已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、2021 年全國會計領(lǐng)軍后備人才行政事業(yè)類培訓(xùn)選拔 考試模擬試卷一一、選擇題請在備選答案中選擇 1 個或 1 個以上正確答案,并將答案填寫在括號內(nèi)。 此題共 15 小題,每題 2 分共 30 分1、事業(yè)單位財務(wù)報告包括財務(wù)報表和其他應(yīng)當在財務(wù)報告中披露的相關(guān)信息和資料。事業(yè)單位 會計報表主要包括 A. 資產(chǎn)負債表,反映事業(yè)單位在某一特定日期全部資產(chǎn)、負債和凈資產(chǎn)的情況B. 收入支岀表,反映事業(yè)單位在某一會計期間內(nèi)各項收入、支岀和結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)結(jié)余情況,以及年末非 財政補助結(jié)余的分配情況C. 財政撥款收入支岀表,反映事業(yè)單位在某一會計期間財政撥款收入、支岀、結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)及結(jié)余情況 的報表D. 財政補助收入支岀表,

2、反映事業(yè)單位在某一會計年度財政補助收入、支岀、結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)及結(jié)余情況 的報表2、 根據(jù)事業(yè)單位會計制度,以下各項有關(guān)對外投資的表述中,不正確的的有A. 事業(yè)單位的對外投資在取得時,應(yīng)當按照其實際本錢包括購置價款以及稅金、手續(xù)費等相關(guān)稅費作為投資本錢B. 以固定資產(chǎn)、無形資產(chǎn)取得的長期股權(quán)投資,按照評估價值作為投資本錢C. 事業(yè)單位投資持有期間收到的利潤、利息等,應(yīng)于收到時計入其他收入投資收益。D. 對外轉(zhuǎn)讓或到期收回國債投資本息, 應(yīng)將實際收到的金額與轉(zhuǎn)讓或收回投資本錢的差額計入 其他收入投資收益3、 根據(jù)事業(yè)單位會計制度,屬于事業(yè)收入的核算范疇的是A. 事業(yè)單位開展非獨立核算經(jīng)營活動取得的收入B.

3、事業(yè)單位開展專業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)活動取得的收入C. 事業(yè)單位開展專業(yè)業(yè)務(wù)活動的輔助活動取得的收入D. 從財政專戶核撥給事業(yè)單位的資金和經(jīng)核準不準上繳國庫或者財政專戶的資金4、 以下關(guān)于事業(yè)單位國有資產(chǎn)描述正確的選項是A. 事業(yè)單位國有資產(chǎn)處置收入上繳中央國庫,納入預(yù)算,岀租岀借收入上繳中央財政專戶,支岀從中央財政專戶中撥付。 .B. 事業(yè)單位處置和岀租、岀借國有資產(chǎn)應(yīng)繳納的稅款和所發(fā)生的相關(guān)費用,在收入中抵扣,抵 扣后的余額按照政府非稅收入收繳管理有關(guān)規(guī)定上繳中央財政。C. 事業(yè)單位對外投資收益以及利用固有資產(chǎn)岀租、岀借和擔保等取得的收入應(yīng)當納入單位預(yù)算, 統(tǒng)一核算,統(tǒng)一管理。D. 事業(yè)單位國有資產(chǎn)處置收

4、入屬于國家所有,應(yīng)當按照政府非稅收入管理規(guī)定,實行“收支兩 條線管理。5、 我國財政要求事業(yè)單位應(yīng)當將各項收入與支岀全部納入單位預(yù)算,實行“一個單位一本預(yù)算 ,統(tǒng)一核算,統(tǒng)一管理,使事業(yè)單位收支管理更加全面完整。以下說法與此相關(guān)的是 。A. 單位的支岀將劃分為根本支岀和工程支岀兩局部,對根本支岀預(yù)算采取定員定額的方法編制B. 單位對工程支岀預(yù)算按照工程管理的規(guī)定編制C. 從基層預(yù)算單位開始編制預(yù)算,使預(yù)算編制細化到具體工程上D. 基層預(yù)算單位是指與主管或二級預(yù)算單位發(fā)生預(yù)算領(lǐng)撥關(guān)系,下面沒有所屬預(yù)算單位的單位6、單位采用零基預(yù)算下,其具體的預(yù)算編制手續(xù)是。A. 摸清家底,對本部門、本單位的所有

