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1、2019-2020學(xué)年上海漕涇中學(xué)高三英語聯(lián)考試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent. _, i can't speak too highly of him.a. as a consequence     b. after all         c. on the whole     d. in a nutshell參考答案:d2. some

2、thing _ wrong with the car, and it _ not start.  a. being; could                   b. going; should  c. was; might               &

3、#160;    d. went; would參考答案:d 解析:兩句之間有and,前面應(yīng)該用完整的句子結(jié)構(gòu);wouldwill not可表示無可奈何的感覺,“偏不,就是不”。3.   _ the answer, tom, who asked the question, still stood with his hand _.       a. giving; raised           

4、b. given; raised      c. given; risen       d. giving; rising參考答案:b4. - there are too many people in the building during the daytime.- yes, that's a serious threat to safety _ fire or other disasters.a. in case of     

5、60;                 b. in spite of                        c. in honor of     

6、60;                d. in favor of參考答案:a5. dont be _ by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.a. taken off  b. taken outc. taken away d. taken in參考答案:d6. if you leave this application form and go to another w

7、ebsite, you will lose _ you have already filled out on this form.a. whatever    b. whoeverc. wherever    d. whenever參考答案:a考查賓語從句。句意:如果你留下這個(gè)申請(qǐng)表去另一個(gè)網(wǎng)站,你將會(huì)丟失你已經(jīng)填好的表格。根據(jù)句意可知是丟失已經(jīng)填好的表格內(nèi)容,用whatever引導(dǎo),故選a.7. whether an operation should be performed in this case _ very much on

8、the patients general conditiona. relies    b. concentrates  c. bases    d. settles參考答案:a8. -has james finished his report on his enquiry learning yet?    -im not sure. she _ on it last week.a. was working     b. has worked &#

9、160; c. worked     d. had worked參考答案:a略9. gun control is a subiect_ americans have argued for a long time.a. of wrtich b. with which        c. about which       d. into which參考答案:c10. we _ estimate the spirit of the

10、 shanghai expo too much, which is sure to play an important role in our daily life.   a. may not      b. should not     c. must not       d. cannotchurch?參考答案:d11. if he _ that he _ to work there then, everything wo

11、uld be ok now.   a. had insisted; be sent                b. insisted; should be sent           c. insisted; had been sent         

12、         d. had insisted; was sent參考答案:a12. i will go to the party if i dont have to dress up.well, actually, it doesnt matter _ youre dressed.a. what    b. whether   c. how     d. when     參考答案:

13、c考查主語從句的用法。句意:-如果我不必打扮,我將參加晚會(huì)。好,真的,你如何打扮沒有關(guān)系。題干中的it是形式主語,空后是主語從句,從句中缺少方式狀語,故選c。13. - how long do you think it is _ she became a student teacher?- half a year at least.a. when            b. before        &#

14、160;  c. that              d. since參考答案:d14.  - why do the birds fly to the south in winter?   - its very cold in the north; _, they find nothing to eat.   a. so        &

15、#160; b. besides         c. anyway             d. however 參考答案:b15. silly me! i forgot the color1 of my luggagewhat about        over there?athe one   

16、;   bone     cthat       dthose參考答案:c【知識(shí)點(diǎn)】代詞解析:one可指人或物,只替代單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)用ones. that只指物,不指人,可替代可數(shù)名詞或不可數(shù)名詞,具有“特指”性質(zhì)。指的是同類事物中的另一樣?xùn)|西,即同類異物。the one 是特指,指代前面提到的同類人或物(可數(shù)名詞)中的一個(gè),其復(fù)數(shù)用the ones。這里代替是是上文的luggage,并且特指故用that。句意:,我好傻呀!我忘了我的行李包的顏色。那邊的那個(gè)是嗎?【典型總

17、結(jié)】it 同名同物one 同名異物 代指“不特定”名詞。that 同名異物 代指“特定”名詞。16. 一when shall we restart our business?    一not until we       our plan.      a. will finish     b. are finishing c. are to finish       d. ha

18、ve finished 參考答案:d略17. -is it all right if i keep this photo?-_.a.no .you dont    b.no. it shouldnt   c.im afraid not   d.dont keep it參考答案:c解析:考查交際用語。不同意對(duì)方的委婉拒絕方式。18. it never occurred to me      she could complete the task in such a short time.

