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1、賓語(yǔ)從句專(zhuān)項(xiàng)練習(xí)賓語(yǔ)從句習(xí)題基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)1. Have you decidedfor Australia?A. whe n will you leaveB. whe n do you leaveC. you will leave whe n D. whe n you will leave2. Ca n you tell me?A. where does Tom liveB. where Tom livedC. Tom lives where D. where Tom lives3. The old man asked me.A. where was the cin ema B. where is

2、the cin emaC. where the cin ema was D. where was the way to the cin ema4.1 thi nkyou will like him.A. that B. if C. why D. how5did n?t knowhe will come or not.A. that B. whether C. weather D. how6won der.A. how much cost these shoes B. how much do these shoes costC. how much these shoes cost D. how

3、much are these shoes cost 7.She asked me.A. who he was B. who was he C. who is he D. who he is8. Ask him.A. whose cup this is B. whose cup is thisC. this is whose cup D. whose is this cup9don?t know.A. what time the movie starts B. what time starts the movieC. the time to start the movie D. the movi

4、e what time starts10. The doctor asked me how long.A. was I illB. have I been ill C. I have been ill D. I had been ill11. The weather forecast does n?t say.A. if it rains tomorrow B. if does it rain tomorrowC. if it will rain tomorrow D. if will it rain tomorrow12. Do you know?A. whose pen is this B

5、. whose pen this isC. whom does the pen belong to D. whom the pen belong to13. Could you tell me where?A. the tape was B. was the tape C. the tape is D. is the tape14. They want to know?A. where is the hospitalB. how old are youC. when the train will leave D. why is the boy crying15. T ony wan ted t

6、o know.A. what had Father Christmas put in his stock ingB. whe n Father Christmas had put in his stock ingC. what Father Christmas had put in his stock ingD. where Father Christmas had put in his stock ingnot.16. No one knowsthe professor will come to our school tomorrow to give us a talk orA. when

7、B. whether C. where D. if17. Julydidn?tknow.A. where is Tim?s father B. when was the first watch madeC. who the old man is D. what was wrong with her watch18. No one told us, so we n eed your help.A. how should we do B. what we should do C. what to do D. what should we do19. We don?t knowwith the ru

8、bbish and it pollutes out land and sea.A. how do it B. how to do C. what do it D. what to do20. He asked me.A. whether I find out the sen der of the moneyB. whether did I find out the sen der of the moneyC. whether the sen der of the money found outD. whether I found out the sen der of the money21.

9、Did you hear?A. what did I say B. what I said C. I said what D. what I say22. Can you tell me?A. which class you are in B. which class are you inC. you are in which class D. are you in which class23. -Excuse me. Could you tell me? - Certai nly.A. whe n can I get to the stati on B. I can get to which

10、 stati onC. which station can I get to D. how I can get to the station24. Could you tell me whereyesterday?A. did you go B. you go C. you have gone D. you went25. Tom asked me.A. whose shirt was this B. whose shirt this wasC. who shirt was this D. who shirt this was26. Excuse me, could you tell me?A

11、. where?s the teachers? office B. where?s the bus stati onC. what?s she doing D. where the post office is27. I want to see Mrs. Wang , but I don?t know.A. she lives where B. she where lives C. where she lives D. where does she live28. - Go and ask Mr. White for help. - But I don?t know.A. where does

12、 he live B. where he livesC. where is he livi ng D. he lives there29. - Can you tell me? - Yes, he lives in a small tow n.A. where he lives B. who is singing C. when he will leave D. what he said30. Have you decidedfor London?A. whe n will you leave B. whe n you will leaveC. whe n are you going D. w

13、he n you are going31. Excuse me. Could you tell meour tickets?A. where do we show B. where shall we showC. where did we show D. where we shall show32. - What are you in terested in about cook ing food? - We are all in terested in.A. how egg is fried B. how is egg fried C. how egg fries D. how does e

14、gg fry33. Do you know?A. what it is B. what is it C. who is he D. whose n ame is it34. Do you know?A. whose book is this B. whose book this is C. this book is whose D. who?s book this is35. I don?t knownow.A. where is my cat B. my cat is whereC. where my cat isD. where my cat36. Does he know?A. what

