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1、樣本4-1 海運(yùn)提單1.SHIPPER (托運(yùn)人)ELIONB/L NO.20141023 COSCO中國(guó)遠(yuǎn)洋運(yùn)輸(集團(tuán))總公司CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING (GROUP) CO.ORIGINALCombined Transport Bill of Lading2.CONSIGNEE(收貨人)To order of shipper 3.NOTIFY PARTY(通知人) FUYUAN4.PR-CARRIAGE BY(前程運(yùn)輸)5.PLACE OF RECEIPT(收貨地)TOKYO6. OCEAN VESSEL VOY. NO.(船名及航次)ATLANTIC.1007.PORT O

2、F LOADING(裝貨港)XIAMEN8.PORT OF DISCHARGE (卸貨港)填LAX9.PLACE OF DELIVERY(交貨地)TOKYO .10.FINAL DESTINATION FOR THE MERCHANTS REFERENCE (目的地)僅當(dāng)該B/L被用作全程轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)時(shí)才填此欄(填NYC)11.MARKS (嘜頭)FUYUAN20141023TOKYO1/20012.NOS. & KINDS OF PKGS(包裝種類和數(shù)量)200.Carton.13.DESCRIPTION OF GOODS(貨物名稱)Lotus seed14. G.W.(KG) (毛重)20

3、.01ton15. MEAS(M3)(體積)200*20*m17.FREIGHT & CHARGES(運(yùn)費(fèi))PREPAID(運(yùn)費(fèi)預(yù)付)或COLLECT(運(yùn)費(fèi)到付)REVENUE TONS(運(yùn)費(fèi)噸)RATE(運(yùn)費(fèi)率)PER(計(jì)費(fèi)單位)PREPAID(運(yùn)費(fèi)預(yù)付)COLLECT(運(yùn)費(fèi)到付)PREPAID AT(預(yù)付地點(diǎn))PAYABLE ATTOKYO18.PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE(出單地點(diǎn)和時(shí)間)NOV.11th.2014TOTAL PREPAID(預(yù)付總金額)19.NUMBER OF ORIGINAL B(S)L (正本提單的份數(shù))3 22.SIGNED FOR TH

4、E CARRIER(承運(yùn)人簽章)中國(guó)遠(yuǎn)洋運(yùn)輸(集團(tuán))總公司CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING (GROUP) CO.×××20.DATENOV.11th.201421.LOADING ON BOARD THE VESSEL BY ATLANTIC提單制單示例: L/C規(guī)定:Huangpu feeder HKG ocean vessel LAX(W.C)LB NYC(E.C.)黃埔駁運(yùn)至香港-大船至洛杉磯(Los Ageles)-陸橋(land bridge)至紐約(New York City)。則:(4)Pre-carriage by _(此欄填feeder

5、 ship名即駁船名);(5)Place of Receipt _(填Huangpu);(6)Ocean Vessel_(填大船名)(7)Port of Loading_(填HKG);(8)Port of Discharge_(填LAX);(9)Place of Delivery -若大船公司負(fù)責(zé)至NYC則填NYC;若負(fù)責(zé)至LA則填LA。(7)Final Destination(if goods to be transshipped at port of discharge)(Applicable only when document used as a through B/L:僅當(dāng)該B/L被

6、用作全程轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)B/L時(shí)才填此欄?。(此欄填NYC) BILL OF LADING托運(yùn)人Shipper中國(guó)對(duì)外貿(mào)易運(yùn)輸總公司CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORTATION CORP聯(lián)運(yùn)提單COMBINED TRANSPORTBILL OF LADINGRECEIVED the goods in apparent good order and condition as specified below unless otherwise stated herein. The Carrier, in accordance with the provisions c

7、ontained in this document.1) undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of the entire transport from the place at which the goods are takes in charge to the place designated for delivery in this document ,and 2)assumes liability as prescribed in this document for such transport. One of the

8、Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly indorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order.收貨人或指示Consignee or order 通知地址 Notify address 前段運(yùn)輸Pre-carriage by 收貨地點(diǎn)Place of receipt海運(yùn)船只Ocean vessel裝貨港Port of loading卸貨港Port of discharge交貨地點(diǎn)Place of delivery運(yùn)費(fèi)支付地Freight payable at正本提單份數(shù)Number of origina

9、l Bs/L標(biāo)志和號(hào)碼 Marks and Nos.件數(shù)和包裝種類Number and kind of packages貨名Description of goods毛重(公斤)Gross weight (kgs.)尺碼(立方米)Measurement(m3)以上細(xì)目由托運(yùn)人提供ABOVE PARTICCLARS FURNSHED BY SHIPER運(yùn)費(fèi)和費(fèi)用Freight and chargesIN WITNESS whereof the number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which

10、 being accomplished, the other(s) to be void.簽單地點(diǎn)和日期Place and date of issue代表承運(yùn)人簽字Signed for or on behalf of the Carrier代理as Agents太平船務(wù)有限公司提單:ShipperB/L NO.PACIFIC INTERNATION LINES (PTE) LTD(Incorporated in Singapore)COMBINED TRANSPORT BILL OF LADINGReceived in apparent good order and condition exc

11、ept as otherwise noted the total number of container or other packages or units enumerated below for transportation from the place of receipt to the place of delivery subject to the terms hereof. One of the signed Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the Goods or deliver

12、y order. On presentation of this document (duly) Endorsed to the Carrier by or on behalf of the Holder, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms hereof shall (without prejudice to any rule of common law or statute rendering them binding on the Merchant) become binding in all r

13、espects between the Carrier and the Holder as though the contract evidenced hereby had been made between them.SEE TERMS ON ORIGINAL B/LConsigneeNotify PartyVessel and Voyage NumberPort of LoadingPort of DischargePlace of ReceiptPlace of DeliveryNumber of Original Bs/LPARTICULARS AS DECLARED BY SHIPPER CARRIER NOT RESPONSIBLEContainer Nos/Seal Nos.Marks and/NumbersNo. of Container / Packages / Description of GoodsGross Weight(Kilos)Measurement(cu-metres)FREIGHT & CHARGESNumber of Containers/Packages (in words)Shipped on Board Date:Place and Date of Issue:In Witness


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