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1、 WORD格式整理版 M1 U1 School Life一、詞匯大集合I. 單詞1. attend 出席,參加 2. assembly集會,會議3. earn 獲得,賺,賺得 4. respect 尊敬5. achieve 取得,實現(xiàn) 6. grade 學分,年級,等級7. literature 文學 8.average 一般的,平均的9. challenging 具有挑戰(zhàn)性的 10. lunchtime午餐時間11. e-mail 電子郵件,給發(fā)電子郵件 12. title (書的)名稱,題目13. extra 額外的,外加的14. cooking 做飯,烹飪 15. prepare 準備1

2、6. drop 放棄 17. Spanish 西班牙語18. German 德語,德國人 19. miss 思念,想念20. dessert (餐后的)甜點 21. field 運動場,操場22. experience 經(jīng)歷,體驗 23. article 文章24. penfriend 筆友 25. introduce 介紹26. immediately 立刻,馬上 27. former 從前的,以前的28. recently 最近,近來 29. culture 文化30. develop 培養(yǎng),養(yǎng)成 31. photograph 照片,相片32. donate 捐獻,捐贈 33. gift

3、贈品,禮物34. display 陳列,展覽 35. kindness 好意,善意36. guest 客人,來賓 37. speech 演說,演講38. flat 套房 39. bookcase 書櫥,書柜40.please 使?jié)M意,取悅41. attention 注意,關注 42. cover (書的)封面,蓋子43. recent 新近的,最近的 44. professor 教授45. regret 遺憾,后悔,惋惜 46. inform 通知,告知47. run 管理,經(jīng)營 48. host 主持人,主人,東道主49. approve 批準,通過,贊成 50. broadcast 廣播,

4、播放51. preparation 準備,籌備 52. close 親密的,靠近的53.outing 短途旅行,遠足 54. continue 繼續(xù),持續(xù)55. poet 詩人 56. generation 一代,一代人57. select 選擇,挑選 58. require 要求,需要59. scary 讓人恐慌的,嚇人的 60. nature 自然,大自然II.短語1. for free 免費 2. pay attention to 對注意 3. baseon 以為基礎 4. be happy with 對感到滿意5. than usual比往常 6. make sure 確保7. the

5、 best way to do sth做某事的最好辦法 8. spend doing花費做某事9. sign up簽約參加 10. such as例如11. as well as也,和一樣 12. experience a different way of life體驗一種不同的生活方式13. earn respect from 贏得尊敬 14. achieve high grades獲得高分15. sound like聽起來像 16. used to do sth過去常常17. at the end of在結束時 18. get a general idea了解大意19. word by w

6、ord逐字逐句地 20.be available to/for 有效,對有用21. upon doing sth一就 22. develop an interest in 養(yǎng)成興趣23. donate to捐贈給 24. more than 不僅僅25. inform sb. of告知某人某事 26. pay attention to 注意27. make a decision做出決定 28. be responsible for對負責29. consist of由組成 30. come up with想出 學習參考好幫手 二、句型大集合1. Going to a British high s

7、chool for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. 我在英國上了一年學,那是段令我非常開心、非常興奮的經(jīng)歷。2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這里的家庭作業(yè)不像我以前在原來學校那么繁重。3. My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spend an hour each day reading En

8、glish in the library. 我每天都在使用英語,每天還花一小時在圖書館里讀英文書,因此,我的英語有了很大進步。4. Though it didnt look like a table when it was finished, I still like it very much.盡管完工之后它看起來并不像一張桌子,但我還是很喜歡它。5. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article. 正如你文中所提的那樣,我的確很喜歡吃甜食。6. David was one of the most

9、helpful students that we ever had. 大衛(wèi)是我們這里最樂于助人的學生之一。7. Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.學習一結束,他就開始了中國之旅。8. The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. 大衛(wèi)捐贈給本校的油畫作品正在學校會堂展覽。9. I cant go home until my mother gets home from work. 我

10、要等我媽媽下班了才能回家。10. We regret to inform you that our library will be closed nextWednesday, Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting. 我們很遺憾地通知:由于舉行運動會,圖書館下周三、四、五三天不對外開放。M1U2 Growing Pains一、詞匯大集合I. 單詞1. act (戲劇的)一幕;vi.表現(xiàn),行動 2.vacation (美)假期;休假3. curtain 窗簾,(舞臺上的)幕布 4. surprise 使吃驚,使驚奇5. bend 彎腰,屈身,(使)彎

