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1、武漢職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院 宋霞Contents4. Speaking2. Reading1. Lead in3. Watching and listening7.Further reading5. Grammar6. Writing返回返回In this unit, you will :1.familiarize the concept of E-learning and autonomous learning2. apply the E-learning to language study3.know how to role play and make assessment4.write a sel

2、f-introductionLearning Objectives:Content(Suggested) Time Allotment Lead-in5 minutesReading50 minutes Watching and Listening25 minutesSpeaking20 minutesGrammar25 minutesWriting25 minutesFurther Reading15 minutesSelf-assessment and Assignments 5 minutesTeaching PlanLead-inQ1.Do you usually learn by y

3、ourself?Q2.Have you tried to get knowledge via Internet?Q3.Have you heard the concept of E-learning? Discuss in pairsReading1. Background information7.Further reading2. Vocabulary study3. Detailed study of the textReading E-Learning:英文全稱為(Electronic Learning),中文譯作“數(shù)字(化)學(xué)習(xí)”、“電子(化)學(xué)習(xí)”、“網(wǎng)絡(luò)(化)學(xué)習(xí)”等。不同的譯法

4、代表了不同的觀點:一是強(qiáng)調(diào)基于因特網(wǎng)的學(xué)習(xí);二是強(qiáng)調(diào)電子化;三是強(qiáng)調(diào)在E-Learning中要把數(shù)字化內(nèi)容與網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源結(jié)合起來。三者強(qiáng)調(diào)的都是數(shù)字技術(shù),強(qiáng)調(diào)用技術(shù)來改造和引導(dǎo)教育。在網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境中,匯集了大量數(shù)據(jù)、檔案資料、程序、教學(xué)軟件、興趣討論組、新聞組等學(xué)習(xí)資源,形成了一個高度綜合集成的資源庫。Background informationReadingBackground informationv E-learning refers to the use of technology in learning and education. There are several aspects t

5、o describing the intellectual and technical development of e-learning, which can be categorized into discrete areas. v E-learning as an educational approach or tool that supports traditional subjects;v E-learning as a technological medium that assists in the communication of knowledge, and its devel

6、opment and exchange;v E-learning administrative tools such as education management information systems (EMIS). Reading E-learning includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video, and includes technology applications and processes such as audio or vid

7、eo tape, satellite TV, CD-ROM, and computer-based learning, as well as local intranet/extranet and web-based learning. Information and communication systems, whether free-standing or based on either local networks or the Internet in networked learning, underly many E-learning processes.Background in

8、formationReading (Para. 1) With the development of the Internet, traditional classroom time is reduced but not eliminated, and is partly replaced with some E-learning. Here, the “E” should be interpreted to mean “exciting, enthusiastic, energetic, extended and excellent” in addition to “electronic”.

9、 It is also suggested that the “E” should refer to “everything, everyone, easy”. TextReading 1. (Para. 2) E-learning encompasses computer-assisted instruction, mobile assisted language learning (which refers to the use of handheld computers or cell phones to assist in language learning), collaborati

10、ve learning, distributed learning, autonomous learning and so on. E-learning environments are also called learning platforms. TextReading (Para. 3) In practice, E-learning makes it possible that a course could not be taught in a classroom face-to-face. That is to say, students do not have to go to t

11、he physical classroom to learn, and course content and instructional packets are delivered to students by the Internet learning platform. Assignments are evaluated by teachers. Text2.Reading (Para. 3) Students and instructors communicate via the social software such as blogs, QQ, podcasts, which hav

12、e been used to foster online learning communities around subjects as diverse as test preparation and language learning. These online learning communities allow students and teachers to share their thoughts and comments on the thoughts of others which could create an interactive learning environment.

