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1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit1 1. talk about sth談?wù)?、談?wù)撽P(guān)于的事talk with sb 與某人交流、與某人談?wù)搕alk to sb跟某人交談,強(qiáng)調(diào)單方面的說給某人聽。2 how often 提問的是頻率,意為“多久一次”how often does bill go to the movies? twice a week. 3once一次twice 兩次 three times 三次four times 四次once a month twice a week three times a year four times a day 4 小結(jié)一下以 how開頭的問句how soon

2、 表示“多久以后”用“in+一段時間”來回答how soon will the girl come to china again? 那個女孩多久以后再次來中國?in about half a year. 大約半年以后how long表示“ (動作、狀態(tài)持續(xù)或干某事花費(fèi))多長時間”how long=how much time 用“for+一段時間”來回答how long did your father work here?你父親在這里工作多久了?for two years. 兩年how far 表示“ (路程或距離)多遠(yuǎn)”用“表示距離的詞或短語”回答how far is it from the

3、museum to the cinema? 博物館距電影院有多遠(yuǎn)six miles 六英里how manymuch 表示“ (數(shù)量)多少”,其中 how many提問的是可數(shù)名詞how much 提問不可數(shù)名詞how many times have you been to the great wall? 你去過長城幾次?for two times兩次how much water did you drink this morning?你今早喝了多少水three glassed of water. 三杯水在提問商品的價格、付款的多少時用how much how much does the book

4、 cost? how old提問年齡5.he sometimes watches tv . sometimes是一個時間副詞,和always often usually hardly ever never等一樣,都表示動作頻率,多用于一般時態(tài),常放在實義動詞之前,系動詞和情態(tài)動詞、助動詞之后。有時候為了加強(qiáng)語氣這些副詞也可放在句首或句末。he often goes to school on foot. i have never smoked. she is sometimes beautiful. 6.exercise 作動詞“鍛煉、運(yùn)動” ,作名詞“鍛煉、運(yùn)動、練習(xí)”we should ex

5、ercise every day. 做動詞doing morning exercises can keep us healthy 作名詞7as for homework,most students do homework every day. as for 相當(dāng)于一個介詞,意為“至于、關(guān)于、就而言”as for him,he won t go shopping .至于他,是不會去購物的精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載8 the results for “ watc

6、h tv” is interesting. the result for表示 “關(guān)于的結(jié)果”the result of 的結(jié)果,兩者可互換。result是可數(shù)名詞the results make us happy. we all know the results for the development of china.我們都知道中國的發(fā)展帶來的結(jié)果the results of the discussion are different. 討論的結(jié)果是不同的。9. i read books about twice a week. about “大約、幾乎”近義詞是 around 10. how

7、often do you drink milk? drink,作及物動詞,“喝、飲”drink tea drink,作名詞“飲料、喝的東西”don t put ice in your drink.別在你的飲料里放冰塊。milk 牛奶,是個不可數(shù)名詞,但可用容器來量化milk is good for our health. would you like a glass of milk? rice a bowl of rice 11.she says it s good for my health. be good for 對有益處be bad for對有害處be good to對待好be bad

8、 to對待不好we should be good to each other. 我們應(yīng)該善待彼此。the boss is always bad to the workers. 這個老板總是對工人不好。12 health是名詞“健康、健康狀況” ,healthy 是形容詞,“健康的”,反義詞是 unhealthy. healthily 是副詞we all worry about your health. this kind of milk is pretty healthy some unhealthy food may be delicious, but they are not good f

9、or our health. we must eat healthily to keep healthy. 13. but i am pretty healthy. pretty作副詞,表示“頗,相當(dāng)”the movie is pretty interesting. 做形容詞“漂亮的、美麗的”she is a pretty girl. handsome修飾男子“帥氣的”he is a handsome boy. 14 come home from school 放學(xué)回家come home from work下班回家15 my eating habits are pretty good. eat

