已閱讀5頁,還剩14頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、BWDK- 系列 通過 ISO9001:2000 質(zhì)量體系認(rèn)證 認(rèn)證號(hào): 05504Q10349ROS變壓器用電阻溫度器使用說明書制造單位:南京超博機(jī)電設(shè)備工程有限公司安全指導(dǎo)在安裝、操作和運(yùn)行本溫控器前,請(qǐng)仔細(xì)閱讀本說明書,并妥善保管。只有合格的技術(shù)人員才允許操作本溫控器,在進(jìn)行操作前,要熟悉使用 手冊(cè)中所有安全說明、安裝、操作和維護(hù)規(guī)程。本溫控器的正常運(yùn)行取決于 正確的運(yùn)輸、安裝、操作和維護(hù)。1. 本溫控器的輸入電源為:220V,50Hz。 2請(qǐng)確保所有電氣連接正確、牢固。3. 本溫控器接通電源后,請(qǐng)不要接觸外露的帶電部件。4. 端子1、2、3、4、5、6、7、16、17帶有危險(xiǎn)電壓。5.

2、 產(chǎn)品上的風(fēng)機(jī)輸出端子1、2、3、4、5、6與7間嚴(yán)禁短路。6. 對(duì)變壓器進(jìn)行高壓測(cè)試時(shí),請(qǐng)先將溫控器與變壓器分離,以免損壞溫控器!1. 使用前請(qǐng)仔細(xì)閱讀說明書。2. 本溫控器只能按本公司規(guī)定的目的使用。未經(jīng)授權(quán)的修改和使用非本公司所 出售或推薦的零配件都可能導(dǎo)致本系統(tǒng)出故障,甚至失效。3. 避免在含有二氧化硫(SQ)、硫化氫(H2S)或其他腐蝕性氣體的大氣中使 用本溫控器,否則會(huì)使繼電器觸點(diǎn)失效。4. 整機(jī)安裝好后,連接好有關(guān)引線,在確定無誤的情況下方可送電運(yùn)行。5. 傳感器探頭請(qǐng)勿用打火機(jī)燒烤(火焰溫度在 800°C左右)。6. 不要在繼電器輸出觸點(diǎn)上施加比最大額定值大的電壓、電

3、流。溫控器屬精密儀表,請(qǐng)客戶妥善保管和放置,如確有問題,使用說明書上或 溫控器內(nèi)的產(chǎn)品合格證上有我公司的售后服務(wù)電話,請(qǐng)客戶直接與本公司聯(lián)系, 公司將有專人負(fù)責(zé)處理,謝謝合作。同時(shí)感謝您使用本公司產(chǎn)品,不足之處敬請(qǐng) 您提出寶貴意見,以使我們以后的工作做得更好。、產(chǎn)品概述本儀器是為干式變壓器設(shè)計(jì)的新一代電腦溫度控制器,它采用先進(jìn)的計(jì)算機(jī)控制技術(shù)和數(shù)據(jù)存貯技術(shù)設(shè)計(jì)而成,且在設(shè)計(jì)中采用了硬件和軟件相結(jié)合的抗干 擾措施,使產(chǎn)品具有了極強(qiáng)的抗干擾能力。 本儀器能保證干式變壓器在正常的溫 度范圍內(nèi)安全地工作,是保護(hù)干式變壓器的重要裝置。溫控器的各種控制參數(shù)只 需通過面板上幾個(gè)按鍵的設(shè)置就可實(shí)現(xiàn),而且設(shè)定的

