1、I Listening Comprehension (共 20 分,1-15 題每題 1 分,16-佃題每題 0.5 分,20-21每題1.5分)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hearlO short conversations. At the end of each conversation, one questi on will be asked about what was said. Both the conv ersati ons and the questi ons will be spoke n only on ce
2、. After each questi on there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the several choices, and decide which the best an swer is.注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。1. A) The man should try to be more un dersta nding.B) The man s wife should be more understanding.C) The man ' s negative attitude may
3、 be derived from his childhood.D) The pessimism of man ' s wife may be the result of her past experiences.2. A) A snowstorm. An CMlhqLinlG C) A traffic accident, D) A hurriQUC,3. A) The two speakers are classmates.B) The man is majoring in elementary education.C) The woma n is majori ng in eleme
4、 ntary educati on.D) The two speakers got to know each other in a class.4. A) She s got fl stomachache. B) She feels perfectly fine.C) She's going to gci married. D) Shcs going to have a baby.5. A) is the best city he s ever visited. B) It was worse than he had expected.C) It is difficult to get
5、 around in the city. D) 1 he hold service is terrible in ihc ci(yr6. A) 1。encourage ihcin.B) To stop them immediately.C) To give some cxplanatloiL D) lo leave them alone,7. A) Unemployment.日丿 1 伽山 bmkup. C) Mental problems. D) Drinking.8. A) lhe woman is lhe mail s boss. B) The man is the woman '
6、; s husband.C) t he woman is the beadmasKr of a scliootD) The woman warns to know somctliing about a student.9. A) lhey arc attending a c oncer I.B) They are negotiat ing about a price.C) They are pla nning to go for a date. D) They are buying somethi ng for their firm I10. AJ Ihc man is a loolbdll
7、1血 B) The man needs the woman ' s help.C) The man did if I watch IV last night. D) Ihc man cficn has power failure al home”Section BDirections: In this sect ion, you will hear a short passage. At the end of the passage, you will hear 5 questi ons. You must choose the best an swer from the four c
8、hoices marked A, B, C and D.注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。Listen to the following short passage, and answer the questions from 11 to 1511. A) By studying many, many sick people. B) By studying people who didn' t get sick.C) By studyi ng lateral thi nking.D) With help from Dr. de Bono.12. A) Never giv
9、i ng up.B) Getti ng help from others.C) Moving sideways.D) Changing you point of view.13. A) The aggressive attitude of vertical thi nki ng. B) Traditi on ally western lateral thin ki ng.C) A way to cha nge your point of view. D) How Edward de Bono likes to solve problems.14. A) To discuss a major m
10、edical breakthroughB) To in troduce a new con cept of problem sol vingC) To talk about the life of Edward de BonoD) To con trol Easter n and Western ways of thi nki ng15. A) In the early 18th cen tury.B) In the late 18th cen tury.C) In the early 19th cen tury.D) In the late 19th cen tury.Section CDi
11、rections: In this sect ion, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 16 to 19 with the exact words you have ju
12、st heard. For blanks numbered from 20 to 21 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Fin ally, whe n the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you
13、 have writte n. 注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。Can you recite the alphabet easily and quickly? Can you write your n ame (16)? Canyou play scales 音階)on a musical in strume nt?You would probably say that you memorized all this. But what you actually did was to learn them.And the way you lear ned them was by
14、 formi ng a (17)! In other words, what was oncequite difficult for you, such as reciting the alphabet or playing scales, became easy and almost automatic whe n you formed the habit of doing it. So (18)can be described as lear ningby means of forming habit.A huma n being has a treme ndous nu mber of
15、such habits that (19)him to do most ofthe ordi nary thi ngs in life, such as faste ning butt ons or washi ng han ds. But suppose you read a book and the n some one asked you what the book was about, or how to describe the plot. (20)But if you examine the situation carefully, you will see that someth
16、ing very much like habit does play a part. For example, with ordi nary habits, (21)28. i nte nseB. very much29. greedyC. existi ng in an extreme degree30. ceaseD. show ing, full of, too great a desire for food, mon ey, power, etc.31. gen erousE. put an end to; stopSection CDirections: Beneath each o
17、f the following sentences,there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes each senten ce.注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。32. Though she bega n herby singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous movie star.A) employme ntB) careerC) occupati onD) professi onNow, whe n you