10、ing habits 飲食習(xí)慣eating 是 eat的動名詞形式,在這里作定語。在英語中, “動詞 +ing”的形式可以作定語修飾名詞,往往表示某事物的性質(zhì)、作用、特征。吸煙習(xí)慣smoking habits 一個正在熟睡的嬰兒a sleeping baby 一張寫字臺a writing desk 一匹奔跑的馬a running horse 16 habit 習(xí)慣habit of doing sth做某事的習(xí)慣17 i try to eat a lot of vegetables. try-tried-tried 嘗試、努力、設(shè)法做某事try to do sth try not to do s

11、th try to be here on time tomorrow. 明天盡量按時來這兒精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載please try not to be late . 18.a lot of =lots of=plenty of 大量、 許多, 即可修飾可數(shù)名詞又可修飾不可數(shù)名詞。19. i never drink coffe. never 是個副詞,具有否定意義,意思是“從不、決不”可用于多種時態(tài),反義詞是always never構(gòu)成的反義疑問句,后半

12、部分要用肯定形式。you have never told lies, have you? 你從沒說謊,對嗎 ? 20. of course=certainly 當(dāng)然、當(dāng)然可以21.so you see, i look after my health. 所以你看,我關(guān)心自己的健康so “因此、所以”,引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句he is a kind man, so he has many friends. because 引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句,不能和so同出現(xiàn)在一個句子里面。because he is a kind man, he has many friends. see除了表示“看見”意思之外,還表示“

13、明白、知道、懂得” ,相當(dāng)于 understand oh, i see 噢,我明白了。look after=take care of=take good care of 照料、照看、照顧、關(guān)心我離開時,誰能幫我照看我的花?who can look after my flowers while i am away. 22. is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? lifestyle 生活方式、style 是“方式、風(fēng)格”的意思,hairstyle 發(fā)式be the same as 意為“與相同、一樣”de different from“與

14、不同”my eating habits are the same as yours. my eating habits are different from yours. different 的名詞形式是 difference, “不同處、異同”,是可數(shù)名詞the difference between a and b. a 與 b 的不同精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit2 1i have a stomachache. ache 常指連續(xù)的、局部的疼痛,常和

15、表示身體部位的詞連用,一起構(gòu)成復(fù)合詞。 headache頭疼backache背疼toothache牙疼2. i have a cold. 我感冒了。have a cold=get a cold=catch a cold 意為“患感冒”3 lie down and rest. lie 是不及物動詞,現(xiàn)在分詞是lying; lie-lay-lain 躺lie-lied-lied-lying 撒謊rest動詞,表示“休息”相當(dāng)于have a rest. 3. hot tea with honey with 在這里是“具有、含有”的意思,這里用到了介詞短語作后置定語的知識。with honey 修飾

16、tea放在其后。4. 小結(jié) with 的用法with“與一起”i will have a dinner with my teacher. with“用工具”he open the door with the key. with“拿著、帶著”,our teacher came into the classroom with a dictionary. with“長著”he is a handsome boy with curl hair. 5. maybe you should see a dentist. see a dentist=go to the dentist s 看牙醫(yī)see a d

17、octor=go to the doctor s 看醫(yī)生6 i m not feeling well. feel是個感官系動詞,后面要跟形容詞作表語the baby is feeling hungry. 6. i think so 我想是這樣i don t think so.我想不是這樣7. i hope you feel better soon. you feel better soon是一個句子作賓語,叫做賓語從句??梢杂蛇B詞that 引導(dǎo)。that有時候可以省掉。i hope (that) you feel better soon. i think (that) you are righ

18、t. i know (that) you are good at english. 8.hope的用法。hope that 引導(dǎo)賓語從句i hope they can come. hope to do sthi hope you to come soon. 9.what is the matter with 意為“怎么啦”what is the matter with you? what is the matter with the computer? 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - -

19、- -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載10. what s the matter的同義句what s wrong? what s the trouble? what s the problem? 11情態(tài)動詞 should的用法,表示“應(yīng)該、應(yīng)當(dāng)”情態(tài)動詞后要用動詞原形, 變一般疑問句時將should提前,變否定句時 should后加 not。we should listen to our teacher carefully in class. should i tell him the news? we shouldn t be late for school. 12 traditional chinese

