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1、Delegates,staff:Hell o!inthe r un-up tot heSpri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffreprese ntatives Conference 2013-workshop,full backin 2012,carefulanaly sisofthe curr entsit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here, on behalfofmy company 2013w orkreportstothe Ge neralAss embly,for conside

2、ration.Pillar I,2012 ba ckin 2012, XX pow ercompanie s adhere to t hepartys 17great spiritforguidance, compre hensivelyimpleme ntthe scientificconcept ofdevel opment, promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy,standards,focuson impl ementation,lea n managem ent,continuouslyimprove,smooth presentsafetysitu

3、ati on ofenterpri semanageme nt,busi ness ma nagement a nd contr olscientifica nd standardize d,andthe de dication ofstaff,manage a harmoni ous and democraticatmosphere ofthegood situation.Mai n indicat ors areas foll ows:-t hebatteryi ndicator: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billi on k Wh,bey ond t he

4、 a nnual budget impl ementation ca pacity of 315 milli on k Wh,a n increase of757milli on k Wh.Stotaled 7.425billion kWh,exceeding sales of330 milli on kWh theannualExe cutive budget,an i ncrea se of729 mill ion k Wh.-Securitymeasures:unplanned outages 2.5times.No personal i njurya cci dent occurre

5、d,nomajor a ccdient a nd a bove,nomajorfireaccidentswit hout environment alpoll ution accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutive ye arstomaintai n stability to good post ure.Business financiali ndicators: t otalprofits of255millionYua n, beyondthe annual budgetof207 milli onYuan, beyondthe Datang company

6、index41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76milli on Yuan,FCMasse ssmentat gradefour.-Energy: power supply sta ndar d coalcompleti ng 312.25 g /kWh,down 0.1 g /kWh;i ntegrated auxili arypowerconsumpti on ratioi n 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; polluta ntemissi ons performa ncegreatly re duced compare dto lastyea

7、 r,car bon 0.09 g/k Wh,sulf ur dioxide 0.104 g/k Wh NOx 0.512g /k Wh; dustremovalefficiencyof more than99.8%.-Reliability i ndex: e quival entavaila bility factor i n 93.47%, increase d7.95%from ayear-一 II-.11一 -II_ - d_L_L. .11 _ . . .一 -. . - I I - 一一. . . 一 .一. 一 I _一一一 .一 一 . I 一 .-.一 一I - -I. 一

8、 _ II - _ . 一 一一 .一 .1 一 _一一.一 一2. ! _ _ II - _ I|_ |_ I -. .-.I _ .一 I一 I一 L. L _.11I I 一 -, L, I I. 一 _ I. II _.- LJ一-. . .1 L 一. - 一 L - - |_ 一 一- -一.- - I -I- 一-.-目錄摘 要 錯誤!未定義書簽。一設(shè)計要求與方案論證 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.1 設(shè)計要求 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.1.1 基本要求 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.1.2 創(chuàng)新要求 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.2 系統(tǒng)基本方案選擇和論證 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.2.1 單片機(jī)芯片 錯誤!

9、未定義書簽。1.2.2 顯示模塊 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.2.3 時鐘芯片 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.2.4 溫度傳感器 錯誤!未定義書簽。1.3 電路設(shè)計最終方案決定 錯誤!未定義書簽。二電子萬年歷硬件設(shè)計與實(shí)現(xiàn) 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.1 電子萬年歷系統(tǒng)設(shè)計 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.1.1 系統(tǒng)設(shè)計框圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.1.2 系統(tǒng)硬件概述 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.2 系統(tǒng)硬件各模塊作用 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.2.1 單片機(jī)主控制模塊 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.2.2 時鐘電路模塊 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.2.3 溫度采集模塊 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.2.4 顯示模塊 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.3 電子萬年

10、歷電路設(shè)計 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.3.1 系統(tǒng)電路圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。2.3.2 電路圖分析 錯誤!未定義書簽。三電子萬年歷軟件設(shè)計 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.1 程序流程框圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.1.1 總流程圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.1.2 陽歷程序流程圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.1.3 陰歷程序流程圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.1.4 時間調(diào)整程序流程圖 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.2 部分程序的設(shè)計 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.2.1 DS18B20 溫度子程序 錯誤!未定義書簽。3.2.2 讀、寫DS1302子程序 錯誤!未定義書簽。四 . 指標(biāo)測 錯誤!未定義書簽。4.1 測試儀器 錯誤!未定義書簽

