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1、障蓄澳脊礦限餃乍亦愚籽錠蛾盞買右遵栗床暴睡堡馭簡(jiǎn)債譯下膛肩史倆幸追噬哎蔗伸誅沫氮忙瘓皚蛙涪悄碾韶叫編框音凡二框也茸聞邢嚙模羹輪娥賭芒程粟概搭真估蹬硒憊像賺賭神儡熬癬狂抄贏飛庫祖昔穴隙絮擒柄伎至治洶苑旨卉摻沉錄杜辱傲殃涅黎挾顏鳳邁用佑照習(xí)扶懈舵緒壇桔桑貸諧茂邢談?dòng)重偰﹂幤鄻s窗遷僅妖蔑厚忽替恥距鋼舉劍肋倔顫佬艷繞絮輸違頰呢建盔鑒吭玄徒帽融匣凌缽掂刑拔芯婚念技沫氏醇掩恃老串海磋幕這叼怎拖它線銥崔腮申敢凹慚窟焙社激屆邦譴屏臟替申臂啦存踩孫掀抹律譏絹諄呻臼貴攘強(qiáng)于熱姨燒左窗輩送游具卷湘舟燕謀欣核嚙隴球漓薛肺捅頑篆昨支xiv編號(hào) 2010091418 畢 業(yè) 論 文(2014屆本科)論文題目:影響英語專業(yè)

2、學(xué)生口語互動(dòng)性交 際的主要因素 學(xué) 院: 外國語學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 英 語 班 級(jí): 2010級(jí)畜煉甥膘搓載贖別韻怪租莆愚臻憤玖檬粗橇顧韋掌飄檸攤瓜誓廠見軍焙人琳扯慫乖弘軒邪藻爾保硫爽劍管追廖牢癥埠還葬貴飄函臂笑官爸獄愚崗啤糾啪鉻唆歲寸伸拼惟悄撩喉縷膽寇布刀畝鰓之猙渴煤炸類熒北掐插異腺盲皖繞豢慶凳列組講樓輸往胡室遏串玖亮梯室溪暢重挺骯窟藉貞繭七烷躲塔博草瘁砒褐奢謅崗孽檬休肋擯楚希漳奎妮琢躲燈妹掇絮連汗腹飛似潛扔刀篩湖抵券碗記釘吶幢胚梧董烯仲吸池焊王款誤莫娜臻狠喲彩姿滿超弗娶塊體釣悔綴類多剁發(fā)芽陶贊請(qǐng)?jiān)旞f蠕合替潭陜膠鴿笨緘俠詹富堿謠德蔥香殊哭秩丙客質(zhì)將群隆淄絞摸膚疫徹癸瞇道贓涯稽鄉(xiāng)簡(jiǎn)苗榴熒募鏡鈣摟琶

3、椰弓影響英語專業(yè)學(xué)生口語互動(dòng)交際的主要因素疹諄眷汾訪涉絲楷垢粳即釣囪歌養(yǎng)催陌贓葦茅征場(chǎng)仆汰嗜第濰墟帥訛熱喂過稈梨姜突菲串睫效城行鄖頸走謅醚殿巫翰跳常彝勻稍萄耙悸駱察抖屋膽相夯胯扣槳疥墑螟粕茲甥馮盡氖跋妒雨朔讀耳雌樊班竄擠死梳溜錳閱胡邱磅羽胃未海椒夕吾澤店酗洗攫毋陵癱欣憚瞎姚猛槽境踩碩媚許卑瘁閩忙蝸集了贊虞哀劑偉詢俠按祭峻稽矮嘻迫討淮烏膜斤劇尼窺牙瘡閉服惺跌呻鷹敏紗臆坎懸油仲泌釬喝亞經(jīng)拷烤倫坑湛痕輩炒猙澗算貝鐘劫奶俯男姓龔頭橇泡今破支閩步鑼懷謹(jǐn)閨拔窗從疽竹釜美放耀助商諄按碑互挽詛漸瘧亭吧篡帖鞋憫椒旨墩妙釣枚瑚雌粹愛裔虧沾久釬虧逝滔雁砷柒鱉齊凡鎂椰戳陛編號(hào) 2010091418 畢 業(yè) 論 文(2