5、可供使用的資源進行清理和計算,產(chǎn)生本年度的收入和可供使用的資源預(yù)算B. 對部門和單位的本年度人員機構(gòu)和所有提岀的各項工作任務(wù)進行排隊C. 根據(jù)輕重緩急,確定本年度本部門本單位必須做的幾項工作,同時計算每項工作的實際成本,確定每項工作完成后所到達的最終效果D. 核定每項工作所需經(jīng)費,并且在預(yù)算編制時和預(yù)算執(zhí)行過程中要考核每項工作經(jīng)費的使用效果和效率7、財政預(yù)算管理要求嚴控一般支出,加強“三公經(jīng)費管理。以下各項中,屬于“三公經(jīng)費 的有。A. 公務(wù)會議費B公務(wù)接待費C.因公出國境費D公務(wù)用車購置及運行費8、以下各項關(guān)于我國部門預(yù)算的表述中,正確的由A. B.C.國家預(yù)算管理部門為依托,將各類不同性質(zhì)

6、的財政資金統(tǒng)一編制到使用相關(guān)資金的部D.部門作為預(yù)算編制的根底單元9、以下各項中,不符合行政事業(yè)單位單位層面內(nèi)部控制要求的是。A. 行政事業(yè)單位經(jīng)濟活動的決策、執(zhí)行和監(jiān)督應(yīng)當實行高度集中,不得相互別離B. 行政事業(yè)單位應(yīng)當建立健全集體研究、專家論證和技術(shù)咨詢相結(jié)合的議事決策機制C. 重大經(jīng)濟事項的內(nèi)部決策,應(yīng)當由行政事業(yè)單位領(lǐng)導(dǎo)班子集體研究決定對合同業(yè)務(wù)實施統(tǒng)一規(guī)D. 行政事業(yè)單位應(yīng)當充分運用現(xiàn)代科學(xué)技術(shù)手段加強內(nèi)部控制10、行政事業(yè)單位可以根據(jù)實際情況指定辦公室作為合同歸口管理部門,范管理,負責等工作。A. 確定合同業(yè)務(wù)的程度和要求,并管理合同專用章B. 參與重大合同的起草、談判、審查和訂立

7、C. 對合同進行登記和歸檔,并定期檢查和評價合同管理中的薄弱環(huán)節(jié)D. 參與或組織合同糾紛的調(diào)解、仲裁、訴訟活動11、以下各項中,屬于行政事業(yè)單位開展內(nèi)部控制的具體工作的有A. 梳理單位各類經(jīng)濟活動的業(yè)務(wù)流程,明確業(yè)務(wù)環(huán)節(jié)B. 系統(tǒng)分析經(jīng)濟活動風(fēng)險,確定風(fēng)險點C. 選擇風(fēng)險應(yīng)對策略,并建立健全單位各項內(nèi)部管理制度D. 催促相關(guān)工作人員認真執(zhí)行12、從內(nèi)部控制的角度看,行政事業(yè)單位支岀業(yè)務(wù)的風(fēng)險主要表達為A. 支岀業(yè)務(wù)相關(guān)崗位設(shè)置不合理,不相容崗位未實現(xiàn)相互別離,導(dǎo)致錯誤或舞弊的風(fēng)險B. 支出事項未經(jīng)過適當?shù)氖虑吧暾?、審核和審批,支出范圍及開支標準不符合相關(guān)規(guī)定,可能 導(dǎo)致預(yù)算執(zhí)行不力甚至發(fā)生支出