20、 doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. traditinal chinese doctors 傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)traditinal 是形容詞“傳統(tǒng)的”,名詞形式“傳統(tǒng)” tradition 13. believe“相信、認(rèn)為”跟名詞、代詞作賓語,believe sb“相信某人的話”i believe you. believe in sb“信任某人的人品”he is honest,you can belive in him. 14. eating fruits is good for you 動名詞作主語,謂語動

21、詞用單數(shù)。15. but people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. stessed是個形容詞,“ (精神上)緊張的、有壓力的”out 是副詞,表示“徹底地、完全地”be stressed out 過度緊張的,有壓力的。stress是名詞,意為“壓力、緊張” 。under stress “在壓力下”16but people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. who are too stressed out and angry

22、 是一個由 who 引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾前面的名詞 people,定語從句總是放在被修飾的詞后面。he is the man who gave me the book. 他就是那個給了我書的人。17.it s easy to have a healthy life, and it s important to eat a balanced diet. it is +adj +to do sth 句型中, it 叫形式主語,代替真正的主語to do sth。意為“干是的”。因為不定式做主語較長,而謂語部分相對較短,it 代替后就克服了頭重腳輕的弱點。有時候為了指出不定式動作的執(zhí)行者,可以在不定式

23、之前加上 for sb 構(gòu)成:it is+adj+for sb+ to do sth”表示“對某人而言干是的”sb是不定式to do邏輯上的主語。it is dangeous for children to play with fire. it is interesting to go swimming. 18 stay healthy=keep healthy=be in good health 三者都表示“保持健康”19 i like your school in beijing,but i m not feeling very well at the moment. 本句由是 but 連

24、接的并列句。介詞短語 in beijing 作定語,修飾 school,at the moment=now 此時、此刻,相當(dāng)于now 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit3 1. for vocation, 度假for 表示目的、對象、用途等,意為“為了、給、對”等。比如 have milk for breakfast . plan a birthday party for mother. buy a pen for my son. on vocation,

25、在度假2 babysit-babysat-babysat 臨時照顧小孩babysits是單三形式3 go+doing表示進(jìn)行某項活動 , doing 前面不加任何修飾詞。go swimming go shoping go fishing 注意對比do some washing do some reading do some shopping 4. i don t like going away for too long. away 副詞,離開、離去的意思??梢灾缚臻g或時間是上的“遠(yuǎn)離”go away外出、離開be far away from遠(yuǎn)離、距離5send me a postcard fr

26、om hongkong. send是雙賓動詞,即帶兩個賓語的動詞。send sb sth send sth to sb 寄給某人某物send itthem to sb 6show me your photos when we get back to school. 本句是是一個復(fù)合句,含有when引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句。主句是祈使句。show 也是一個雙賓動詞, show sb sth show sth to sb show itthem to sb 7用現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時表示將來動詞的現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時態(tài)可以表示將來,表示打算、計劃1) 詢問準(zhǔn)備或打算做某事what+isare+主語+doing sth? wh

27、at are you doing for your mother s birthday? 2) 詢問何時去某地, when+isare+主語+going? when are you going? when are you going to shanghai? 8提示一下英語中表達(dá)將來時態(tài)的幾種情況:1) 助動詞 willshall+動詞原形。will 用于各種人稱, shall僅用于第一人稱。will you visit your friend in bejing. 2) be going to + 動詞原形i am going to help him to learn english. 3)

28、 be+動詞不定式,表示按計劃要做的事情。the meeting is to start at 8 4) be about to do sth, 表示即將要發(fā)生的事情the teacher is about to begin the class. 9what s it like there? 那地方怎么樣?what+be+主語+like?意為“怎么樣、 如何” 。主語既可以是人也可以是物。what is the weather like? what is your new teacher like? how+be+主語,可以和 what+be+主語+like?互換。10 注意 what+be+

