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1、11 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練四 51. 58. Throughout the whole of the conversation he never once looked me _ the face A. at B. on C in D. to 59. It would be unwise to rely _ him too much A. to B. at C. on D. for 60. We cant tell the young teachers _ the students. A. among B from C of D to 61. The coin was almost worth

2、less. So it was of small _ A. worthy B honour C price D value 62. I dont like people to look _ me while I am writing. A. with B. on C. over D. after 63. I really care _ the students in my class A. for B. of C. at D. after 64. On Midsummers Day we stayed _ to watch the sun rise A. on B over C up D in

3、 65. Put the food in the cupboard to keep it safe _ ants A. for B. with C. of D. from 66. Have you any experience that you would like to share_ the group? A. between B in C with D among 67. He tried to _ his daughter of the danger of spending more than she earned A. remember B. persuade C. realize D

4、 warn 68. I dont think these shoes can be repaired again. Izd better throw them A. on B. out C. off D. over 69. It sounds quite a good idea, but Id like to think it _ A. of B about C up D over 70. Every possible test was _ to decide the nature of her illness 11 A. carried on B carried off C carried

5、out D carried over 71. The letter I had been anxiously waiting for _ me just now. 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練五 72. Izm afraid that theres no _ for you in my car. A. place B room C seat D space 73. The North Star is always above the North Pole The_ of this star does not cha nge. A. position B shape C light D sight 74

6、. Youll be paid _ money if you work late tonight A. extra B much C a lot of D many 75. Do you like fish? Well, it _ what kind of fish it is. A. matters B expects C depends D minds 76. Father will not _ us to use his recorder A. have B let C agree D allow 77. The _ to the moon took the astronauts thr

7、ee days A. trip B way C journey D flight 78. The room was so quiet that she could hear the _ of her heart A. hitting B beating C tapping D striking 79. The taxi driver was badly _ when his car crashed into a wall A. pained B hit C hurt D wound 80. These trees cannot be grown in such a cold _ as ours

8、 A. weather B climate C seas on D space 81. He told me he had been offered a very well-paid _abroad A. service B position C business D work 82. I do _ I could speak French well A. know B. want C wish D hope 83. As he was ill, he had to _ the party. A. miss B. regret C Iose D accept 11 84. The _ of t

9、he clock showed that it was time for dinner. A. hands B fingers C numbers D arms 85. The _ from the forest fire could be seen miles away. 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練六 86.1 _ her not to walk on the thin ice but she would nt liste n. A suggested B hoped C warned D persuaded 87. Police officers working on the murder ha

10、ve _ hundreds of families A. asked B researched C questioned D demanded 88. Dont go too far into the sea, children, or the waves will _ you off your feet. A. flow B sweep C beat D take 89. Her parents were both very _ , because she was out so late last night. A. sorry B worried C Ionely D calm 90. W

11、hat _ you think Betty wont succeed? A. lets B causes C makes D helps 91. Mr and Mrs Green _ a party for their daughters twenty-first birthday A. invited B bid C gave D called 92. When you get to the highway, follow the _ for London. A. marks B spots C ways D signs 93. It was a great _ for him to be

12、pleasant to people he didnt like A. trouble B effort C sorrow D horror 94. Please _ the milk carefully; I dont want it to boil over. A. look at B see C notice D watch 95. I washed this dress and the colour _ A. removed B flowed C ran D went 96. Many kinds of _ animals are disappear!ng or have alread

13、y disappeared from the earth A. tame B unfriendly C wild D large 97. The rising _ of living is as hard on country families as on city families A. price B cost C in crease D food 98. He wont _ to buy some bread unless I tell him again. A. remind B realize C remember D forget 99. In this broadcast wel

14、l study the _ of music A sound B. rule C Ianguage D voice 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練七 101 The house was sold for $60,000, which was far more than its real _ A cast B. price C worth D value 102 What do you think would be the _ of the ring, if I were to sell it? A. worth B. cost C value D price 103 The Open Universit

15、y would be started in order to help those who _ having a university education when they were young. 11 A. stopped B failed C passed D missed 104. There are no big cities in the world _ air pollution. A. with B without C except D besides 105 The _ river water goes 450 kilometres out to sea A. pure B.

16、 new C sweet D fresh 106 The _ of ice-cream sold increase sharply in summer months A. price B amount C number D quality 107 Two of the children have to sleep in one bed, but the other three have _ ones A. separate B double C different D Ionely 108 Things went well for him during his early life but i

17、n middle age his _ seemed to change. A. chance B success C way D Iuck 109 He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit _ reach A. near B within C inside D at 110. It will _ time if we make the sandwiches the day before the picnic. A. spare B save C win D get 111 Mr; Johnson was _ in the leg

18、while fighting Japanese during the war. A. hurt B. harmed C injured D wounded 112 When we breathe, the oxygen in the air _ with our blood and gives us life A. fills B. goes C takes in D mixes 113 Few people could understand his theory at that time and even few would _ it. A. receive B accept C know

19、D except 114. The manager wanted to know who wasnt_ for the office A. good B. bad C. fit D. well 115 Lets hurry to _ that bus or well be late for school. A. take B catch C ride D get 116 She _ me why she wanted to leave early. A. told B explained C said D suggested 117 That coat _ her a weeks wages

20、A. spent B cost C used D wasted 118 She forgot to tell me which bus to _ A. travel B take C have D ride 119 If you work hard, you will _ a good teacher. A. have B make C follow D learn 120. The police _ a search for the body of the man who disappeared 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練八 121 The police is offering a _ to an

21、yone who can give in formation about the lost boy. A. price B prize C reward D money 122 If the boy had _ the dog alone, it wouldnt have bitten him A. put B. set C. left D. led 11 123 As the train pulled out of the station, he started to _ to the man sitting opposite A. tell B. say C. talk D. quarre

22、l 124. I have such a bad cold that I have lost all _ of smell A. sense B strength C taste D value 125 If you want to telephone him, you will have to _ the number in the book A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up 126 When I was a child I _ many other useful things from my mother; A. knew B.

