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1、Unit 19. LETTERS AND CARDS1. 信封書寫格式:方塊式排列法:多為一般商業(yè)書信採用。 Eric Ting (寄信人姓名與地址) 4F 114, Sec.1, Chung Hsiao W. Rd., Taipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C. Special DeliveryDr. Tao Chen (收信人姓名與地址) (郵寄方式)1, Kai Nan Rd., Shin Shing Tsuen,Lu Chu Shiang, Tao Yuan 338,Taiwan, R.O.C.Confidential (對收信人或遞信人的指示)註:社交書信亦可將寄信人的姓名

2、與住址寫在封口上。收信人尊稱:Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms.先生 / 女士 / 小姐 / 小姐 (未知已未婚)Dr. / Prof. / Rev.博士、醫(yī)生 / 教授 / 牧師(Reverend)Mr. & Mrs. Eric Ting賢伉儷c/o Dr. Tao Chen (In care of)請轉(zhuǎn)交陳韜博士地址的縮寫:地址由小至大書寫125 / Rm. 115 (Room)125號 / 115室Ln. 26 (Lane)26巷Sec.4 (Section)4段Rd. (Road) / St. (Street)路 / 街Blvd. (Boulevard) / Ave

3、. (Avenue)大道Pl. (Plaza) / Bldg. (Building)廣場 / 大廈(大樓)Apt. (Apartment) / Crl. (Circle)公寓 / 圓環(huán)P. O. Box 125, Taipei臺北郵政第125號信箱郵寄方式:Air Mail 航空Sea Mail海運(yùn)Special Delivery / Express Delivery限時(shí)專送、快遞Registered掛號信Printed Matter印刷品對收件人或遞送人的指示:Urgent / Rush速件Confidential機(jī)密文件Photos Inside內(nèi)附照片Do Not Fold請勿折疊Pri

4、vate / Personal私人信件2. 信件書寫格式:方塊式(Full-block)排列法:每一行皆向左對齊,為一般商業(yè)書信採用。請參照範(fàn)例信件。寄件人地址與日期:地址分三行,若使用公司信紙可免再重複書March 5, 2001 / 5 March, 2001美式 / 歐式收件人姓名、職位、地址:姓名後職稱,地址書寫於下分三行稱謂:在收件人地址後空一行Dear Eric, Dear Mr. Ting, 最後加逗點(diǎn)(,)或冒號(:),冒號常用於商業(yè)書信My dear Eric, Dearest Eric,私人書信則建議使用逗點(diǎn)。本文:在稱謂後空一行分段、美觀、清晰,二頁以上時(shí),在右上角或最下

5、面打上頁碼。結(jié)尾語:依據(jù)書信種類、性質(zhì)或與收信人之關(guān)係。Sincerely, / Sincerely yours,一般商業(yè)書信Regards, / Best regards,一般商業(yè)書信Cordially, / Cordially yours,一般商業(yè)書信Truly yours, / Very truly yours,一般商業(yè)書信Faithfully, / Faithfully yours,對長輩使用Gratefully yours,感謝信用Best wishes,祝福Affectionately yours,深深吾愛Your friend,摯友With love,吾愛Yours,屬於你的署名

6、:Eirc Ting (Mr.)附註:P.S. (Postscript)發(fā)現(xiàn)本文遺漏或添加內(nèi)容時(shí)用,但要簡短。附上:Enclosure隨信附上副本:CC:Carbon Copy標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號的使用:(. ):句點(diǎn),句子結(jié)束、縮寫字。I must say good-bye now.P.S. / Mr. / a.m. / vs.(, ):逗點(diǎn)列舉超過三項(xiàng)時(shí)用。Im interested in playing badminton, tennis and basketball.連接詞句中分隔使用。I live in New York, but I dont like it.引述他人話語分隔使用。My mot

7、her said, “You should be home before ten.” (: ):冒號,敘述一列清單,避免重複使用動詞。Please send me the samples of three items: staplers, erasers and pencils.(; ):分號,代替連接詞。It was raining; I went out to look for her.(- ):連字號,連接兩個(gè)字或數(shù)字。Air-conditioner(“ “):上下引號,用以強(qiáng)調(diào)引起讀者注意或引述他人語句。It costs me “5000 Dollars.”You will ask,

8、“How come all these things happened?”(? ):問號,疑問句或問句後。Hows life in Kai Nan these days?(! ):驚嘆號,表達(dá)強(qiáng)烈情緒(高興、驚訝、憤怒、悲傷等)。Hang in there, Eric!How wonderful!ET-GARDEN4F 180, Sec.1, Chung Hsiao W. Rd., Taipei 100, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: 886-2-24335343 Fax: 886-2-24334353 WWW.ETGARDEN.COMMarch 5, 2001Eric Ting, P

9、rofessor, Department of Shipping & Logistics Management1, Kai Nan Rd., Shin Shing Tsuen,Lu Chu Shiang, Tao Yuan 338,Taiwan, R.O.C.Dear Mr. Ting:Your presentation on November 25, 1999, entitled “How to easily learn to speak English: Scenario English Courses,” was such a success that many of our s

10、tudents have called our office and requested a hard copy.We would appreciate it if you could have someone in your office send thirty color copies to us through UPS. Please include in your reply an invoice for all incurring expenses so that we can send it to you right away.Thank you for your help, an

11、d we look forward to once again pleasing our students with your excellent presentation.Sincerely,Joseph LinMarketing ManagerP.S.Enclosure:CC: Teresa Peterson, Accounting Department3. 卡片、邀請卡:聖誕節(jié)Merry Christmas!Seasons Greetings!I wish you a merry Christmas!Best wishes to you for a happy Christmas.I w

12、ish a merry Christmas to you and your family!A very merry Christmas and a happy new year!I hope youre having wonderful holidays.新年Happy New Year!I wish you a Happy New Year!Best wishes from my family.May this year be happy and fruitful again.I hope youre enjoying nice holidays with your family.I hop

13、e this year again will be a great one.生日Happy Birthday!Happy 20th Birthday!A very happy birthday and many more to come!Hearty congratulations and sincere good wishes on this wonderful day!I wish you many happy returns of the day!I you get in the mood for a celebration, can I take you out for dinner?

14、Belated Happy Birthday!情人節(jié)Happy Valentines Day!A Happy Valentines Day especially to you!Im thinking of you especially on this day!May we experience the magic of love forever.Thank you for always being such a good friend.From Taiwan with my fondest love on Valentines Day!Youre my best friend forever

15、even if were far apart.結(jié)婚Congratulations on your marriage!Congratulations to you both!May the years ahead bring you continued joy and contentment.I wish you the best of luck and everlasting happiness.My best wishes to you and your bride for a long and happy life together.Please accept my best wishes for every happiness that life can bring.畢業(yè)Congratulations on your gradu


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