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1、ChapteT 1 The First Civilizations1) Otzi' s I i fe was a good examp I e of the human exper ience inA) the Stone AgeB) centra I GreeceC) what i s now modern Turkey.D) Italy.E) the Iron Age2) The f i rst human Ii ke creatures, such as Lucy, may haveA) surv i ved for I ess than one million yearsB)

2、engaged in agr icultureC) dispIayed the brain capacity of modern humansD) uti I ized simple toolsE) had large, deveI oped bra ins.3) The NeanderthaI had a I I of thefol lowing characteristics EXCEPTA) the ability to use too IsB) bur i a I customs.C) a range of d i stribution cover i ngAfr ica, Europ

3、e, and As i aD) a smaIler brain than other Homo sap / ens.E) success surviving in the Iast great i ce age4) The practice of staying put and exploiting var ious sources of food i nstead of constantly traveIi ng i s caI IedA) or iental despotism.B) sIash-and-burn aquacuItureC) pastoraI nomad i sm.D) b

4、road-spectrum gather i ng.E) pastora I i sm.5) Sedentary communities Ied to all of the fol lowing EXCEPT which oneA) Decrease i n i nfant mortalityB) DeveI opment of politicaI leadershipC) Reduction i n popuI ationD) Expans ion of agr icultureE) Longer I ife spans6) Which of the fol lowing was an ea

5、r Iy agr i cuItural sett I ement in the MiddleEas tA) N i nevehB) RomeC) Jer i choD) Baby I onE) Constant i nop Ie7) The statement that the Agr i cuIturaI Revolution was portable means thatA) nomadic societies were eI iminated in a I I parts of the globeB) Neo I ithic soc i ety became I ess sedentar

6、yC) the knowledge and technology of agr icuIture could be easi Iy transported from one pI ace to anotherD) agr icuIturaI sites had to be Iocated near r i versE) sedentary societies had to continue to move for survivaI.8) Which of the fol lowing is NOT true of the ecoIogy of MesopotamiaA) The south h

7、as both adequate ra i n and good soil.B) The north has adequate ra i n but poor soil.C) Agr iculture is impossible withouti r r i gat i on.D) Improper i rr i gation resuIts in the deposit of alkaloids in the soil.E) Uruk and other ear Iy cities wereIi nked with i rr igation.9) Which of the foI Iowin

8、g do the authors suggest was the pr imary cause of urbanization in the south of MesopotamiaA) The need to concentrate thepopuI at ion in order to carry out the extensi ve i rr igat ion of the regionB) The concentrati on of anima I husbandry in the regionC) Egyptian infIuenceD) The ava iIab iIity of

9、imported food suppIi esE) The possibi 丨ity of year-roundreproduction and mating10) Around 3500 the f i rst civil i zat i on was estab Ii shed i n the region of Mesopotamia cal ledA) Assyr i aB) Phoenic i aC) Angkor-WatD) SumerE) Egypt.11) Which of the fol lowing was NOT one of the major Sumer i an c

10、ities around the time of 3000Lagash (蘇美爾城邦。位于今天伊拉克境 內(nèi)鐵羅(Tell oh),在幼發(fā)拉底河與底格里斯 河相匯處的西北,在烏魯克城以東)B) Ur烏爾(古代美索不達(dá)亞南部蘇美爾的 重要城市)C) UmmaD) N i nevehE) Jer icho12) Mesopotamian society became highly stratified, and not everyone shared equaI Iy in its benefits. The bottom soc i a I I eve Is in this c i v i I i

11、 zation were theA) Iandowners and merchants.B) sIaves and peasants.C) artisans and soldiersD) nomads and domesticated animals13) The wr itten scr ipt of Mesopotamian civili zat ions wasA) Arama i cB) hieroglyphicsC) cune i formD) Cyri I I ic.14) The gods of Mesopotamian soc i ety wereA) unreIated to

