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1、B. Seven.B. Ten yuan a kilo.B. No hurry.B . Yes, I don.B. It doesn't matter.B. He is 34.每小題1分,滿分8分)C. Nine.C. I like it veryC. Good idea.C. Of course not.C. I'm sorry to hearC. He's a teacher.A、B、C三個選C. In the park.牛津譯林版 9B Unit4單元練習一、聽力選擇(滿分24分)A)回答問題(共6小題;每小題1分,滿分6分)聽下面6個問題。每個問題后有一個小題,

2、從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。每個問題讀兩遍。1. A. Eight.2. A. Ten o'clock.much.3. A. Of course. Here you are.4. A. That's great.5. A. That's OK.that.6. A. He s fine.B)對話理解(共8小題;聽下面8段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的 項中選出最佳選項。每段對話讀兩遍。7. Where was Kate just now?A. In the library.B. To the library.8. What can we lea

3、rn about Bill?A. He's fine.B. He needs to have more rest.C. He has to stay with a doctor.9. What time will the next bus leave for Nanjing?A. At 8:20.B. At 8:40.C. At 8:50.10. What's the weather like in Lushan?A. It often rains, and it's hot.B. It never rains, and it'spleasant.C. It s

4、ometimes rains, but its pleasant and comfortable.11. When did the man begin his teaching here?A. Since three years ago. B. About three years ago. C. Last year.12. Why does the man tell the woman to design some posters?A. To raise much more money for the woman.B. To make the charity show interesting.

5、C. To attract more people to come to the charity show.13. How many students have nt got the books?A. Five.B. Thirty-five.C. Forty.14. What would the man like to drink?A. He would like to drink neither coffee nor water.B. He would like to drink water.C. He would like to drink either coffee or tea.C)短

6、文理解(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)聽下面的短文。短文后有 5個小題,從題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中 選出最佳選項。短文讀兩遍。15. Where did the car race start from?A. Beijing.B. Lasa.C. Kunming.16. Why are roads to Xining dangerous?A. Because the cars will travel through the deserts.B. Because the cars will travel through twenty cities.C. Because the cars

7、 will travel a long way.17. Why will the drivers need warm clothes?A. Because they will drive through twenty cities.B. Because they will drive in the high mountains.C. Because they will drive on the dangerous roads.18. When did the divers have to arrive in Chengdu?A. On May 26th.B. On June 28h.C. On

8、 June 18h.19. What is this passage?A. A story.B. A notice.C. A piece of news.二、選擇填空(共24小題;每小題1分,滿分24分)A)單項填空從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。()20. - Can I get you a drink?-That s very nice of you. I 've already got.A. itB. one C. that D. this()21. The old man told us across the street ye

9、sterday.A. to not go B. don't go C. didn't go D. not to go()22. The Smiths sending e-mails letters because it is fasterA. prefer, to writingB. prefer, to writeC. prefers, to writingD. prefers, to write()23. They were busy with each other the time.A. too, to talk, to forget B. too, talking; t

10、o forgetC. so, to talk, that they forgot D. so, talking, that they forgot()24. The hard work made me very tired.A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. feels()25.of the students will take part in the sports meeting.A. Three five B. Three fives C. Thirds fifths D. Three fifths().26. A large number of studen

11、ts playing football on the playground.A. is B. to be C. have D. are()27. I don't know when he tomorrow. I think if he, I'll go to see him.A. comes, comesB. will come, comesC. will come, will come D. comes, will come.()28. -Dad,I take your camera? -Yes, you can.A .must B. could C. might D. ne

12、ed()29. people we help, we feel.A. Many, the more happilyB. The more, the happierC. All, the happiestD. Most, the most happy()30. 一 Hi, Mary . ? Not so well. I can' t keep up wi the other studentsA. How long have you studied chemistryB. Who is teaching you chemistryC. How is your chemistry study