13、 TextReading 3. (Para. 4) E-learning can occur in or out of the classroom. Students are able to choose what they are interested in to learn at any time and any place. So it is suited to distance learning and flexible learning. Students themselves can control their own learning progress. Gradually, t

14、he autonomous learning awareness becomes a daily habit. TextReading (Para. 4) Of course E-learning can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching. When students need some suggestions, they may make an appointment in advance with their teacher for help. The teacher will give them the inst

15、ructions personally. Both the autonomous learning and instructor-led learning rely heavily on self-motivation, self-discipline, and the ability to communicate in writing effectively. TextReading 4.Vocabulary studyeliminate:消除,根除消除,根除1. Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. 有了信用卡就用不

16、著攜帶很多現(xiàn)金。2.If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it from your diet. 如果覺得可能對某種食物或飲料過敏,將其從日常飲食中去除。Sec 6Sec 4Sec3Sec 2Sec 7返回返回ReadingCan we Can we ever eliminateever eliminatepoverty from poverty from the world?the world?ranslation Tnswer A我們有朝一日我們有朝一日能消除世上的能消除世上的貧困嗎?貧困嗎? inter

17、pret:解釋解釋;說明說明;闡釋闡釋 1. Different people might interpret events differently. 不同的人對事件的理解也可能不同。2. The judge quite rightly says that he has to interpret the law as its been passed. 法官說他必須按照該法的立法初衷來闡釋它,這完全沒錯。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReading學(xué)習(xí)外國語切學(xué)習(xí)外國語切莫望文生義。莫望文生義。ranslation Tnswer

18、 ADont interpret it Dont interpret it without real without real understanding understanding when you study when you study a foreign a foreign language. language. energetic:充滿活力的充滿活力的; 積極主動的積極主動的 1. He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done. 他知道我精力充沛、生氣勃勃,會把事情辦成的。2. The next gover

19、nment will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament. 下屆政府將積極尋求多邊核裁軍。Sec 4Sec 2Sec 7Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:QDo you know its adverb form?energetically adv.extended:a.延伸的; 擴(kuò)大的1.The report is underpinned by extended research. 這份報告以廣泛的研究為基礎(chǔ)。Vocabulary studyb.(時間)長的

20、,延長的 1.Obviously, any child who receives dedicated teaching over an extended period is likely to improve. 很明顯,任何長期接受用心教育的孩子都有可能取得進(jìn)步。EXAMPLE:extend的過去的過去式和過去分式和過去分詞詞 (伸展;伸展; 延延長長)Can the deadline be extended a few more days?限期能再寬幾天嗎?extendedextendedencompass:包括;包含1.No single document could encompass

21、all the shades of interpretation. 但任何一項文件也不可能把各種細(xì)微的解釋全部包括進(jìn)去。2.The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology. 課程將包括物理、化學(xué)和生物學(xué)。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:QDo you know its synonyms ?includeembracecomprehendcover collaborative:合作的;協(xié)作的 1.You will be as

22、signed to a group of three for collaborative work. 我們將分配好三人小組完成協(xié)作活動。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERcollaborative learningindividual learningautonomous learningblended learninguestion:QDo you know the various ways of learning ? distributed:分布的分布的;分散的分散的 v These cells ar

23、e widely distributed throughout the body.v 這些細(xì)胞在人體內(nèi)分布廣泛。2.There are over 35 000 species of tulip distributed throughout the world.有35,000 多種郁金香分布在世界各地。Sec 3Sec 2Vocabulary studyReadingPlease distributePlease distributethe examination the examination papers round papers round the class.the class.rans

24、lation Tnswer A請把考卷發(fā)給請把考卷發(fā)給全班同學(xué)。全班同學(xué)。autonomous:獨立自主的;有主見的 1. He treated us as autonomous individuals who had to learn to make up our own minds about important issues. 他把我們當(dāng)作獨立自主的個體來看待,認(rèn)為我們必須學(xué)會在重大問題面前自己拿主意。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReading自主教育有助于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自我意識,視野,實用性和自由的討論。這些好處可以幫助

25、學(xué)生在他的獨立學(xué)習(xí)。ranslation Tnswer AAutonomous education helps students develop their self-consciousness, and freedom of discussion. These attributes serve to aid the student in his independent learning.deliver:遞送:遞送;投遞投遞;運送運送1.We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes. 我們被告知比薩餅 20 分鐘后送到。2.Th