19、a. which             b. that                 c. what               d. if參考答案:b19. -he ough

20、t to have been warned of the danger.-_but he wouldnt listen to me.a. he did       b. he should      c. he ought to     d. he was參考答案:d二、 完型填空20. my son tom taught me a beautiful lesson today. he is three years old and it is a

21、mazing hatching him grow up.he called out to me today saying, “papa, sit”. that usually means _21_ everything and going next to him and sitting down to play with him. i did that, as he can be _22_ and will not stop calling out until i _23_. he was playing with beads (珠子), pushing a string through th

22、em, which is a great exercise to help _24_ fine motor skills. then, after he finished playing with the beads, it was time to put them back in the box that they are stored in. i saw him _25_ pick up each bead, look at it _26_ it were made of chocolate and then placed it into its box.with over a hundr

23、ed beads to go, i was getting _27_. “what a long time it will take! why cannot he _28_ ten beads in one go and drop them in?” said my anxious mind. i noticed that he did this with as much_29_ as he had while we were playing. i didnt see any _30_ between his play and his putting away the toy. obvious

24、ly he enjoyed both.then it suddenly _31_ me that this boy was enjoying the whole _32_. the journey was his goal. for him the _33_ was in the game and after the game, not just in the fun part. what a great perspective: to live each moment as it is the _34_ moment; to do each task as it is the most aw

25、esome task. nothing else _35_.looking at how _36_ my son was putting beads into the box _37_ me that the process was the goal. the joy of pilgrimage (朝圣) is not in getting there but in every _38_ of the journey.this is what living in the now is all _39_. tom, my son, was showing me that it was about

26、 thoroughly enjoying every moment with _40_ love and peace.21. a. wasting    b. leaving    c. taking    d. preparing22. a. stubborn    b. innocent    c. helpful    d. humorous23. a. fell down   

27、b. turned round    c. burst out    d. gave in24. a. highlight    b. develop    c. illustrate    d. identify25. a. gratefully    b. eagerly    c. carefully    d. quickly26. a. as if

28、    b. even though    c. in case    d. in that27. a. fascinated    b. satisfied    c. impatient    d. energetic28. a. package    b. grab    c. deliver    d. replace2

29、9. a. confidence    b. strength    c. inspiration    d. involvement30. a. sense    b. difference    c. need    d. value31. a. excited    b. helped    c. struck    d.

30、 encouraged32. a. process    b. morning    c. experiment    d. design33. a. victory    b. challenge    c. difficulty    d. pleasure34. a. urgent    b. decisive    c. perfect &

31、#160;  d. dangerous35. a. matters    b. happens    c. disappears    d. works36. a. successfully    b. peacefully    c. responsibly    d. systematically37. a. guaranteed    b. warned 

32、60;  c. promised    d. taught38. a. plan    b. destination    c. step    d. detail39. a. for    b. with    c. about    d. from40. a. complete    b. available   

33、 c. additional    d. precious參考答案:21. b    22. a    23. d    24. b    25. c    26. a    27. c    28. b    29. d    30. b    31. c 

34、   32. a    33. d    34. c    35. a    36. b    37. d    38. c    39. c    40. a試題分析:文章講述作者發(fā)現(xiàn)兒子在玩珠子的時(shí)候和收珠子的時(shí)候,都是非常專注的在做,享受每個(gè)過程,這讓作者感悟到活在當(dāng)下的所有的含義是:要用全部的愛和寧靜享受每個(gè)時(shí)刻。21. 考查動(dòng)詞

35、辨析:a. wasting浪費(fèi),b. leaving 離開,c. taking拿,d. preparing準(zhǔn)備,從下文的:sitting down to play with him.可知兒子叫的時(shí)候,作者要放下一切和他一起玩,選b23. 考查動(dòng)詞短語辨析:a. fell down倒下,b. turned round轉(zhuǎn)身,c. burst out 爆發(fā),d. gave in屈服,直到我屈服了,他才會(huì)停止叫喊,選d24. 考查動(dòng)詞辨析:a. highlight 強(qiáng)調(diào),b. develop發(fā)展,培養(yǎng),c. illustrate闡述,d. identify識(shí)別,這是培養(yǎng)運(yùn)動(dòng)技巧的一個(gè)很好的練習(xí),選b2

36、5. 考查副詞辨析:a. gratefully感激地,b. eagerly渴望地,c. carefully 仔細(xì)地,d. quickly快地,我看見他仔細(xì)的撿起每個(gè)珠子。選c26. 考查連詞辨析:a. as if好像,b. even though即使,c. in case以防,d. in that既然,他看著珠子好像它們是用巧克力做的,選a27. 考查形容詞辨析:a. fascinated迷人的,b. satisfied滿意的,c. impatient不耐煩的,d. energetic精力充沛的,從下文的:“what a long time it will take!可知作者感到不耐煩了,選c