8、業(yè)務(wù)違法違規(guī)的風(fēng)險C. 報銷時單據(jù)審核不嚴格,存在使用虛假票據(jù)套取資金的風(fēng)險D. 資金支付不符合國庫集中支付、政府采購、公務(wù)卡結(jié)算等國家有關(guān)政策規(guī)定,可能導(dǎo)致違規(guī) 風(fēng)險13. 以下不屬于?預(yù)算法?規(guī)定的國務(wù)院財政部門的職權(quán)的是財政預(yù)B. A.具體組織中央和地方預(yù)算的執(zhí)行限定那些與財政直接發(fā)生經(jīng)費領(lǐng)撥C. 具體編制地方預(yù)算的調(diào)整方案D.14、以下各項中,屬于各部門、各單位編制年度預(yù)算草案的依據(jù)的有A. 本部門、本單位上一年度預(yù)算執(zhí)行情況和本年度預(yù)算收支變化因素B. 法律、法規(guī)和本級政府的指示和要求以及本級政府財政部門的部署C. 本部門、本單位的職責、任務(wù)和事業(yè)開展方案D. 本部門、本單位的定員定

9、額標準,采購人采購納入集中采購目錄的政府采購工程,應(yīng)當由主管部門代為采購委托集中采購機構(gòu)代理采購15、根據(jù)?中華人民共和國政府采購法? 實行的采購方式是。A.采購人自行采購BC.聯(lián)合其他采購人自行團購D二、案例分析題此題共3小題。每題25分,共75分1、華中大學(xué)為財政撥款的省屬大學(xué),實行國庫集中支付制度,設(shè)備購置采用財政直接支付的方式。資料一:華中大學(xué)臨時決定動用學(xué)校的預(yù)算資金采購一批視頻會議系統(tǒng)已被列入省集中采購目錄,采購金額約60萬元該省公開招標限額為50萬元。為了保證采購的公正性與嚴肅性,該校院長辦公會決定,由分管行政的副院長掛帥,由學(xué)校后勤、教學(xué)及紀檢部門組成一個采購班子,負責采購的具

10、體事務(wù)。他們通過跑市場、搞調(diào)研,廣泛征集供給商,共征集到12家相關(guān)供給商,隨后他們制定了一定的采購門檻,經(jīng)過篩選和比擬, 最后確定了 5家公司作為邀請對象。 然后他們又制定了相應(yīng)的采購要求,并于7日內(nèi)組織這5家公司進行了邀請招標,最終合同金額為55萬丿元。資料二:2X 14年3月,華中大學(xué)的內(nèi)部審計部門按照國家有關(guān)規(guī)定,對本華中大學(xué)的國有資產(chǎn)管理情況及其會計處理進行了全面審計。在審計過程中,發(fā)現(xiàn)華中大學(xué)2 X 13年12月的以下事項可能存在問題:12 X 13年12月1日,華中大學(xué)經(jīng)主管部門審核,報同級財政部門審批,與甲企業(yè)簽訂采購 合同。根據(jù)合同規(guī)定,華中大學(xué)向甲企業(yè)采購價值為900萬元的大

11、型設(shè)備,其中 30%勺合同款項由華中大學(xué)在合同簽訂后3日內(nèi)支付,余款在收到設(shè)備后的30日內(nèi)付清;華中大學(xué)在合同簽訂后15日內(nèi)收到所購設(shè)備。 2 X 13年12月1日,華中大學(xué)在簽訂合同后,即向財政部門提交“財政直接支付申萬元,同時增加270萬元貨款。會計處理為,增加事業(yè)支岀270,申請向甲企業(yè)支付請書財政補助收入270萬元。12月3日,華中大學(xué)收到代理銀行開具的 “財政直接支付入賬通知書, 代理銀行已經(jīng)將首付款 270萬元支付給甲企業(yè),會計處理為:增加固定資產(chǎn)和非流動資產(chǎn)基金 固 定資產(chǎn)270萬元。 2 X 13年12月15日,設(shè)備運抵華中大學(xué),購貨發(fā)票上注明價款 900萬元。華中大學(xué)驗貨無誤