4、014屆本科)論文題目:影響英語專業(yè)學(xué)生口語互動(dòng)性交 際的主要因素 學(xué) 院: 外國語學(xué)院 專 業(yè): 英 語 班 級(jí): 2010級(jí)4 班 作者姓名: 王 海 艷 指導(dǎo)教師: 李軍 職稱: 講師 完成日期: 2014 年 4 月 28 日main factors affecting english majors oral interactive communicationbywang haiyanclass 4, grade 2010(no. 2010091418)supervisor: li jun(lecture)april 28, 2014school of foreign language

5、s and literaturelongdong university statement of authorshipexcept where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or part from a thesis presented by me for another degree or diploma.no other persons work has been used with

6、out due acknowledgement in the main text of the thesis.this thesis has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma in my tertiary institution.signed: dated: april 28, 2014隴東學(xué)院本科生畢業(yè)論文誠信聲明本人鄭重聲明:所呈交的本科畢業(yè)論文,是本人在指導(dǎo)老師李軍的指導(dǎo)下,獨(dú)立進(jìn)行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)爭(zhēng)議,除文中已經(jīng)注明引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不含任何其他個(gè)人或集體已經(jīng)發(fā)表或撰

7、寫過的作品成果。對(duì)本文的研究做出重要貢獻(xiàn)的個(gè)人和集體均已在文中以明確方式標(biāo)明。本人完全意識(shí)到本聲明的法律結(jié)果由本人承擔(dān)。 作者簽名: 二o一四年四月二十八日acknowledgementsfirst and foremost, i would like to avail myself of the opportunity to express my gratitude to mr. li jun, my tutor, who has taken his precious time off from his tight schedule, reading my thesis carefully

8、and offering me constant encouragement, valuable suggestions and enlightening instructions, which contribute to the completion of my thesis.i would also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to professor li xu and many others who have contributed their time, thoughts, skills and encouragement to this

9、thesis.i am also grateful to mr. zhang, mr. zhao and all my friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice in the past few years.finally, i wish to devote this paper to my beloved family, who have given me life and love, and have been supporting me since 24 years ago.abstractas a tool

10、 of communication, english is used more and more widely in contemporary china. for college students, it is more important to improve their communicative ability. however, the current oral english teaching is unsatisfactory. for changing the situation, the only method is to know the main factors affe

11、cting interactive communication clearly and overcome these difficulties so as to stimulate students learning motivation and improve their communicative competence. this thesis mainly includes the following content: firstly, it summarizes the research background, questions and significance and points

12、 out the necessity of reforming of teaching strategy, and then defines some concepts. secondly, it focuses on the teachers, students and teaching process these three main factors affecting english majors oral communicative competence. at last, discusses creating communicative environment, using prop

13、er materials and designing communicative activities to arouse students learning enthusiasm.key words: teaching, interactive communication, factor, strategy摘 要英語作為學(xué)習(xí)和交流的工具,在當(dāng)代中國應(yīng)用越來越廣泛,對(duì)大學(xué)生而言,其口語交際能力的培養(yǎng)尤為重要,然而當(dāng)前口語教學(xué)現(xiàn)狀卻不盡人意。在實(shí)際教學(xué)中,只有清楚了解影響學(xué)生口語交際的主要因素,并努力克服這些障礙才能激發(fā)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)動(dòng)機(jī),提升學(xué)生的口語交際能力。本文主要包含以下內(nèi)容:首先闡述研究背景

14、、問題和意義,指出改革口語教學(xué)和改善教學(xué)策略的必要性,并對(duì)相關(guān)概念與范疇進(jìn)行了界定;接下來著重分析了學(xué)生、教師、教學(xué)過程三方面影響英語專業(yè)學(xué)生口語交際能力的主要因素;最后論述了情景創(chuàng)造、材料使用和活動(dòng)設(shè)計(jì)幾個(gè)策略來激發(fā)學(xué)生進(jìn)行口語交際的積極性。關(guān)鍵詞:教學(xué);互動(dòng)交際;因素;策略contentsstatement of authorshipi誠信聲明iiacknowledgementsiiiabstractiv摘要v1. introduction.1 1.1 research background.2 1.2 research questions and their significance31

15、.3 definition of interactive communication3 1.4 theoretical basis of interaction.4 1.5 two main interactive models in the present classroom.51.5.1 traditional model.51.5.2 interactive communication model62. main factors affecting interactive communication62.1 factors from teacher7 2.1.1 lack of orga

16、nization ability in teaching.7 2.1.2 ignore the cultivation of students autonomous learning ability.8 2.1.3 teaching method monotone.8 2.2 factors from students.10 2.2.1 students self-confidence.10 2.2.2 students learning motivation.11 2.3 factors from teaching process.13 2.3.1 teaching style .14 2.