18、 give the plot of a book, or tell what its about, you are doing the same ki nd of thi ng33. The rest of the day was en tirely at hisfor read ing or recreati on.A. show ing read in ess to give mon ey, help, kindn ess, etc.In fact, some psychologists say that all lear ning (and this also means mon ey)
19、 is made up of a vast comb in ati on of simple habits.II . Vocabulary (共 10 分,每題 05 分)Section ADirections Spell the following words with the help of their meanings or definitions and the first letter.注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。22. q _ i _ stop (sth.doi ng sth.)23. posily in a positive or optimistic wa
20、y; con fide ntly24. trans pass (sth.) from one pers on or place to ano ther25. i n not direct26. aggre_- behav ing in an angry and viole nt way towards ano ther pers onSection BDirections: Match the defi niti ons in Colu mn II with the words or phrases in Colum n I. 注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。II27. im
21、me nselyA) dismissalB) survivalC) disposalD) arrival34. On New Year' s Eve, New York City holds an outdoorwhich attracts a crowd of people.A) affairB) in cide ntC) caseD) eve nt35. The doctor told Penny that too muchto the sun is bad for the sk in.A) exposureB) exte nsionC) exhibiti onD) expa ns
22、ion36. He wrote an article criticiz ing the Greek poet and wonand a scholarship.A) faithB) statusC) fameD) courage37. His wife is con sta ntly findingwith him, which makes him very an gry.A) errorsB) shortco mings C) faultD) flaw38. I caught aof the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of th
23、e street.A) visio nB) glimpseC) lookD) scene39. Joh n seems a nice pers on.,1 don't trust him.A) Eve n thoughB) Eve n soC) ThereforeD) Though40. These two areas are similarthey both have a high rain fall duri ng this seas on.A) to thatB) besides thatC) in thatD) except that41. Don' t let the
24、 child play with scissorshe cuts himself.A) in caseB) so thatC) now thatD) only ifin . Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(共 10 分,每題 1 分)Directions: In this part, you will have15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questi ons on the An swer Sheet.For questi ons 42-48, mar
25、kY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the in formation is n ot give n in the passage.For question 50-51, complete the sentences with the information given in the pa
26、ssage.St. Valentine s StoryLet me introduce myself. My name is Valentine. I lived in Rome during the third century. That was Iong, long ago! At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. I didn 'likeEmperor Claudius, and I was n't the only one! A lot ofspeopfemy feelings.Claudiu
27、s wan ted to have a big army. He wan ted men to volun teer to joi n. Many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. As you may have guessed, notmany men sig ned up. This made Claudius very an gry. So what happe ned? He had a crazy idea. He thought t
28、hat if men were not married, they would not mi nd joi ning the army. So Claudius decided not to allow any more marriages. Young people and I all thought his new law was cruel.I was a priest. One of my favorite activities was to marry couples. Even after Emperor Claudius passed his law, I kept on per
29、forming marriage ceremonies secretly. It was really quite exciting. Imagine a small candlelit room with only the bride and groom and myself. We would whisper the words of the cerem ony, liste ning all the while for the steps of soldiers.One night, we did hear footsteps. It was frightening! Thank goo
30、dness the couple I was marrying escaped in time. I was caught. I was thrown in prison and told that my punishment was death. I tried to stay cheerful. And do you know what? Won derful things happe ned. Many young people came to the pris on to visit me. They threw flowers and no tes up to my win dow.
31、 They wan ted me to know that they, too, believed in love.One of these young people was the daughter of the pris on guard. Her father allowed her to visit me in the cell. Sometimes we would sit and talk for hours. She helped me to keep my spirits up. She agreed that I did the right thing. On the day
32、 I was to die, I left my friend a little note thanking her for her frien dship and loyalty. I sig ned it,“ Love from your Vale ntine.I believe that note started the custom of exchanging love messageson Valentine Day. It was written on the day I died, February 14, 269 A.D. Now, every year on this day
33、, people think about love and friendship. And when they think of Emperor Claudius, they remember how he tried to stand in the way of love, and they laugh because they know that love can ' t be beaten!注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。42. Vale nti ne was born in the third cen tury in Rome.A) YB) NC) NG43.