37、28. 考查動(dòng)詞辨析:a. package包裹,b. grab抓,c. deliver投遞,d. replace代替,他為什么不一次抓10個(gè)珠子,將它們放進(jìn)去。選b29. 考查名詞辨析:a. confidence自信,b. strength 力量,c. inspiration激勵(lì),靈感,d. involvement牽連,參與,加入,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他做這個(gè)事情的時(shí)候和他玩得時(shí)候一樣的投入。選d30. 考查名詞辨析:a. sense感覺,b. difference不同,c. need需要,d. value價(jià)值,從下文obviously he enjoyed both.我沒有看出他的玩和收好玩具的不同。選b

38、31. 考查形容詞辨析:a. excited興奮的, b. helped幫助,c. struck敲打,想起,d. encouraged鼓勵(lì),固定句型:it suddenly   struck me that某人突然想起,選c32. 考查名詞辨析:a. process 過程,b. morning早晨,c. experiment 實(shí)驗(yàn),d. design設(shè)計(jì),我突然想起這個(gè)男孩在享受這個(gè)過程,選 a33. 考查名詞辨析:a. victory勝利,b. challenge 挑戰(zhàn),c. difficulty困難,d. pleasure快樂,對(duì)他來說快樂是在游戲里面和游戲之后。選d3

39、4. 考查形容詞辨析:a. urgent緊急的,b. decisive決定性的,堅(jiān)定的,果斷的,決斷的,c. perfect完美的 ,d. dangerous危險(xiǎn),每分鐘都當(dāng)成最完美的時(shí)候去過。選c35. 考查動(dòng)詞辨析:a. matters重要的,b. happens發(fā)生,c. disappears失望,d. works工作,起作用,做每個(gè)任務(wù)都當(dāng)成是最好的,其他沒有什么重要的。選a36. 考查副詞辨析:a. successfully成功地,b. peacefully 平靜地,c. responsibly 負(fù)責(zé)任d. systematically系統(tǒng)地,看見兒子多么平靜的將珠子放進(jìn)盒子里面,教

40、會(huì)我過程就是目標(biāo)。選b37. 考查動(dòng)詞辨析:a. guaranteed保證,b. warned警告,c. promised 答應(yīng),d. taught教,看見兒子多么平靜的將珠子放進(jìn)盒子里面,教會(huì)我過程就是目標(biāo)。選d38. 考查名詞辨析: a. plan計(jì)劃,b. destination目的地,c. step步驟,d. detail細(xì)節(jié),朝圣的快樂不在到達(dá)那里而是旅途中的步驟,選c39. 考查介詞辨析:a. for為了,b. with和一起,c. about關(guān)于,d. from從,這就是關(guān)于活在當(dāng)下的所有的含義,選c40. 考查形容詞辨析:a. complete完整的,b. available可

41、獲得的,可利用的,c. additional額外的,d. precious寶貴的,我的兒子教會(huì)我要用完整的愛和寧靜享受每個(gè)時(shí)刻。選a考點(diǎn):考查人生百味類完型填空三、 閱讀理解21. 第三部分  閱讀理解(共20小題;每小題2份,滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(a、b、c和d)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂黑。athe light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of denniss swamp (沼澤地) creeping int

42、o their bones. it was a strange place. martin and tom wished that they had not accepted jacks dare. they liked camping, but not near this swamp.“so,” martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “how did this place get its name ? ”“are you sure you want to hear it ? its a scary story,” warned ja

43、ck.“of course!” cried out tom. “if there were anything to be scared of, you wouldnt have chosen this place!”“ok, but dont say i didnt warn you,” said jack, and he began this tale.“way back in time, a man called dennis tried to start a farm here. he built that cottage over there to live in . in those

44、 days, the area looked quite different - it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal-clear river. after three hard years, dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. he was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.“  you are clearing too much land, war

45、ned one old man. the land is a living thing. it will hit back at you if you abuse it. “ silly fool, said dennis to himself. if i clear more land, i can grow more crops. ill become wealthier. hes just jealous!”“dennis continued to chop down trees. small animals that relied on them for food and shelte

46、r were destroyed. he was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. he did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. he did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”“what happened ? ” martin asked. it was growing colder. he t

47、rembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.“the land hit back - just as the old man warned, ” jack shrugged. “dennis disappeared. old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. his body was never found.”“what a stupid story, ” laughed tom. “pla