4、參數(shù)在停電后永不丟失。 本儀器還具有“黑匣子”功能,可記錄變壓器掉電時(shí)刻三個(gè)繞組的溫度,以供查詢。在使用方面,本儀器具有操作簡單、安裝方便、維護(hù)容易的特點(diǎn)。本產(chǎn)品符合JB/T7613-1994變壓器用電阻溫度計(jì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)本產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)體系通過IS09001質(zhì)量體系認(rèn)證。、產(chǎn)品型號(hào):BWDK系列電阻溫控器產(chǎn)品型號(hào)如下表:型號(hào)功能BWDK-3205巡回顯示三相繞組溫度,具有故障、超溫、跳閘無源觸點(diǎn)輸 出,無風(fēng)機(jī)控制功能。BWDK-3205B除具有3205所有功能以外,還具有三路420mA模擬電流 輸出,輸出三相溫度的模擬量。BWDK-3205C除具有3205所有功能以外,還具有三路15V模擬電壓輸 出,輸出

5、三相溫度的模擬量。BWDK-3205D除具有3205所有功能以外,還具有RS232接口,同時(shí)輸出 三相溫度和傳感器狀態(tài)數(shù)子信號(hào)。BWDK-3205E除具有3205所有功能以外,還具有RS485接口,同時(shí)輸出 三相溫度和傳感器狀態(tài)數(shù)子信號(hào)。BWDK-3206巡回顯示三相繞組溫度,具有故障、超溫、跳閘無源觸點(diǎn)輸 出,具有4或6路風(fēng)機(jī)控制功能。BWDK-3207巡回顯示三相繞組溫度,具有故障、超溫、跳閘無源觸點(diǎn)輸 出,具有4或6路風(fēng)機(jī)控制功能和斷相報(bào)警保護(hù)功能。BWDK-3208B除具有3207所有功能以外,還具有三路420mA模擬電流 輸出,輸出三相溫度的模擬量。BWDK-3208C除具有3207

6、所有功能以外,還具有三路15V模擬電壓輸 出,輸出三相溫度的模擬量。BWDK-3208D除具有3207所有功能以外,還具有RS232接口,同時(shí)輸出 三相溫度、風(fēng)機(jī)狀態(tài)和傳感器狀態(tài)數(shù)子信號(hào)。BWDK-3208E除具有3207所有功能以外,還具有RS485接口,同時(shí)輸出 三相溫度、風(fēng)機(jī)狀態(tài)和傳感器狀態(tài)數(shù)子信號(hào)。三、技術(shù)參數(shù)1. 測(cè)溫范圍:0 0C200 0C2. 測(cè)溫精度:±1%FS3. 分 辨 率:0.1 0C4. 工作電壓:AC220V± 10%(50Hz)5. 功 耗:5VA6. 傳 感 器:三支PtIOO鉑熱電阻,三支PTC熱電阻(選件)7. 繼電器觸點(diǎn)容量: 10A/

7、250VAC8. 儀表重量:v 3Kg9. 外形尺寸:260X 200X 80 (mm)10. 模擬量輸出:三路4-20mA電流,或三路1-5V電壓11. 數(shù)字量輸出:RS232或RS485串行通信接口四、產(chǎn)品功能介紹1 、 具有三相繞組溫度的巡回溫度顯示或最高溫度顯示功能。2、可根據(jù)設(shè)定的開風(fēng)機(jī)溫度和關(guān)風(fēng)機(jī)溫度自動(dòng)控制風(fēng)機(jī)的開啟和關(guān)閉,保證干式變壓器在正常溫度下安全地工作。 當(dāng)三相繞組溫度中的最高一相溫度超過開 風(fēng)機(jī)的設(shè)定溫度或在手動(dòng)開風(fēng)機(jī)的情況下,風(fēng)機(jī)會(huì)開啟。2.1 . 變壓器可配用 2臺(tái)、4臺(tái)、6臺(tái)風(fēng)機(jī)或不接風(fēng)機(jī)。接有風(fēng)機(jī)時(shí),當(dāng)風(fēng)機(jī)開 啟,則溫控器面板上相應(yīng)編號(hào)的“風(fēng)機(jī)”工作指示燈變?yōu)榫G

