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1、Unit 1School Subjects一、 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):(Teaching objectives)1、 Vocabulary: English, music, art, math, science,Chinese,P.E., subject.2、 Conversation: A. Do you like?Yes, I do.B. What subject do you like?I like二、 教學(xué)重點(diǎn):(Teaching key points)A: Do you likeB: Yes, I do. /No, I dont.三、 教學(xué)難點(diǎn):(Teaching key points)A: W

2、hat subject do you like?B: I like四、 教學(xué)手段:(Teaching medium)1、 各種書籍2、 錄音帶五、教學(xué)活動(dòng):(Teaching activity) Bingo 傳口令練單詞。 拋娃娃傳問答。 調(diào)查表。 Dick game 勝利坐凳游戲。 Sing a song.六、教學(xué)課時(shí):三課時(shí)七、教學(xué)步驟:(Teaching procedure)The first periodStep 1、RevisionRevise how to ask for thing: Whats that?Its a /an (使用學(xué)過的物品) Ste

3、p2、Presentation and drill1、師捧出一疊各科書本,引導(dǎo)生問:Whats that? 老師拿起一本書Say : Its my book. Its my science book.2、學(xué)習(xí)science, 示范、板書、帶讀、抽查、操練講: Its my science book.3、師拿起另一本書問學(xué)生:Is it my science book? Yes or No.(引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答)師Say: Its my English book.4、以同法學(xué)習(xí) music, Chinese, art, P.E., math. 5、Play a game : Bingo.傳口令練單詞。

4、6、繼上游戲最后一個(gè)單詞,老師拿出該書講:I like板書、示范、帶讀、分組練、個(gè)人抽查,師一邊穿插問:What do you like?7、由最后一內(nèi)容引出How to say: What do you like? 學(xué)習(xí)、操練,隨意舉書回答練習(xí)。8.師穿插引導(dǎo)講: What subjects do you like? 操練。9.Play a game:使用布娃娃,隨意拋,哪個(gè)學(xué)生接到,哪個(gè)回答 : What do you like? B: I like再由學(xué)生拋布娃娃到另一個(gè)同學(xué),繼續(xù)回答練習(xí)。 10.調(diào)查表(26 Activity1) hat do you like?Step3、Conso

5、lidation 1、聽課文,自由讀,抽查。2、做Student book: P25 Practice 13、做Workbook: P18Step4、 Homework:1、2、 熟讀單詞。 背課文新句型。I likeThe second periodStep1、Revision1. 師指學(xué)生桌上English book,ask: Whats that?answer(生): Its my English book. 師再指另一種物品繼續(xù)進(jìn)行問答(分組、男女、個(gè)人)2. 師舉起各種書問:What do you like? 提問一學(xué)生回答:I like開火車問答練習(xí)。Step 2、Presenta

6、tion and drill1. 繼上一練習(xí),師接最后一學(xué)生內(nèi)容引出講:Do you like? 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生回答Yes/No.學(xué)習(xí)新句型,示范、帶讀,隨意抽出各種書練習(xí)講: Do you like? 師穿插回答Yes, I do.2. 教學(xué)生操練Yes, I do.師生練習(xí)分組問答,開火車操練。3. 由最后一組學(xué)生的操練內(nèi)容引導(dǎo)問老師:Do you like? 師答:No, I dont Ilike板書,學(xué)習(xí),操練。4. Play a game:Dick game(student book P27 Activity2)操練:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.

7、I like勝利坐凳游戲:甲學(xué)生找乙學(xué)生進(jìn)行問答練習(xí),甲學(xué)生會(huì)問就坐到乙學(xué)生座位,乙學(xué)生繼續(xù)去找其他學(xué)生進(jìn)行問答練習(xí),操練。Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.22 板書: What do you like? / What subjects do you like?5、Sing a Song: I like science. (P26 Song)Step 3、 Consolidation.1.聽課文錄音一次。2.讀課文中P23Conversation 、 and P24Target、.自由讀、抽查。3. 做Workbook:P18 Step 4、Homewor

8、k1. 熟讀課文內(nèi)容。2. 做Workbook: P15板書:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.The third periodStep 1、Revision1. Sing the song: I like science.2. 師問:What do you like?I like與一學(xué)生進(jìn)行問答練習(xí),分組、男女、個(gè)人抽查練習(xí)。3. Play a game: Three Cups Card Game4. 繼上游戲最后一內(nèi)容,師引出問該生:Do you like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.5. 開火車操練:Do you like?Yes,

