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1、六年級測試卷 英 語附參考答案聽力部分(共30分)聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞或詞組,并將序號填在題前的括號內(nèi),每小題讀兩遍。10 小題,每題1 分,計(jì) 10 分)B. beautifulB. pictureB. goatB. new bagB. bowls and balloonsB. triangleB. seatsB. go to cinemaB. wash dishesB. a glass of water( )1.A.apple( )2.A.story( )3.A.boat( )4.A.old bus( ) 5. A. balls and spoons( )6.A.rectangle(

2、 )7.A.ten sweets( ) 8. A. go to school( ) 9. A. wash clothes( ) 10.A. a cup of coffeeC. purpleC. floorC. coatC. old bagC. bowls and spoonsC. squareC. Ben s sweetsC. go to the supermarketC. wash carsC. a cup of tea根據(jù)你所聽到的句子或問題,選出最佳答句,并將序號填在題前的括號內(nèi),每小題讀兩遍。 (共 10小題,每題 1 分,計(jì) 10分)() 1. A. SureB. You canC.

3、 You are welcome.() 2. A. No, I can t swim.B. I can swim.C. I am swimming.) 3. A. I like my school garden.B. Yes, there is a big school garden.C. In the school garden.() 4. A. I come from London.B. I live in London.C. Let s go to London.() 5. A. She plays games. B. Yes, she s playing games.C. She s

4、playing games.) 6. A. Two minutesB. By taxi, please. It s very far from here.C. Yes, please go to the bus stop.) 7. A. We are having a picnic in the park. B. Yes, we had a picnic in the park.C. We were having a picnic in the park.) 8. A. It s a good idea.B. Never mind.C. Yes, I would.) 9. A. Thank y

5、ou.B. All right.C. That s all right.) 10. A Oh, all right.B. Yes, let s.C. Let s go and jointhem.三、根據(jù)你所聽到的對話和問題,選出最佳答案,并把序號填在題前的括號內(nèi),每小題讀兩遍。 (共 10小題,每題 1 分,計(jì) 10分)) 1. A. BlackB. White.C. Blue.) 2. A. He is an English teacher. B. He is a Chinese teacher.C. He is a French teacher.) 3. A. It s room 905.

6、B. It s Room 509.C. It s room 950.) 4. A. 4:15B. 4:50C. 5:15) 5. A. In the school bag.B. In the desk.C. Here you are.) 6. A. Mum has a new blouse.B. Peter has a new blouse. C. I have a new blouse.B. John goes to school on foot.C. John goes to school with his classmate.)8. A. ¥3.B. ¥9C.16.)

7、9. A. It' s six in all共).B. There are nine in all.C. She has nine in all.)10. A. Her favourite sport is tennis.B. Her favourite sport is running.C. His favourite sport is tennis.筆試部分(共70 分)(共 8小題, 每空 0.5分,計(jì) 5分)1 .Yesterday Simon and his sister saw many beautiful (butterfly) in the park.2 . Kitty

8、 s hair is ( long) than mine.3 . Betty (be) a doctor. Three years ago she (be) a nurse.4 . A lot of men are do well in(fish).5 .We are to hear this (excite) news.6 .The sign says“, No .You can t here.(smoke).7 .David lives on the (nine) floor.A 、 B、 C、 D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出一個(gè)正確答案,并將序號填在題前的括號內(nèi)。 (共15 小題,每題 1 分,計(jì)

9、15 分)() 1. I have a lovely cat. eyes are round.A. ItB. It sC. ItsD. It is() 2.Have you got bread No, I havent got .A. any / some B. some / some C. any / any D. a / any() 3.Please walk on the grass.A. notB. aren tC. Don tD. don t() 4. Jack likes football. He s going to this Sunday.A. playing / play B

10、. plying / playing C. play / playing D. play / play() 5. The volleyball match is Class OneClass Three.A. between / with B. between / from C. in / andD. between / and() 6. The office is quiet. Let s walk .A. teacher / quietly B. teachesr / quietlyC. teachers / quietD. teachers / quite() 7. It is twel

11、ve o clock. The students at school.A. have lunch B. are having supper C. having lunch D. are having lunch() 8. He his new coat and went out.A. wearsB. is wearing C, puts on D. put on() 9. I like these yellow flowers. my twin sister like them.A. And / doesn t B. But / doesn t C. And / don t D. But /d

12、on t() 10.Teachers Day in China is the of September.A. on / tenthB. in / tenC. at / tenthD. on / ten()11.-This is a photo of .-May have a look. Can you give it to- Of course.D. mine / I / meA. I / me / me B. mine / my / I C. I / me / mine()12. My mother me a story every nightA. saysB. tellsC. talksD

13、. speaks( ) 13.Ants and grasshoppers are .A. insectsB. animalsC. plantsD. birds( )14.skirt do you want, the blue one or red oneA. WhatB. HowC. WhichD. Why( )15. What s I am.A. the thing / happyB. the matter / illC. the wrong / hungryD. wrong / tall三、選出與下列句子劃線部分意義最接近的詞或句子,并將答案填在題前的括號內(nèi)。(共10小題,每題1分,計(jì)10

14、分)()1. Take a seat, please.A. Come here.B. Sit down.C. Let' s go.()2 I have three white shirts and two yellow shirts.A. I have five shirts. B. I have three shirts. C. I have two shirts.()3. It' s ten clock. It s time for bed.A. You' re going to bed. B. Go to bed.( )4. I' d like some

15、orange juice, Mum.A.I want to have some orange juice.C.I drink some orange juice.( )5. We have no lessons on Saturdays.A. We have one lesson on Saturdays.C. We go to school on Saturdays.()6. How is the weatherA. What' s the weatherC. What' s the weather like()7. I' m going to visit him t