15、?s your n ame B. what n ame is yourC. what your is n ame D. what your n ame is37. Do you know?A. which floor he lives B. which floor he lives onC. he lives on which floor D. which floor does he lives on38. Can you tell me where?A. is the hospital B. the hospital is C. is hospital D. hospital is39. H

16、e has n?t decided.A. if he?ll go on a trip to Wuxi B. when will he go on a trip to WuxiC. if he goes on a trip to Wuxi D. whe n does he go on a trip to Wuxi40. Can you see?A. what he?s reading B. what is he readingC. what does he read D. he reads what能力提高練習(xí)1.1 don't knowhe will come tomorrow.he

17、comes, I'll tell you.A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If2. I don't knowthe day after tomorrow.A. whe n does he come B. how will he comeC. if he comes D. whether he'll come3. Could you tell methe n earest hospital is?A. what B. how C. whether D. where4. Could you tell

18、 methe radio without any help?A. how did he mend B. what did he mendC. how he men ded D. what he men ded5. I want to know.A. whom is she look ing after B. whom she is look ingC. whom is she look ing D. whom she is look ing after6. Do you know wherenow?A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did h

19、e live7. Do you know what time?A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves8.1 don't know. Can you tell me, please?A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two playersC. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are9. The small chil

20、dre n don't know.A. what is their stock ings in B. what is in their stock ingsC. where is their stock ings in D. what in their stock ings10. I can't un dersta nd.A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas does meanC. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means11. I don?t knowhe will

21、be back home.A. who B. what C. whe nD. where12. Could you tell me?A. where do you live B. who you are waiting forC. who were you waiting for D. where you live in13. Do you still remember?A. that he said B. what he said C. did he say that D. what did he say14. I can?t un dersta ndthe boy ah®.A.

22、why she left B. why did she leave C. why she had left D. why had she left15. She told me the sunin the east.A. rise B. rose C. risesD. had rise n16. They tried to find outthe new train.A. how far/ had gone B. how long/ has goneC. how far/ went D. how far / had run17. The man ager came up to see.A. w

23、hat was the matter B. what the matter was C. what the matter is D. what?s the matter18. Can you tell me?A. what are you doing B. where do you studyC. what you were doing D. what to do it19. He asked his father.A. where it happe ns B. where did it happe nC. how it happened D. how did it happen20. No

24、one tells us, so we n eed your help.A. how we should do B. what should we doC. how to do itD. what to do it21. Could you please teach methe computer.A. how check B. to check C. how to check D. to how check ing22. he,ll come or not isn ,t importa nt.A. Why B. If C. Whether D. What23. Would you like t

25、o knowthey will do it or not.A. if B. that C. whether D. why24. Where do you thi nkhethe TV set? , I?ve Soriryea.A./; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. did bought25. Our homework has cha nged a lot. Who can tellit would be like infive years.A. how; ano ther B. what; more C. how ; other D. what; a

26、no ther26. Could you tell me? Yes. Heto the USA.A. where is he/ has bee n B. where he is/ has goneC. where was he/ has bee n D. where he was/ has gone27. Mike wants to know ifa picnic tomorrow.Yes. But if it, we?ll visit the museum in stead.A. you have; will rain B. you will have; will rainC. you wi

27、ll have; rains D. will you have; rains28. I don?t know if hetomorrow. If he, I?ll meet him.A. will come; comes B. comes; comesC. will come; will come D. comes; will come29. I really don?t know if sheit whe n she.A. fin ds; arrivesB. finds ;will arriveC. will find; will arrive D. will find; arrives30

28、. Can you make sure the gold ring?A. where Alice has put B. where had Alice putC. where Alice had put D. where has Alice put31. - When are the Shutes leaving for New York?-Pardo n?-I asked.A. when are the Shutes leaving for New YorkB. when the Shutes are leaving for New YorkC. whe n were the Shutes

29、leav ing for New YorkD. whe n the Shutes were leav ing for New York32. Could you tell me? I have something interesting to tell him.A. where is Li Hong B. where Li Hong isC. where was Li Hong D. where Li Hong has bee n to33. - Could you tell me?A. how many people have bee n out of hospital B. whe n i

30、s Than ksgi vingC. which animal does he like bestD. what time will the dolphin show start34. I want to know.A. what is his n ame B. what?s his n ameC. that his n ame is D. what his n ame is35. He asked me.A. if she will come B. how many books I want to haveC. they would help us do it D. what was wro