9、I do. /No, I dont.Step 2、Practice1.Workbook: P182、學(xué)習(xí)Studentbook : P28 Sounds and words, 先讓學(xué)生聽錄音一次,再將讀音分組出示。Science dance facefance dice mice師師范讀,學(xué)生找規(guī)律,試說,師再小結(jié)。、Listen and chant (Studentbook : P28 )。4、Sing the song of I like science.Step 3、 Homewrok.熟讀全文,背誦重點(diǎn)句型,默寫單詞。板書:What do you like?I like Do you

10、like?Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Unit 2 School Activities教學(xué)目標(biāo):1Words:fish/shop/study/paint/run/write/ laugh/smile.2 Sentences: What are you doing?What is he/she doing?What are they doing?重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn):現(xiàn)在分詞的用法與讀音。教具:單詞卡片、實(shí)物、投影儀、錄音機(jī)。教學(xué)過程(分三課時(shí))第一課時(shí) Vocabulary and Target一、 復(fù)習(xí):1、(通過老師指令,學(xué)生做動(dòng)作)復(fù)習(xí)play/fly/dance/sleep/e

11、at.2、 Play a game: Simon says.T: Simon says, play(全班做動(dòng)作)Dance!(不能做動(dòng)作,因?yàn)闆]有simon says)二、 新課:Step1,在黑板上貼Step2(叫幾個(gè)同學(xué)做fly動(dòng)作)T: What is he doing? Hes flying.What is she doing? Shes flying.What are they doing? Theyre flying.(老師問其中一個(gè)同學(xué))T: What are you doing?(引導(dǎo))S1: I am flying.Step3板書:What is he/she doing?W

12、hat are you/they doing?Step4(老師打籃球并說)T: Im playing basketball.(把球傳給學(xué)生)T: What are you doing?S1:I am playing basketball.(再把球傳給另外的同學(xué),反復(fù)練習(xí)I am playing )Step5讓學(xué)生挑出playing單詞卡。Step6同樣方法,引出其它貼在黑板上的單詞。Step7. Read after the tape then repeat.Step8. Play games:1、任意抽走一張單詞卡,讓學(xué)生回憶是哪個(gè)單詞。2、取下單詞卡,拿出其中一個(gè)給一位學(xué)生,讓他做動(dòng)作,其

13、他同學(xué)猜單詞。 Step9(叫一組同學(xué)上臺(tái)做不同的動(dòng)作,突然老師說:Stop!他們保持動(dòng)作的停留,然后老師提問)T: What is he/she doing?What are they doing?S: He/She is writing.They are painting.Step10. Open the book at P44, read Target after the tape.Step11. Play a game: Leader.(叫一個(gè)同學(xué)走出門外,全班同學(xué)中產(chǎn)生一個(gè)Leader帶領(lǐng)其他同學(xué)做動(dòng)作,每做一個(gè)動(dòng)作,老師問:What is she/he doing?出去的同學(xué)回答,

14、然后找出Leader)Step12. Pair work: What is he/she doing? What are they doing?Step13. Homework:Copy the new words.第二課時(shí)Conversation and Practice 1,2一、 復(fù)習(xí)What is he/she doing?What are they doing?二、 新課Step1(老師做釣魚和游泳動(dòng)作,讓學(xué)生問)S: What are you doing?T: I am fishing. I am swimming.Step2 讓學(xué)生做此動(dòng)作,老師問:T: What are you

15、 doing?S1: I am fishing.T: What is he doing?(問其他同學(xué))S2: He is fishing.Step3板書: fishingStep4設(shè)情景對(duì)話。(老師扮Gogo,看到其他同學(xué)在讀書、釣魚、睡覺、買東西、游泳) Gogo: What are you doing?What is he/she doing?Step5. Open the book at P43, listen and look at Conversation.(老師指著Picture 4)T: What are they doing?S: They are shopping.Step5

