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1、績效考評英文自我評價績效考評英文自我評價篇一This year, in charge of all levels and colleagues with the guidance and help, I feel very fast growing.Their skills continue to improve at the same time, also know that the electrode design needs to learn a lot.Now summarize the year-end summarized as follows:1. Actively comple

2、te the tasks assigned to thecompetent arrangement,and the effectiveworkinghoursof more than 98.8% per day.2. Thisyearthework ofdetailed,365 days withoutexception.3. Participation in the work of the quality inspection within the group to help solve this group of colleagues in the design of the proble

3、m, the goods seized NG electrode ratio of only 0.1%.4. Training and guidance of new work to help new people understand the electrode design specifications,master the electrode design process, so that new people faster into working condition.5. Eliminate a number of major security risks, to avoid the

4、 occurrence of abnormal.6. Actively communicate with the site to optimize the design and processing programs to reduceunnecessarywork hours,effectivelyimprove the designand processing efficiency.7. Annual attendance zero anomaly, zero late, zero early leave, zero leave.8. Update / produce electrode

5、design copy materials, to facilitate the timely sharing of information9. The production of video courseware for easyvisual communication.10. Write technical briefings, service team, and jointly improve.績效考評英文自我評價篇二Review xxxx years, as the company's administrative clerk, a year, the company

6、leaders invarious departments concerned with the guidance and support of colleagues with the help, I diligently completed this year's own work, but also successfully completed the tasks assigned by the leadership , Their own in all aspects of the upgrade, but there are also deficiencies in t

7、he future need to continue to learn, continue to accumulate work experience, the use of the knowledge to make up fortheir own shortcomings still exist. Nowthis year's study, work summarized as follows:First, the practical work attitude:Over the past year, I insist on practical work, hard wor

8、king, consciously safeguard the company's corporate image, properly do their jobs, try to avoid any flaws in the work.Administrative clerks are the nature of the workof the service, and more complicated.(1) every day I do a good job in the service work to ensure that the business department,

9、 document department, shipping department, finance department and the design department of the normal work.(2) the clerk's daily work is more trivial, need careful, cautious, and not negligence, but not sloppy.(3) under the guidance of the Department of Administration Manager MAY, the establ

10、ishment of theday memorandum.I willbe includedin the day's workin the memorandum,one by one to complete,so as to avoidomissions.Second, dedication, good job of administrativepersonnel work:Conscientiously do their own work and daily work,to help the leadership to maintain a good working orde

11、r and working environment, so that the file managementhas become more standardized and standardized. At the same time do a good job of logistics services, so that leaders and colleagues to avoid worrying about, underthe direct leadership of the department manager, active and active do the daily hous

12、ekeeping work.1, the daily reception work: the call, the use ofcivilized language, speak and gas, warm, politereceptionof foreignvisitorsto factoriesand foreignstaff, for the relevant issues to ask or ask for help,I willdo my bestto giveAnswer or promptlyconvey therelevant leadership to solve.2, mat

13、erialmanagement work: the development of thecompany's daily office supplies purchase and receive form, do a good job with the use of materials management, according to the department to receive the situation, to receive registration.3, document management: According to the work needs, at any

14、 time production of various forms, documents,etc., at the same time to complete the department to explain the English scan, copy the documents, the company issued the notice, the file to upload in a timely manner.4, personnel file management: the staff will be working and separation of staff files c

15、lassifiedarchives, and do scanning electronic archives, the new staff assessment table sorted by annual bookbinding and other preservation.5, recruitment: Check e-mail reading resume,appointment arrangements for the manager interview and general manager of the re-examination.6, businessmeetingsand e

16、xhibitionitinerarywork:the development of travel plans, booking domestic and international air tickets and hotels to ensure the normal travel of staff travel.績效考評英文自我評價篇三Xxxx years, I am keen on their own work, strict demands on themselves, straighten the workplace, always keep humble, cautious, sel

17、f-disciplinedattitude, in the leadership of the cultivation of care and the help of colleagues to support, always diligent study, proactive, Self-improvement, and always workhard, conscientiously complete the task, perform good job responsibilities, excellent performance in all aspects, has been the

18、 leadership and the masses affirmed. Now a year to study and work summarized thefollowing:First, self-discipline, and consciously strengthen party spirit, political and ideological consciousness to progress.Over the past year, we have consistently appliedMarxist-Leninistattitudes,perspectives,and me

19、thodsto uphold the correct world outlook, outlook on lifeand values, and used them to guide our own study, workand lifepractice.Lovethe motherland,lovethe party,love of socialism,a firmbeliefin communism, and partyorganizationsto maintaina high degree of consistency.Conscientiously implement the par

20、ty's line, principles, policies, work proactive, hard work, not afraid of arduous, due diligence, hard working, in ordinary work to make whatever contribution.First, earnestly study the important thinking ofthe Three Represents, thoroughly understand its scientific connotation, earnestly stu

21、dy the report of the 16th CPC National Congress and the spirit of the Third and Fourth Plenary Sessions of the 16th CPC Central Committee. In particular, in the second batch of educational campaigns to maintain the advanced nature of CPC members, which began in July this year, we have carefully and

22、systematically studied the Party's basic knowledge and various theoretical works, further consolidated the theoretical foundations and advanced party spirit. Moral quality.The second is to seriouslylearn businessknowledge,and always maintaina modest and eagerattitudetowardsbusiness knowledge

23、 of learning. Over the past year,under the guidanceof theteacherPan Xiangzhang, takethe village households, to participate in the villagerepresentatives, seminars and other meetings, toproduction, construction site visits, learning a lotof ruralwork methods, butalsodirectlywiththe massesdirectlyCont

24、act,reallydeep intothemasses. Usually,more to see, ask, think, take the initiative to the leadership, to the masses to ask questions, organs of learning, a variety of work meetings are a good opportunity for my study. In addition, seriously participate in various types of training, a year to participate in the civil service training, anti-drug urine training, e-government training, are excellent results through the assessment, skilled grasp of business


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