12、 city life and activity.B) structured on a democratic basi s.C) anthropomorphic that is, they had human formD) regarded as perfect in form and deedE) unique to each city.15) Which of the fol lowing was NOT one of the Mesopotamian gods of the sky, ai r, and r i versA) Enk i B) I shtar C) Ares D) En I

13、 i I E) Anu16) Which of the fol lowing statements concerning the practice of Mesopotamian rel igion is NOT accurateA) Mesopotamians constantly sought intimate contact with the godsB) Mesopotamians be Ii eved that the ro I e of mortals was to serve the gods and feed them through sacr if iceC) The god

14、s were be I i eved to live in a struetured and rational worIdD) Temp Ies control Ied a vast portion of the cities' economic resourcesE) Mesopotamian gods were iritegraI parts of stories such as The Epic of GiIgamesh.17) The f i rst great hero i c poem ofWestern civil ization was theA) / / i ad.B

15、) Aeneid.C) Epic of Gilgamesh.D) Exodus.18) The founder of the f i rst unified Akkad i an state wasA) Hammurab iB) Shulgi.(舒爾吉)0 Menes (美尼斯,埃及國王).D) Sargon.E) Enkidu (恩奇都,吉爾伽美什的伙伴和 仆從).19) Which of the fol lowing statements concern i ng the Akkad i an nation-state i s MOST accurateA) Sargon created

16、a unified empi re that survived his deathB) Like most states of Mesopotamia, the Akkad i an state crumb Ied under the pressure of dynastic disputes and regional assertions of autonomy.C) The Akkad i an state became the bas i s for Hittite dominance in MesopotamiaD) Although politically powerfuI, the

17、 Akkadian state abandoned Iiteracy anddepended on mi Iitary dominanceE) Though Sargon I i ved on I y a short time, h i s emp i re cont i nues today.20) What state expanded i n Mesopotamia after the fa I I of the Akkad i ansA) Ur under Shu IgiB) Judah under DavidC) Assyr ia under Tiglath-pileserD) Ba

18、by Ionia under Hammurab i21) Who was the famous k i ng and law-codifier who ruIed dur i ng the Old Baby Ionian Emp i reA) Dav i dB) Hammurab iC) NebuchadnezzarD) LagashE) Ramses I I22) Much of Hammurab i' s code was concerned withA) deaI i ng outIen i ent penaI ties formost cr imes.B) promoting

19、justice, protecting the weak, and destroying the wickedC) providing equaI treatment for a I I soc i a I cI assesD) creating a new social and economic orderE) persecuting the weak and thusstrengthen society.23) In addition to Hammurabi' s code, the 01d Baby Ionian Empi re i s a I so recogn i zed

20、for its contri bution in the area ofA) writingB) mathemat i csC) architectureD) med i c ine.E) eIiminating capitai punishment24) The Hittite peopIeA) based the i r Ii veIi hood solely on farmi ng.B) estab I i shed the i r cap itals at Mer i mda and Memph i sC) perfected the Iight, horse-drawn war ch

21、ar i ot and meta I tradeD) never fought the Egypt i ans, as both were Indo-European speakersE) had no re I a tio nship to later Pers i ans and Greeks25) Old Kingdom Egyps stabiI ity and self-sufficiency was due to all of the fol lowing factors EXCEPT which oneA) Systematic f Iooding by the Ni le Riv

22、erB) A large, permanent, andprofess ionaI Iy trained armyC) Geograph ica I i so I at i on created by the desertD) A predictable and favorabIe cIimateE) The r i ch Nile de Ita26) Around 3150 King Narmer united Upper and Lower Egypt and founded a new capital atA) Alexandr iaB) Ant i ochC) Memph i s.D)

23、 WadisE) Hattushash.27) Osiris was theA)B)0D)E)Pers ian god of the sky.Hitt ite god of war Sumer i anEgypt i anAkkad i angoddess of god of the goddess ofI ove. dead.peasants.28) Maat i san Egyptian term meaningA) war and conf I ict.B) tempIe worsh ipC) divine inearnation.D) harmony and justice.E) pr

