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1、U1Apositive opportunity communicate continual reward minimum commitment favorite post virtual access benefit gap embarrass 1. The years he spent in the countryside proved to be a(n) _experience. 2. You can learn a lot from this online course. It is designed to help people _better through speech and

2、writing. 3. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no _to health service. 4. Asking too many personal questions during an interview can lead to a(n) _situation. 5. Don't just complain about what's wrong with it; suggest some _ways to solve the problem. 6. No one in the class co

3、uld match John's hard work and _to study, which is why the professor liked him. 7. The Web site allows you to take a(n) _tour of the well-known city which was there about 2,000 years ago. 8. Those who dare not answer questions in traditional classroom can easily enjoy the _of online courses. 9.

4、He couldn't join the police because he was below the _height allowed by the rules. 10. Many new _will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. 11. Could you _Professor Li's lecture on the Web site? I would like to read it this evening if possible. 12. The _between ri

5、ch and poor countries has become even wider in recent years. 13. The story was a(n) _throughout the country among both children and adults. 14. There have been _demands made by people wanting the police to put an end to crime in the city once and for all.1. After twenty years as a chain smoker, Mr.

6、Nathe has given _the habit. 2. I hope that our talk has given you some insights _the kind of work that we've been doing. 3. It was clear that much of what he said was far _the truth. Anyone with common sense would have a hard time believing it. 4. You have to be patient _small children, since th

7、ey cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. 5. Hard as they tried, the newspaper reporters couldn't get access _the building where the murder had taken place two hours before. 6. He was so ill that he was unable to keep _with what was going on. 7. The time has come for us to reap the

8、benefits _the strong foundations we laid in science and technology. 8. He wished to have the opportunity to participate _the sports meet. 9. Even though they are poor, they are against the plan to trade land _goods and money. 10. I'm doing this to create circumstances under which we can communic

9、ate _each other easily. 11. He decided to prepare for his lessons instead _going to the party. 12. Every time you feel _smoking, remind yourself how much healthier you are now that you've stopped. 13. I hear there is a big reward _catching the thief. 14. Tommy, think this _before you make a deci

10、sion.Bcomment commit perspective effective unique remove community explicit reinforce hinder essential challenge arise expand 1. Let's hope that both younger and older members of our _follow Lisa's example and come forward to become volunteers to help the disabled in our district. 2. Mary

11、9;s use of color was not as _as she had hoped in making her room look bigger; it stilllooked small. 3. It was a(n) _achievement; no one has ever won the championship five times before. 4. When people of the town discovered that the rich man had _so much money to the poor, they no longer thought he w

12、as unkind. 5. Advertising can expand and _a company's image. 6. From my _, Victor Hugo is the greatest writer the world has ever known. 7. When you are writing directions, you've got to be direct and _to make everything rightly understood. 8. The other team we played against today was not mu

13、ch of a _; we beat them easily. 9. The project has been somewhat _from reaching greater success, and much remains undone. 10. At a later stage, some new problems _, which seemed more difficult to deal with. 11. We can and we must _all growing economic and cultural barriers that keep us from progress

14、ing. 12. You may think that I am not important to this company, but I know I am _. 13. He ate so much that his body had begun to _over his belt. 14. This chapter ends with some brief _on the nature of knowledgeboth scientific and academic.1. The new plan is not considered practical as it does not al

15、low _the unknown changes which will occur over the next 20 years. 2. I was just finished _my prayers (祈禱) when I heard loud explosions and the ground moved beneath our feet. 3. I have been asked to comment particularly _the usefulness of some of these new designs. 4. The old woman reflected _how muc

16、h she had accomplished and realized that, of everything she had ever done, she was most proud of raising her children to be good people. 5. The investigation showed that the mistake was _the part of the authorities. 6. I am aware _the risks involved in the project, but I am willing to take the risks

17、. 7. The car is here to stay and will play an even bigger role _our lives in the future. 8. The other players on the team are better than me, but I'm slowly catching _. 9. The government has a special warning on the package of cigarettes to remind people _the harm of the tobacco. 10. _addition,

18、they are also required to spend four weeks in Italy during the summer vacation of their third year. 11. The pupils are taught that friendships between individuals are based _mutual trust and respect. 12. I'm quite deaf. Would you come closer to me and speak _?U2Atune disgusting appeal offensive

19、horrible upset concern identity influence thorough burst negative stuff patience 1. If the bike _to you that much, why not buy it? You just got paid yesterday. 2. He managed to hide his _and moved to a new town where people would not know him. 3. All of your _was for nothing, because I was safe all