13、 goingD. Where are you learning chemistry()31.useful advice it is!A. What aB. How aC. WhatD. How()32. The sign, Keep off the grass'.A. says B. speaks C. writesD. tells()33. -are you going abroad for?-For further study.A. HowB. WhenC. WhyD. What三.根據(jù)所給漢語提示,完成下列句子。34 .我原以為你喜歡火星。I35 .人類需要食物,水及空氣生存。H

14、umans need.36奶奶年紀太大了,不能移居到另一個星球上。Grandma is another planet.37.他說以前他從未看過一場另人如此興奮的比賽。He said he before.38.我希望畢業(yè)后在這家公司找到一份工作。after I graduate from school.四.完形填空。(10分)Last Wednesday, Mr. Chen took his class to the Space Museum. There _36_ many things about space there. First, the children saw a film abo

15、ut space travel. They saw _37_ the space shuttle took off in space and later landed on earth _38_. It was very exciting and the children felt they were traveling in space _39_!After the film, Mr. Chen took _40_ to see some models of rockets _41_ the space shuttle. The models looked very real, but th

16、ey were much _42_ . Then the children saw some moon rocks Two _43_ landed on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag there. Then they took some rocks back to the _44_ ._45_ the children left, they also watched a video show about people living and working in a space lab. The people could stay in

17、the space lab for months.()39. A. isB. areC. wasD. were(40. A. howB. whatC. whenD. which()41. A. tooB. alreadyC. againD. badly()42. A. itselfB. ourselvesC. oneselfD.themselves()43. A. theirB. themC. theyD.theirs()44. A. orB. butC. andD.then()45. A. smallB. smallerC. bigD.bigger()46. A. AmericansB .E

18、nglishmenC .AustraliansD.Chinese()47. A. moonB. starC. earthD.sun()48. A. AfterB. As soon asC. UntilD.Before五.閱讀理解。(10分)Do you believe there are aliens(卜星人)? We' ll make a phone call and you will know.A group of Americans can help. They made a device(裝置)to “talk ” to aliens. If you want to talk

19、to an alien, you only need to visit www.TalkToA, call 1-900-226-0300 and say: " Hello aliens, this is Earth calling. Can you hear me? say anything you want.But now, they only take phone calls from people in the US. The call is $3.99 every minute. After the hotline began in February, www.TalkToA

20、 has got hundreds of calls. There is one call every three minutes. They are also trying to send people ' s e-mails, photos and videos into space.()49. If you live in America and you want to know whether there are any aliens,A. you can make a phone call B. you can go to America for helpC. you can

21、 ask any scientist for help D. you can talk to aliens()50. www.TalkToA is a place where.A. you can get some knowledge about aliens. B. you can talk to aliensC. the aliens live D. you can make a set of device to talk to aliens()51. What does the underlined word refer to 指)?A. The aliensB. The people

22、who want to talk to aliensC. The Americans D. The group of scientists who can help you ()52. Which is Not right?A. Only from any country can call 1-900-226-0300.B. People from any country can call 1-900-226-0300 now.C .If you call the hotline for two minutes, you should pay $7.98.D. Every three minu

23、tes there is someone calling 1-900-226-0300.()53. From this article(文章)we know.A. There is only one call after the hotline began in February.B. There are some aliens in the world.C. Some Americans are trying to send information about humans into space.D. If you pay $2.99 for a minute, you can talk t

24、o aliens.BHow old is old"? The answer has changed over the years. Two hundred years ago, you were old at 35. At the beginning of the 2(th century, the average life spa n 平均壽命) was 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is still thought young.So, how old is old?