16、讓學(xué)生練習(xí)再表演。Step6. Practice1.A:先讀所有的句子,再玩游戲。(讓學(xué)生抄下其中六句話,由老師念句子,六個(gè)都跟老師相同的就Gogo.)B: Listen to the tape and then circle the right answer.Step7. Practice 2.Play a game:叫幾位同學(xué)站在一排同學(xué)的后面做動(dòng)作,讓其他同學(xué)猜。T: What is he doing? /What are they doing?S1: He is / They are S2: He is Step8完成句子。I_ _. (睡覺)What he ?HeWhat_ they

17、_?They are_.(跑步)第三課時(shí)Song/Activity 1.2. Sounds and words 1.2.一、1.2.二、 復(fù)習(xí) 單詞:Playing Ask and answer: Whatdoing? 新課Step1. Song.(1)(2) Sing the song. Play a game:一邊唱歌一邊傳遞盒子(盒子裝有單詞的卡片)當(dāng)老師時(shí),盒子所在誰的手上,誰就抽出一張有單詞的卡片,并作相應(yīng)的動(dòng)作。S1: What is he doing?S2: He isStep2. Sounds and words.(1)叫六位同學(xué)上臺(tái),同時(shí)做不同的動(dòng)作,老師逐一介紹。Hes f

18、lying./singing/drawing/crying/laughing/smiling.(2)板書以上單詞。(3)Listen to the tape then repeat.(4) Play a game:老師把全班分為兩組相對(duì)而站,當(dāng)學(xué)生聽到單詞含有ing的讀音時(shí),做相應(yīng)的動(dòng)作,否則就不動(dòng),錯(cuò)的出局。兩組比賽,保留人多的為獲勝組。Step3.做練習(xí):Listen, say and circle.Activity 1Step4. Activity 2(投影圖片)Guess: Who is it?Step5.小結(jié)整個(gè)單元,講有關(guān)現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)應(yīng)注意的地方。Step6. Play a game

19、:老鷹捉小雞。老師扮老鷹,挑出8個(gè)同學(xué)扮小雞,擺弄7張凳子為一個(gè)圈,8個(gè)同學(xué)站在圈外圍著凳子跑,一邊跑一邊問老鷹:Eagle,eagle, what are you doing? Eagle: I am running.同學(xué)又繼續(xù)問,老鷹不停地回答I am singing等等。當(dāng)老鷹說Im catching you時(shí),8個(gè)同學(xué)搶凳子坐,搶不到凳子的同學(xué)代替老師,然后拿走一張凳子再繼續(xù),最后一個(gè)坐到凳子的為獲勝者。Step7.Home work:活動(dòng)手冊(cè)。Unit3 My WeekTeaching Target : What day is it today? Its Monday.What do

20、 you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.Teaching Key: New words:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sounds and words:/ju:/The first period:一、詞匯1、教師把圖畫卡片掛在黑板上。T:(指著Sunday) Its Sunday. Repeat. Ss: Its SundayT: What day is it today? Its .( 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生答)用一周的其他幾天繼續(xù)進(jìn)行活動(dòng)。T:All th

21、e days together make one week .(出示圖畫卡片)Week. Repeat.Ss: Week.2、 Look at the teachers mouth, then guess the words.3、 Read together and pair work.4、新課呈現(xiàn)T: Open your books to page 10.Listen to the tape and repeat, point to each day as you say it .播放錄音,讓學(xué)生跟讀一周的每一天。至于week這個(gè)單詞,可讓學(xué)生在圖片的月歷上圈出一個(gè)禮拜T:(指著Saturd

22、ay ) Is it Wednesday? Ss :No, it isnt . Its Saturday.(指著Monday )Is it Monday ?Ss: Yes, it is教師必要時(shí)做示范。指著一周的其他幾天,問類似的問題。對(duì)話二、對(duì)話的學(xué)習(xí):1、教師帶一本大的月歷和一些體育器材,如:一個(gè)籃球,一個(gè)乒乓球拍等,進(jìn)入教室。Review the words .(做練習(xí))T:What day is it today?(指著月歷上一周的每一天,然后指著當(dāng)天的日子)oh, its (Tuesday).教師舉起一個(gè)籃球。T:I play basketball on(Tuesday). (再指著