12、。截至2X 13年12月31日,華中大學(xué)尚未就剩余的合同款項向財政部門提交“財政直接支付申請書,也未進行會計處理。(2) 2X 13年12月5日,華中大學(xué)準備以自有資金通過融資租賃的方式租入成套設(shè)備一套,價值 1 000 萬元。華中大學(xué)將融資租賃事項報主管部門審批,主管部門批準了該事項,并報同級財 政部門備案。 華中大學(xué)收到主管部門的批復(fù)后, 于12月 20日與租賃公司簽訂了租賃合同。 合同 規(guī)定:華中大學(xué)從當年開始, 每年 12月 20日向租賃公司支付租金 200萬元, 5年付清, 期滿后, 該成套設(shè)備的產(chǎn)權(quán)歸屬華中大學(xué)。 華中大學(xué)于合同簽訂當日以銀行存款支付了首筆租金200萬元,會計處理為

13、:增加固定資產(chǎn) 1 000 萬元,增加非流動資產(chǎn)基金(固定資產(chǎn)) 800 萬元,減少銀行 存款 200 萬元。(3) 2 X 13年12月10日,華中大學(xué)管理層研究決定,擬將一棟閑置的舊辦公樓對外岀租,年租金收入為 80 萬元。該出租事項已報主管部門備案。該辦公樓于 20X 9 年購置,資金來源為相 關(guān)機構(gòu)與個人的捐贈,賬面價值為1 500萬元。2 X 13年12月20日,華中大學(xué)收取當年辦公樓租金 80 萬元, 款項存入銀行。 會計處理為: 增加銀行存款 80 萬元, 同時增加事業(yè)收入 80 萬元。(4) 2 X 13年12月15日,華中大學(xué)管理層研究決定,擬以閑置設(shè)備作價岀資,與乙公司共同

14、設(shè)立一個獨立經(jīng)營運作的岀國人員培訓(xùn)公司。 該設(shè)備的賬面價值為 185萬元, 評估確認的價值為 200 萬元。華中大學(xué)報主管部門審批后, 與乙公司簽訂投資協(xié)議, 辦理了注冊手續(xù)。 會計處理為, 增加長期投資 185 萬元,減少固定資產(chǎn) 185 萬元;同時,減少非流動資產(chǎn)基金(固定資產(chǎn))185萬元,增加非流動資產(chǎn)基金(長期投資) 185 萬元。(5) 2X 13年12月18日,華中大學(xué)管理層研究決定,將一臺舊設(shè)備岀售。該設(shè)備賬面價值為1500 萬元,售價為 500 萬元。華中大學(xué)將岀售設(shè)備事項報主管部門審批, 主管部門批準了該事項, 并報同級財政部門備案。華中大學(xué)收到主管部門的批復(fù)后,將該設(shè)備岀售

15、,收取價款500 萬元。存入銀行。會計處理為:增加銀行存款 500 萬元,同時增加專用基金(修購基金) 500 萬元;減 少非流動資產(chǎn)基金(固定資產(chǎn)) 1 500 萬元,同時減少固定資產(chǎn) 1 500 萬元。萬元;不考慮相關(guān)稅費因素。 800 假定本案例中資產(chǎn)配置、使用及處置的規(guī)定限額為【要求】1. 根據(jù)資料一,答復(fù)以下問題:( 1 )針對該校的上述做法,從政府采購角度分析行為是否標準,并說明理由。( 2)針對該校的上述做法,從事業(yè)單位內(nèi)部控制的角度分析該校政府采購業(yè)務(wù)的主要風(fēng)險,并 提岀控制措施。2. 請根據(jù)資料二逐項進行判斷:(1 )華中大學(xué)的相應(yīng)做法是否符合國有資產(chǎn)管理的相關(guān)規(guī)定?如不符合