29、人+like?問的是人的性格或內(nèi)在的東西,而what+do、does+ 人+ look like?問的是人的外表、長相精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載11, ben lambert, the famous french singer, is taking a long vocation. the famous french singer 在句中作同位語, 修飾主語 ben lambert。同位語用來說明前面名詞或代詞的意義,起進(jìn)一步解釋說明的作用,在句子中常前后用

30、逗號與句子成分分開。yao ming, a player from china, is playing in nba in america. famous 形容詞, “出名的”be famous for因而出名be famous as 作為而出名the city is famous for its lake. lu xun is famous as a writer. 12.this time i want to do something different. last time上次this time 這次 next time 下次something different.不同的事情。形容詞修飾

31、不定代詞作定語要后置。anything new nothing important 13 i am planning to have a relaxing vocation. plan sth 計劃某物、某事plan to do sth計劃做某事14 i am planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside spend 表示度過、過時間、花費(fèi)金錢或精力spendon sth spend (in) doing sthcountryside 農(nóng)村、鄉(xiāng)村15 i hope i can forget all my problems. forget

32、忘記 forget to do sth 忘記去做某事forget doing sth忘記做了某事但是當(dāng)表示“把某物忘在某處”時,只能用leave sth sp. i left my homework at home. 16 at night, i m renting videos and sleeping a lot. rent 租用、出租rent sth from 從租進(jìn)來ren sth to 給租出去a lot“很、非?!痹诰渲凶鳡钫Z,后面不跟任何名詞thanks a lot. i eat a lot for lunch 17 i just finished making my last

33、movie. finish 的用法, “結(jié)束、完成”finish sth finish doing sth 18 she is leaving for hongkong on tuesday. leave for+地點,表示“前往某地,動身去某地”when are you leaving for japan? 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit 4 1. how do you get to school? 就交通方式進(jìn)行提問,how do they go t

34、o work? get to sp 到達(dá)某地go to sp去某地2ride a bike ride a horse drive a car take a bus take a train 3take+冠詞+交通工具,表示“乘坐”同樣還可以用“ by+交通工具”。乘地鐵 take the subway 乘公交車 take the bus by bus 開小汽車 by cardrive a car 騎自行車by bike ride a bike 坐飛機(jī) by plain by air 乘火車 by traintake the train 打的 take a taxi 4it takes abou

35、t 25minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. it takes sb some time to do sth. 做某事花費(fèi)某人多長時間5how far is it from his home to school? how far 就距離進(jìn)行提問fromto 從到,既可以表示空間也可以表示時間,既可以具體也可以抽象6shower 作動詞,表示“淋浴”相當(dāng)于“take a shower have a shower ”在這個短語中, shower是一個名詞。7quick 和 fast 的區(qū)別quick 強(qiáng)調(diào)動作迅速fast 強(qiáng)調(diào)速度快quick 是形容詞qui

36、ckly 是副詞8how do students around the world get to school? around the world=all over the world 世界各地around 既可以表示時間上大約,也可以表示地點上的環(huán)繞9. in other parts of the world,things are different. other 和others的用法1)在表示兩個事物中“一個,另一個”時,用“onethe other+單數(shù)名詞 ” 或“onethe other” the不能省my parents are both busy working, one is

37、a doctor, the other is a teacher. 2) 當(dāng)要表達(dá)在一定范圍內(nèi)的人或物, “有的,其余的全部”或“一個(或幾個),其余的全部”時用“some the other+復(fù)數(shù)名詞 ”或“some the others”two children went,but the other children stayed. two children went, but the others stayed. all the students of our class are working, some are digging,the other students the other

38、s are planting trees. 10. in china, it depends on where you are. depend on =depend upon “視而定、取決于”your success depends on your hard work. 11 and in places where there are rivers and lakes,like hongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. 1)where there are rivers and lakes 是一個由 wh

39、ere引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾先行詞places ,意為“在有河流和湖泊的地方” 。精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載this is the house where i lived 5years ago. 2) like hongshanhu and kaishandao, 是介詞短語作插入語,用于列舉,也可以用such as 和 for example,用 such as時不加逗號,用 for example 時前后要用逗號隔開 . and in places whe

