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1、 Political System of UK 英語英語1204章君婷章君婷outlineoutline1.Constitution2.Monarchy3.Parliament4.Government 5.Political Parties3Government of United KingdomGovernment of United Kingdom41.1.Constitutional Constitutional MonarchyMonarchyMonarchy: a king or queen serves as the head of state.Constitutional mon

2、archy: a form of government in wh ich a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written or unwritten constitution. 1.the power of monarch is limited by the consititution 2.the legal authority is given to the government 3.the executive authority to the government 4.the sovereignreign

3、s,but does not rule.Contemporary constitutional monarchies include Australia, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Thailand and the United Kingdom.5目前世界上的君主立憲制國家有: 歐洲:英國、挪威、瑞典、丹麥、荷蘭、比利時、盧森堡、西班牙、安道爾、摩納哥、列支敦士登 亞洲:日本、柬埔寨、泰國、馬來西亞、尼泊爾 非洲

4、:毛里求斯 美洲:加拿大、巴哈馬、安提瓜和巴布達、巴巴多斯、伯利茲、圣克里斯多福與尼維斯、圣盧西亞、圣文森特和格林納丁斯、牙買加 大洋洲:澳大利亞、新西蘭、巴布亞新幾內(nèi)亞、圖瓦盧、所羅門群島課外知識鏈接課外知識鏈接6The ConstitutionThe ConstitutionBritain doesnt have a constitution written down in a single document. The constitution flows from(出自出自)6 sources: 1) The Royal Prerogatives 皇家特權(quán)皇家特權(quán)2) *Statute

5、Laws 成文法成文法3) *Common Laws 普通法普通法, 判例法判例法4) *Conventions 習慣法習慣法5) Authoritative Opinions 權(quán)威意見權(quán)威意見6) European Union Laws 歐盟法歐盟法 2.2.The MonarcThe Monarch h symbol of the whole nationhead of the executive an integral part of the legislature Represents the political continuity and adaptability head of

6、the judiciary the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces She gives Royal Assent to Bills passed by parliament TIP: HereditaryNow: queen Elizabeth IIElizabeth II 3.3.British ParliamentBritish Parliamentthe centre of the political system in the UKthe supreme legislative bodyThe Government is drawn

7、 from and answerable to it9ParliamentParliament= =Legislature ( (立法機關) )Fouctions 2. It provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation.1. it passes laws.3. It scrutinizes(審查) government policy, administrate and expenditure and debate the major issues of the day.The H

8、ouse of commonsThe House of Lords10The House of LordsThe House of Lords (the Upper House) 1.Composition : About 1,100 hereditary and life peers 2.The speaker : Appionted by the sovereign on advice of Prime Minister 3.The qualification: no parliamentary salary 4.Functions: To revise bills from the Ho

9、use of Commons as the supreme court of justice and the highest court appeal for criminal ,civil cases from the lower courts Hear appeals (上訴) in the highest Court of Appeal (最高上訴法院)in Britain 1.The Lords Spiritual (神職貴族)2.The Lords Temporal(世俗貴族) b.Life Peers (當世貴族當世貴族)c.Hereditary Peers (世襲貴族世襲貴族)a

10、.Law Lords (司法議員司法議員)11The House of commonsThe House of commons(the Lower House) 1.Composition : 651 MPs(Members of parliament) 2.The speaker : election by Britian citizens 3.Tenure: 5 years 1)at least 18years old 4.The qualification: 2)no members of the upper house 5.Functions 1) Make laws 2) Contr

11、ol and criticize the executive government 3) Control the raising and spending of money 12House of LordsHouse of Lords Red Chamber 紅廳紅廳 House ofHouse of commons commons Green Chamber 綠廳綠廳Do you know?Do you know? 在地板中央有兩排相距2.5米的紅線,傳說是為了正好超過兩柄劍的長度。歷史上,此舉是為了避免下院的辯論演變?yōu)闆_突。今天在下院辯發(fā)言時兩方議員不得超越該線。若有議員在發(fā)言時越過該線,

12、將會遭到對方的斥責。這可能也是英文用語“to toe the line”(循規(guī)蹈矩)的出處。 有趣的是,下院議事廳只有427個坐位,但議員總數(shù)卻合共651人,并不能安置所有議員。因此,如果有議員遲到,而議事廳又滿座的話,那他就只好站在議事廳的入口處,繼續(xù)參與會議。FrontbencherBackbencherscepter toe the line”(循規(guī)蹈矩)的出處 4. 4.British Government British Government Prime Minister Ministers (Heads of all important departments) Treasury

13、財政部 Ministry of Defense國防 Ministry of Agriculture Foreign and Commonwealth Office外交聯(lián)邦部 Department of Education and Science Department of Health and Social Security15a.a.The Prime Minister The Prime Minister 1.Wins the majority of seats in the House of Commons 2.Head of the government 3. Leader of hi

14、s party4.He has the right to select his cabinet, hand out departmental positions, decide the agenda(議事日程) for cabinet meetings which he also chairs. 5.He directs and controls policy for the government. 6.He keeps the Queen informed of government decisions. (weekly meeting with the Queen)16b.The Basi

15、c Structure of Britain b.The Basic Structure of Britain GovernmentGovernmentMonarch(non-political)Judiciary (non-political)House of Lords(semi-political)Court of AppealHouse of Commons (political)MinistersCivil service(non-political) Prime Minister Cabinet (political)House of LordsLegislature-Parlia

16、mentExecutive 17Currently Prime Minister of BritainCurrently Prime Minister of Britain中文名: 戴維威廉唐納德卡梅倫 外文名: David William Donald Cameron出生日期: 1966年10月9日 出生地: 英國倫敦 畢業(yè)院校:?國籍: 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國 (the United Kingdom) 職業(yè): 英國首相 信仰:英國國教 (Anglicanism)( The Church of England understands itself to be both Catholic

17、and Reformed). 伊頓公學、牛津大學18c.c.The CabinetThe Cabinet1.Composition : The Prime Minister and 22 Cabinet Ministers usually2.The speaker : the Foreign Secretary the Chancellor of the Exchequer(財政大臣) 3.Features: a.The cabinet and its committees work in secrecy b.Cabinet meets weekly at No. 10 Downing Str

18、eet c. Appointed by the Queen with the advice of the PM4.Functions: 1) To make final decisions on the policy present to the parliament 2) To exercise the ultimate executive power on the Parliamentary policy 3) To divide and adjust powers among the administrative departments The collective decision-m

19、aking body(集權(quán)機構(gòu))19 The Oppositions have a Shadow Cabinet: criticize the Governments policy; expose its weak points; suggest amendments(修正案); draw attention to other matters the Government might otherwise ignore.d.d.Shadow CabinetShadow Cabinet20The Prime Minister:presides over the Cabinet; informs the Queen at regular meetings; hold meetingsThe Cabinet and Ministry the Queen .listen to the report of general business of the GovernmentCabinet members:responsible for all Cabinet decisions and the work of their department.21e.Conclusione.Conclusion


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