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2、h ing for Guin evereStories of kings and queens have captivated readers for centuries, and arguably, the tales of King Arthur and Guin evere areamong the most en cha nti ng. Arthur ruled the kin gdom of Camelot, and Guin evere was his queen. But were they real people orfictional characters The debat

3、e hascontinued for centuries. Thoughmany scholars have found evidenee that the legendary Arthur was, at the very least, based on a real person who lived in Britainroughly between 450 and( 1) 500 CE. They continue to search for the historicalidentity of Guinevere. Guinevere first appeared as King Art

4、hur s queen in one of the most widelystudied works of Arthurianliterature,( 2)The History of the Kings of Britain.This book was written by Geoffreyof Monm outh around 1135 CE. Geoffrey s historical treatme nt of the lege nd is ofte n ( 3) sited as evide nee that the queenof Camelot existed, as the b

5、ook chronicles the lives of a number of historicalrulers.*Godhelp those who help themselves. We help those who trust us. Con tact Wechat:satxbs123, help is wait ing.1A) NO CHANGEB) 500 CE. ContinuingC) 500 CE, continuingD) 500 CE, they con ti nue2Which choice most effectively comb ines the senten ce

6、s at the un derl ined portion分享了可汗學(xué)院的數(shù)學(xué)和閱讀真題后,還有我SAT 語(yǔ)法真題。截止到 6 月前,可汗學(xué)院一共放出了5A) The History of the Kings of Brita in, and this bookB) The History of the Kings of Brita in, whichC) a book called The History of the Kings of Britain,as thisD) a book called The History of the Kings of Britain,and this3A

7、) NO CHANGEB) in sightedC) citedD) in citedGuin evere is ide ntified by Geoffrey as a n oblewoma n of Roma n desce nt who met Ki ng Arthur in the courtof Duke Cador of Cornwall, where she lived as a ward. (4)ln Malory s portrayal, Guinevere had no realpower as a mon arch but served as a kind of spir

8、itual leader, providi ng guida nee and moral support to the knights in their rolesas defenders of the kingdom. Le Morte d Arthur was also one of the firstworks to reference Guinevere s romanee with the knight, Sir many Arthurian scholars know, thedistinction between history and literature was blurre

9、d in the Middle Ages. Consequently,the true identityof Guin evere may n ever be known with certai nty.Yet regardless of whether Guin evere was real or fiction al,her story (5) had en dured cen turies and through each retell ing, she con ti nues to live on in theimagi nati ons of people around the wo

10、rld.4At this point, the author wants to add a sentence which effectively sets up the portrayal of Guin evere discussed in the rest of theparagraph. Which choice best accomplishes this goalA) Three cen turies later, however, Thomas Malory pain ted a very differe nt portrait of Guin evere in LeMorte d

11、 Arthur.B) Sir Thomas Malory was an English knight and Member of Parliament who also wrote extensively about the history of theBritish mon archy.C) Many historians believe that the portrayal of Arthur and Guinevere in Sir Thomas Malory s Le Morted Arthur was actually a political commentary on the Wa

12、r of the Roses (1455-1487CE).D) In Le Morte d Art hur, Sir Thomas Malory describes an idyllicEngland under King Arthur and Guinevere,which eve ntually collapses into chaos and political un rest. E. I would be guess ing.5A) NO CHANGEB) was en duri ngC) would have en duredD) has en duredQuesti ons 1-5

13、 are based on the follow ing passage. 1Cometary Missi ons: Trajectory for SuccessScientistshave been launching cometary missions since 1978. The first one, a joint mission by the EuropeanSpace Agency, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), was a“flyby ” in whichthe spacecraft

14、collected data while pass ing around Comet Giacob in i-Z inner. (1)However, the landing of the Rosetta spaceprobe on comet 67P/Churyumov-Geraseme nko in 2014 was differe nt: it marked the first time that a probe Ian ded on a( 2 )cometand giv ing scie ntists a n un precede nted opport unity to study

15、the surface of a comet. I n order to con ti nue this valuableresearch, additi onal missi ons are n eeded; thus,it is critical that more funding be allocated for this 2014 Rosetta missio n provided a rare opport unity for scie ntists to test a numberof hypotheses regard ing thecompositi on of (3) com

16、ets; the distribution_of orga nic compo unds in our solar system and the origi nsof life on Earth. Un like other cometary missi ons,the Rosetta spacecraft contained a probe, Philae, that was able to land on the surface of a comet. *Rack your brain and you dontknow Wechat: satxbs123, she can help you

17、!1At this point, the writer wants to add accurate informationfrom the graph. Which choice best accomplishesthis goalA) From 1978 to 2014, the nu mber of successful missi ons in creased from 28 perce nt to 72 perce nt.B) Before 2014, the majority of attempted cometary missi ons were con sidered un successful.C) Betwee n the n and 2014, 72 perce nt of the cometary missi ons were successful.D) Of the missi ons attempted since the n, 44 perce nt have bee n successful.2A) NO CHANGE


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