26、ey deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store. 他們在距離商場5英里的范圍內(nèi)送貨上門。Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:QDo you know its noun form ? delivery ranslation Tnswer A政府計劃向地震災(zāi)區(qū)運送更多的食品。The government planed to deliver more food to quake-hit region . evaluate:評估;評價1. I cant evaluate his ability without s

27、eeing his work. 我沒有看到他的工作情況,無法評論他的能力。2.The market situation is difficult to evaluate. v市場狀況難以評價。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:QDo you know its noun form ? evaluation evaluation (n. n. )Example:the opinions and evaluations of college supervisors學(xué)院督學(xué)的意見和評價Evalua

28、tion is standard practice for all training arranged through the school. 對學(xué)校組織的所有培訓(xùn)進(jìn)行評估是例行的做法。ranslation Tnswer Avia:通過:通過;憑借憑借;靠靠1.Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems. 翻譯人員現(xiàn)在可以利用電子郵件系統(tǒng)在家里工作了。2.The executives meeting had finished and Robot had reported its conclusions to t

29、he president via the assistant. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)層會議已經(jīng)結(jié)束,羅伯特已通過助手把會議結(jié)論報告給了總裁。Vocabulary studyReadingranslation Tnswer A我們乘飛機(jī)經(jīng)迪拜回國。 We flew home viavia Dubai. instructional:教學(xué)的; 指導(dǎo)的 1.You may wish to take advantage of our instructional session. 你應(yīng)該充分利用我們的教學(xué)課程。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingANSWE

30、Ruestion:QDo you know its noun form ? instruction (n.)指令,指導(dǎo)instructor(n.)教師、教員instruction:Youll get nowhere if you follow his instruction. 要是你按他的方法去做,將會一事無成。Vocabulary studyReadinginstructor : The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. 大學(xué)突然把他從講師提升為正教授。a message describing how somethin

31、g is to be done.a person whose occupation is teaching. diverse:形形色色的:形形色色的;各式各樣的各式各樣的 1. Society is now much more diverse than ever before. 當(dāng)今社會較之以往任何時候都要豐富多彩得多。2.Concentrated further, various syrups can be added to foods as diverse as pancakes and ice cream. 若再進(jìn)一步濃縮便可制成各種糖漿,從薄煎餅到冰淇淋都可添加使用.Sec 6Sec

32、4Sec 2Sec 1Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:QDo you know its noun form ? diversity (n.)多樣化ranslation Tnswer A不同文化背景的人 people from diverse cultures foster:促進(jìn):促進(jìn);鼓勵鼓勵;培養(yǎng)培養(yǎng) 1.The captain did his best to foster a sense of unity among the new recruits. 隊長盡力培養(yǎng)新成員之間的團(tuán)結(jié)精神。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 2Sec

33、8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReadingranslation Tnswer ADeveloped countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth. 他說,發(fā)達(dá)國家有責(zé)任促進(jìn)全球經(jīng)濟(jì)增長。 flexible:適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)的;靈活的1. Look for software thats flexible enough for a range of abilities. 尋找功能多、適用性強(qiáng)的軟件。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyRea

34、dingANSWERuestion:QCan you translate the following phrase and sentence ? flexible working hours We should stick to the principles and be flexibleflexible as well. 靈活的工作時間 既要有原則性,也要有靈活性。ANSWERuestion:QDo you know its noun and adverb form ? flexibility(n.)flexibly(adv.)1.It would seem more sensible to

35、 apply standards flexibly rather than rigidly. 2.遠(yuǎn)程學(xué)習(xí)的靈活性對于日理萬機(jī)的經(jīng)理人來說特別適合。 ranslation T1.靈活地運用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)比死守標(biāo)準(zhǔn)會顯得更合情合理。2. The flexibility of distance learning would be particularly suited to busy managers. nswer Aself-discipline :自我約束 1.Exercising at home alone requires a tremendous amount of self-discipline

36、. v自己在家鍛煉需要很強(qiáng)的自我約束能力。Vocabulary studyReadingANSWERuestion:Q What does the prefix “self- “ mean? 前綴“ self-”表示“自我的” uestion:Q Do you know the meaning of the following words? vself-controlself-control;vself-assessment;self-assessment;vself-evaluationself-evaluation; vself-confidenceself-confidence;vsel