31、ng with me36. Do you still rememberat the meet ing?A. that Jim said B. what Jim saidC. did Jim said that D. what did Jim said37. - Excuse me,to the n earest bookshop, please?-Go straight and take the second turning on the left.A. where the way is B. which the way isC. where is the way D. which is th

32、e way38. - Can I help you? - Yes. I?d like a ticket to Mou nt Emei. Can you tell metake toget there?A. how soon will it B. how soon it will C. how long it will D. how long will it39. - I hear we?ll have a new teacher this term-.- Really? Do you know?A. what subject does he teach B. what subject will

33、 he teachC. what subject he teaches D. what subject is he going to teach40. He asked his teacher.A. if there was a monster in Loch Ness B. when was Albert Einstein bornC. how would the scientists find out the result D. where could he find the library41. Do you knowover there?A. what happe ns B. what

34、 was happe nedC. what is happe nin gD. what did happe n42. - Do you knowwe will arrive at your hometow n? - This after noon.A. when B. why C. if D. where43. Could you tell meto Mou nt Putuo tomorrow?A. how you will go B. how will you go C. how you have gone D. how have you gone44. Could you tell me?

35、A. which room he lives B. which room he livedC. which room did he live in D. which room he lives in45. - Do you knowhe is? -He says“1.75 meters ” , but I?m not sure.A. how many B. how old C. how far D. how tall46. She said sheme five letters in one mon th.A. has written B. will write C. had written

36、D. wrote47. Can you tell meshe is wait ing for?A. why B. whose C. whom D. which48. I don?t knowhe still lives here.A. where B. what C. whe n D. whether49. - Be careful! Don?t break the bottles. Do ou hearI said, David? - Yes, mum.A. what B. that C. why D. if50. I?d like to know.A. whe n will he give

37、 back the tape B. whether has he received higher educati onC. that he has bee n busy D. whether she will join in our En glish eve ning51. Could you tell me?A. when shall we start B. who are you waiting forC. where the bus station is D. why were you late52. - Do you know? I?m going to see him- Sorry,

38、 I don?t know.A. where does Mr. Li live B. where did Mr. Li liveC. where Mr. Li lives D. where Mr. Li lived53. He asked me.A. who did kick the first goal in the World Cup B. when was the APEC meeti ng heldC. when China became a member of the WTO D. where will the 2008 Olympics be held54. She wan ted

39、 to knowher mother liked the prese nt.A. which B. that C. if D. what55. Could you tell me?A. who is she B. where?s the n earest fast restaura ntC. if he will come tomorrow D. which way is to the underground station56. Do you know ifback n ext week? If heback, please let me know.A. he comes, will com

40、e B. will he come, comesC. he will come, comes D. will he come, will come57. - Can you tell me why? - Because I want to help the people there.A. do you go to Tibet B. did you go to TibetC. are you going to Tibet D. you are going to Tibet58. - Where does he come from? - Pard on? - I asked where.A. di

41、d he come from B. he came fromC. he comes from D. does he come from59. You must remember.A. what your teacher said B. what did your teacher sayC. your teacher said what D. what has your teacher said60. Lily likes.A. what her twin sister like B. what her twin sister doesC. what is her twin sister lik

42、e D. what does her twin sister do61. - Excuse me. Could you tell meget to the pla ne?-Certa in ly. Go straight along here.A. how can we B. how we can C. whe n can we D. whe n we can62. Do you know what time?A. does the train leave B. leaves the trainC. the train leave D. the train leaves63. - I don?

43、t knowMr. Green will come to see us?-He will help us with our En glish.A. why B. whe n C. how D. where2006年-2010年中考真題1. Some of my friends are interesting in scienee, but none of them can tell .A. when UFOs will appear next time B. why do horses know the wayC. where was this kind of pla nt found D.

44、how do elepha nts com muni cate2. -What time will Mr. Brown be back to China?-Sorry. I don?t know .A. whe n did he go abroad B. why he is going abroadC. how soon will he be back D. how long he will stay abroad3. -May I come in ? I?m sorry I am late.-Come in, please. But could you please tell me ?A. why you are late aga in B. what were you doing the nC. who you talked with D. how do you come to school4. -Could you please tell me ?-Bus No.32 will take you right there.A. where is Henan Museum B. what Henan Museum is likeC. how can I get to Henan Museum D. which bus I shall t


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