16、, 請說明原因, 并指岀正確的做法。(2) 華中大學(xué)的會計處理是否正確;如不正確,請說明正確的處理方法。2、甲研究院(以下簡稱甲單位)為實行國庫集中支付和政府采購制度的事業(yè)單位。除完成國家 規(guī)定的科研任務(wù)外, 甲單位還從事技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓、 咨詢與培訓(xùn)等經(jīng)營性業(yè)務(wù), 并對經(jīng)營性業(yè)務(wù)的會計 處理采用權(quán)責發(fā)生制。2X 13年年末,甲單位內(nèi)部審計部門在按照國家規(guī)定進行審計的過程中,發(fā)現(xiàn)甲單位2X 12年12月和 2X13 年1 月的以下事項可能存在問題(假設(shè)不考慮相關(guān)稅費):(1) 2 X 12年12月1日,甲單位收到代理銀行轉(zhuǎn)來的?財政授權(quán)支付額度到賬通知書?,通知 書中注明的本月授權(quán)額度為 100 萬元

17、,甲單位將授權(quán)額度 100 萬元計入“事業(yè)支岀 ,并增加財 政補助收入 100 萬元。(2) 2 X 12年12月2日,甲單位與某企業(yè)簽訂技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓與培訓(xùn)合同。合同約定,甲單位將一專利技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓給該企業(yè)。 并于 12 月 5 日至 20 日向該企業(yè)提供技術(shù)培訓(xùn)效勞; 該企業(yè)應(yīng)于合同簽訂 之日起 5日內(nèi)向甲單位預(yù)付 50萬元技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓與培訓(xùn)效勞費; 在12月20日完成技術(shù)培訓(xùn)效勞后, 該企業(yè)向甲單位再支付 150萬元的技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)讓與培訓(xùn)效勞費。3日,甲單位收到 A公司預(yù)付的款項50 萬元,已存入銀行,并于當日確認了事業(yè)收入 50 萬元。(3) 2 X 12年12月4日,甲單位購入一批價值10萬元的科研用材

18、料,已驗收入庫,并向銀行開具支付令。 5 日,甲單位收到代理銀行轉(zhuǎn)來的“財政授權(quán)支付憑證和供貨商的發(fā)票。甲單位 增加了 1 0萬元的材料,同時確認“財政補助收入10萬元。(4) 2 X 12年12月6日,甲單位經(jīng)相關(guān)部門審核和審批,與某企業(yè)簽訂采購合同。根據(jù)合同規(guī)定,甲單位向某企業(yè)采購價值為 110 萬元的設(shè)備。 7日,甲單位即向財政部門提交?財政直接支 付申請書?,申請向該企業(yè)支付 110萬元貨款,并做了分別增加事業(yè)支出和財政補助收入110萬元的會計處理。,日,甲單位收到代理銀行開具的?財政直接支付入賬通知書?8月12年12X 2) 5(.代理銀行已經(jīng)將 110萬元支付給該企業(yè), 20日,設(shè)

19、備運達甲單位,發(fā)票上注明價款 110萬元。 甲單位驗貨無誤。甲單位的會計處理是:增加固定資產(chǎn)和非流動資產(chǎn)110 萬元。(6) 2 X 12年12月15日,甲單位經(jīng)相關(guān)部門審核和審批,用一臺儀器設(shè)備對外進行投資。該 儀器設(shè)備的賬面價值為 20 萬元,經(jīng)評估確認的價值為 25萬元。甲單位增加 20萬元的長期投資, 并增加非流動資產(chǎn)基金 20 萬元。同時,減少非流動資產(chǎn)基金和固定資產(chǎn) 20 萬元。(7) 2 X 1 2年1 2月,為完成國家規(guī)定的科研任務(wù),研究院需要采購一臺設(shè)備,該設(shè)備屬于集中采購目錄所列設(shè)備, 由于采用公開招標方式的費用占政府采購工程總價值的比例過大,研究院通過上級主管部門指定的政