23、月歷)2、把球傳給不同的學(xué)生,讓他們重復(fù)句子 I play basketball on(Tuesday)教師拿起其他的體育器材,如乒乓球,假裝打乒乓球。T:I play ping-pong on Sunday.(指著月歷上的Sunday)把球拍傳給其他學(xué)生,示范句子,讓他們重復(fù)。3、新課呈現(xiàn)T:Open your books. Lets listen to the tape.教師播放錄音,同時(shí)指著每一幅圖片。T:Lets listen again and repent播放錄音,每句后停頓,讓學(xué)生跟讀。把學(xué)生分成四個(gè)小組,讓他們分別扮演Gogo, Jenny, Tony及Mrs.Green(To

24、ny和Jenny的媽媽)鼓勵(lì)每組加上動(dòng)作,如:在對(duì)話中假裝玩某一項(xiàng)體育活動(dòng)。教學(xué)后記:星期幾這七個(gè)單詞比較難掌握,需要不斷的強(qiáng)化。The second period:一、指著詞匯部分的圖片。T:What day is it today ?(Ss: Its (Thursday)指著圖片中物品T :Whats this ? Ss: Its a (piano)T: What do you do on Monday?S1:I(play the piano )on(Monday)二、播放錄音,每句后暫停,讓學(xué)生跟讀教師指著某一位學(xué)生說:What day is it today?SI:I(play the

25、 piano )on (Thursday).三、新課呈現(xiàn)播放錄音:每句后暫停,讓學(xué)生跟著讀。T:(指著某位同學(xué)問)What day is it today ?SI: Its (Wednesday)T: (指著另一位同學(xué)問)What do you on (Wednesday),S2:I(play soccer )on ( Wednesday) 與幾個(gè)學(xué)生重復(fù)此項(xiàng)活動(dòng)。四、 Exercise 1指著每組的三張圖片進(jìn)行談?wù)?。T:(指著第一組中的Monday)What day is it today ?Ss: Its Monday .T: (指著第3組中的Friday) How about this

26、one ? what day is it today ?Ss: Its Friday .What do you do on Friday ?Ss: I play soccer on Friday.新課呈現(xiàn)T:Lets listen to the tape .播放第1組圖片的錄音,然后暫停。T:Which day of the week is it ?Do you know ? Is it this one ?(指著Monday ) 在學(xué)生回答時(shí),作一個(gè)畫圈動(dòng)作,圈住Its Wednesday.這個(gè)句子。T: Number I is its Wednesday .繼續(xù)練習(xí)其他幾組,每組后暫停,讓

27、學(xué)生重復(fù)每一句。Exercise 2:教師把圖片掛在黑板上。T:What day is it today ?Ss: Its (Wednesday ?)Ss: I (play basketball )on (Wednesday ).重復(fù)問題,讓學(xué)生提供不同的答案。新課呈現(xiàn)T:Now, lets read the questions.讓學(xué)生大聲讀出問題。把學(xué)生分成兩人一組或小組方式互回答。教學(xué)后記:What day is it today ? Its句型掌握理想。The third period:一、Sing a song展示一幅大的月歷,指著不同的日期。開始談?wù)搶W(xué)生的生日日期,幫他們找到自己的生

28、日在今年的星期幾。新課呈現(xiàn)T: Lets sing a song !Lets listen first .播放錄音,唱到哪,就用手指到哪。把學(xué)生分成兩組。一組唱問題,一組唱回答。二、活動(dòng)T: What do you do on Saturday ?Repeat .Ss: What do you do on Saturday ?T:I swim on Saturday .(指著一個(gè)學(xué)生問) What do you do on Monday ?Ss: I (cook) on Monday .用一周的不同周日對(duì)數(shù)名同學(xué)重復(fù)提問。要幾個(gè)學(xué)生提出問題讓其余的學(xué)生回答。新課呈現(xiàn)教師讓學(xué)生結(jié)對(duì)把調(diào)查表抄在黑

29、板上,教師示范做一次調(diào)查。問某一學(xué)生:What do you do on Sunday ?Ss: I (play soccer )on Sunday 把soccer寫進(jìn)相應(yīng)的方格里。若時(shí)間允許,讓幾組學(xué)生與全班同學(xué)分享答案?;顒?dòng)2教師把第2冊(cè)圖畫卡片掛在黑板上,在每張圖畫卡片下,打亂順序?qū)懴聢D片的單詞讓一些自愿的學(xué)生把單詞和相應(yīng)的圖片配對(duì)。讓那些自愿的學(xué)生用粉筆/水彩筆把正確的單詞寫在圖片下面問全班學(xué)生是否同意該學(xué)生的拼寫新課呈現(xiàn)T: Open your books Look at these scrambled words . What are they ?引導(dǎo)學(xué)生說:Days或Days o