24、ov i nces29) The Egypt ian king who built the f i rst known pyramid wasA) Thutmose III.B) HatshepsutC) Horus DenD) ZoserE) Narmer30) The buiIding of the great pyramids at Sakkara and outs ide Memph i s took pI ace dur i ng the time of theA) I ntermed i ate Per i odsB) New Kingdom.C) Middle K i ngdom

25、.D) 01d Kingdom.E) Hyksos i nvas i ons.31) Which of the foI lowing did NOT occur in the transition from the 01d to the Middle KingdomA) Women ga i ned const i tutional r i ghts by becoming scr ibesB) Temp Ies continued to be constructedC) The bureaucracy was opened to al I men.D) The after life beca

26、me ava i IabIe to more peopIeE) Egyptian royaI author ity co I Iapsed32) The new ethical perspective conveyed by the I iterature of the Middle Kingdom i s best represented by the story ofA) Ben jam in.B) a HFarab i 法拉比C) Sinuhe 辛努亥D) Amenhotep.阿蒙霍特普E) Pi raticaI Peasant.海盜的農(nóng)民33) The ma i n contr i b

27、ution of the foreigners known as the Hyksos whoinvaded Egypt dur ing the Middle Kingdom was toA) transform the trad itions of Egypt i an k i ngsh i p.B) adopt a monothe istic form ofre Iigious worsh i p.C) introduce mi I itary technoIogy and organ i zat ion.D) found a new capitai city atAlexandr ia.

28、E) become the mi I itary for Ahmose the pharaoh34) Which pharaoh attempted torevoIutionize Egypt ian re Iigious I ifeA) TutankhamenB) AhmoseC) Thutmose ID) Akhenaten35) Amenhotep IV did al I of the fol lowing EXCEPTA) move his re I igious capita I to the city of ThebesB) promote the worsh i p of the

29、 sun-d i sk god Aten.C) change h i s name to Akhenaten (" 11 pI eases AtenH ).D) aboI ish the cult of Amen-Ra (H the great god")E) estabIish his capital city at TeI I-el Amarna36) Akhenaten' s monothe i sm wasA) we I corned by the Egypt i an peopIeB) actual Iy a form of divinity shared

30、 by the pharaoh and the sun-d i skC) borrowed from the Hebrew re Ii gi on.D) carr ied on by his successorsE) to have a I as ting impact on Egypt. 6)Akhenaten' s 一神論是A) 由埃及人民歡迎。B) 實(shí)際上形式的對神的法老和太陽磁盤共享。C) 借用了希伯來人的宗教。D) 由他的繼任者。E) 對埃及產(chǎn)生持久的影響。37) Upon the death of Akhenaten, h i s son-i n-law Tutankham

31、enA) restored ancient religious trad itions.B) retained the new capital at Tela I-AmarnaC) defeated the Hittites at the battle of KadeshD) revamped the ent ire bureaucratic sys terri.E) created a peacefuI pact with the Hittites.38) In the century after the battie of Kadesh in which the Hittites andE

32、gypt i ans fought to a draw, what happened to the old Bronze Age civi I izations of the MediterraneanA) Sea Peoples took over thei r civil izations except in the Hittitewor I d.B) Ramses I I (the Great) became a god after a short reign of pyramid bui IdingC) Hebrews took over most re I i gi ous syst

33、ems with age-old monotheism.D) Bronze Age empi res I ike the Hitt ites and Egyptians co I IapsedE) A major epidemic wiped out a I IBronze-Age peopIe39) After thei r exodus from Egypt, the ancient Hebrews forged a new identity and faith that included a I I of the fol lowing EXCEPT theA) adopt i on of