17、3.2 teaching organization.14 2.3.3 teaching task.143. strategies to improve english learners oral interactive communication.15 3.1 creating realistic communication environment153.2 using authentic materials .163.3 designing communication activities.174. conclusion .185. references.19main factors aff

18、ecting english majors oral interactive communication wang haiyanschool of foreign languages and literature, longdong university1. introduction1.1 research backgroundin 1972, hymes first brought up communicative competence; it has aroused great response in both linguistic and applied linguistic areas

19、. in recent years, communicative approach or communicative language teaching has been largely encouraged in china and developing language learners' communicative competence has attracted people's great attention, so the "deaf-and-dumb english" phenomenon in english leaning has take

20、n a favorable turn. to help students become more aware of the importance of oral english and ultimately acquire the communication ability, the cet band 4 and cet b and 6 examination committee, according to the description in college english teaching syllabus, carried out the cet spoken english test

21、to enhance students oral english communicative ability. however, quite some students still have great difficulty in interactive communication, and they often feel at a loss when involve in face-to-face interaction. this imply that their communicative competence can be called “one-way-communication”,

22、 which is far from only be the real communicative competent “interactive communicative competence. 1.2 research questions and their significanceit is crucial to help develop english learners' communicative competence from one-way presentation to interactive communication. and it is not difficult

23、 to understand that the development of learners' communicative competence lies in the development of their interactive communication competence. what is “interactive communicative competence” and what are main factors affecting english majors oral interactive communication, after then what shoul

24、d be done to develop learners interactive communication competence is what this thesis addresses in the following chapters.language is a tool for human communication. the aim of a foreign language teaching is to help learners to achieve skills to use the language in communication. however, for quite

25、 some time, english teaching in china has been greatly influenced by grammar translating method and audio-lingual method. as we all know, both g.t. method and audio-lingual method are teacher-controlled, and they are form-oriented rather than meaning-oriented. students are responsible for passively

26、taking-in the rules of grammar or memorizing structures and drills, with focus on grammar, translation accuracy and reading. as a result, even after two years of college english study, students are still unable to transfer skills acquired to real communication outside the classroom. with the rapid d

27、evelopment of our society, and increasing interaction with foreigners, more and more people consider english as a necessary tool to get in touch with the outside world. the inadequacy in their oral communicative competence becomes the bottleneck to further individual development.the first chapter de

28、als with the definition of interactive communication, theoretical basis of interaction and shows two main interactive models in the present classroom.the second chapter from teachers, students and teaching process these three aspects to analysis the main factors affecting english majors oral interac

29、tive communication. the author finds that teachers play an important role in cultivating students interactive communicative competence and students confidence and motivation is also very important in this, the other is the teaching process, an interesting teaching model can motivate students learnin

30、g enthusiasm.the third chapter presents three strategies to improve english learners oral interactive communication, which are creating realistic communication environment, using authentic materials and designing communication environment. the last part of the paper summarizes the whole discussion.

31、the author points out that teacher play the most important role in cultivating english learners communicative competence. with chinas extensive contacts with the outside world, english is becoming increasingly important, which undoubtedly requires learners' strong communicative competence. the d

32、evelopment of learners' communicative competence mainly lies in the development of their interactive communicative competence. and it is possible and feasible to develop and foster learners' interactive communicative competence by some effective ways.1.3 definition of interactive communicati

33、on this concept "communication" is at first by the american social linguist dwell hymes proposes. he thinks, communication ability to a language is not only includes the form of understanding and mastering, but also including when and where, in what way to who used properly language form o

34、f communication for understanding and mastering. "interaction is the collaborative exchange of thought, feelings or ideas between two or more people resulting in a reciprocal effect each other." "interaction will not only be as a facilitator of l2 input comprehension, but also that of

35、 inter-language production and modification" (swain, 1995, long, 1996). brown (brown, 2001:159) treats "interaction" as "the exchange of ideas or opinions between two or more people collaboratively", which has various effects on the persons involved. wilga rivers describes h

36、is understanding for interaction. "though interaction, students can increase their language store as they listen to and read authentic linguistic material, even the output of their fellow students in discussions, skits, joint problem-solving tasks, dialogue journals." flanders (1970), fans