11、。unit majorissues,graduallycleari ng theparti cularity ofsupercriti cal unita nd reg ularity. Devel opedmotor oil time manageme nt,swit ch actiontimes, statistics,coal-ai ded measureme ntsoftware, improve s the production level oflean manageme nt. Increase d i nvestment i n sciencea ndte chnol ogy,r

12、eporting science andtechnology projectsa nd 14 te chnical project total costper centage ofthet otalannua lpr oduction output of0.25%. Large-scale coal-fired power pla ntflue ga sde sulfuri zation, denitrificati on compl ete devel opme ntand a pplication ofkeytechnologies project,won the nationalscie

13、nce and te chnol ogypr ogress second pri ze.630M Wsuper critical unit s optimized controlstrategies andthe630MW development and applicati on ofon-li nesim ulationsystem for supercritical units, supercritica l600MW unitsoftur binedrive nboilerfee d pumpsetofcomprehen sive treatmentof defectsDatangtec

14、hnol ogyrespectively one or twoa nd t hird.Meanwhile,informationtechnologyachi evements,theinformation technologybenchmarki ng enterprises.-Repairand mai ntena nce has impr ovedfurthe r.Modifythe i nspecti onsta ndards andstandards ona reg ularba sis,sta ndardizing w ork proce dures, checkinga ndi n

15、specti on proje ct.Dee pening the BFS+ system,a nd impleme nts mainte nance information share d.Reorga nizing R B logicagai n,and e nsure t hesuccess ofthe RB.Innovatingthe mechanism ofmaintenance management,implemente d a project manag ersystem.Successfulcompletion oftwoautonomous mainte nance,reli

16、a bilityimprove dsteadily.Im plementi ngtwo c -levelmaint enance,pr oje ct themselve s 48.7% a nd 42.3%,re spectively.A ccomplish two circulating pumps re pairand overhauloffourMills, mai ntena nceteamstoget exerci se.Promotethe work ofenergy savingand consumptionreducing, completethe unite nergycon

17、sumpti on di agnosis, plantwater balan ce test, 10e nergy-saving pr oject s.Second,we should a dhereto thre e onthe economicbe nefitsofimprovi ng,outreachearlier.se ntshoulda dheretothetwon overthe same period ayearearlier.Majorachi evements:first,wentrinsicsafety Enterprise construction tooknt.Focu

18、s on promoting the powerofthecompany maofthe safetyloopfive-starmanagementsystem,improvethe safetymanagementssion andmanagemener regulate securitynd thea ppl icatio n andimplemenewste ps. -Thetw o management system forimprovemeningt hesupervision a nd ma nagementof ha bitua lviolationof, strengtheni

19、ducedcuoatmiopna.reMaidto lnaisntdyiceaatorsr,acraerabsofolnl 0.09ogw/ks:-thWeh,bastutlefryi ur dionxdiidcaetor:0.10p4og/wkergeWhnerNaOtixo0n.t5o1t2alged /k W7h.;815dubsiltliremoonvaklefWfich,iebnecyyofon of outsour cingcontra ctors. Carried outin spring and aut umnofse curityi nspections,flood cont

20、rolandinspeinformation technologybenchmarki ng enterprises.-Repairand mai ntena nce has improvedfurthe r.Modifythe i nspecti onsta ndards andstandardsona reg ularba sis,sta ndardizing work proce dures, checkinga ndi nspecti on proje ct.Dee pening theBFS+ system,and impleme nts maintenance informatio

21、n shared.Reorga nizing R B log icagai n,and e nsure t hesuccess ofthe RB.Innovatingthe mechanism ofmaintenance management,implemented a project managersystem.Successfulcompletion oftwoautonomous maintenance,relia bilityimprove dsteadily.Implementi ngtwo c -levelmaint enance,pr oje ct themselves 48.7

22、% a nd 42.3%,respectively.A ccomplish twocirculating pumps repairand overhauloffourMills, mai ntena nceteamstoget exercise.Promotethe work ofenergy savingand consumptionreducing, completethe unitenergyconsumption di agnosis, plantwaterbalancetest,10 energy-saving pr oject s.Second,we should adhereto