23、 had C. made D. held 127 On summer _ many English men work in their gardens when they come home from work A. evenings B nights C times D periods 128 I _ him to arrived in time for dinner. A. hope B expect C wait D look for 129. The shoes fitted her _ A. perfectly B. fairly C. rightly D. finely 130.

24、Smith is _ a red jacket today A. having on B. putting on C wearing D dressed 131 After dinner the minister made a short _ to the guests A. talk B. pronunciation C conversation D speech 132 Those are very pleasant rooms How much do you_ them? A. want B demand C ask for D ask 133 A mistake is not seri

25、ous unless it is _ A. made B well-known C great D repeated 134. He _ live in the country than in the city. A. prefers to B likes to C had better D would rather 135 You can _ my surprise when I heard the news A. suppose B see C imagine D believe 136 fm _ to get the tickets for the show, as there are

26、hardly any left. A. worried B anxious C after D troubled 137 The more you _ things to chance, the less chance there is for you. A. I eave B have C take D put 13& This year farmers were just able to gather in the _ before the fine weather came to an end. A. fields B. plants C seeds D harvest 139.

27、 His _ of the plane was correct and could really fly. A shape B pattern C design D model 140. He left in such a hurry that I _ had time to speak to him. 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練九 122 141. I _ an answer to my letter within a few days A. hope B wait C expect D think 142 He is _ dark glasses to protect his eyes from

28、 a few days A. carrying B bringing C having D think 11 143 It will do you good to _ a holiday A. spend B make C take D do 144. I took the medicine, but it didhave any _ on me A. effect B. answer C cause D work 145. uWhatzs your _ ?,z the doctor asked. A. trouble B sickness C illness D matter 146 She

29、 was standing by an electric heater; and her nightdress _ fire A. caught B set C took D had 147 Heres the money I promised/ he said I always _ my promise/ A. agree B follow C made D keep 148 Students should answer seven of the _ questions. A. below B following C under D added 149 He came to my house

30、 last night and invited me to join in a _ of football. A. match B team C game D party 150. Mary said that she was _ able to wash the plates herself. A. too B. quite C much D very 151 After three hours of hard fighting, the southern army won the _ A. force B power C war D battle 152 The college got s

31、ome money by selling one its old _ pictures A. useful B. helpful C usual D valuable 153 Since he began work, he hasr/t _ asked his father for money. A. greatly B very much C badly D ever 154. I couldnt go to the party because of a _ cold A. quick B surprising C sudden D hurried 155 When the headmast

32、er _ the room, all the pupils stood up. A. saw B. entered C appeared D came 156 Like aeroplane pilots, people who _ must know how to direct the ships A. ride B. hunt C. sail D. travel 157 Ive promised to help you and Ill _ my word A. hold B. keep C. follow D. take 158 It was mid night I didnt now th

33、e party would finish _ like that A. last B. late C. long D. at last 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練十 152 159 These shoes are too dear; fm looking for _ ones A. Iower B. cheaper C dearer D better 11 160. The clock_ and we realized it was two oclock A. struck B hit C turned D rang 161. A kind of glass dish that _ heat is

34、useful. A. resists B. rejects C defends D keeps 162 The citys underground _ more people than the buses A. brings B sends C fetches D carries 163 Ive _ my things at home A. forget B. forgotten C. left D. lost 164. _ at the door before you come into the room A. Hit B. Knock C. Touch D. Strike 165 I _

35、to him for what I said A. excused B apologized C pardoned D explained 166 He _ the cooking yesterday. A. did B. made C. took D. had 167 It would be _ a risk to let the child go to school by himself A. running B following C passing D carrying 168. Much _to be settled A. remains B remembers C forgets

36、D I eaves 169 It _ them $300 a year to run a car. A. spends B costs C takes D pays 170. Who broke the window? I _ . A. had B. broke C. was D. did 171 The teacher _ her new students to be diligent A. hopes B demands C has D expect 172 The two brothers _ every day and there was no love left between th

37、em. 完形填空傾向語匯訓(xùn)練十 173. Itzs fine _ ! What do you make of it? Piccsos? A. job B work C. book D. table 174. I have been looking for you everywhere This is the _ place in the world I would have expected to find you. 11 A. right B. last C. just D. only 175 Mr Lee wishes to see you. _ him in. A. Take B. Le

38、ad C. Point D. Show 176 We had a long meeting yesterday. It_ four hours A. kept B spent C continued D Iasted 177 It was not easy for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big _ of feet. A. couple B size C number D pair 178 The man who makes no mistakes usually makes _ A. everything B nothing C

39、 something D anything 179. It can take up three mon ths to _ a man to do this work A. guide B raise C train D learn 180. Look, what Father _ me when he came home from work! A. took B. brought C carried D fetched 181. She said she could not _all the information given in the broadcast A. believe B exp

40、ect C act D rely 182 Can you_ to carry that heavy box by yourself? A. arrange B offer C manage D prepare 183 She _ me why she wanted to leave today. A. explained B said C told D suggested 184. When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was _ A. speaking B talking C saying D telling 185 Faci


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