



1、課題Unit 1 Growing up - Period 2教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識(shí)目標(biāo)1. Key words: catch, fly?2. Master the key sentences :faster the diference of “He was.” and "He is." anduse the “He was." and “He is.”能力目標(biāo)Learn the part of “Read a storyv .心理情感目 標(biāo)1. Help the sts read the story "Little Justin .Lead the sts lea

2、rn the important information of the story.2. Through the learning task, help the sts improve anduse the knowledge and skills.備課四要素備教材Set the task: aim to make students ask, express and describe the differences between the present tense and the past tense.備學(xué)生Pupils ' basic knowledge is a bit poor

3、. I shall teach then slowly.備教師It is a little hurry to prepare for this lesson.備教法Teach directly and prepare some questions.教 學(xué) 過課前自學(xué)Step 1:程Discuss re la te d topic about the story.T: Do you like reading stories?What' s your favourite story?What' s the main idea of the story?Step 2:Play the

4、 video of the story. Lead the story through the questions.What season was it? (It was spring.)What was in the river? (There was a tadpole in the river.His name is little Justin.)What colour was little Justin? (He was black.) T: Little Justin was unhappy because he couldn? tfind his mother.課堂探究The te

5、acher goes on asking questions:T: Can Little Justin find his mother?T: Who was Little Justin' s mother?T: Was he big?T: What colour was he?T: What did he say?Play the video once more time and then ask some sts to read play the story in different roles.Step 3:Give the students some minutes to complete the practice課后反思學(xué)習(xí)過程: Sts can try to join the discussions while the Pre-task preparations. With the time flies, sts reduce the interests if the teacher ask too many questions.存在 問題: Teacher is lack of enthusiasm. Try to mobilize most stud


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