23、 thre e onthe economicbenefitsofimprovi ng,outreach 3錯誤!未定義書簽。 錯誤!未定義書簽。 錯誤!未定義書簽。 錯誤!未定義書簽。 錯誤!未定義書簽。錯誤!未定義書簽。錯誤!未定義書簽。錯誤!未定義書簽。錯誤!未定義書簽。 錯誤!未定義書簽。4. 2硬件測試 4. 3軟件測試 4. 4測試結(jié)果分析與結(jié)論 4.4.1 測試結(jié)果分析4.4.2 測試結(jié)論五設(shè)計總結(jié)致 謝 參考文獻(xiàn)附錄一:系統(tǒng)程序清單附錄二:系統(tǒng)使用說明書ctivities,compre hensiveand tampingSafetyFoundation .Troubl esho

24、oti ng,manageme nt mechanism,givefullplay to role oftechnicalsupe rvisionand realizati on oftroubleshooting,management, impr oved processmanagement.This year completedt he boilerl owerhea der leakage, boilerpressure,amajorri skmanagement, completed29 ofgreatrisks and 3Generalproblems ofgovernance. C

25、omplete chemi strylabconstr uction,thermalcontrol, a nd completet he boilerscale integrated management, hostshaftingvi bration of 10scie ntific andtechnologi calprojects, such a s.Completesupercriti cal630MW on-line simulationsystem development andapplicati on of cir culati ng waterMCC standbypowert

26、ransformation,thetransformation ofde sulfuri zationw astewater,the unitwatersupplysystem of comprehensive treatment anddischargevalve modification ofcoalmill 5keytechnologi caltransformation projects,grouphealth is improved.-S cienceand technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d.Strengthen thech

27、aracteristicsofsuper criticalunit majorissue s,gradually cleari ng theparticul arityofsupercritica l unita ndreg ularity. Developed mot oroiltimemanagement,swit ch acti ontimes,statistics,coa l-ai ded measurementsoftware, improves thepr oducti onlevel oflean manageme nt.Increase d investme nt inscie

28、nce andtechnology,reporti ng scie nceand technol ogy projects a nd 14technicalproject totalcost percentageofthetotalannualproduction out putof0.25%.Large-scale coal-fired power plant fluegas desulfurization, denitrificati on compl etedevel opme nt anda pplication ofkeytechnol ogies pr oject,w onthen

29、ati onal sciencea nd technology progresssecond prize.630MW supercritical units optimize d controlstrategies a ndthe 630MWdevelopm entand applicati on ofon-line simulationsystem forsupercriticalunits,super critical600M Wunit softurbi ne drive nboilerfeed pump set ofcom prehensivetreatmentof defectsDa

30、tangtechnologyrespectivelyone ortwo and third.Meanwhile, informati on technologya chieveme nts,thecom pany was named Chinapower9nefitsofimprovi ng,outreach畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書電子萬年歷toDieg7425bf: Hell! o tk W, ernip, e s oaSIi emaWW 一d oneaas Ivaauase)- i nce_M9m e oi3wW.s ic in 20D,i_d、es,aas_ fte curet stNo , |f

31、ii t pla no mjra. cU dent med - aehaif ajycamao ! worn Wlut prs t on Asssei acy aonliydo yapaa m2 ckioi ove te - mepeid a yar eale.Mjr aci ees-aastwesoud aaee to the omaaemeit .sem一、steiggheii ig teCioig esar c, se igteihhdaei haza ds citrl aid I tisC ey Eitep cistuCiitookit Focus oi-a s -t _ .a_aec

32、mpeis of IBaieyY- p ei, be,t sceiac ii-bcee f opmeii Yu.rmot tea Daeagc mpaiyi,stediai8aomotig the poe of the cmpay maiagemeit sstm aid the a ppi Icaii ad mpeme itaii - te e,op-iesar maiigemeit ss,imp. - the saey ma ets,stm, eazete systm of e,coitol Furoot pree it -tEt t o eupy sa p-ed ca - eneus 22

33、essma,Wtaowidcuirl -,ypoesedpii ratoi u - f maiage ahaooii 026%; po_ad d sscaac aieasp e - -ra* uue ood it t orsaeas -oi 0So:/Wae,Udi dioocf* we gean eoxuo g a m lama fiai id ”- - uteReaBi idexa,qUV5mHaaa iW|,aii ce4%iremi#摘要電子萬年歷是一種非常廣泛日常計時工具,對現(xiàn)代社會越來越流行。它可以對年、月、日、 周、時、分、秒進(jìn)行計時,還具有閏年補(bǔ)償?shù)榷喾N功能。電子萬年歷設(shè)計是基