37、f-denialself-denial;vself-interest;self-interest; in conjunction with: Party catering service cannot be used in conjunction with other special offers. 此外賣派對美食服務(wù)不可與其他優(yōu)惠同時使用方法結(jié)合使用。Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReading這種方法可以和其他方法一起使用。 This method can be used in conjunction with other

38、 methods. ranslation Tnswer A in practice1.But in practice such a society could not long remain stable. 但是實際上這種社會不能保持長期穩(wěn)定.2.In practice, the method is difficult and uncertain. 事實上, 這個方法是很困難而且是無把握的.Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回ReadingVocabulary study 事實上, 他不得不常常依靠之前的經(jīng)驗。 In practice, he must rely

39、too often on his previous experience.ranslation Tnswer A in addition to :1.She gets various perquisites in addition to her wages. 她工資以外,還有各種津貼.2.In addition to giving general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience. 課程除了介紹一般電腦知識外, 還提供實際操作的機(jī)會.Vocabulary studyReading 除

40、了口頭陳述和研究報告, 請確保您的課堂出勤與參與。 In addition to a presentation and report, attendance and participation are required.ranslation Tnswer Arely on: 1.You should rely on your own efforts. 你應(yīng)該靠自己的努力.Sec 6Sec 4Sec 3Sec 2Sec8Sec 7返回返回Vocabulary studyReading1.你可指望我來幫忙。2.工作還是要靠大家去做。 1.You can relyon me for help. 2.

41、We rely onyou to do thework.ranslation Tnswer Av 1. E-learning is (benefit) economically because of no use of Paper & Pencil.v 2. E-learning is (suit) to distance learning and flexible learning,v 3. E-learning includes (number) types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and stre

42、aming video.v 4. For many students, E-learning is the most (convenience) way to pursue a degree in higher education.v 5. Collaborative learning is (distinguish) from the traditional approach in which the teacher is the main source of knowledge and skills. Answer: 1.beneficial 2.suited 3.numerous 4.c

43、onvenient 5.distinguished Task II Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases given. Change forms if necessary.Readingv 6. Computers and mobile devices allow students and teachers (access) to websites and other programsv 7. The virtual classroom also provides the opportunity for stude

44、nts to receive direct instruction from a (qualify) teacher in an interactive environment.v 8. Computer-aided assessment, (range)from automated multiple-choice tests to more complicated systems is becoming increasingly common.v 9. Learning communities on the social network are around subjects as (div

45、ersity) as test preparation and language education.v 10. E-learning has now been adopted and used by (vary) companies to inform and educate both their employees and customers. Answer: 6. access 7.qualified 8. ranging 9.diverse 10.variousVocabulary studyReadingDetail study of the textHere,the “E” sho

46、uld be interpreted to mean “exciting, enthusiastic, energetic, extended and excellent” in addition to “electronic”. It is also suggested that the “E” should refer to “everything, everyone, easy”.釋義:“E”除了可以理解成“電子的”,還可以理解成(E-learning)“令人興奮、充滿熱情、精力充沛、涉獵廣泛和出類拔萃”。同時,“E”還暗指(通過E-learning)“任何人都能很容易地獲取任何知識?!?/p>

47、ReadingDetail study of the textThat is to say, students do not have to go to the physical classroom to learn, and course content and instructional packets are delivered to students by the Internet learning platform. Assignments are evaluated by teachers. 釋義:(在E-learning的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境中)學(xué)生不需要去教室學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容和指導(dǎo)學(xué)習(xí)的課程

48、包通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)平臺發(fā)送給學(xué)生。當(dāng)然,作業(yè)還是有老師評判。ReadingDetail study of the textStudents and instructors communicate via the social software such as blogs, QQ, podcasts, which have been used to foster online learning communities around subjects as diverse as test preparation and language learning.釋義:學(xué)生和老師通過博客、QQ、播客等社交軟件

