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1、七年級英語課件unit9七年級英語課件unit9一:.教學準備1教師:錄音機、磁帶、圖片、多媒體課件。2學生:準備一份班級的課程表;制作一份英語課程表。.教學目標1知識目標:(1)單詞:favorite,subject,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history(2)句型:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.2能力目標:通過本課學習,掌握一些詞匯、句型等語言知識,能夠運用所學詞匯、句型和他人交流,提高英語口語表達能力。3情感目標:通過互相談論喜歡的學科,增進同學之間

2、的了解和友情。4文化意識:了解英語國家學生的學習生活,增強跨文化交際的意識。.教學重點1單詞:favorite,subject,science,geography,history2句型:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.教學難點1熟練運用所學的詞匯、句型表達和交流信息。2正確運用本課中所學的表示品質(zhì)的形容詞描述事物。.教學步驟Step 1:Lead02in建議1:教師播放各學科上課的畫面,問學生分別是什么學科,引出各學科的名稱,最后做一個總結(jié)。For example:T:Class!Please lo

3、ok at the picture.What subject is it?S1:It's Chinese.S2:It's math.S3:It's geography.S4:It's science.Then the teacher has a summary:Chinese,m ath,geography,science.建議2:教師問學生現(xiàn)在學習的學科有哪些,讓學生列舉出來,從而引出各學科的名稱,最后總結(jié)一下。For example:T:Class!How many subjects are you learning now?What subjects ar

4、e they?S1:We are learning Chinese,math,English.S2:And science,music,history.Then call some other students to have a sup plement.In the end,let the the students give a summary.建議3:教師問學生現(xiàn)在學的科目有哪些,找一兩個學生來回答。然后教師 和學生做一個看圖猜謎游戲。讓學生看圖,猜猜是什 么學科,最后讓學生將各學科全部總結(jié)一下。For example:T:Class!What subjects are you learn

5、ing now?Can you say out?S1:Chinese,math,English.S2:P.E.history.T:Class!Please look at each picture.What subject is it?Can you gue ss?Let the students look and guess.In the end,let the students have a summary.Step 2:Present ation建議:教師引導學生將1a中的各學科名稱與圖畫進行配對。For example:T:Class!Look at 1a and the pictur

6、es.Can you match the words with the right picture?Call one or two individuals to check the answers.Step 3:Practice建議1:教師問學生是否能準確流利地讀出1a中的單詞,找?guī)酌麑W生朗讀一遍。對于讀錯的單詞,教師糾正其發(fā)音錯誤,并領(lǐng)讀兩遍。然后讓全班同學齊讀兩遍。For example:T:Class!Can you read the words in 1a correctly?Then call some individuals to read.S1:P.E.,art,science,

7、music,math,Chinese,geography,history.S2:P.E.,art,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history.Then the teacher corrects their pronunciation mistakes,and then has a leading reading.In the end,let all the students read the words collectively.建議2:教師領(lǐng)讀兩遍,然后將全班同學分成三組或四組,組織一次朗讀比賽,看哪一組讀得好。最后進行一個看圖搶答游戲,看誰說得

8、又對又快,獎勵說得又對又快的學生。For example:T:Class!Let's practice readi ng the words.Please read the words after me.Then the teacher has a leading reading.The students follow the teacher.T:Class!Now,let's play a guessing game.Look at the pictures and rush to say out the subjects.Award the students who sai

9、d correctly and quickly.Step 4:Lead02in建議:教師問學生是否能熟練說出1a中的單詞,告訴學生將進行一次聽力測驗,以檢驗學生是否完全掌握1a中的單詞。For example:T:Class!Have you grasped the words of the subjects in 1a?Now let's have a test.Then let the students listen to the conversations in 1b.Step 5:Consolidation建議:教師將聽力原文投放在屏幕上,把重點單詞去掉。讓學生再聽一遍錄音,填

10、出單詞,補全對話。For example:T:Class!Look at the listening text.Listen to the tape again,write out the missing words.After listening,call one or two individuals to check the answers.See how well they did.Step 6:Practice建議1:教師讓學生大聲讀一遍聽力原文,問學生是否有不理解的地方。如果有,教師給予點撥講解。For example:T:Class!Please read the listenin

11、g text aloud.Then let the students read for some time.T:Class!Do you have anything that you don't understand?If they have,have a brief explanation.建議2:讓學生熟讀幾遍1b中的對話,找?guī)酌麑W生朗讀對話,看看讀得怎么樣。教師給予語音、語調(diào)、語氣等方面的指導和糾正。然后將全班學生分成兩大組,練習對話,看看哪一組說得好。For example:T:Class!Please read the conversations aloud by yours

12、elves.Then I'll ask some of you to read.After reading,the teacher corrects th e mistakes about their pronunciation.And tell the students what tones and intonations they should use.T:Class!Let's practice the conversations between groups.See which group will say better.Group A:What's your

13、favorite subject?Group B:My favorite subject is.Group A:Why do you like.?Group B:Because it's.建議3:教師讓學生自己熟讀幾遍對話,然后讓學生兩人合作表演對話。For example:T:Class!First,please read the conversations aloud by yourselves.Next,please practice performing the conversations in pairs.Then I'll call some of you to a