20、night. 4. It was worse than horrible; the smell in the room was so _that it actually made me sick. 5. I wasn't quite angry, but I was a little _when my noodles were cooked poorly. 6. Modern music may have a negative _as well as a positive one on teenagers. 7. He has made an _remark that angers a

21、ll of us. 8. On hearing the news, the mother _into tears and rushed out of the room, followed by a few other people. 9. I bought some computer paper, but when I got it home I found it was the wrong _. 10. I want you to be very _when you look in the park for the missing woman so you won't miss he

22、r. 11. I wouldn't have the _to sit doing the same thing over and over. 12. One should be positive instead of _about life. 13. I've heard that _before, but I don't know the words to the song. 14. It was really _coming home and finding all our things had been stolen.1. Sandy's father c

23、ould not stand the offensive music, so he asked her to turn it _. 2. I can't turn the tap _, and there's water all over the floor. 3. He is busy _-usual, giving lectures and working on the textbook. 4. She asked the students who were working in the dark classroom why they hadn't turned t

24、he lights _. 5. Sinking in the sand, he reached _his friend's hand, but it was too far away. 6. Teachers may exercise more influence _their students than parents. 7. The rock and roll music appeals especially _young people. 8. I'd like to talk your offer _with my wife before deciding whether

25、 to take it or not. 9. The money offered may not be much, but _any case I'll take the job. 10. Perhaps listening to light music may get rid _some of the knots in your stomach. 11. Please turn the TV _. I'd like to hear CCTV news. 12. Five students burst _the schoolmaster's office just as

26、 he was about to leave. 13. The baby's mother escaped from the fire _with two other children. 14. Don't tell me she is still thinking _that red-haired boy! 15. In spite of my fear, I walked _into the house not knowing who would be inside.Btend guidance individual ruin admit response trend en

27、title curiosity neglect concept evaluate attitude confidence apply 1. I prefer the small poem _"She Walks in Beauty". 2. If you go to the interview in such old-fashioned clothes, you'll _your chance of getting the job. 3. They don't know what their problems are, so they will first

28、send in trained nurses to _the needs of each patient. 4. I read an article in the newspaper that deals with today's _toward less formal clothing from more formal clothing. 5. What _one adopts toward life matters a lot in one's career choice. 6. Men are now an important group of grocery shopp

29、ers, who _to spend more money on grocery shopping than women. 7. To satisfy my _about the history of my family, I went to visit the small village in the mountains where my great-grandfather was born and lived until the age of 15. 8. His project is concerned with _the technology to practical business

30、 problems. 9. It's difficult to find a job these days. Many young people don't even get a(n) _from companies they are applying to. 10. From my point of view, the _of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the West. 11. What's the use of a teacher if he can't give any help or _to his

31、students in their studies? 12. She would be a good student if she only had more _in herself. 13. In a sense, to be a model is to have a(n) _way of dressing. 14. If you do not watch you children carefully, they tend to _their homework. 15. Before he could get help, his doctors said that he must _that

32、 he had a problem.1. If you think the same principle cannot be applied _you, you are wrong. 2. The main problem lies _their lack of confidence in their abilities. 3. It seems that the government is trying hard to bridge the gap _the rich and the poor. 4. These days, people are concerned _good nutrit

33、ion. 5. I had created a way to get my message _while using as few words as possible. 6. If you can relate _someone, you can understand how they feel or behave so that you are able to communicate with them or deal with them easily. 7. Students should discuss ideas, as opposed _just copying from books

34、. 8. Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check _there. 9. Such situations explain why so many students look _their teachers for help in finding a job after graduation. 10. The first step in making friends with people is to show respect _their wishes, rights, and hab

35、its. 11. Recent studies _women suggest that as many as 5 in 100 new mothers tend to have this problem. 12. Jane failed to introduce her father _the joys of rock music, though she tried very hard. 13. His room is tidy with his clothes put _. 14. After introducing the speaker, the chairman went _to gi

36、ve details of the meeting.U3Asevere inwardly coordinate subject cling reluctance urge occasion complain adjust amaze balance regret envy1. _I was very unhappy with what he had said, but I didn't show it. 2. I deeply _to inform you that we cannot accept such conditions. 3. He translated books not

37、 only from English, but also, on _, from French. 4. The young couple _about the high cost of visiting Europe. 5. He had repeatedly _her to come to the United States to join him, but she refused to leave her homeland. 6. Government officials visited the flood area on Thursday morning to _the relief e