40、re there are rivers and lakes such as hongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. and in places where there are rivers and lakes, for example, hongshanhu and kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. 12. a small number of students take the subway. a number of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)“許多

41、”謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù)the number of+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)“的數(shù)量”謂語動詞用單數(shù)a number of students in our class have been to beinjing. the number of the students in our class is about 50. 13 hat do you think of =how do you like?你認(rèn)為怎么樣?你認(rèn)為如何?14 she is ill in hospital. ill 是形容詞,“生病的、不健康的”只作表語不作定語。the boy was ill yesterday. sick 也表示“生病的、不健

42、康的”,也是形容詞,但它即可以作表語也可以作定語her son is illsick. the mother is looking after her sick son. 15. don t worry. worry about over sbsth 為擔(dān)心you needn t worry about what he said. their children usually worry over their health. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載uni

43、t 5 1. can you comt to my party? can you ? 你能嗎?該句型表示客氣地請求某人做某事?;卮饡r肯定用i d love tolike to certainlyof course 否定用 sorry, i can t. 2. have lessons 上課have a piano lesson 上鋼琴課3. another 表示不定數(shù)目中的“另一個”this glass is broken, please give me another . the other兩者中的“另一個”there are two apples here, one is red, the

44、 other is green. e and join us=come to join us. 該句是祈使句, 兩個動作同時發(fā)生時, 動詞位于祈使句句首經(jīng)常用and 連接并列的成分,意義就如同動詞不定式表達(dá)的意義。come and have a look at our specials.=come to have a look at our specials. 5 情態(tài)動詞 can的用法小結(jié)1) can 表示“能、能夠”more and more chinese can speak english. 2) can表示可能性,意為“可以、可能”you can read books here,bu

45、t you must keep quiet. 3) can引導(dǎo)一般疑問句,放在句首,表示發(fā)出邀請。can yo come to my birthday party? 7. weekday平日,工作日(星期一到星期五)on weekdays 在平常日8. weekend. 周末on at weekends在周末9. what s today?今天是什么日子? -it s may day what s the date today? 今天是幾號? -it s october1st what day is it today?今天星期幾? -it s monday today. 10. thank y

46、ou for your invitation. invitation 是 invite 的名詞形式,invite sb to do sth.邀請某人干某事11. whole 和 all 都可以表示“全部、整個的”但兩者有區(qū)別1)whole 位于冠詞、物主代詞或其他限定詞之后,結(jié)構(gòu)為:限定詞 +whole+單數(shù)名詞,all 位于這些限定詞之前,結(jié)構(gòu)為:all+ 限定詞 +單數(shù)名詞he slept all the way on the train. he slept the whole way on the train. 2) 接復(fù)數(shù)名詞時,結(jié)構(gòu)為:all+限定詞 +復(fù)數(shù)名詞、 the whole

47、 of+復(fù)數(shù)名詞。all the students are going to the movies. the whole of the students are going to the movies. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 10 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit6 1thank you for your last letter. last 是形容詞,意為“最后的、最新的、最近剛過去的”here is the last news. 這是最新消息。december is the la

48、st month of a year. 十二月是一年中最后一個月2. here are photos of me and my twin sister liu ying. herethere+ 謂語動詞 +名詞 here is the book for you. 這是給你的書herethere+ 代詞 +謂語動詞here you are! 給你這些叫做倒裝句。3. as you know正如你知道的as you can see 正如你看到的as you hear 正如你聽到的as表示“正如”4. we both have black eyes and black hair, although

49、my hair is shorter than hers. both 在句子中作 we 的同位語。 both 意為“兩者的、雙方的”we both like books. both are new. both of the books are new. although 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,表示“盡管,即使”hers 是名詞性物主代詞,句中hers=her hair,形容詞性物主代詞后必須跟名詞、名詞性物主代詞后不跟名詞。is this book -? no,-book is over there. a hers; her b her;her c her;hers d hers; hers 5