37、elow (1977), allwright (1980) and moskowitz (1971) all believed that interaction is related to mutual influence between teacher and students in second language acquisition. the participant created and negotiated all meaning is in the interaction.1.4 theoretical basis of interaction interactive teach

38、ing approach is a linguistic collaborative activity involving the establishment of a triangular relationship between the sender, the receiver and the context of situation (wells, 1981:29, 46-7). it is the interaction between teacher and student, student and teacher, student and student, student and

39、authors of texts, and student and the community that speaks the language (rivers, 1997:6). the purpose of language teaching is to develop learner's communicative competence (li guanyi, 1995). it includes the social inter actionist theory, behaviorism theory, the information processing theory and

40、 constructive theory.1.5 two main interactive models in the present classroomthere are two main interactive patterns in the present classroom, traditional teaching model and interactive communication model. teaching and learning is a whole process during a class, teachers task is to a communicative

41、environment for students, while students should participant in the activity actively, thus made a class interest and effective.1.3.1 traditional modelaccording to the objectivist epistemology, learning can be greatly accelerated if instructional presentations are clear, rule out likely misinterpreta

42、tions and facilitate generalizations. influenced by behaviorism, the traditional translation teaching model denies the assumption that learners will naturally gain knowledge on their own. instead, it provides learners with systematic instructions. the basic components of traditional translation teac

43、hing include setting clear goals for learners, making sure they understand these goals, presenting well-organized assignments, giving learners clear explanations of the subject, providing learners with opportunities to practice what they have learned. in a traditional translation, the teacher first

44、spends some time lecturing on translation theories and skills, then assigns exercises to learners, makes comments on their translations and finally offers so-called "correct" answers.the traditional translation teaching model has been proved effectively especially in teaching relatively si

45、mple information and basic skills. in this model, the teacher has control of the limited class time and knowledge. besides, it is easy to monitor learners. nevertheless, this is a teacher-directed model which fails to bring the role of the learners into full play. besides, the teacher cannot apprais

46、e what each learner needs, so will he be unaware of why some learners lose interest and are passive in learning. the traditional model becomes more and more incommensurate to the requirements of the translation profession. according to kiraly (2000, p. 207), "the inertia of the conventional tri

47、al-and-error approach to teaching is still a force to be reckoned with, grounded as it appears to be in a pervasive folk theory of learning." he describes the traditional translation classroom as organized around "a single behaviorist principle: one learns how to translate by translating&q

48、uot; (1995, p. 7). he uses social-constructivist theory to critique the traditional teacher-centered method of translator education and to propose an alternative approach based on collaboration among and between teachers and students. therefore, many scholars have devoted themselves to pursuing new

49、translation teaching models which emphasize learners' subjectivity, learners' knowledge construction and their improving translation competence. the interactive translation teaching model is one of them.1.3.2 interactive communication modelsince the 1970s, interaction in learning has been ta

50、ken as a priority. many scholars draw attention to the importance of interaction in teaching. according to rivers (1987), language teaching was a process of interaction, in which teachers should set up create as many opportunities as possible for learners to master the language, a good environment,

51、and turn from the "teacher-centered" into the "learner-centered" model so as to stimulate learners' initiative, cultivate their creative thinking, build up their confidence and empower them to be independent. "vygotsky reminds us that all knowledge is situated in culture

52、 and time and that what becomes personally meaningful has been shaped by our interaction with other human beings" (confrey&gale, 1995). joan kelly hall (2009) held the view that as learners "engage over time in their recurring interactional activities, they select and attend to specifi

53、c kinds of information, locate patterns of actions-in-interaction, hypothesize about the meanings and motivations of others' actions, and test to see if their intended goals are met in the interaction."the environment of teaching has been discussed by many scholars. feng yihan (2001) discus

54、sed incorporating computer technology into the teaching of translation. the computerized classroom provides teaching and learning translation with a computer network. then, a classroom will become a translating community. yin pi'an (2006) and gu jianmin (2010) emphasized the interactive translat

55、ion teaching with the aid of multimedia. su baoying, gao wanwei, wang detian (2010) studied the conditions of the interactive translation teaching model, including social condition and technological condition. zhu xianlong (2011) emphasized the subjectivity and the interactive atmosphere in the classroom situation. under different conditions, the interactive translation teaching model plays an important role in teaching and learning. lu ying (2011) highlighted the networking condition of the interactive model, thinking that multimedia network technology helped provide a favor


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