25、The answer is one you've heard many times, from all kinds of people. “You are as old (or young) as you feel." Your age simply tells you how many years you have lived. Your body tells you how well yod ve lived.“ Nobody grows old by living a number of years: wrote a writer." People grow

26、old when they doH t have their ideals. People shouldH t have the wrong ideas about aging. Sometimes, older minds can be as bright as young minds. Alice Brophy once said, “It makes me unhappy when people say /You look young for your age. ' What does that mean? You know you can die old at 30 and l

27、ive young at 80.54. The meaning of the underlined word “aging" is "” .A. growing old B. staying young C. keeping healthy D. feeling unhappy55. Which question is not answered in the passage?A. Can older people be as bright as young people?B. What tells you how well you ve lived?C. How old i

28、s old”?D. What is the average life span today?56. The passage is mainly about.A. the average life spanB. agingC. the 20th centuryD. older people and young people六、書面表達(共1題;才f分20分)在一次班會課上,你班同學就養(yǎng)寵物的利弊進行了討論,請你根據(jù)下表提供的信息,以班長的身份用英語做一個總結。優(yōu)點 缺點1、現(xiàn)在越來越多的人擁有寵物,動物已成為我們的好朋友。2、寵物為人們帶來許多樂趣。3、養(yǎng)寵物可以幫助培養(yǎng)我們的愛心。1、養(yǎng)寵物需

29、要花大量的時間和金錢。2、你需要照顧它(請至少舉一個例子)。3、寵物會弄臟房間,還會傳染疾病。你的看法注意:1、詞數(shù)90左右。短文的開頭已為你寫好,不記入總詞數(shù);2、參考詞7匚:傳染疾病一spread diseases3、短文須包括所有內容要點,不要逐條翻譯,可適當發(fā)揮,使短文連貫、 通順。Just now we talked about the advantagesand disadvantagesof keeping pets. Somestudentsthink英語參考答案及聽力材料聽力材料一、聽力選擇(滿分24分)(請先用兩分鐘時間熟悉聽力試題, 然后再動筆答題。做題時,先將答案劃在

30、試卷上。錄音內容結束后,你將有兩分鐘的時間將試卷上的答案轉涂到答題卡上。) A)回答問題(共6小題;每小題1分,滿分6分)聽下面6個問題。每個問題后有一個小題,從題所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。每個問題讀兩遍。1. How many colours are there in a rainbow?2. How much is that meat, please?3. Could I borrow your dictionary?4. Would you like to join us for lunch?5. I,ve got a problem. I'm very worri

31、ed.6. What s your uncle?B)對話理解(共8小題;每小題1分,滿分8分)聽下面8段對話。每段對話后有一個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。每段對話讀兩遍。7. W: Where are you going, Bill?M : I'm going to the zoo. What about you, Kate?W: Oh, I just came from the library.Q: Where was Kate just now?8. M : Is Bill feeling better today?W: Oh, yes, he is muc

32、h better. But the doctor says he will have to stay in bed for a few more days.Q: What can we learn about Bill?9. M: I didn't catch the 8:30 bus. Could you tell me when the next bus will leave for Nanjing?W: Buses leave for Nanjing every twenty minutes. Wait a moment, please.Q: What time will the

33、 next bus leave for Nanjing?10. W: I don't like hot weather but I like walking. Where shall I go this summer?M : You can go hiking in Lushan Mountain. There may be some rain, but the weather is pleasant and comfortable.Q: What's the weather like in Lushan?11. W : How long have you taught her

34、e?M : I have taught here for about three years.Q: When did the man begin his teaching here?12. W: What do I need to do for the charity show?M : You'd better design some posters to attract a lot of people to come.Q: Why does the man tell the woman to design some posters?13. M : How many students

35、are there in your class?W: Forty.M : How many of them have got the books?W: Thirty-five.Q: How many students haverit got the books?14. W: What would you like, coffee or tea?M : I'd like neither of them, but just water.Q: What would the man like to drink?C)短文理解(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)聽下面的短文。短文后有 5個小題,從

36、題中所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。短文讀兩遍The time is nine o'clock. Here is the news.Seventy-one cars have arrived in Beijing. They are racing to Chengdu. They have already been driving 5,200 kilometres. Eighty-six cars left Kunming on May 26 th and drove to Jinan in Shandong. They drove through twenty cities. They went over more than five mountains. Today they will travel to Xining. They will drive 4,400 kilometres through the deserts and the roads will be dangerous. The drivers will need warm clothes because its very c


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