34、 A lot of people liked Emperor Claudius.A) YB) NC) NG44. Many man didn'twant to fight in wars because they did not want to leave their wives and families.A) YB) NC) NG45. Claudius allowed people to get married.A) YB) NC) NG46. No young people went to see Vale ntine.A) YB) NC) NG47. A boy was all
35、owed to visit Valentine in the cell by his father.A) YB) NC) NG48. Vale nti ne's Day is the most popular festival in the world.A) YB) NC) NG49. Vale nti ne was a.50. Vale nti ne was caught and throw n in pris on and told that his puni shme nt was.51. Vale nti ne believed that n ote started the c
36、ustom of excha nging love messages onIV. Reading Comprehension (reading in depth)共 30 分,其中 52-61 題每題 1 分,62-71每題2分)Section ADirections In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each bla nk from a list of choices give n in a word bank follow ing the
37、passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in bank is ide ntified by a letter. You may not use a nyof the words in the bank more than once.A) intenseE) part nerI) careerM) opport unityB) tenseF) activistJ) schoolN) con ferredC) ben efitsG) thi nkK) dischargeO
38、) changedD) joyH) notedL) mostRead ing canbe so many thi ngs:work or (52),reality or escape, obligati on or注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)opport unity. In this un it, three very differe nt authors reflect on how the act of readi ng has profo un dly (53)their lives for the better. I n Text A, political (54)
39、Malcolm X remembers howhis “ Prison Studies ” gave him a truly deep love of learning and a be5to developintellectually than any (56)could have. Text B, Reading for Life ” , discuss the ma(57)of reading, from simple pleasure to helping one make the (58) of one' 伍9) opportunities. Finally, in “ Mo
40、onon a Silver Spoon” Eudora Welty describes the (60) childhood love of books, la nguage, storytelli ng that would lead her to become one of the most (61)writers of America south.Section BDirections There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each of them the
41、re are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. 注意:此部分試題請(qǐng)?jiān)诖痤}卷上作答,在此作答無(wú)成績(jī)。Passage OneQuesti ons 62 to 66 are based on the follow ing passage.The first day of April is known as April Fool' s Day in EitiaopStateseaUdiin otherEnglish-speaking countries. Making foo
42、ls of people on April 1st is a time-honored and widespread custom. This is a cheerful day whe n any pers on, young or old, importa nt or uni mporta nt, may be made an April Fool.Young people are very eager to follow the traditi on. They try to find some one un wary eno ugh to fall in to their well-p
43、repared traps. Their victims are frie nds, family members, schoolteachers,etc. Although many of their tricks have ofte n bee n used before, they do not seem to have lost their power to fool people. There are many kinds of jokes.The origin of this custom still remains unclear. There are several expla
44、nations. One of them goeslike this. I n Europe, un til the sixtee nth cen tury, March 25th was New Yearil 1st, the lastay. On Aprday of the festival, people used to make prese nts and send them to one ano ther. I n 1564, CharfestheFrench king, used the Gregoria n cale ndar and fixed January 1st as N
45、ew Year s Day. Those who wereagainst the change continued to express their complaints and they gave presents or paid New Year' svisits on April 1st in fun. Those people became laugh in gstocks and made other people feel cheerful.62. April Fool "sDay is theday of April.A) 1st B) 2ndC) 3rd D)
46、 4th63. Where is April Fool "sDay celebrated?A) EuropeB) United StatesC) other En glish-speak ing coun triesD) All of A, B and C64. Who are the victims of the young people on April FoofsDay?A) friendsB) family membersC) school teachersD) All of A, B and C65. Who used the Gregoria n cale ndar an
47、d fixed January 1st as New Year in 1564? s DayA) Charles IXB) Charles 幻C) Charles XD) Charles 刈66. What did the people who were aga inst the cha nge do?A) Express compla ins.B) Gave prese nts.C) Paid New Year svisit.D) All of A, B and CPassage TwoQuestio ns 67 to 71 are based in the follow ing passa
48、ge.Whe n I was grow ing up, I was in terested in scie nee and math and computers. I loved finding outhow things worked. At fifteen, I bought myself a computer and took it apart. Those were the days whenyou could take the top off and, with the help of books, figure out what each of the parts did. (To
49、day, ifyou unplugged a computer and took off the top, you' d see a big black chip in there, and you'(idea what it does!) Playing with that computer taught me that you learn almost everything by doing.My early curiosity about computers helped lead me to the job I have today, which I love. So
50、whe neverI see kids beco ming passi on ate about an in terest or pursuit, I try to en courage them. Maybe your curiosity will lead you to a job you love, too.74 college she went to France for a'BuSheesadds she fell in love withdoing thin gs.At one of my first jobs, I lear ned this less on throug
51、h experie nee. I was sixtee n, and I got a job with the Houst on Post, selli ng n ewspaper subscripti ons over the teleph one. My co-workers and I would call people and say,“ Hey, would you like tHbustthePos?”During my first few weeks, I figured out that most people who wan ted to buy the n ewspaper
52、 were either moving or getting married. So I thought, “ Well, how canl get the names of all these people who are moving or gett ing married?”I did some research and found out that a lot of that in formati on is legally available to anyone. Once I lear ned how to get those n ames and addresses, I sen
53、t out offers to buy the n ewspaper. My experime nt was a success! With in my first month on the job, I became the top salespers on.67. What was the author in terested inwhe n he was grow ing up?A) scie neeB) mathC) computersD) All of A, B and CMichel is a young girl who works for the police as a han
54、dwriting expert. She has helped 71 many crimi nals by using her special tale nts.When she was fourteen, Michel was already 72 interested in the differences in her friends 'han dwriti ng that she would spe nd hours 73 them. After special two-year class in han dwriti ng at the School of Police Sci
55、e nee.Michel says that it is impossible for people at hide their han dwrit ing. She can discover 75 of what she needs to know simply 76 looking at the writing with her own eyes, but she also hasmachines 77 help her make out different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often 78 great help to t
56、he police.Michel believes that handwriting is a good 79 of what kind of person the writer is. “I wouldn ' t go out with a fellow 80 I didn ' t like his handwriting.her future husband, a young policeman before she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be81 , however.68.Whe n did the author buy himself a computer?72. A) searchB) followC) catchD) judgeA) A
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