30、f the week指著圖片中不同的桌子,問學(xué)生它們是星期幾。讓學(xué)生結(jié)對(duì),把一周內(nèi)幾天的拼寫復(fù)原并寫在下面的空白處三、語音和單詞教師把字母U寫在黑板上,T: Whats this letter?Ss:UT :Yes Todays sound is same sound as the letter u .Lets practice the sound /ju:/.Look at my mouth and repeat .T:/ju/.Ss:/ju/新課呈現(xiàn)教師讓學(xué)生看著該頁上的單詞。T: Lets listen to the tape .播放錄音,讓學(xué)生指著每一個(gè)讀出的單詞T: Lets lis

31、ten again and this time ,repeat播放錄音,讓學(xué)生跟讀經(jīng)過充分練習(xí)后,教師任意指著不同的圖片,讓學(xué)生說出該單詞。讓學(xué)生看著歌謠旁邊的圖片T:(指著氣球)What are these ?Ss: Theyre balloons.T: (指著獨(dú)角獸) Whats this ?Ss: Its a unicorn用其他圖片繼續(xù)活動(dòng)新課呈現(xiàn)T:Lets listen to the chant .播放一遍錄音T: Now ,listen and point to the pictures as they are chanted .再次播放錄音,當(dāng)唱到unicorn, cucumb

32、ers ,ice cubes 和balloons時(shí),學(xué)生應(yīng)用手指著它們。T: Lets chant together播放錄音,讓學(xué)生跟著唱,并跟著節(jié)奏打拍子教學(xué)后記:經(jīng)過充分練習(xí)后,教師任意指著不同的圖片,讓學(xué)生說出該單詞。學(xué)生掌握理想。Unit 4 My Day一、Teaching objectives:1.Words and expressions:tomorrow wake up time go to sleep get up get dressed brush teeth go to school go home do (my) homework eat dinner go to be

33、d at tea meet key pea sea2. sentenceses: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:30.3.ea and ee i:二、Teaching key points:1.Words and expressions:2. sentenceses: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school? I go to scho

34、ol at 7:30.三、Teaching difficult points:1. sentenceses: What time is it? Its time to go to school. What time do you go to school?I go to school at 7:30.2.ea and ee i:四、Teaching tools: recorder、tape、pictures五、Teaching procedure:The first periodStep 1 ConversationGetting ready1、教師準(zhǔn)備一個(gè)能調(diào)節(jié)時(shí)針及分針的大時(shí)鐘,把時(shí)針調(diào)到

35、3:00的位置,問:What time is it?讓學(xué)生回答,Its 3:00.2、用同樣的方法問3:15, 4:30, 5:45,并示范表達(dá)。Using the book1、讓學(xué)生聽一次錄音,然后打開書,播放錄音,每句停頓,讓學(xué)生跟讀,并重復(fù)一次,教師朗讀對(duì)話的每一行,模仿Tony昏昏欲睡的聲音和Gogo興奮的聲音。2、讓學(xué)生兩人一組結(jié)對(duì)練習(xí)。3、抽部分學(xué)生出來表演對(duì)話。4、等到學(xué)生熟悉內(nèi)容后,教學(xué)新單詞及詞組,如tomorrow, wake up, Its time to , time, go to sleep.并理解對(duì)話內(nèi)容。Extension activity教師請(qǐng)一些學(xué)生到黑板前,

36、讓他們把對(duì)話中的句子寫在黑板上,每人寫一個(gè)對(duì)話方格內(nèi)的句子,教師指寫位置讓學(xué)生寫,然后讓學(xué)生將正確的順序排列出來。Step 2 VocabularyGetting ready出示圖畫卡片,讓學(xué)生讀,并讓學(xué)生用動(dòng)作表演這些短語的內(nèi)容。Using the book1、 教師播放錄音,讓學(xué)生跟讀每一個(gè)單詞。強(qiáng)調(diào)部分元音音標(biāo),并板書詞組及音標(biāo)。2、教師做動(dòng)作讓學(xué)生猜相應(yīng)的單詞,學(xué)生互相練習(xí)。3、指著課本上數(shù)字2160并大聲朗讀出來,讓學(xué)生跟讀。并用時(shí)鐘幫助學(xué)生理解數(shù)字與時(shí)鐘上分針的關(guān)系。用時(shí)鐘練習(xí)說出時(shí)間,如Its four twenty-one.等等。Homework1、抄寫短語,每個(gè)四次,并記??;