8、色。2.2 . 若某風(fēng)機(jī)出現(xiàn)斷相故障時(shí),則溫控器面板上該相風(fēng)機(jī)工作指示燈變?yōu)榧t 色,同時(shí)發(fā)出蜂鳴報(bào)警聲。3、 具有超溫報(bào)警功能。 當(dāng)三相繞組溫度中的最高一相溫度超溫時(shí), 溫控器內(nèi) 發(fā)出蜂鳴報(bào)警聲,同時(shí)面板上“超溫”燈亮, “超溫”輸出端子( 13、15端)輸 出一個(gè)閉合開關(guān)信號(hào)。4、具有自動(dòng)跳閘功能。當(dāng)三相繞組溫度中的最高一相溫度達(dá)到跳閘溫度時(shí), 溫控器內(nèi)發(fā)出蜂鳴報(bào)警聲,同時(shí)面板上“跳閘”燈亮, “跳閘”輸出端子( 11、 12 端)輸出一個(gè)閉合開關(guān)信號(hào)。5、具有傳感器故障報(bào)警功能。傳感器故障時(shí),溫控器面板上的“故障”指示 燈亮,溫控器內(nèi)發(fā)出蜂鳴報(bào)警聲, “故障”輸出端子( 14、15端)輸出

9、一個(gè)閉合 開關(guān)信號(hào)。5.1 指示燈不同顏色代表不同相傳感器故障: 黃色代表 A 相,綠色代表 B 相,紅色代表C相,不亮?xí)r,代表傳感器工作正常5.2通過溫度顯示區(qū)顯示不同的代碼來區(qū)分傳感器短路和開路故障:在溫度 顯示區(qū)顯示H表示開路,顯示 L表示短路。5.3傳感器一相或兩相故障時(shí),只根據(jù)未故障傳感器的溫度信號(hào)控制風(fēng)機(jī), 三路傳感器同時(shí)故障時(shí)立即開啟風(fēng)機(jī)。6、具有參數(shù)設(shè)置功能??赏ㄟ^溫控器面板上的按鍵直接設(shè)定關(guān)閉風(fēng)機(jī)溫度、 開啟風(fēng)機(jī)溫度、超溫報(bào)警溫度、超高溫跳閘溫度、定時(shí)開風(fēng)機(jī)時(shí)間、本機(jī)通信編 號(hào)及所控制風(fēng)機(jī)的臺(tái)數(shù)。在停電后設(shè)置數(shù)據(jù)不丟失。7、具有手動(dòng)控制風(fēng)機(jī)功能??赏ㄟ^溫控器面板上的“手動(dòng)風(fēng)機(jī)

10、”鍵手動(dòng)開啟 風(fēng)機(jī)。此功能也可作為測(cè)試風(fēng)機(jī)功能使用。8風(fēng)機(jī)控制型溫控器具有定時(shí)開啟風(fēng)機(jī)的功能,用戶可在面板上進(jìn)行0255個(gè)小時(shí)任意設(shè)置(當(dāng)設(shè)置為0時(shí),表示取消此項(xiàng)功能),定時(shí)時(shí)間到達(dá)后,風(fēng)機(jī) 自動(dòng)運(yùn)行1分鐘后停止。出廠時(shí)設(shè)置在24小時(shí)。9、具有“黑匣子”功能。溫控器自動(dòng)將斷電時(shí)刻三相繞組的溫度記錄在內(nèi)存 中,以備查詢。為了避免再次通電后斷電而改變記憶數(shù)據(jù),規(guī)定溫度低于80 0c時(shí),不刷新原來記錄的溫度。五、產(chǎn)品操作說明綠:開機(jī)紅:斷相黃:綠:B相紅:C相0<機(jī)30<機(jī)2風(fēng)機(jī)1機(jī)機(jī)機(jī)456O手 動(dòng)OOO最超跳高溫閘故障圖1 面板圖1. 首次上電:當(dāng)溫控器一接上電源,就處于巡回溫度顯示