16、his afternoon.A. seeB. haveC. It s time to go to bed.B. I have some orange juice.B. There is no school on SaturdaysB. Do you like the weatherC. enjoy()8. I usually go to the supermarket with my mother.A. My mother usually stays at home.B. I like to go to the supermarket with my mother.C. My mother u

17、sually buys something in the supermarket.( )9.I am free today.A. not busyB. have no time C. want to work( )10.Linda is behind Jane.A. Linda is beside Jane. B. Jane is in front of Linda. C. Jane is not in front of Linda.四、選擇正確的句子完成對話,將答案填在橫線內(nèi)。(共8小題,每題1分,計(jì)8分)(A)A. Let' s ask him the way.B. Then wa

18、lk to Huaihai Road.C. Where s the museum, Yang LingD. There is a sign on the wall.A: 1.B: I' m new here, I m sorry.A: Look! There is a policeman . _ 2.B: OK. Excuse me. Can you show us the way to the museum, pleaseA: Yes. Go along this street and turn right at the first crossing.3.B: Huaihai Roa

19、dA: Yes. When you get to it, you ll see a big store.4.It says To the museum.B: Thank you very much.A: Not at all.(B)A. Would you like to come to my birthday partyB. Tomorrow is my birthday.C. I m going to Beijing.D. Tomorrow is June 22nd, isn t itA: Where are you goingB: I' m going to do some sh

20、opping.5A:6.C: Yes, it is .7.A: I'm sorry I can t.8.B: I hope you have a good time tomorrow.A; Thanks .The same to you.五、看圖選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?,并把答案填在題前括號內(nèi)。(共8小題,每題1分,計(jì)8分)()1. Where are the childrenA. They are in the classroom.B. They are in the park.C. They are in the playground.()2. How many flowers can y

21、ou seeA. There are five.B. There are six.()3. Are there four birds abov e(在上方)the treeA. Yes, there are.B. No, there areH t.()4. What are the birds doingA. They are sleeping.B. They are jogging.C. There are seven.C. There are three.C. They are singing.()5. Where are the children doingA. They re sitt

22、ing in the tree.B. They are sitting in the flowers.C. They are sitting under the tree.()6. What' s in the skyA. There are some clouds.B. There are nothing.C. There are some bees.() 7. How is the treeA. It s small.B. It s short.C. It s big.()8. Do they have a good timeA. Yes, they do.B. No, they

23、don t.C. They are sad.六、閱讀下列短文,判斷下列句子是否正確,正確的用T'表示,錯(cuò)誤的用F'表示, 并將答案填在題前的括號內(nèi)。 (共 8 小題,每題 1 分,計(jì) 8 分)It was half past seven in the morning . Dick was still aslee陲著的).Mum woke (喚醒) him up “Dick , it s half past seven. Get up right now. ” Dick put on his clothes and then came into the dining-room.

24、Mum said“ Dick, here s your breakfast”. “ Bread and eggs again!I don t want any bread. May I just have an egg, pleas” e asked Dick. “No, you must eat both the bread and the eg”g, answered Mum. Twenty minutes later Dick finished his breakfas“t .Bye, Mum. I m going to school.” Dick ran to school. But

25、there were no teachers or students in the school. “How silly (愚蠢的) I am! It s Saturday today. We have no school on Saturdays or Sundays”.( ) 1. It was Saturday that day.( ) 2. Dick was still sleeping at seven thirty in the morning .( ) 3. Dick didn t want to eat bread for his breakfast.( ) 4.Dick we

26、nt to school by bicycle.( ) 5.Students have lessons five days every week.( ) 6.There were some teachers but not any studentsinthe schoolthatday.( ) 7.Ten minutes later Dick finished his breakfast.( ) 8.The students were having an English lesson whenhe got to school.(共8小題,每題1分,七、閱讀下列短文,選擇最恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~,將答案寫在題

27、前括號內(nèi) 計(jì)8分)My school 1 nice. There are 2 trees and flowers in it. The 3 building is big and high , but it is not new . There is a big playground4 our school. Many students come to the 5 to play football and basketball 6 4:30 in the afternoon.There are about 2,000 students and 120 teachers in our schoo

28、l . The students all lik7 . The teachers in our school are very good. They help the students to study and the students like8 , too.()1. A. lookingB. looksC. look at()2. A. anyB. manyC. a()3. A. teachersB. teachingC. teach()4. A. on()5. A. classroom()6. A. afterB. atC. inB. playgroundC.libraryB. betw

29、eenC. for)7. A. studyingB. studyC. studied()8. A. himB. themC. it八、閱讀下列短文,并把答案填入題前的括號內(nèi)。(共8小題,每題1分,計(jì)8分)One day a farmer goes to his farm. He sees an e agle and he gets it. He doeS n t keep it.He lets it go and says to it, “ You area beautiful bird. I don t want to kill you. Fly away now.The eagle can

30、 t speak but the big bird thinks. “Thank you very much. You are a good man.Some days later, the farmer is sleeping beside the wall. He has a hat on his face. The eagle sees him and the wall. The eagle flies down and take off the famers hat. It puts the hat on the grass. The farmer gets and walks to

31、the grass. He picks up his hat. Then he hears a noise behind him. Thewall falls down.倒下).The farmer waves(招手)to the eagle and says to it,“Thank you . You save my life.( )1.One day the farmer catchesA. a bearB. an eagleC. a monkey()2. He doesn t keep the eagle andA. kill itB. let it goC. live with it()3. Some days later the f


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