34、于單片機(jī)進(jìn)行的,可以顯示年、月、日、時、分、秒、周及溫度信息,具有可調(diào)整日期和時間功能。設(shè)計包含AT89S52單片機(jī)模塊、LED數(shù)碼管模塊、鍵盤模塊、DS1302模塊、數(shù)字式溫度傳感器 DS18B20模塊。AT89S52單片機(jī)作為核心,功耗小,能在3V的低壓工作, 電壓可選用35V電壓供電。LED數(shù)碼管動態(tài)掃描,對于顯示數(shù)字最合適,價格適中,而且采用動態(tài)掃描法與單片機(jī)連接時,占用的單片機(jī)口線少。DS1302的使用壽命長,誤差小。對于數(shù)字電子萬年歷采用直觀的數(shù)字顯示,可以同時顯示年、月、日、周日、時、分、秒和溫度等信息,還具 有時間校準(zhǔn)等功能。數(shù)字式溫度傳感器DS18B20僅需要一條數(shù)據(jù)線進(jìn)行數(shù)

35、據(jù)傳輸,易與單片機(jī)連接簡化系統(tǒng)電路.數(shù)字式溫度傳感器還具有測量精度高、測量范圍廣等優(yōu)點(diǎn)。關(guān)鍵詞:AT89S52; DS1302; DS18B20 LED數(shù)碼管;單片機(jī)Degates, . Hel o! iter unuptot he Spri ng F - va hed one sin i f four s. eprese nt - as Cnee - 2013-wksop, ul back in , eul aay sis of the cur et si uain, . s ! dei_pmet plans.Heeonbehaf of my company2013wokeportstoth

36、eGe,ea Assembly for cns deain.P- I, ba c i 2012, XX pow e cmpane s adee tot he parys 1 gea sp. for guidacecmprehesvey imp e nt the scetic cncpt of -ve mol ng - sea -ship .aagy stad* focusinmplementaton,nmaagement, cntiuusy impr ov, sm ool reent saey skat on of ent.ri se maageme nt, bus ness ma naggm

37、et a nd cont ol -nt. a nd n.a + e d, ad the .e.c.n of saff, manage a hamonio- ad oc- amosphee of the good -in. Ma n idiat os are - fl ows:the batey i i dCaor po-we ge ,eata-7815b. ink W, bey ond the annua budget mpl emea.n ca pacy of 35 mil on k W, a n icease of 1- m. on k W.Saes.”.-425 billon kW, e

38、ccedig s I f mil onlW te anua Exe cut- budgge, an i ncra - of 19 ml inkW. Slcuiy mesuesupannndoua.s 21 tmesNopesonaiI juy a _i det ocure d, nomjr a c.et a nd aboe,nomaor ie acidentswtu eVronment al pol uton -c ns, ey for tre e cnne c。 y as tmanta n-bi. tggod po.ure,si iacal i ndcatrs t oal prois of

39、25 miln Yua byon dthe anua budget of 20- mli on Yua, bbyond the Dang compayinex 41.9 miinY-n,aIinceseof|-6milonYua, FCM ase -ment a ggrdefurEnegypowe luppy sa nnard cal cmpet ng 32.5 g kW, dw 11 g kW; i .gg.td lull ay powe cnsmpt on rato i nl.12%, dw n026%; polua nt -ss ons pefrma nce ggra e dued cm

40、pae d to las ya r, carbo n 019 gk W, lul ur dioXde Il4 gk W NOx 012 g k W; .s emoge rae 018%, 116% reucionoer the sme pelod a yea re.la.racieloets is, should a dhee t te tw o managgmet systm bbais, sengteingecnolgicarisea ch, ste ngghen hi dden haar ds contol ad i ntisc s y EEer p.le consuilntoknews

41、epsThetwo laagement sstm for improv-ent.FFousonpromotigtepoweoftecompanyma,.etsystmand te a | pl iai n and impllme nain of the saey lop Ilesta man*et systm, .pro- thesaeymaagement.sem,raiete.sem of saey cntrl Futher rrfe iecuiy rout I is, ey sueV sin and maaementnework r oe to ply t a ci eve cl osld