11、狀態(tài)。巡回顯示A、 B、C三相繞組溫度(字母D代表環(huán)境溫度)。2. 最高溫度顯示狀態(tài)與巡回溫度顯示狀態(tài)切換: 面板上有一個(gè)“最高/+”鍵, 在巡回溫度顯示狀態(tài)按一下“最高/+”鍵,則溫控器面板上的“最高”燈亮,溫 控器進(jìn)入最高溫度顯示狀態(tài),固定顯示三相繞組中的最高相溫度; 再按一下“最 高/+”鍵,則溫控器面板上的“最高”燈滅,此時(shí)溫控器切換回巡回溫度顯示狀態(tài)03. 手動(dòng)開風(fēng)機(jī):面板上有一個(gè)“手動(dòng)風(fēng)機(jī)”鍵,在溫度顯示狀態(tài)按一下“手 動(dòng)風(fēng)機(jī)”鍵,則強(qiáng)制開啟風(fēng)機(jī),同時(shí)溫控器面板上的“手動(dòng)”燈及相應(yīng)編號(hào)的“風(fēng) 機(jī)”工作指示燈亮;再按一下“手動(dòng)風(fēng)機(jī)”鍵,則取消手動(dòng)開啟風(fēng)機(jī)功能,同時(shí) 溫控器面板上的“手

12、動(dòng)”燈及相應(yīng)編號(hào)的“風(fēng)機(jī)”工作指示燈滅。4. 掉電數(shù)據(jù)查詢功能:面板上有一個(gè)“查詢”鍵,在溫度顯示狀態(tài)連續(xù)“查 詢”鍵則依次顯示上次掉電時(shí) A、B、C三相繞組溫度。5. 控制參數(shù)的查詢步 驟'、顯示按鍵第i位 數(shù) 碼 管第2位第5位 數(shù)碼管說明備注1i=080此參數(shù)為關(guān)風(fēng)機(jī)溫度, 設(shè)定范圍60 0C1OO °C出廠設(shè)置為80 °C2-能2=100此參數(shù)為開風(fēng)機(jī)溫度, 設(shè)定范圍80 0C120 0C出廠設(shè)置為100 0C3(功能)3=130此參數(shù)為超溫報(bào)警溫度, 設(shè)定范圍110 0C150 °C出廠設(shè)置為130 °C4(功能)4=150此參數(shù)為超溫

13、跳閘溫度, 設(shè)定范圍130 0C170 0C出廠設(shè)置為150 0C5H=024此參數(shù)為定時(shí)開啟風(fēng)機(jī)時(shí)間, 設(shè)定范圍0255小時(shí)出廠設(shè)置為24小時(shí) 設(shè)為0取消定時(shí)開風(fēng)機(jī)6P=001此參數(shù)為進(jìn)行 RS232/RS485通信 時(shí),本機(jī)的通信地址編號(hào)7F=006此參數(shù)表示溫控器所控制風(fēng)機(jī)的 臺(tái)數(shù),設(shè)定值為0,2,4,6出廠設(shè)置為6臺(tái)8CE能)回到溫度顯示狀態(tài)六、控制參數(shù)的修改步 驟、顯示 按鍵第i位 數(shù) 碼 管第2位第5位 數(shù)碼管說明備注1功能i=080此參數(shù)為關(guān)風(fēng)機(jī)溫度,設(shè)定范圍60°C100°C出廠設(shè)置為80 0C2連續(xù)按三次(功能01=080此時(shí)按 最高+)c查詢)鍵可在60

