



1、2021年人教版英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)上冊(cè)專項(xiàng)突破試卷專項(xiàng)四情景交際和完形填空一填空1.This is my family. There are four people in my (1) . (2) my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father (3) a cook (廚師).He cooks nice (4) . He likes playi ng chess. My mother is a teacher. She (5) books. They two work in a school. They like tea very much,(6) t

2、hey don'tlikemilk. My name is Lin Yang. (7) like playing (8) football. My sister, Lin Tinglikes (9) . Andshewants to be (10) running star.()(1) A. roomB. homeC. houseD. family()(2) A.ThereB. TheirC. They'reD. They()(3) A. isB. areC. beD. has()(4) A. foodB.bananasC. applesD. oran ges()(5) A.

3、don't likeB. does n't likeC. likesD. like()(6) A. andB. butC. soD. then()(7) A. MyB. IC. HeD. She()(8) A. theB. /C. aD. an()(9) A. photosB. foodC. sportsD. cards()(10) A. aB. anC. /D. the2.My dear frien ds, let me tell you someth ing about my daily timetable.I (1) at 7:00and I go to (2) at 8

4、:00. I have scie nee at (3) and the n I have math at 10:00. (4) is my favorite subject, I like math because it's (5) . Mr. Tan is our math (6) . Ilike him very much. I have (7) at 12:00 and then I have music at l:00. I have history at 2:00,1( 8) like historybecause it's bori ng.But I (9) lik

5、e art and I want to be an(10). I have art on Wed nesday at2:00.()(1)A. workB. get upC. studyD. go to bed()(2)A. homeB. movieC. schoolD. work()(3)A. nineB. eleve nC. sixD. twelve()(4)A. MusicB. MathC. En glishD. Chi nese()(5)A. bori ngB. difficultC. in terest ingD. relax ing()(6)A. teacherB. part ner

6、C. classmateD. pare nt()(7)A. lu nchB. breakfastC. dinnerD. /()(8)A. notB. does n'tC. don'tD. can't()(9)A. ki ndlyB. reallyC. don'tD. well()(10:)A. artistB. actorC. teacherD. preside nt3.In our school, there is an En glish club(俱樂咅B(yǎng) ) , a music club, a football club, a tennisclub and

7、many other clubs. The (1) club is the most popular (最受歡送的 )one. And I am in the clubbecause tennis is my ( 2) sport.There are more than 80 (3) in the tennis club. About 50% of them are boys. There are ( 4) teams in the club-Red Team and Yellow Team. There is one (5) every week. Matches (6) mehappy.

8、Zhang Yue is an old member in the club. (7) is tall and looks very strong. He is fromBeijing. His parents are tennis (8) , too.Yang Lei is a short boy. He is the youn gest member in the club. He is 11 years old. Heis also goodat 9 , so he is a member of the swimming club.I'm the tallest girl in

9、the club.Li Na is my favorite tennis player.She is my 10hope I canbe a player like her.1A. tennisB. footballC. basketballD. swimmi ng2A. goodB. bestC. favoriteD. bori ng3A. boysB. membersC. teachersD. girls4A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four5A. meetingB. partyC. matchD. class6A. haveB. makeC. askD. hope7A.

10、 SheB. HeC. TheyD. It8A. workersB. farmersC. playersD. swimmers9A. runningB. draw ingC. swimmi ngD. si ngi ng10A. studentB. teacherC. heroD. classmate二按要求做題1. 從方框中選出適宜的句子補(bǔ)全對(duì)話,有一項(xiàng)多余Bob: Hey, Joel 1 Joe: rm fine, tha nk you. And you?Bob: rm fine, too. 2Joe: Sure.Bob: 3Joe: My favorite subject is math.

11、Bob: 4Joe: Because it's very in teresti ng.Bob: 5Joe: My math teacher is Mr. Marti n.Bob: Wow! He is a very great teacher.A. Whois volt math teacher?B. How areyou?C. . Why do you lit亡 it?U. Do y-au liheyourt&idnef?E. Can l ask you some questiore?FT What's your faverite subject2. 重新排列以下句子

12、的順序,使對(duì)話完整 A.I can speak En glish and a little Japa nese.B. Well, how about Ian guages? Do you want to join a Ian guage club?C.I want to lear n more Japa nese .I want to jointhe Japa nese club.D. Excuse me. Do you want to join the chessclub?E. What la nguage can you speak?F. Yes,I do. That sounds in

13、terest ing.G. What la nguage club do you want to join?H. No, I don't like chess.3. AA: 1me, where 2my books? 3they on the sofa?B: No, they (4) .A: Arethey (5) your schoolbag?I (6)know. Where is my schoolbag?Is (7)under the table?No, it isn't.Look! Your books are on the desk.Yes. (8)are my bo

14、oks. (9) A: (10)are welcome.(B)A: Hi, can I help you?the music club.B. Yes, please. I want to (11) A:Good. Can I have your (12)?B: John Smith.A: (13) old are you?B: Twelve.A: Can you sing?B:(14) a little. I like singing and dancing,A: Do you have an (15) address?B:Yes, it's cindy pep. com. cn.A:

15、 Great. It's OK.B: Thank you.4從B欄中找出與 A欄句子相的答語(yǔ)。BA. At three this afternoon.B. Yes, please. I want a hat.C. Thank you.D. That sounds good.E. You're welcome.F. It's on June1st.G. English.H. Because I have music on Monday. I.It's on the floor.j. I think this one is better.A()(1) Happy birthday to you.()(2)What's your favorite subject?()(3)Why do you like Monday?()(4)When is Children's Day?()(5)Can I help you?()(6)What about this one?()(7)Let's play basketball.()(8)Where's the ball?()(9)When is your birthday party?()(10


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