11、曲 6. touch 觸摸,接觸7. explain 解釋,說明 8. mess 混亂,雜亂,一團糟9. sink 水池,水槽,洗碗槽 10. garbage 垃圾11. can 罐子,金屬容器 12. leave 使處于某種狀態(tài),聽任13. charge 負責,掌管 14. adult成年人15. reason 原因,理由 16. trust 信任17. behavior (美)行為,舉止 18. unpunished 免受懲罰的19. teenager (13-19歲的)青少年 20. fault 過錯,錯誤21. scene (戲劇中的)一場,場面,景色 22. mad 狂怒的,瘋狂的2

12、3. hard 苛刻的,嚴厲的 24. rude 粗魯?shù)模瑹o禮的25. punish 懲罰 26. explanation 解釋,說明27. grown-up 成年人 28. cash 現(xiàn)金29. truly 真誠地,真實地 30. grandparent 祖父(母)31. boring 令人厭倦的,乏味的 32. mark 分數(shù),標志,記號33. test 測驗,檢驗 34. upset 心煩的,苦惱的,(使)心煩/苦惱35. mix 混合, 36. score 得分37. interest 使。感興趣 38. silly 傻的,愚蠢的39. sincerely 真誠地 40. column

13、 專欄,欄目41. insist 堅持,堅持認為 42. cafe 咖啡館,小餐廳43. chat 聊天,閑談 44. valuable 寶貴的,珍貴的,貴重的45. period 時間段,時期,階段 46. argument 爭論,辯論,論點,論據(jù)47. freedom 自由 48. relationship 關系49. mainly 主要地,大體上 50. suggest 建議,暗示,使想起51. fight 爭吵,爭論,打架,爭斗 52. crazy 發(fā)狂的,瘋狂的53. spare 空閑的,多余的 54. selfish 自私的55. unloving 缺乏愛心的 56. forbid

14、 禁止II.短語1. turn up 到達,出現(xiàn) 2. a waste of 浪費3. no more不再 4. spare time業(yè)余時間5. force sb. to do sth.強迫某人做某事 6. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待要做某事7. do with 處理,處置 8. be supposed to 應該,應當9. be (in) a mess亂糟糟 10. leave sb. in charge讓某人負責,掌管11. go unpunished不受懲罰 12. go out (燈)熄滅13. not.any more 不再,再也不 14. go on die

15、ts 節(jié)食15. in secret 秘密地 16. in no time立刻,馬上17. put on weight 體重增加 18. as a matter of fact 事實上19. in the long term 從長遠角度看 20. along with 連同;隨同21. be hard on 對要求嚴格 22. now that 既然,由于23. stay up 不睡覺,熬夜 24. after all 畢竟25. mix up 弄混 26. as though 好像,似乎27. Internet cafe 網(wǎng)吧 28. at present 目前,當前29. side eff

16、ect 副作用 30. fall out (頭發(fā)的)脫落31. have ones arm crossed雙臂交叉 32. even if即使33. be proud of以驕傲 34. take/follow/accept ones advice接受意見35. keep in mind記在心上 36. make a difference有影響,有關系,37provide sb. with sth/ provide sth for sb.提供 38. insist on doing sth 堅持做某事39. forbid sb. from doing sth禁止某人做某事 40. to one

17、s surprise 使某人吃驚的是 二、句型大集合1. Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. 爸爸和媽媽外出度假,比孩子們預計的時間提前一天返回家中。2. You werent supposed to come home until tomorrow. 你們不是應該明天才回來的嘛!3. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so hungry! 讓你們用來買狗食的錢已經(jīng)用完了,可是斑點看上去還是那

18、么餓!4. This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished! 這個家可不是一個對不良行為聽之任之的地方!5. Eric sits on his bed, who has his arms crossed and looks angry. 埃里克坐在床上,瞧著雙臂交叉,一臉怒氣的丹尼爾。6. I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us. 我覺得我們得懲罰他一下,要不然他會不尊重我們。7. We didnt think you would let the house