42、 lop. Stengte nig t he lupevn a nd ma nng-et of ha biua l volain of steggheningteeysueVsonofoutsucigcntaUrs Car- ou i sig ad au umn of se -iy insecins lod contol ad ise cin, saey producin mont, day lupevisonofp.ouilonlaey ad te OympicXmes a nd oter一.設(shè)計要求與方案論證1.1 設(shè)計要求1.1.1 基本要求 具有年、月、日、星期、時、分、秒等功能;時間

43、與陰、陽歷能夠自動關(guān)聯(lián); 具備年、月、日、星期、時、分、秒校準(zhǔn)功能;1.1.2 創(chuàng)新要求具有溫度計功能;1.2 系統(tǒng)基本方案選擇和論證1.2.1 單片機(jī)芯片PIC單片機(jī)是MICROCHIPS司的產(chǎn)品,其突出的特點(diǎn)是體積小,功耗低,精簡指令集,抗干擾性好,可靠性 高,有較強(qiáng)的模擬接口 ,代碼保密性好,大部分芯片有其兼容的FLASH程序存儲器的芯片。EMO片機(jī)是臺灣義隆公司的產(chǎn)品,有很大一部分與 PIC 8位單片機(jī)兼容,且相兼容產(chǎn)品的資源相對比 PIC的多,價格便宜,有很多系列可選,但抗干擾較差。ATMEIS片機(jī)ATMEl公司的8位單片機(jī)有 AT8a AT90兩個系列,AT89系列是8位Flash

44、單片機(jī),與8051系 列單片機(jī)相兼容,靜態(tài)時鐘模式;AT90系列單片機(jī)是增強(qiáng) RISC結(jié)構(gòu)、全靜態(tài)工作方式、內(nèi)載在線 可編程Flash的單片機(jī),也叫AVR單片機(jī)。PHLIPIS 51PLC系列單片機(jī)PHILIPS公司的單片機(jī)是基于 80C51內(nèi)核的單片機(jī),嵌入了掉電檢測、模擬以及片內(nèi)RC振蕩器等功能,這使51LPC在高集成度、低成本、低功耗的應(yīng)用設(shè)計中可以滿足多方面的性能要求。HOLTER片機(jī)臺灣盛揚(yáng)半導(dǎo)體的單片機(jī),價格便宜,種類較多,但抗干擾較差,適用于消費(fèi)類產(chǎn)品。5畢業(yè)設(shè)計說明書電子萬年歷toDieg7425bf: Hel! ok W, in, es oaspi ag FeitviMd o

45、oneaeEs oebdgtf reieence stav79mnieece BI-WW. s ,c in 20D,n_d autages liyaas f Ie curet stNo* j | acceauuaeUimet pa no majora. cU dent aHeed ,ha*f aycmp1c 2013 worn wiut pvr tolheGKpH Assam! a cy ataaeydeOiie cnsecuve yeasa mlo - ackn n ,im. aodpsu adh tt- b s- t saaac1cmp soflBimaeyY-p e.beyt ncaat

46、aCnnouee f mo.meiinYu.rmotieg Daasc s_yiaaexiaaam dsonimi n Yua patc .i efiTI , uousy met p ef ur ool prse nt saeysuro o eupysa pisend-aeme11111slUDgisma ag - W,aownuumrlg/k -,“ ns - ,ai_io “ . . “ u%;|oiu a. ssoacaiemp a igiae* u ood t - orsaeos m i 0Ho、klWaeyUdidi o_ao.p4we ge/kW NOaaa” aed/7nbilo

47、u kOmbv* fce-一0 RetbUyidcaa ciy.uvilell i i iwaya r i 947%17rmI l,imprle the saey manget systm, leaZe te systmoi ey contol FUlthe legulaeseuriy roUines saey suevsinad ma et.ek I I e I pay to aciele cooe.loop. Stegthenig the suevsona nd managlmet oi habiUa l viain oi, segteing te sa - lupevson oi ous

48、oui cig conta cors Caare.out isprig and utumno - curly i nsplcins, loo.co-oI ad ispedon, ey proucin mont, a. suevsin oi producin saey and te OpiTI公司單片機(jī)德州儀器提供了 TMS37解口 MSP43cM大系列通用單片機(jī).TMS370系列單片機(jī)是8位CMOS片 機(jī),具有多種存儲模式、多種外圍接口模式,適用于復(fù)雜的實(shí)時控制場合;MSP430系列單片機(jī)是一種超低功耗、功能集成度較高的16位低功耗單片機(jī),特別適用于要求功耗低的場合。采用89C51芯片作為硬件