49、進(jìn)行交流。這種方式也促進(jìn)了網(wǎng)上學(xué)習(xí)社區(qū)的興起。在這些社區(qū)里,大家討論各種話題,從如何準(zhǔn)備考試到如何進(jìn)行語言學(xué)習(xí)。ReadingDetail study of the textBoth the autonomous learning and instructor-led learning rely heavily on self-motivation, self-discipline, and the ability to communicate in writing effectively. 釋義:不論是自主學(xué)習(xí)還是老師指導(dǎo)下的學(xué)習(xí),(學(xué)習(xí)效果)很大程度上都取決于學(xué)習(xí)者的自我激勵、自我約束以及

50、高效的書面交流能力。ReadingTask I Complete the following statements according to the text.v With the development of technology, traditional classroom study is partly _.v “E” also represents in addition to “electronic”.v 3. E-learning can happen .v 4. E-learning is appropriate for , but it can also be used in

51、conjunction with .v 5. and the ability to communicate in writing effectively play a vital role in autonomous learning.v 6. In conventional E-learning systems, were delivered to students by various ways, while assignments were assessed by the teacherreplaced with some E-learningexciting, enthusiastic

52、, energetic, extended and excellent in or out of the classroomdistance learning and flexible learningface-to-face teachingself-motivation, self-disciplineinstructional packetsReading v 1. Students can access video clips through the Internet instead of relying on DVDs or tapes. .v 2. One of the key a

53、dvantages of E-learning is the improved interactions between students and instructors. .v 3. If a student is confused, bored or frustrated, he is unlikely to be motivated to succeed in that class. .v 4. Blogs allow students and teachers to share their thoughts and comments on the thoughts of others

54、which could create an interactive learning environment. .v 5.E-learning also has some disadvantages, which have been found to make learning less effective than traditional class room settings, for example, ease of cheating. .學(xué)生們可以通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng)獲得一些視頻,這樣就不再需要DVD和錄像帶了。網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)的一個重要優(yōu)點在于增加了老師和學(xué)生之間的互動。如果一個學(xué)生感到困惑,沮喪或無

55、聊,就不太可能激發(fā)他興趣,使課堂學(xué)習(xí)卓有成效。學(xué)生和老師可以在博客上讓分享各自的想法、評論他人的觀點,從而就創(chuàng)建了一個互動的學(xué)習(xí)環(huán)境。人們發(fā)現(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)也有一些缺點,比方說,容易作弊,這導(dǎo)致其效果低于傳統(tǒng)課堂學(xué)習(xí)效果。Task III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Reading1.自主學(xué)習(xí)很大程度上依賴于自我激勵和自我管理。(autonomous) v .2. E不僅代表 “電子的”的意思,還能理解成充滿激情和活力。(interpret)v .3.網(wǎng)絡(luò)學(xué)習(xí)更能培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的自主學(xué)習(xí)意識。(foster)v .4. 課程內(nèi)容通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)發(fā)

56、布給學(xué)生,作業(yè)由老師評價。(deliver)v .5. 學(xué)生和老師可以通過視頻會議等一些技術(shù)進(jìn)行交流。 (via)v .Autonomous learning relies heavily on self-motivation and self-discipline.In addition to “electronic”, “E” also should be interpreted to mean “enthusiastic and energetic”.Online learning can foster students awareness of autonomous learning.

57、Course contents are delivered to students, and assignments are evaluated by the teacher.Students and instructors communicate via these technologies such as videoconferencing. Task IV. Translate the following sentences into English.Reading Computers and many mobile devices allow us access Computers a

58、nd many mobile devices allow us access to websites and some learning platforms conveniently. to websites and some learning platforms conveniently. Now, please discuss the following topics in groups.Now, please discuss the following topics in groups. Could you please give us some websites which is ve

59、ry helpful for our study?Do you know how to give an instruction of using the websites?Watching and listeningUseful words click on the link 點擊鏈接sign up 注冊log onto 登陸enter the user name 輸入用戶名 Download 下載 upload 上傳BBS Bulletin Board System的縮寫)公告欄Watching and listeningS =Student; T=TeacherS: Miss Song,

60、U-learning platform seems to be helpful for learning.T: Yes. There are lots of resources there, which can help you to (learn autonomously). And this type of learning is especially helpful for improving your listening comprehension and spoken English.S: I am not sure how to use the platform. Can you (giv


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