14、ct out.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.Step 7:Lead02in建議:由步驟6談論的內(nèi)容自然過渡到問學生最喜歡什么學科以及喜歡的原因。For example:T:Class!Just now we talked about some people's favorite subjects.What about you?What's your favorite subject?Can you talk

15、 about it?S1:My favorite subject is.T:Why do you like.?S1:Because it's.Then call some individuals to practice with the teacher in the same way.Step 8:Practice建議1:通過步驟7的導入,引出要練習的句型。讓學生兩人合作編對話,并進行表演。比一比哪一組說得好。For example:T:Class!Can you make a similar dialogue in pairs?Then I'll call some of y

16、ou to act out.Then let the students work in pairs to make a dialogue.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.建議2:做一個“找朋友”的游戲。讓學生在班內(nèi)走動,互相詢問喜歡什么學科,找到與自己喜歡的科目相同的人。For example:T:Class!Let's play a gameFind friends who likes the same subje

17、ct with you!You can leave your seats and go around the class.Ask everyone what his/her favorite subject is.The one who likes the same subject with you is just your friend.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:What's your favorite subject?S3:My favorite subject is.S1:Wh

18、at's your favorite subject?S4:My favorite subject is.Step 9:Consolidation建議:教師讓學生做個陳述報告,陳述自己喜歡什么學科以及喜歡的理由。For example:T:Class!Now let's have a report about your favorite subject and the reason why you like it.You can report like following:Hello!Everyone!My name is.I like some subjects,such a

19、s.But my favorite subject is.Because it's.Let the students pra ctice it for some time.Then call some students to act out.Step 10:Task建議:教師讓學生在小組內(nèi)做采訪調(diào)查。詢問組內(nèi)每個成員喜歡什么學科以及喜歡的原因。然后找?guī)捉M同學進行采訪表演。For example:T:Class!Now in your group,have an interview and make a survey.Ask the members of your group what

20、their favorite subjects are,and the reasons why they like them.Then call some groups to perform their interview.S1:Hello!I'm a reporter.Can I ask you some questions?S2:Yes.S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.Step 11:Summary建議:教師讓學

21、生自己總結(jié)本節(jié)課所學的內(nèi)容,包括單詞和句型。For example:T:Class!Let's sum up what we have learned in this class.What words did we learn?Ss:Favorite,subject,science,music,math,Chinese,geography,history.T:What sentences did we learn?Ss:What's your favorite subject?My favorite subject is art.Step 12:Homework1和你的同伴討論

22、各自喜歡什么學科以及喜歡的原因,編成對話并表演。對話模式:S1:What's your favorite subject?S2:My favorite subject is.S1:Why do you like.?S2:Because it's.2調(diào)查你周圍的同學,問問他們喜歡什么學科。作好記錄,制成表格。Names Favorite subjects七年級英語課件unit9二:. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects: key vocabulary, target language, writing practice.2.

23、 Ability Objects: listening and speaking skill, writing skill.3. Moral Objects: Rome was not built in one day. Teaching key points1. Key vocabularyPing-pong player, basketball player, tennis player, football player, great, born.2. Target languageWhos that? Thats Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong

24、 player.When was she born? She was born in 1973. Teaching DifficultyTarget language. Teaching MethodsListening method, writing method and speaking method.Pairwork.Teaching AidsA tape recorder. Pictures or photos. Teaching ProceduresStep1 Lead-in.Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Good m

25、orning! Boys and girls! I have some friends to tell you, They are very famous. Look! They are sports stars. Show them a picture and ask them: “Who is she?”Ss: She is Deng Yaping.T:“Where is she from? What does she do?”Ss: She is from China. She is a great ping-pong player.T: Good! (write down the wo

26、rds on the blackboard: ping-pong player) Now whos that? Do you know him?Ss: He is David Beckham.T: Wheres he from? What does he do?Ss: He is from the UK. He is a great soccer player.Step 2 Presentation 1a and 1cT: Good, you are the best students I know. Do you like Beckham?Ss: Yes, I do.T: He is ver

27、y handsome and tall, Yes? I like him, too.So my good students, do you know Beckhams birthday?Ss: No, I dont./Yes, I do. His birthday is on January 1st 1975.T: When was he born? Do you know?Ss: He was born in 1975.T: Good, now I will show you some pictures of famous stars. Look!Whos that?Thats Deng Y

28、aping. She is a great Chinese ping-pong player.When was she born?She was born in 1973.Whos that?Thats Pan Changjiang. He is a very famous Chinese actor.When was he born?He was born in .And whos that? Is she beautiful?She is Fan Bingbing. She is a beautiful actor.When was she born?She was born in.Sho

29、w them other pictures and make dialogues with each other.Then ask a student : “ When were you born? Lily?”S: I was born in 1997.Ask the other students: “ When was she born? And when was your mother/father/ sister/ brother born?He/she was born in ./in October 1985/on December 12th, xxx.Now practice the dialogues with each other and do a survey.Names Occupation Born time CountryYi Jianlian Basketball player 1963 ChinaPan Changjiang actor 1980 ChinaThen ask some of them to practice the conversations in front of the class. They can get good grades if they did a good job.Now pleas


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