50、however 與 but 的區(qū)別however 較正式,可以放在句首、句中、句末,但but 只能放在句中。however 前后都要用逗號隔開,而but 不用。5. liu li and liu ying have some things in common. in common “公共的、共有的”have sth in common “有相同之處”6. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sister. be good at “擅長” =do well in be good at sth be good at dong sth as+adjadv

51、+as 和一樣he runs as quickly as me. not asso+adjadv+as 不如一樣,和不一樣7 形容詞的比較級和最高級1)構(gòu)成:單音節(jié)加 erest,多音節(jié)加 more、most 不規(guī)則的須特殊記憶:goodwellbetterbest badbadlyworseworst manymuchmoremost little lessleast far-fatherfurther-fathestfurthest oldolderelderoldesteldest latelaterlatest 最高級前要用 the 2)用法:兩者進(jìn)行比較時,常用than 表達(dá),he

52、is taller than me. 精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 11 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載比較級之前還可以用much a little a bit evenfar 等詞修飾。he is much better better than before. 3)常用的比較級句型比較級 +and+比較級表示“越來越”the weather is becoming longer and longer. the+比較級 +of the two“兩者中較”he is the taller of t

53、he two. 7. we asked some people what they think and this is what they said. 本句的主干事并列句,由and并列兩個分句。第一個分句ask后跟的是特殊疑問句 what引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,引導(dǎo)詞what 是 think 的賓語。let s ask who will be our english teacher this term. 系動詞 is 后跟的句子作表語,叫做表語從句。this is where we lived ten years ago. that is what we think. 8. he beats me i

54、n tennis. beat sb打敗某人, win sth 贏得某比賽9friend 朋友friendly 友好的friendship 友誼10information 是不可數(shù)名詞,“信息、情報”a piece of information 一條信息11. he can t stop talking. can t stop doing sth“情不自禁干某事、忍不住干某事”she can t stop laughing. 12. two years ago, i was a primary school student. ago“在以前”,用于一般過去時態(tài)。精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f -

55、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 12 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit7 1.turn on the blender. turn on sth turn it on 打開turn down sthturn it down 調(diào)小、調(diào)低turn up sth turn it up 調(diào)大、調(diào)高turn off sth turn it off 關(guān)掉2. cut up the bananas. cut up=cut sth into pieces. 切碎3. pour the milk into the blender. pour傾倒

56、、倒、澆pour sth到某物pour sb sth 給某人到某物,相當(dāng)于pour sth to sb pour sth into 把某物倒入4put sth into=put sth in 把放進(jìn)里去5peel “削、剝皮”peel sb sth=peel sth for sb 給某人削果皮6first 首先 next 下一步、其次then 然后 finally 最后7mix it all up mix 使混合,摻和mix a with b =mix a and b together if you mix blue and yellow, you will get green. mix up

57、 sth=mix sth up 攪和,攪拌8then add the ingredients to the noodles. add sth to 把加到上please add salt to the noodles. 9. first,check you have all the ingredients. check sth 檢查、核查、核對精品學(xué)習(xí)資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 13 頁,共 20 頁 - - - - - - - - -學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載unit8 1there be句型的一般過去時。there waswere there

58、was a man in the car. there were five man in the car. waswere there? was there a man in the car? yes,there wasno,there wasn t. were there five man in the car ?how many people are there in the car? 2. hang out with her friends. hang out 閑逛3. what else did yo do? else 用作副詞,意思是“別的、另外的” ,修飾不定代詞、疑問代詞時放在這

59、些詞后,作后置定語what else do you want to do ? there is nothing else in the box. do you have anything else to say? 4 winwonwon winner 5 class9 had a great time on the school trip. have a great time=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得高興、過得愉快on trip 在履行期間he is on a trip in amarica. 6.at the end of 在末端,在結(jié)束,可以表示時

60、間也可以表示地點we will finish the lesson at the end of this week. there is a shop at the end of the street. 7. on my next day off,i don t want to go for a drive. off 休假、不工作、離開go for a drive 開車去兜風(fēng)。9形容雨或雪大,用heavy heavily 或 hard hardly it rains heavily. there will be a heavy rain. rain 作名詞,表示雨水,不可數(shù)10. no one=


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