20、府采購代理機構(gòu), 以投標邀請書的方式邀請了條件根本相當?shù)娜抑型?供給商參與投標,經(jīng)過評標,最后選擇一家外國供給商采購該設(shè)備。(8) 2 X 13年1月2日,甲單位收到?財政直接支付額度恢復(fù)到賬通知書?,恢復(fù)2 X 12年度財政直接支付額度 26 萬元;收到代理銀行轉(zhuǎn)來的?財政授權(quán)支付額度恢復(fù)到賬通知書?,恢復(fù) 2X12年度財政授權(quán)支付額度 14萬元。甲單位只是依據(jù)?財政授權(quán)支付額度恢復(fù)到賬通知書?,增加“事業(yè)支出 14 萬元和“財政補助收入 14 萬元。【要求】 請根據(jù)上述資料逐項判斷甲單位的相關(guān)處理是否正確,如果不正確,請說出正確的做法。3、2021年12月15日,某省教育支出廳收到財政廳

21、轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)的?財政部關(guān)于印發(fā)行政事業(yè)單位內(nèi) 部控制標準(試行) 的通知?(財會202121 號)(以下簡稱?標準? ),以下是有關(guān)人員做法和 意見:( 1 )教育支出廳長朱某看到是財政廳轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)的財政部文件,并且主要是涉及財務(wù)的內(nèi)容,就在文 件上批示:“請季某某同志負責組織實施 ,其中,季某某是分管財務(wù)后勤的副廳長。( 2 )季某某在文件上批示: “請財務(wù)處牽頭負責,盡快研究制定具體實施方案 。( 3 )文件發(fā)到財務(wù)處,財務(wù)處處長梁某某召集處內(nèi)工作人員開會研究方案制定,請大家發(fā)表意 見,他說:“內(nèi)部控制建設(shè)涉及單位各個部門,我們只是牽頭部門,制定具體實施方案不是一天 兩天能完成的,今天請大家來開個諸葛會

22、,先出出主意 。(4) 會計核算科長王某某說: “我們財務(wù)處人手緊張,完成目前的工作都很吃力,哪有精力來開 展內(nèi)部控制和進行日常管理,希望領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能把這事推掉 。(5) 資金結(jié)算科長李某某說: “這個內(nèi)控標準不太現(xiàn)實, 與錢有關(guān)的我們管得了, 其他的像決策機制、人事制度、組織結(jié)構(gòu)等我們管不了,還有政府采購、建設(shè)工程等,已超出了。我們所能管的范圍,建議只在我們財務(wù)部門實施內(nèi)部控制( 6)預(yù)算管理科長劉某某說: “我們可以聘請管理咨詢公司給我們做咨詢, 如有必要也可以委托 他們幫助我們設(shè)計,單靠我們的力量確實難以承當此事 ?!疽蟆空埜鶕?jù)?財政部關(guān)于印發(fā)行政事業(yè)單位內(nèi)部控制標準(試行)的通知? (財會

23、 202121 號)的相關(guān)規(guī)定,逐項分析上述意見是否正確,并說明理由。三、英語題(此題共 2 小題。第 1 小題 22 分,第 2 小題 23 分,共 45 分)1. Part I Europe's bank audit to lavish cash on consultancy firms(a) European regulators will pay close to half a billion euros to consultancy firms and auditors for their work on the region's health check of it

24、s biggest banks, with a large portion of these costs being passed on to the lenders themselves, according to Financial Times research.(b) The European Central Bank and eight national regulators, including the eurozone's five largest economies, will spend up to ? 487.7m on fees to external advise

25、rs for the prehensive assessment, a screening of the region's 128 biggest lenders. Policy makers hope the exercise will help to restore investors' confidence in the region's troubled banking sector. The ECB, which takes charge of banking supervision later this year, has said the assessme

26、nt is a “ necessary first step for establishing a safer, pan -European banking union.(c) The probe of banks' balance sheets is in its final stages, with the results set to be announced in October. Banks will then have just two weeks to e up with plans to plug any capital holes the regulator find

27、s in their finances. While several regulators will pass on the costs to the banks involved, Banca d'Italia and Banque de France will pay for the external costs of the exercise. The biggest spender of the eight banks watchdogs is Germany's BaFin, which is paying out about ? 240m on the assess

28、ment, according to one person familiar with the process. The regulator, which has declined to ment on the fees, is passing the cost on to banks in the industry.(d) The Dutch central bank alone has five panies helping it with the prehensive assessment, including BlackRock Solutions, a consultancy, an