34、 Yahweh as the i r exc I us i ve god.B) reject ion of the principle of monothe i sm.C) adoption of the I aw code given to Moses.D) acceptance of the traditions of Abram* s c I an.E) re I ocation and set11 ement a Iong the eastern Mediterranean Sea40) The Hebrews, after leaving Egypt, migrated toA) B

35、aby Ionia.B) EthiopiaC) Canaan.D) the SaheI.E) Anatol ia41) The peopIe who domi nated theCanaan ite seacoast and defeated theIsraeIites i n 1050 theA) Phi I i st ines.B) Phoen i c i ans.C) Amor itesD) Pers i a ns.E) Sea PeopIes42) In the eI eventh century theIsraeIites transformed thei r political s

36、ystem from a confederation of loosely organ i zed tr i bes i nto a (n)A) monarchy.B) city-state.C) democracy.D) o I i garchy.E) empi re43) Which of King David* s sons eIevated the kingdom of IsraeI to its greatest power and prest igeA) JoshuaB) So IomonC) Dan i eID) SaulE) Ah-moses44) What group des

37、troyed the k i ngdom ofIsraeI i n 722 Pers iansB) Phi I i st inesC) EgyptiansD) Assyr i ansE) Greeks45) In 586 the kingdom of Judah was conquered by the New Baby Ionian Empi re under theIeadership ofA) Tiglath-pi leser III.B) Hattus i I i s III.C) Assur-dan.D) Nebuchadnezzar II.E) Ezra46) Which of t

38、he fol lowing was NOT a consequence of Judah1 s fa I I in 586 The burning of JerusaIemB) The destruct i on of So I omon' s temp I eC) Emphas i s on tempIe worship rather than study of the TorahD) The Baby Ionian captiv ityE) Mi shnah, or second I aw, wh ichdeveI oped into the Talmud47) Especiall

39、y after the so-called Baby Ionian capt i v ity, the IsraeI i tes began toA) regard Yahweh as the one un i versa I god.B) ga i n unprecedented political significanceC) undertake a massive mi Iitary build-upD) rebe I aga i nst the Assyr i ans en masseE) wait as one unified body for a mess i ah.48) Wha

40、t Hebrew Ieaders wereparticuI ar Iy concerned with keep i ng Juda i sm i so I ated from other re I igious and cultural infIuences after returning from Baby I onA) Cosmos and DiogenesB) Ezra and NehemiahC) Moses and JeremiahD) Dav i d and So IomonE) Nebuchadnezzar I and I I49) Assyr i an state power

41、was based on a I I of the fol lowing EXCEPTA) a transformed army and admi n i strative system.B) new mi I itary-reI igious ideology.C) Iarge-scaIe popuI ation relocationsD) caIcuI ated use of mass terror.E) peacefuI trade and agricultural product ion.50) What ruI er of the e i ghth century transform

42、ed the strueture of theAssyr ian state and expanded its empi reA) Nebuchadnezzar I IB) Tiglath-pi Ieser I I I提格拉特帕拉沙爾三世C) Xerxes I薛西斯一世D) Cyrus I IE) Ramses51) The destruetion of the Assyr i an Empi re was the resuIt ofA) a breakdown of its re Iigious system.B) an i nvas i on by the HittitesC) an up

43、r i sing of its subjugated peop IeD) a fa iIure to estabIi sh a strong mi Iitary system.E) the conques t by the Baby I onian leader Cyrus.52) The r i se of the Pers i an Emp i re was tied to all of the fol lowing EXCEPTA) benevolent ruIe toward its subjectsB) Ieadership of Cyrus II.C) the ro I e of

44、Zoroas tri an ism and AhuraMazda.D) Ieadership of Cambyses II.E) brutaI suppress ion of non-Pers i an be I i efs and c i v iI i zations53) In what fundamentai ways did the formation of sedentary communities and the Agr i cuIturaI Revolution transform ear Iy humansDiff: 3 Page Ref: 1011Topic: Before Civi/ization54) Exp lain the ro I


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