38、fforts. 7. He showed great _in signing the agreement, but he finally did it. 8. Driving his new red sports car, he was sure his neighbors were looking at him with _. 9. You will have to _yourself to a completely new life in the United States when you get there. 10. We were _to hear the news that the

39、 well-known writer, in her late eighties, was still writing a book. 11. She has got a good sense of _and learned to ski quite quickly. 12. The flood damaged the house so _that no one could live in it any more. 13. I had to _to the handrails along the hall to keep from losing my balance on the wet sl

40、ippery floor. 14. The location of the country _it to frequent earthquakes.1. They engaged _a serious discussion for several hours without reaching any important decisions. 2. We hope all children can live in a world free _violence. 3. He is home _leave from the Navy now, and he'll be at home for

41、 another two weeks. 4. He visits the bookstore at the subway station _occasion to see whether any new books have come out. 5. Will you see _it that this letter gets posted today? It has to reach the head office before Thursday. 6. I was in a nightclub in New York, when a fire broke _. 7. It has been

42、 hard to adjust _the idea of being a junior clerk, but now I enjoy it. 8. No one would willingly subject himself _such rude treatment. 9. In evaluating applicants, this company leans heavily _interviews. 10. The police received several complaints _the noise from the party held by our next-door neigh

43、bor. 11. I'm very envious _your new job. 12. Everyone in the class is expected to participate _these discussions. 13. You'll be amazed _all the new things they have to tell you. 14. She grew _in Tokyo, so she speaks excellent Japanese.Blocate apparent wrap interrupt sole collapse occasionall

44、y staff inform extend enable encouragement exchange startle squeeze vehicle 1. The _person remaining after the car accident was a little baby, who slept through the accident as though nothing had happened. 2. This application is for those who are already in Canada as students and wish to _their stay

45、. 3. Any unexpected movements can _the animal, so it must be approached slowly and steadily. 4. The offices are conveniently_in the center of the city. 5. They will _-him of any progress they make in the experiment. 6. Her lawyer was in conference with two other lawyers and did not want to be _. 7.

46、He felt as if his whole world had _when his children were killed in the airplane accident. 8. At the end of the game, players traditionally _shirts with each other. 9. It soon became _that he got high scores in the test by cheating. 10. The new test should _the doctor to detect the disease early. 11

47、. The _does not have the capacity to make the journey on one tank of fuel. 12. The service also extends to _and delivering gifts. 13. I don't think I can _any more files into this drawer; it is almost full. 14. That company has a fairly small _of about 15 to 20 people. 15. This winter it has sno

48、wed _but not enough for skiing. 16. John was a little nervous on the stage, so Stephen nodded at him to give him_U4Arange reaction impress depress focus physical contact relax match presentation powerful conscious introduction encounter 1. He suddenly became _that he was the only man who wasn't

49、wearing a suit at the party. 2. My sister has been really _since she lost her job. 3. The ages of the students in our online school _from 20 to 40. 4. I remember that when I was a child I was very _with how many toys you had. 5. Although my chance _with this famous artist was 30 years ago, I still r

50、emember it very well. 6. After a brief _by the chairman, the speaker began her lecture on how to make a good impression. 7. We decided to paint the doors blue to _the walls. 8. We are often attracted to another person because of their _appearance, and sometimes because of their ideas, opinions, and

51、goals. 9. He _himself by listening to his favorite song before he addressed the meeting. 10. In a formal interview, you should always try to maintain good eye _with the interviewers. 11. The students were asked to give a(n) _on communication through body language. 12. The talks will _on economic dev

52、elopment of the region. 13. What was her _to the news when you told her about it? 14. He was once considered one of the most _directors in Hollywood, because everyone would listen to what he said.make up one's mind at one's best focus on keep eye contact be committed to lighten up keep one&#

53、39;s eyes on take. seriously drive someone crazy be absorbed in base. on range from. to 1. These students _the cause of helping those who are not able to help themselves. 2. Don't joke with Linda; she everything far too _. 3. For the next two hours she _the film, which turned out to be as good a

54、s she had hoped. 4. He has given up running in order to _the long jump. 5. Once he _to do something, there was no stopping him. 6. Would you please turn the radio down while I'm reading? The loud noise is _. 7. In this store, you can find a wide variety of TV sets with prices _$500 _$1,000. 8. S

55、he didn't feel _in the match. That's why she lost the game. 9. It is only a test you've failed. _; it's not a matter of life or death. 10. She was so shy that she _the floor while talking to the class.11. You have to force yourself to _with the audience and to stand still. 12. I feel his first impres


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