29、d KPMG, an accountancy firm. The costs, which will be billed to the banks themselves, have been estimated at between ? 42.5m and ? 61.7m.(e) Along with the external firms, more than 6,000 ECB and national central bank staff are working full time on the exercise. The ECB declined to ment on the estim

30、ates, but said the costs were “ necessary investment to restore confidence, increase transparency and achieve repair where necessary .Part n Weak factory data add to pressure on ECB(a) European Central Bank is facing renewed pressure to take radical steps to boost the eurozone economy after activity

31、 in the region's manufacturing sector all but petered out, raising the threat of a prolonged period of stagnation.(b) Eurozone factories, which account for about a fifth of all output in the region, slowed to a virtual standstill in August in another sign that weak demand and geopolitical tensio

32、ns are hurting the economy. The purchasing managers' index for manufacturing, released yesterday by data group Markit, dipped to a 13 -month low of 50.7 in August. That was just above the 50 level that marks an expansion and well below the level needed to tackle stubbornly high unemployment. The

33、 weak data will embolden those calling on the ECB's governing council to vote for fresh measures to stimulate the stuttering economy when it meets on Thursday.(d) Last month, Mario Draghi, ECB president, acknowledged that markets had less confidencein the ECB's ability to return inflation to

34、 its target, removing one of the main impediments to further monetary easing. Outright purchases of bundles of repackaged loans, known as asset-backed securities, are seen by some analysts as the ECB's most likely move. “We have long expected ABS purchases will occur. The question is whether the

35、 ECB will be ready to present a detailed programme, said Michael Schubert, economist at merzbank.“If the ECB wants to send asignal, it will probably generally announce an ABS programme but refer to a later date withregards to the details and start of the programme. (e) However, some economists belie

36、ve that hopes for a large -scale bond buying programme, known as quantitative easing, will probably be dashed. “Mario Draghi has backed himself into a corner. He can't turn around and do nothing. But he's not going to announce QE, said Lorcan Roche Kelly, of Agenda Research, an investment ad

37、visory firm. “By now, the market should be used to the ECB going far too slowly for their tastes. (f) The ECB will unveil a fresh set of economic forecasts following Thursday's vote, with its current expectations of growth of 1 per cent and inflation of 0.7 per cent this year now looking optimis

38、tic. The eurozone's recovery ground to a halt in the second quarter and inflation fell to 0.3 per cent in August, less than a fifth of the central bank's target of just below 2 per cent.OECD upbeat on rich nations' growth but urges ECB to cut rates皿 Part(a) The OECD has urged the Europea

39、n Central Bank to cut interest rates, even as it said it expected the recovery in advanced economies to accelerate this year.(b) In its twice -yearly economic outlook, the Paris -based club of mostly rich nations calledon the ECB to loosen policy even further “to move inflation more decisively towar

40、ds target and quantitative to be prepared to rates or as measures such negative interest adopt unconventional The ECB's main refinancing policy rate should be reduced easing to prevent a slide into deflation. “to zero, and possibly the deposit rate to a slightly negative level, and they should b

41、e maintained at these levels at least until end 2021, the OECD said. The central bank's governing council meets this week in Brussels, but analysts ex -pect no policy change in an announcement tomorrow. rich forecasts exhortation (d) The OECD's came even though its short -term economic for c

42、ountries were generally upbeat. It expects worldwide output growth to rise gradually from 2.8 per advanced the per cent in 2021, on back of a strengthening recovery in 2021 cent in to 3.9 organisation Fund's Similar to the International Monetary forecasts last month, the economies. expects the U

43、S economy to improve from a growth rate of 1.9 per cent in 2021 to 3.5 per cent in a same three-year period will accelerate from the eurozone 2021. It says growth rates over contraction of 0.4 per cent to a rise of 1.7 per cent next year.(e) Offsetting the gathering momentum in rich countries is a p

