析】這段對話寫的是兩個熟人見面互相問候并相約去公園的事。第4個空應該是回答對方的問話 how are you today?的答語,所以 應是:fine, (im fine.) thank you. 第 5 個空緊接問句 are you free tomorrow?根據整個談話的內容判斷:應回答 yes, why?/ yes, whats up?第6個空是個問句,因為句末是問號,其答語是:ofcourse. id like to go with you.由止匕我們判斷,對方是在邀請和他一起到公園去,因此,此空應填:would you like to go with

6、us?/ will you go with us? 第7個空又是一個問句,其答語是:weare going to meet at the school gate at one oclock. please be there on time.由此我們判斷對方問的是見面的時間和地點,所以應填: when and where are we going to meet?/ when and where shall we meet?(c)a: dad. i cant find my socks. 8?b: let me see. are they white?a: yes. 9?b: i saw the

7、m in our sitting-room just now. you may go and get them.a: oh! here they are!b: you should put your things away.a: 10.【解析】這是父子(女)之間的一段談話。談話的內容地找東西。第8個空是個問句,而且空前的句子是 dad. i cant find my socks. 由此,我們判斷:兒子(女兒)是想問父親見到沒有,英語應該是: haveyou seen them?當父親問他是不是白色的時候, 他回答yes.既 然父親知道是白色的,那就肯定見到過,因此第 9個空應填兒子(女 兒)的

8、問話:你在什麼地方見到的?英語就是:where did you seethem?/ where are they? 第10個空的前面一句是父親教訓他的話, 那末緊接著他應該表示接受。英語就是:yes, i will./ ok, i will./ ok, i wont do that again.【滿分演練】a: hi, bill! youre reading the novel again.b: yes, tom. ill never be tired of it.a: 1?b: three times. every time i read it, i can always learn som

9、ething new.讀書破萬卷下筆如有神a: really?2?c: charles dickens. i think he is a great english writer. what about you?a: 3.heis also my favorite foreign writer. please let me have a look at it.b: ok, here you are! what do you think of this novel?a: 4. i havent seen sucha novel for long. where did you buy it?b:

10、in the rose bookshop.is.a: i dont know where it5?b: no. only 10 minutes walk from here, next to the peoples cinema.a: oh, i see. im going there to get one, too. thank you!youre welcome! (2)(li meng and john have just finished swimming.)li meng: how nice and cool the water is! but im feeling abit hun

11、gry now.b:?sounds1 good.john: 讀書破萬卷下筆如有神li meng: do you know 2?john:yes, there is.li meng: 3?john:its only five minutes walk. lets go.li meng: yeah, lets go. oh, i almost forgot my cd player.john: 4?li meng: pop music. i often listen when im not busy. howabout you?john:light music. i think it can re

12、lax myself.5?li meng: sure.john:ok. i can lend you some cds. ill bring them toour school tomorrow.paul: 1?fred: no, i dont. but i have to cook this evening.paul: 2?fred: because my mother is going out on business. ill haveto cook myself.paul: 3?fred: my mother does. she can cook very well.paul: can

13、your father cook?fred: no, he cant.paul: 4?fred: ill cook italian noodles.paul: 5!fred: thank you.mrs lee: hello. 68178502.david: hello.1?mrs lee: sorry. 2.cani take a message?david: yes. this is david, bruces friend. i want to askhim for some chinese ancient coins. he told me he had got some recent

14、ly. 3. i dont care if they were made of different metals. i just want to add some more coins in my collection.mrs lee: ok. ill tell him. would you like him to ring you back later?david: well, i wont be at home later this day. would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning?mrs lee: sure. 4?oh,

15、sorry.david:讀書破萬卷下筆如有神5. the new number is 66129853.mrs lee: ok. ill write a m essage for him.david:its really nice of you, madam. thank you very much.goodbye!mrs lee: bye!(5)a: excuse me, i want to go to the library.1?b: go down this street and turn right at the second crossing.go up the road to th

16、e end, youll find it.a: 2?b: its about 1,000 metres away from here.a: oh. thats quite a long way.b: yes. youd better take a bus.a: 3?b: you can take the no.5 bus. itll take you there.a: 4?b: it takes about fifteen minutes.a: 5.b: its a pleasure.(6)讀書破萬卷下筆如有神kate:hello! 1?mrs read: im sorry ann isnt

17、here right now.2?kate:this is kate.mrs read: she isnt back yet.3?kate:thats very kind of you. im calling to askher if she is free tomorrow. its march 12th, tree plantingday tomorrow. and 4.mrs read: i think shell be very glad to join you.kate:well meet at the school gate at 7:00.5.mrs read: ok. ill

18、let her know.kate:many thanks. goodbye.mrs read: goodbye.good afternoon. what can i do for you? : a:id like to buy a washing machine. b1.well,madesome are : ain chinab : this oneand some are made in other countries.looks very nice. 2?in germany. : a.讀書破萬卷下筆如有神b: 3?a: sure. you put the clothes in the

19、 machine , close the door and press this button.its easy. how much is it? b4,000 yuan. : a. b : wow, thats too expensive!4do you have a cheaper one?how about this one?a : b: oh, this one looks very good. and the price is ok.5(two friends meet each other after may day.):nice to see you.ab1how did you

20、 spend may day? : a2 bdid you go to any other places? : abno. what about you?a:3 i felt a bit sick then.oh, what a pity! : b.讀書破萬卷 下筆如有神【練習答案】(1)1. how many times have you read it?2. who wrote it?/ who is the writer?3. so do i ./ me, too.4. its exciting / wonderful / great.5. is it far from here?(2)

21、1. shall we have something to eat?/ lets have somethingto eat, shall we?/ how about having something to eat?2. if / whether there is a restaurant near here?3. how far is it from here?4. what kind music do you like?5. would you like to try?(3)1. do you like cooking?2. why do you have to cook this evening?3. who cooks every day in your family?4. what will cook this evening?5. enjoy your noodles!(4)1. could i speak to


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