37、2、抄寫對(duì)話,并譯成中文。The second periodStep 1 TargetGetting ready1、教師在黑板上寫上Its time to _.和What time do you _? 把其中一張圖畫卡片放在第一個(gè)句子的空格處(有圖畫的一面向外)。讓學(xué)生跟讀2、教師不再示范句子,快速更換圖畫卡片,讓學(xué)生做替換練習(xí)。以同樣的方法操練其他句子。 Using the book1、教師讓不同的學(xué)生大聲讀出句子。2、播放幾遍錄音,讓學(xué)生跟錄音練習(xí)。Extension activityStep 2 PracticeGetting ready1、指著圖片AD,說出下列句子A What are

38、 they talking about? Theyre talking about food.B Is he sleeping? No, hes not.C What time is it? Its 9:45.D Whats she doing? Shes watching TV./ Shes talking to her Dad.Using the book在聽錄音之前教師讓不同的學(xué)生大聲讀出四個(gè)句子。播放錄音,讓學(xué)生完成,并重復(fù)一次,檢查答案。 Getting ready請(qǐng)學(xué)生分別將四個(gè)問題讀出來,并練習(xí)朗讀幾分鐘。Using the book教師讓學(xué)生回答,盡可能真實(shí)回答,檢查答案,并讓

39、學(xué)生結(jié)對(duì)練習(xí)。Step 3 Workbook1. Listen, read and circle.播放錄音,讓學(xué)生選擇答案,檢查并讓學(xué)生讀出來。2. Read, write and say.先讓學(xué)生將問題讀出來,然后回答,再到黑板上板演,后評(píng)。Homework1、抄寫中Target的句子,并譯成中文。2會(huì)默寫中Target的句子。The third periodStep 1 Listen and chantGetting ready教師把歌詞順序打亂,一行行寫在黑板上。指著任一行讓學(xué)生大聲朗讀。Using the book播放,讓學(xué)生聽一次,然后后再播放一次,讓學(xué)生按順序給句子標(biāo)上序號(hào)。重復(fù)幾

40、次,讓學(xué)生能唱出來為止。Step 2 Ask, answer and write.Getting ready教師在黑板上寫上What time does Jenny_?給學(xué)生該頁上的提示詞,讓他們說出完整的問題。如Using the book教師把全班男女兩組,讓男組蓋住表B,使用表A,讓女組蓋住表A,使用表B,讓他們問答,并核對(duì)答案。Step 3 Activity Draw and playGetting ready教師把What time do you_? 寫在黑板上,指著游戲板上的get up問Can you make a question? 讓學(xué)生回答What time do you

41、get up?指著其他圖畫,讓不同的學(xué)生提問題。Using the bookT: 指著(go to school的圖畫)(S1s name),can yu ask the question? S1: What time do you go to school? T: What time do you go to school? Draw in the time on your game board.繼續(xù)活動(dòng),直至所有學(xué)生畫完所有時(shí)鐘上的時(shí)間。讓學(xué)生結(jié)對(duì),并給每結(jié)一個(gè)硬幣和一些紙片。S1和S2使用各自的書本,每個(gè)學(xué)生均把各自的紙片放在“”的圖畫上,從此處開始游戲。讓學(xué)生輪流把硬幣擲在游戲板上,正

42、面走一步,反面走兩步,當(dāng)S1落在某一格時(shí),S2提問,S1根據(jù)所畫的時(shí)間進(jìn)行回答。然后輪到S2,當(dāng)學(xué)生完成所有格子上內(nèi)容的問答時(shí)游戲便終結(jié)。Step 4 Wokbook3. Listen to the chant and write.讓學(xué)生聽一次后完成填空,后核對(duì)答案。4、Read, match and write先讓學(xué)生讀句子,然后填到適當(dāng)?shù)牡胤絊tep 5 Sounds and words1、練習(xí)E的發(fā)音,并把其音標(biāo)寫出來i:。2、播放錄音,讓學(xué)生邊聽邊指著錄音讀到的單詞,用圖片進(jìn)行單詞教學(xué)。3、教師在黑板上寫tea,cheese,在字母組合es和ee下劃線,讓學(xué)生找出一些含有該音素的字母組