14、100范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置第1位數(shù)碼管的小數(shù)點(diǎn) 亮,表示進(jìn)入?yún)?shù)設(shè)疋 狀態(tài)。32=100此時(shí)按C最高/0)c查詢鍵可在80120范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置出廠設(shè)置為100°C4f能3=130此時(shí)按C最高Q C查詢鍵可在110150范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置出廠設(shè)置為1300C5功4=150此時(shí)按C最高查詢鍵可在130170范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置出廠設(shè)置為150°C6連續(xù)按三次功能)H=024此時(shí)按C最高)查詢鍵可在0255范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置出廠設(shè)置為24小時(shí) 設(shè)為0取消定時(shí)開風(fēng)機(jī)7功)P=001此時(shí)按(最高查詢鍵可在1255范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置8厶冃F=006此時(shí)按G高Q C查詢鍵可在0、2、4、6范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行設(shè)置出廠設(shè)置

15、為6臺(tái)9功能)回到溫度顯示狀態(tài)注意:設(shè)定參數(shù)時(shí),本儀器必須保證跳閘溫度超溫報(bào)警溫度開風(fēng)機(jī)溫度 關(guān)風(fēng)機(jī)溫度,且最小間隔為5 0C。七、BWDK-3208B/C型溫控器使用說明如下:1 . BWDK-3208B型溫控器具有420mA的電流輸出功能。通過電源板上31、32、33、34接線端輸出三路電流,分別用于傳送A、B、C三相繞組的溫度,其中電流 輸出與溫度的對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系是:420mA的電流輸出分別對(duì)應(yīng)00c2000C的溫度值溫度變 化10C對(duì)應(yīng)電流變化值為0.08mA.電流輸出接線方法見圖2:電流輸出接線方法見下圖:圖22. BWDK 3208C型溫控器:是將 BWDK 3208B型溫控器三路420

16、mA模 擬電流終端分別串250Q電阻而轉(zhuǎn)化為三路15V模擬電壓輸出。3. BWDK-3208D/3208E型溫控器,帶有RS232/RS485計(jì)算機(jī)串行通信接口,其中RS485通過電源板上31、32接線端輸出,31端為正端、32端為負(fù)端。RS232 通過電源板上31為數(shù)據(jù)接收端,32為數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)送端,33為地線。八.產(chǎn)品電氣接線(圖3)圖31、 傳感器連接:插入繞組的PT100鉑電阻傳感器和PTC傳感器(選件)通過15 針插座,將傳感器信號(hào)輸入到本儀器內(nèi)。2、風(fēng)機(jī)連接:可接2臺(tái)風(fēng)機(jī)偎入1、2端)、4臺(tái)風(fēng)機(jī)(接入1、2、3、4端)、6臺(tái)風(fēng)機(jī)(接入1、2、3、4、5、6端)。當(dāng)選擇2臺(tái)或4臺(tái)風(fēng)機(jī)時(shí),風(fēng)

17、機(jī)接線端子不能接錯(cuò),否則報(bào)警。3、跳閘、超溫、故障輸出端連接如圖3所示,11、12端;13、15端;14、15端在溫控器內(nèi)部是分別接3個(gè)繼電 器常開觸點(diǎn)。11、12端輸出跳閘信號(hào),13、15端報(bào)警信號(hào),14、15端輸出故障信 號(hào)。當(dāng)出現(xiàn)跳閘、超溫或傳感器故障時(shí),相應(yīng)的繼電器觸點(diǎn)吸合(接通),輸出跳閘、超溫報(bào)警或傳感器故障信號(hào)。4、用戶接線區(qū):如圖3所示,2126六個(gè)雙向空接線端是預(yù)留給用戶使用。5、溫控器總電源:通過16、17接線端從外部接入AC220V交流電。九,產(chǎn)品外形與安裝:產(chǎn)品外形圖見圖4:安裝形式有以下兩種:1、支架式安裝(圖5)1,支架上;1.2用M10螺栓將支架固定在變壓器夾件或