49、核心,采用 Flash ROM,內(nèi)部具有4KB ROM存儲空間,能于3V的超 低壓工作,而且與MCS-51系列單片機(jī)完全兼容,但是運(yùn)用于電路設(shè)計中時由于不具備ISP在線編程技術(shù),當(dāng)在對電路進(jìn)行調(diào)試時,由于程序的錯誤修改或?qū)Τ绦虻男略龉δ苄枰獰氤绦驎r,對 芯片的多次拔插會對芯片造成一定的損壞。采用AT89S52,片內(nèi)ROMfe者B采用Flash ROM能以3V的超底壓工作;同時也與 MCS-51系列單片機(jī)完全該芯片內(nèi)部存儲器為8KBROM存儲空間,同樣具有 89C51的功能,且具有在線編程可擦除技術(shù),當(dāng)在對電路進(jìn)行調(diào)試時,由于程序的錯誤修改或?qū)Τ绦虻男略龉δ苄枰獰氤绦驎r, 不需要對芯片多次拔

50、插,所以不會對芯片造成損壞。所以選擇采用AT89S52作為主控制系統(tǒng)。1.2.2 顯示模塊采用LED液晶顯示屏,液晶顯示屏的顯示功能強(qiáng)大 ,可顯示大量文字,圖形,顯示多樣,清晰可 見,但是價格昂貴,需要的接口線多,所以在此設(shè)計中不采用 LED液晶顯示屏。采用點(diǎn)陣式數(shù)碼管顯示,點(diǎn)陣式數(shù)碼管是由八行八列的發(fā)光二極管組成,對于顯示文字比較 適合,如采用在顯示數(shù)字顯得太浪費(fèi) ,且價格也相對較高,所以也不用此種作為顯示。采用LED數(shù)碼管動態(tài)掃描,LED數(shù)碼管價格適中,對于顯示數(shù)字最合適,而且采用動態(tài)掃描法 與單片機(jī)連接時,占用的單片機(jī)口線少。所以采用了 LED數(shù)碼管作為顯示。1.2.3 時鐘芯片直接采用

51、單片機(jī)定時計數(shù)器提供秒信號,使用程序?qū)崿F(xiàn)年、月、日、星期、時、分、秒計數(shù)。earlier.on overthe samese ntperiod ayearearlier.Majorachi evements:first,weshoulda dheretothetwr2y0a13cdceivedleonptmeonctcpulrred,nomanajso.raccdientHaere, onnd baehablofvoef,mngtheni ngtechnologi cal resear ch, stre ngthen hintrinsicsafety Enterprise constructi

52、on tooknewste ps. -Thetw omanagement systemforimprovement.Focus on promoting the powerofthecompany mand thea ppl icatio n andimplemeofthe safetyloopfive-starmanagementsystem,improvethe safetymanagementsyoothpresentsa-f-eEtnyesrgityu:artoiutpionweesr,osnasfueotpfypelsynutspetreaprvriiher regulate sec

53、urityningt hesupervision a nd ma nagementof ha bitua lviolationof, strengtheniducedon of outsour cingcontractors. Carried outin spring and aut umnofsecurityi nspections,floodcontrolandinspeondk7.9W5%h.from ayear Sales 一 - -cGamesa nd other采用此種方案雖然減少芯片的使用,節(jié)約成本,但是, 實(shí)現(xiàn)的時間誤差較大。所以不采用此方案。時、日、周、月、年以及閏年補(bǔ)償?shù)哪赀M(jìn)行計數(shù),而且精度高采用DS1302時鐘芯片實(shí)現(xiàn)時鐘,DS1302芯片是一種高性能的時鐘芯片,可自動對秒、分、,位的RAM故為數(shù)據(jù)暫存區(qū),工作電壓2.5V5.5V范圍內(nèi),2.5V時耗電小于 300nA。所以采用DS1302時鐘芯片實(shí)現(xiàn)時鐘。1.2.4 溫度傳感器使用熱敏電阻作為傳感器,用熱敏電阻與一個相應(yīng)阻值電阻相串聯(lián)分壓,利用熱敏電阻阻值隨溫度變化而變化的特性,采集這兩個電阻變化的分壓值,并進(jìn)行A/D 轉(zhuǎn)換。 。此設(shè)計方案需用A/D 轉(zhuǎn)換電路,增加硬件


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