43、合的單詞,把單詞寫在黑板上,如:peas,please. 向?qū)W生解釋還有字母e是發(fā)這個(gè)音。如he, she , me等。 Homework1、抄寫并熟記下列單詞:tea meet key peas three sea2、 理解音標(biāo)i:及字母組合ea, ee的發(fā)音。教學(xué)后記:In the unit we study the time, I teach it by using the clock, the computer, the radio. But it hard to express the time for the students.Review 1(第一課時(shí))一、教學(xué)目標(biāo)1、會(huì)聽句型D

44、o you like?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Does she / he ?Wheres ?I like2、掌握單詞:English, science, music, history, art, P.E, math, computer game, doll, drum, ballon, wallet, subjects, skate board, guitar, closet, glasses, sofa, bookcase, next to, behind, in front of.二、教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn):1、能正確辨別句型Do you like?Does she / h

45、e ?Wheres ?I like2、能正確辨認(rèn)單詞的讀音及意義。三、教具:圖片、錄音機(jī)、實(shí)物(glasses, stapler)四、展現(xiàn)新課一、Revision.1、用圖片復(fù)習(xí)單詞.glasses, science, drum, guitar, football, dool, P.E,English, math, ballom.2、把English, guitar, football, science 4張圖畫貼在黑板上,在圖畫上面標(biāo)上A B C D。Say: I like English.然后從A到English圖畫卡片畫一條連線。3、老師用其他三張圖畫卡片造句,讓學(xué)生到黑板前在字母和圖畫

46、卡片之間連線。二、教授新課。A Listen, look and match.1.2.3. T: Lets listen to the tape. Draw a line form the letter to the picture. 播放錄音。 Check the answers.B Listen, look and match.1、 用圖片復(fù)習(xí)history, art, music.(復(fù)習(xí)的時(shí)候可用上DO you likehistory/ art ? What do you like?等)2、 老師把history, art, music圖片貼在黑板上,說:I like history.讓

47、一個(gè)學(xué)生到黑板前給相應(yīng)的圖畫卡片畫圈,然后老師選另外三個(gè)句子讓學(xué)生畫圈。3、 做書本練習(xí)2。 T:Match the letters to the pictures. 播放錄音。 Check the answers.C Listen, circle and match.1、用實(shí)物復(fù)習(xí)glasses, stapler.并用上句型Is it ?Whats this?2、教師把stapler放在一課桌的后面,問:Wheres the stapler? 學(xué)生回答:Its on the desk.(教師可隨意拿起學(xué)生們桌上的東西如pen, ruler, 等擺放在不同的位置,訓(xùn)練句型Wheres ? It

48、s 3、做書本練習(xí)3。 T: Now listen to the tape and choose the right word.(播放錄音,每組后暫停) 讓學(xué)生重復(fù)句子,圈出關(guān)鍵單詞。T: Now connect the words to the pictures.教師指著例子。 繼續(xù)利用錄音完成其他幾組的練習(xí)。 Check the answers.五、延展活動(dòng)。1、翻開活動(dòng)手冊(cè)。T: Write down the things that you like and dont like.先讓學(xué)生說出他們所喜歡的物品,然后用同樣的方法完成I dont like , I want 和I dont w

49、ant.2、讓學(xué)生自己完成填空練習(xí)。(若學(xué)生需要?jiǎng)e的詞匯,教師可講出來,并把它寫在黑板上向全班解釋。)3、讓學(xué)生畫出物品的圖畫。六、Play a game.1、 教師預(yù)先把活動(dòng)手冊(cè)的指令抄寫在紙上,放在一個(gè)小紙盒里。2、 叫一組同學(xué)站起來準(zhǔn)備做游戲。 叫一個(gè)同學(xué)出來抽出紙令,(每次抽4條)然后快速讀出指令。 看誰做得又快又好,(每條紙令做得最慢或做錯(cuò)的淘汰出局,堅(jiān)持到最后者為勝。)七、Homework.1、單詞填空練習(xí),如r2、兩人一組練習(xí)對(duì)話,用上句型I likeDo you ?Wheres ?8 Review 2 (第二課時(shí))一、教學(xué)目標(biāo):1、 完成活動(dòng)手冊(cè)練習(xí)題。2、 語音和單詞:s(詞