18、其他所需地方(見圖 5)。2、嵌入式安裝2.1.按圖5在變壓器外殼上預(yù)留安裝孔;22將溫控器嵌入孔中,打開溫控器門用4個(gè)M4螺栓將溫控器和外殼固定聯(lián)接。BWDK Series Temperature Con trollerUser' s GuideThis Guide contains importa nt safety and operati ng in struct ions for the BWDK Series Temperature Con troller. It is inten ded for a skilled electricia n or tech nicia n

19、who n eeds to in stall, operate or main ta in the BWDK Series Temperature Con troller. I nstallers should be certified and familiar with all local and national codes regarding electrical installations of this nature.Read this manual thoroughly and be sure you un dersta nd it before attempt ing to us

20、e the BWDK Series Temperature Con troller and use the BWDK Series Temperature Con troller correctly accord ing to the in formati on provided. Keep this manual in a safe place for easy refere nee.WARNING :1. Only qualified pers onnel should in stall, operate, in spect and maintain this con troller.2.

21、 In put power supply: 220V AC( ±10%), 50Hz3. En sure all electric parts are properly conn ected and faste ned.4. Do not touch any exposed live parts whe n the con troller is powered on.5. Terminal 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16 and 17 are conn ected to dan gerous voltages.6. Do not short-circuit the fa

22、n-output terminal 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.7. Disc onnect the con troller from the power tran sformer before making any tests. Failure to do so could cause damage to the con troller.CAUTION :1. The con troller can only be used for the specified purpose. Un authorized modificati on or using un authorize

23、d accessories may cause malfu nction.2. Do not expose the con troller to corrosive gases, such as SO2 or H2S.3. Make sure the con troller is conn ected properly before power on.4. Do not burn the sen sor probe with a lighter for test. The temperature of the flame is around 800 C.5. Do not en ergize

24、con tacts with voltage or curre nt exceedi ng the rated values.The BWDK Series Temperature Con troller is a precisi on tool. Please han dle it with care, and store it in a dry and clean environment while not in use. Failure to do so may cause con troller failure.Meanings cf Abbreviations and Acronym

25、s:Con troller: the BWDK Series Temperature Co ntroller.LED: Light Emitt ing Diode, the in dicat ing lamps on the front pan el.SSR: Solid-State Relay1. In troducti onThe con troller is desig ned to mon itor and con trol the coil temperatures of a three-phase dry-type electrical tran sformer.? Base on

26、 microcomputer, the con troller uses both hardware and software an ti-i nference tech no logy to en sure that it can work un der severe environment.? The con trol parameters can be en tered through the keypad on the front pan el. They will not be lost duri ng a power outage.? The coil temperatures w

27、ould be recorded in a device called black-box ' before the power cutti ng out.?The controller functions as a black box ' during a power outage. It records the coiltemperatures before the power outage for future reference.? The con troller is ease to in stall, operate, and main ta in.The BWDK

28、 Series Temperature Con troller is manu factured un der the sta ndardrequireme nts of JB/T7631-1994 Resista nee Thermometer for Tran sformer. It has passed the comprehe nsive and strict tests by gover nmen t-authorized test ing in stituti on. The manu facturer has passed the ISO9001 Intern ati onal

29、Quality System audit. Every un it of the products is guara nteed qualified un der various rigorous operati ng environmen ts.2. Con figurati on TableTypeBasic FunctionAdditi onal Fun cti on3-phase temp. cycle displayFailure mon itorOver temp. mon itorData output in terface 4-20mAData output in terfac

30、e1-5VComm. in terfaceRS232Comm. in terfaceRS485Fan controlFan protect ionBWDK-3205VVVBWDK-3205BVVVVBWDK-3205CVVVVBWDK-3205DVVVVBWDK-3205EVVVVBWDK-3206VVVVBWDK-3207VVVVVBWDK-3208BVVVVVVBWDK-3208CVVVVVVBWDK-3208DVVVVVVBWDK-3208EVVVVV3. Techni cal Parameters1. Temperature Measure Range: 0 C 200 C2. Tem