48、nts cant ” before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted(暈倒). the other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at tom. suddenly, they burst out laughing. some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered toms face. it was a while before tom could appreciate the joke.56.the underlined word “dare” in

49、 paragraph 1 is closed in meaning to _.a. courageb. assistancec. instructiond. challenge57.why did jack tell tom and martin the story ?a. to frighten them.b. to satisfy their curiosity.c. to warn them of the danger of the place.d. to persuade them to camp in the swamp.58.why did dennis ignore the wa

50、rning of the old man ?a. the old man envied him.b. the old man was foolishc. he was too busy to listen to others.d. he was greedy for more crops.59.why did tom scream and faint ?a. he saw denniss shadowb. he was scared by a plantc. his friends played a joke on him.d. the weather became extremely col

51、d.60. what lesson can we learn from the story of dennis ?a. grasp all, lose all.b. no sweat, no sweet.c. it is no use crying over spilt milk.d. he who makes no mistakes makes nothing.bwhen international aid is given, steps must be taken to ensure (確保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is in

52、tended. the way to achieve this may not be simple. it is very difficult for a nation to give help directly to people in another nation. the united nations organiztion(uno) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid. here however rises the problem of costs. also tied with this is time. perhaps

53、 the uno could set up a body of devoted men and women is every country who can speedily distribute aid to victims of floods and earthquakes.more than the help that one nation can give to another during a disaster, it would be more effective to give other forms of help during normal times. a common p

54、roverb says, “give me a fish and i eat for day, teach me to fish and i eat for a lifetime.” if we follow this wise saying, it would be right to teach people from less developed nations to take care of themselves. for example, a country could share its technology with another. this could be in simple

55、 areas like agriculture or in more complex areas like medical and health care or even in building satellites. even small country is able to help less developed nations. sometimes what is take for granted, like the setting up of a water purification plant or the administration of a school, could be u

56、seful for countries which are looking about to solve common problems. it does not cost much to share such simple things. exchange students could be attached for a number of months or years and learn the required craft while on the site. they can then take their knowledge back to their homelands and

57、if necessary come back form time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves. such aid will be truly helpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.many countries run extensive courses in all sorts of skills. it will not cost much to include deserving

58、foreigners in these courses. besides giving effective help to the countries concerned, there is also the build-up of friendships to consider. giving direct help by giving materials may be effective in the short run and must continue to be given in the event of emergencies. however, in the long run w

59、hat is really effective would be the sharing of knowledge.61.according to the author, how could international aid reach the victims in time ?a. by solving the cost problemsb.by solving the transportation problemsc. by setting up a body of devoted people in every country.d. by relying on the direct d

60、istribution of the uno.62.what does the author try to express in the underlined sentence ? a. providing food is vitalb. learning to fish is helpfulc. teaching skills is essentiald. looking after others is important.63.the second paragraph is developed mainly _.a. by exampleb. by processc. by compari

61、sond. by contrast64.which aid is likely to fall into the wrong hands ?a. a medical team.b. an exchange program.c. a water plant.d. financial support.65.what can we infer about international aid from the passage ?a. it is facing difficulties.b. it is unnecessary during normal timesc. it should be giv

62、en in the form of materialsd. it has gained support developed countriescmany people think that listening is a passive business. it is just the opposite. listening well is an active exercise of our attention and hard work. it is because they do not realize this, or because they are not willing to do

63、the work, that most people do not listen well. listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else. an essential part of listening well is the rule known as bracketing. bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires, to experience as fa

64、r as possible someone elses world from the inside, stepping into his or her shoes. moreover, since listening well involves bracketing, it also involves a temporary acceptance of the other person. sensing this acceptance, the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her min

65、d to the listener. true communication is under way and the energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only by the will to extend oneself for mutual growth.most of the time we lack this energy. even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationships th

66、at we are listening well, what we are usually doing is listening selectively. often we have a prepared list in mind and wonder, as we listen, how we can achieve certain desired results to get the conversation over as quickly as possible or redirected in ways more satisfactory to us. many of us are f

67、armore interested in talking than in listening, or we simply refuse to listen to what we dont want to hear.it wasnt until toward the end of my doctor career that i have found the knowledge that one is being truly listened to is frequently therapeutic(有療效的) in about a quarter of the patients i saw, surprising improvement was shown during the first few months of psychotherapy(心理療法), before any of the roots of problems had been uncovered or explained. there are several reasons for th


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