50、尾位置)w(詞首位置)f(詞首位和詞中位置)二、教學(xué)重點(diǎn):語音和單詞:1. s w f2. dance wolf four window telephone dice三、教學(xué)工具:錄音機(jī),圖片。四、Revision. What subject do you like? Where is your ruler / pen / bag? Do you want a book / ball ?五、展現(xiàn)新課:1、引入新課。教師在黑板上畫兩個(gè)orange,一個(gè)在sofa的前面,一個(gè)在sofa的后面。T: The orange is in front of the sofa.讓一學(xué)生上來把與句子不對(duì)應(yīng)的圖

51、畫打上“”。2、翻開學(xué)生活動(dòng)手冊(cè)。 T: Now, listen, say and circle. 播放錄音,每組后暫停。 讓學(xué)生重復(fù)句子,并在以相應(yīng)的圖畫上打“”。 繼續(xù)利用錄音完成其他幾組練習(xí)。3、完成練習(xí)2和練習(xí)3。4 、教師在黑板上方寫下ce, f , w 和ph.。同時(shí)也寫上ather, ,oto 和ork.邀請(qǐng)4個(gè)學(xué)生上臺(tái),要求他們?cè)谧帜钢g連線,并說出單詞。5、打開書本,完成練習(xí)4。 T: Look at the letters and match them. Then match the words to theirpictures. Check the answers. 讓學(xué)

52、生正確讀出單詞。重點(diǎn)突出s f w的讀音,使學(xué)生掌握這些音標(biāo)發(fā)音。6、鞏固練習(xí):完成活動(dòng)手冊(cè)練習(xí)4。六、Play a game.1、 教師根據(jù)插圖說出一些單詞,學(xué)生仔細(xì)觀察圖畫,找出相應(yīng)的項(xiàng)目。教師偶爾說一些不在圖中的單詞,如果學(xué)生認(rèn)為這幅圖不存在,就跳起來。如果學(xué)生判斷錯(cuò)誤,就要和教師一起站在教室的前面,輪流說單詞。2、 讓學(xué)生扮演書本圖中不同的人物角色,讓他們把椅子按汽車座位形式擺放。S1當(dāng)Gogo司機(jī),S2和S3分別扮演Tony 和Jenny,S4為坐在Gogo身后的女孩,讓學(xué)生做插圖中的人物所做的事情,如:S1在駕駛,S2在找眼鏡,S3在招手往后看,S4在畫畫,教師在教室中巡視,就插圖

53、中的人物提問班上其他的學(xué)生,學(xué)生可參考插圖回答問題,教師也可讓班上其他的學(xué)生向扮演角色的學(xué)生提問題,如:Do you like math? Can I borrow your guitar?這些學(xué)生則按插圖人物身份回答問題。八、鞏固練習(xí)1、 做活動(dòng)手冊(cè)Can you find it? 這頁插圖的圖畫中隱含了單元中詞匯和語音部分的單詞,讓學(xué)生結(jié)對(duì)合作把它們找出來畫圈,并把它們寫在插圖下面的空白處。2、 檢查答案。九、Homework.1、 完成活動(dòng)手冊(cè)What is it? 學(xué)生把圖中的物品按照FurnitureToys subjects 不同分類,把數(shù)字寫在方框中,把單詞寫在相應(yīng)的空白中。(教

54、師要講解Furniture的意思)2、 兩人一組,打開課本,看插圖,比一比誰說的單詞多。Unit5 My BodyTeaching Aims:1. Train the students ability of listening (can hear and catch the meaning of the newwords and sentences); speaking (can talk about body with somebody); reading (according to the picture to catch the meaning in Conversation); wri

55、ting (can write the new words according to the picture and can write the sentences).2. The students can master and use the words and sentences of the text.3. Train the students communication skills and encourage them to communicatewith each other.Teaching Aids: recorder、a doll、 picturesThe first periodTeaching


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