31、perature Measure Accuracy: 0.5%FS 0.1 C ±3. Resoluti on: 0.1 C4. Power Supply: Sin gle phase 220V AC土 10% (50Hz)5. Capacity: 5VA6. Se nsor: 3 PT100 thermistor, and 3 PTC thermistor(optio nal)7. Relay Con tact Capacity: 10A/250V AC8. Ambient temperature: -20 C +50 C9. Relative humidity: <90%1

32、0. Weight: 2.5kg11. Outline Dimension: 260200 >87(mm)12. Simulative Analog Data Outputs: 3 outputs of 4-20mA or 1-5V13. Digital Data Outputs: sta ndard com mun icatio n in terface RS232 or RS4854. Function Features1. The con troller is able to circularly display the coil temperatures of a three-p

33、hase tran sformer or to display the highest coil temperature among the three phases.2. The user can set both fan start ing and stopp ing temperatures so the tran sformer can work in a safe atmosphere. The fans will start whe n the highest coil temperature is above the fan start ing temperature and s

34、top whe n all coil temperatures are below the fan stopp ing temperature. The fans can also be operated manu ally.2.1. The tran sformer can connect 2 fans, 4 fans, 6 fans or without any fans opti on ally. The corresp onding fan LEDs on the front panel will turn gree n whe n fans are started.2.2. When

35、 the fan disconnection occurs, the corresponding fan LED will turn red and the alarm will sound.3. Over-Temperature Alarm: When the highest coil temperature exceeds the upper limit temperature T3, the Over-temperature ” LED on the front panel will turn on arach alarm will sound. Mean while, the micr

36、o-switch betwee n term inal 13 and 15 will be closed.4. Trip Alarm: When the highest coil temperature exceeds the uppermost limit temperature T4, the T“ip ” LED on the front panel will turn on and an alarm will sound. Meanwhile, the relay betwee n term inal 11 and 12 would be closed.5. Sensor Failur

37、e Alarm: If a sensor malfunction occurs , the M afunction ” LED on the front panel will turn on and an alarm will sound. Meanwhile, the relay between terminal 14 and 15 would be closed.5.1 Differe nt color LEDs in dicate the phase of sen sor malfu nctio n: yellow for phase A, gree n for phase B and

38、red for phase C. The sen sors are work ing no rmally whe n all the LEDs are off.5.2 Different letters on the front panel display indicate the type of sensor malfunction: H in dicates sen sor disc onnection while L in dicates sen sor short circuit.5.3 When one or two sensors malfunction, the controll

39、er will operate the fans base on thesen sor that runs no rmally. If all 3 sen sors malfu nction at same time, the fans will start immediately.6. The user can set the temperatures and other parameters by press ing the keypad on the front pa nel:6.1 Temperature T1: when one temperature rises to T1, th

40、e fans will start to cool the tran sformer.6.2 Temperature T2: when all temperatures fall below T2 after the fans cooling the tran sformer, the fans will switch off.6.3 Temperature T3 (Over temperature): when the highest coil temperature exceeds T3, the alarm will sound and the relative relay will b

41、e closed.6.4 Temperature T4 (Trip temperature): when the highest coil temperature exceeds T4, the alarm will sound and the relative relay will be closed.6.5 Fan start time: set the time for the fans to start.6.6 Number of fans: set the number of fans that should control.6.7 Saved data: set if the da

42、ta should be stored when the power is cut off.7. Manual Con trol: The fans can be con trolled manu ally by press ing theMan ual ” key on thefront pan el. This function can also be used for test ing the fans.8. Fan Auto-Start ing: the user can set the time in terval (0255 hours) to start the fans aut

43、omatically for one minute. This function can be used to check the fans periodically. The default value for fan to start automatically is every 24 hours. A setting of 0 hours will not start fans.9. Black Box ' : The controller will recdhe coil temperatures automatically during a power cut-off. Th