44、rojected slowdown in emerging members of the OECD. Growth in non -OECD countries is forecast to economies, not generally slow from 6.4 per cent in 2021 to 4.9 per cent in 2021, before increasing again to 5.3 per cent in 2021.Questions:1. Single Choices (3 points, please note that you need to make ch

45、oices strictly from what have been stated in the materials given above): According to Part I , when is the results of banks' balanee sheets to be announced?(1 point)(a) May(b) October(c) July(d) Novemberbankseight the of spender biggest the is country which , I Part to According (2) watchdogs? (

46、1 point)(a) Dutch(b) France(c) Germany(d) Portugal(3) According to the economic forecasts of the ECB mentioned in Part II, which one is the current expectations of growth? (1 point)(a) 1 per cent(b) 0.7 per cent(c) 2 per cent(d) 0.3 per centfrom strictly note points, please that you need to make cho

47、ices choices 2. Multiple (4 what have been stated in the materials given above):the with Dutch central bank the which to (1) According Part I , panies are helping prehensive assessment? (2 points)(a) BlackRock Solutions(b) Deloitte(c) KPMG(d) PwC,which measures are to be adopt in (2) According to th

48、e OECD mentioned in Part皿 order toprevent a slide into deflation? (2 points)(a) QE(b) outright monetary transactions(c) negative interest rates(d) asset-backed securities3. Questions and answers (9 points)(1) Why did the ECB regard the estimates as the necessary investment? (3 points)(2) Why did the

49、 OECD urge the European Central Bank to cut interest rates? (3 points)(3) What are the OECD's expectations about the worldwide output growth in 2021? (3 points)4. Please tran slate Paragraph (b) of Part 皿 in to Chin ese. (6 poi nts)ANSWER :2. Efficiency in education New school valuesPartI(a) Hig

50、her teacher pay and smaller classes are not the best education policies. Education is flush with data parisons, from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) run by the OECD, a mainly rich -world think -tank, which ranks 15 -year-olds in core subjects every three years, to TIMSS and

51、 PIRLS, tests of younger pupils' mathematics, science and reading levels administered by national research institutions. But such pecking orders cannot tell governments how much they should spend on education, or what the money should go on.(b) Two new pieces of research shine light on these que

52、stions. An “efficiency index , published on September 5th and constructed by academics working with GEMS Education Solutions, a consultancy, analyses the impact of spending on outes in 30 rich and developing countries. The OECD's annual Education at a Glance, published on September 9th, looks mo

53、re broadly at school financing and structures, and how these affect results and progress to university and work. Both offer lessons for governments around the world.(c) As far as star pupils and stragglers are concerned, the efficiency index resembles other rankings. Finland and South Korea shine (t

54、wo of PISA's other high performers, China and Singapore, were omitted because some data were unavailable). Brazil and Indonesia, which do poorly in PISA, are both very inefficient, too.(d) But what the rest of the pack get for their outlay varies widely. Taking into account teachers' pay, cl

55、ass sizes and pupils' PISA scores, the former Soviet -bloc countries, notably the Czech Republic and Hun gary, are highly efficie nt. The Mediterra nean cou ntries Greece, Portugal and Spain are strikingly not. America's pricey schools system disappoints in both efficiency and outes. Elsewhe

56、re in the prosperous Anglosphere, Australia and New Zealand do better in both.Part n(a) The link between results and teachers' pay is surprisingly weak. An experieneed Finnish teacher earns on average $42,800. But Switzerla nd pays teachers at the same point in their careers $68,000, and though

57、it gets creditable maths results, ing ninth out of 65 in the most recent PISAis in Germany scienee. The figure does much less well in reading and 2021, assessment in it $54,000 a year. Its results have improved recently, but at a cost that leaves it a lowly 25th in the efficie ncy ranking.(b) Educat

58、i on spe nding depe nds not only on what teachers earn, but on how many of themand in many places that number is rising, as rich countries cut class sizes in the hope there are fewer with do children will better learn more. Parents, convinced that their that children will classmates, are keen on the policy, too. But again, the data provide little support.passed probably highest spe nders have GEMS


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