19、get so dirty. 我們原本以為你不會把屋子搞得這么臟兮兮的。8. I still wish we could go and see a film tomorrow though! 但我還是希望明天能去看場電影。9. If you kept your room looking tidy, then it wouldnt take you so long to clean it up. 假如你讓房間保存整潔,你就不必花很長時間去打掃它。10. Recently he has been refusing to do his homework, and instead insists on

20、wasting his time watching DVDs and listening to foreign music. 最近他就是不做家庭作業(yè),而是把時間浪費在看DVD、聽外國音樂上。M1 U3 Looking good feeling good一、詞匯大集合I. 單詞1. gym 健身房,體育館 2. stay 保持3. slim 苗條的,纖細的 4. figure 體型,身材5. weight 體重,重量,杠鈴片 6. ashamed 慚愧的,羞愧的7. since 因為,既然 8. weight-loss 減肥的,瘦身的9. exercise 鍛煉,運動 10. work 起作用,

21、有效果,奏效11. priceless 無價的,珍貴的 12. recover 痊愈,恢復健康,重新獲得,13. liver 肝臟 14. failure 衰退,衰竭,故障,失靈,失敗15. contain 包含,容納 16. harmful 有害的17. chemical 化學物資,化學物品,化學的 18. operation 手術19. exact 精確的,準確的 20. match 比賽,相配的人/物,匹配,相稱21. follow 遵循,遵守,依照 22. advice 建議,忠告23. seldom 很少,不常,難得 24. damage 傷害,25. attractive 有吸引力

22、的 26. touching 動人的,感人的27. stranger 陌生人 28. embarrassed 尷尬的,難為情的29. pressure 壓力 30. actress 女演員31. overweight 肥胖的,體重超標的 32. diet 節(jié)食,日常飲食,控制飲食33. properly 適當?shù)兀线m地 34. skinny 極瘦的,皮包骨的35. lift 舉起 36. consider 考慮37. effect 作用,影響,效果 38. affect 影響39. sportsman 運動員 40. achievement 成就41. risk 冒險 42. post (在網(wǎng)

23、上發(fā)布的)帖子43.recognize 認出,識別,認可,公認 44. lifestyle 生活方式,生活習慣45. energy 能量 46. regularly 定期地,有規(guī)律地,經(jīng)常47.regular定期的,有規(guī)律的,經(jīng)常的 48. yet 然而,可是49. skip 跳過,略過 50. control 控制51. calorie 卡路里,卡 52. teenage 十幾歲的53. system 系統(tǒng) 54. skin 皮膚55. count 算數(shù),有效 56. relaxed 放松的,輕松的57. ability 能力 58. concentrate 集中;全神貫注59. amoun

24、t 量,數(shù)量 60. loss 丟失,損失61. suggestion 建議II. 短語1. stay healthy 保持健康 2. be dying to 渴望,切望3. hear from sb. 收到某人來信 4. used to do 過去常常5. work out 鍛煉 6. lose weight 減肥7. put on weight 增肥 8. be ashamed of 為感到羞愧9. be popular among/ with 受歡迎 10. keep doing sth. 一直做某事11.recover from 恢復,恢復知覺 12.liver failure 肝功能

25、衰竭13.regret to do 遺憾的去做 14.regret doing 后悔做過15.causeto 引起,導致 16.donate . to 捐贈17. be embarrassed about 因感到羞愧 18. go on diets 節(jié)食19. come across 偶遇,無意中發(fā)現(xiàn) 20. in secret 秘密地21. get hurt 受傷 22. build up 增進,加強23. on ones own 獨立地,獨自地 24. consider doing sth 考慮做某事25. fall out 發(fā)生, 脫落 26. side effect 副作用27. ta

26、ke the risk 冒險 28. recommend sth to sb. 向推薦29. along with連同一道 30. in the long/short term 從長遠看31. give up on 放棄,對感到絕望 32.as a matter of fact 事實上33.take in 接受,理解,吸收 34.in no time 立刻35.risk doing 冒險做某事 36.call sb. names 辱罵某人37.a headache to 麻煩事 38.a good amount of 大量的二、句型大集合1. I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I dont work out any more. 我以前也常去健身房, 一周三周,但我現(xiàn)在不鍛煉了。2. I am trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body.


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