44、ese data can be used for an alysis purpose later. To avoid the recorded data to be cha nged whe n power supply is back on, the con troller was desig ned not to update the recorded data until when the temperature is over 80 C.5.oooooboooooFan Fan Fan FanFan Fan Manual Highest OverTrip FaultFanHigh/+I

45、nqu/-ManualFigure 1: Front Panel1. Power on for the first time: mount the controller on the transformer properly and connect it to 220VAC power supply. By default, the con troller will display the coil temperatures of phase A, B, and C circularly. D in dicates atmosphere temperature.2. Switch ing be

46、twee n display ing the highest coil temperature only and display ing all three coil temperatures and atmosphere temperature: the user can choose to display the highest coil temperature only or all three coil temperatures and atmosphere temperature by press ing theHigh/+ ” key on the front pan el. Th

47、e Highest ' LED on the front panel will indwhei only the highest temperature is displayed.3. Fans manual control: the user can start the fans by pressing the “ Manual" key on the frontpan el. At the same time, both the“ Manu al " LED and “ Fan ” LED will tur n on. Press the“ Manual&quo

48、t; key again, the fans will stop and both theLED andManFaln" LED will turnoff.4. Temperature data inquiry: When the con troller loses the power and be powered on aga in, the user can check the coil temperatures in turn by pressing the “ Inqu-" key in succession. The temperatures were store

49、d automatically whe n the power supply was cut off.5. Con trol parameters inquiry:StepDisplayButtonD1D2-D5Descriptio nNote1Fan1=080Temperature T2 (Stop fun)Set range: 60 C 100 CDefault: 80 C2Fan2=100TemperatureT1 (Start fan)Set ran ge: 80 C 120 CDefault: 100 C3Fan3=130TemperatureT3 (Over temp.)Set r

50、an ge: 110 C 150 CDefault: 130 C4Fan4=150Temperature T4 (Trip temp.)Set ran ge: 130 C 170 CDefault: 150 C5FanH=024Time funs running intervalSet ran ge: 0 255 hoursDefault: 24 hours0 hours in dicates timer off6FanP=001Address code for com muni cati onRS232/RS4857FanF=006Number of fansSet range: 0, 2,

51、 4 or 6Default: 68FanReturn to normal display6. Con trol Parameter Sett ingsStepDisplayButtonD1D2-D5Descriptio nNote1Fan ”1=080Temperature T2 (Stop funs)Set range: 60 C 100 CDefault: 80 C2Press“ Manual ”3 times1=080Press High/+ ” and “nqu/Enter the set value between 60100The decimal point of D1 isOn

52、 to in dicate that the parameter can be set now4Fan ”3=130Press High/+ ” and “nqu/En ter the set value betwee n 110150Default: 130 C5Fan ”4=150Press High/+ ” and “nqu/En ter the set value betwee n 130170Default: 150 C6Fan ”H=024Press High/+ ” and “nqu/En ter the set value betwee n 0255Default: 24 ho

53、urs0 hours in dicates timer off7Fan ”P=001Press High/+ ” and “nqu/En ter the set value betwee n 12558Fan ”F= 006Press High/+ ” and “nqu/En ter the set value within 0, 2, 4 or 6Default: 69Fan ”Return to normal displayNote: Ensure T4 > T3 > T1 > T2. The differenee must be equal to or greater

54、than 5 C.7. Additional Fun cti ons7.1. BWDK-3208B: The controller can output three 420mA signals to simulate the coil temperatures of phase A, B and C through term inal 3134, 3234 and 3334 respectively. The relation between the output and the temperature is: 420mA corresponds to 0200 C. Every cha nge of 1 C corresp onds to 0.08mA. The conn ecti on diagram is as follow:7.2. BWDK-3208C: The controller converts the 420mA output of BWDK-3208B into a 15Voutput by connecting a 250Q resistor in series respectively.7.3


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