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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上鄭州小升初英語測試題及答案_一、找出劃線部分讀音與眾不同的單詞。(10分)( )1、 A、 big B、 sixC、 nice D、 miss( )2、 A、 workB、 wall C、 whoseD、 watch( )3、 A、 sorry B、 brotherC、 some D、 does( )4、 A、 yesterday B、 familyC、 day D、 Monday( )5、 A、 hearB、 pear C、 ear D、 near( )6、 A、 map B、 stampC、 faceD、 cat( )7、 A、 three B、 thoseC、

2、their D、 these( )8、 A、 foodB、 foot C、 bookD、 good( )9、 A、 not B、 no C、 ink D、 ant( )10、A、 names B、 apples C、 faces D、 balls二、請你按要求完成下列各題。(10分)(I)1、 shoes(單數(shù))_2、 bus(復數(shù))_3、 don't(完全形式) _4、 me(主格) _5、 too(同音詞) _6、 he(物主代詞) _7、 努力工作(譯成英語) _8、 let us(縮寫形式) _9、 short(反義詞) _10、 over there(漢語意思)_(II)翻譯

3、下面的短語1、 二瓶果汁_2、 到這來_3、 在樹下_4、 雙胞胎兄弟_5、 how much _6、 thanks a lot _7、 look after _8、 put on _9、 在天空中_10、 穿紅衣服的女孩 _三、根據(jù)題意,用所給詞的適當形式填空。(10分)1、 Can I have _(a) orange?2、 She _(like) to play the flute、3、 He _(have) got a skipping rope、4、 Please give _(I) a cup of tea、5、 Let's go _(shop) with my mothe

4、r!6、 Da Ming comes from China,he is _(China)、7、 How many _(hour) are there in a day?8、 Lucy _(look) like her father、9、 “Here you are、 ”“_(thank)、”10、 She _(watch) TV every evening、四、根據(jù)提供的情景,選擇正確的句子,將其標號填在題前的括號內。(8分)A、 Let's go to the zoo、B、 Can you spell “window”?C、 Good evening, Dad、 D、 Good ni

5、ght、E、 This is Mr Zhang、 F、 Look at the new car、G、 Come and sit here、H、 It's my favourite colour、( )1、 傍晚見到父親說:_( )2、 你想說這是我最喜歡的顏色:_( )3、 你想叫人拼寫窗戶這個單詞,可以說:_( )4、 你叫湯姆過來坐,可以說:_( )5、 你想請別人欣賞這輛紅色法拉利小轎車,可以說:_( )6、 想邀請別人一起去動物園,可以說:_( )7、 睡前對母親說晚安,應表達為:_( )8、 你向Helen介紹一下張老師,應該說:_五、選擇填空。(30分)( )1、 What

6、's this in English? _ a jeep、A、 This isB、 That'sC、 It'sD、 it is( )2、 Where's the bag?A、 It's in the car B、 They are here C、 There are D、 Here are()3、 What's that man?A、 He's my brotherB、 Yes,he isC、 She's a teacherD、 He's a teacher、()4、 It's _ my new car、A、 /B

7、、 aC、 isD、 isn't() 5、 _ a cat、A、 ThisB、 This'sC、 This isD、 That( )6、 Look _ the nice car、A、 toB、 andC、 atD、 in( )7、 It's nine o'clock、 I must _、A、 go homeB、 go to home C、 to go homeD、 go the home() 8、 _ you see the blackboard?A、 DoB、 AreC、 IsD、 Can( )9、 Please give _ a cup of tea、A、

8、sheB、 heC、 ID、 him( ) 10、 It's time _ play games、A、 inB、 onC、 forD、 to( )11、 The man _ the photo is my father、A、 inB、 on theC、 in theD、 under( )12、 _ name is Mike、A、 IB、 MyC、 MeD、 mine( )13、 Who is the _? He is my uncle、A、 boyB、 manC、 womanD、 girl( )14、 _ you like this jacket?A、 AreB、 DoC、 CanD、

9、 What( )15、 _ is my umbrella? It's over there、A、 WhereB、 WhatC、 WhoseD、 how( )16、 What's that _ English?A、 forB、 inC、 onD、 under( )17、 Look! The cat is _、A、 walkB、 runC、 ranD、 running( ) 18、 Whose gloves are they? _ my _、A、 It's,mother'sB、 They're,mother's C、 They're,moth

10、erD、 It's,mother( ) 19、 The boys are from Tokyo、 They are _、A、 ChinaB、 EnglishC、 JapaneseD、 Chinese( ) 20、 There are _ on the table、A、 two bottles of milkB、 two bottles milkC、 two bottles of milksD、 two bottle of milk( )21、 “Can I help you?”“I'd like _ bags of rice、 ”A、 someB、 aC、 littleD、 o

11、ne( )22、 “What would you like?”“I'd like _ to eat、”A、 somethingB、 appleC、 meatD、 some orange()23、 Look! Some meat _ in the box、 Some apples _ in the basket、A、 are,areB、 is,isC、 are,isD、 is,are( )24、 I would like _、A、 some bananaB、 eat some bananasC、 some bananas eatD、 some bananas()25、 Please gi

12、ve me two bottles of _、A、 milkB、 watersC、 milksD、 oranges()26、 Well,would you like _ to drink?A、 some thingB、 anythingC、 some thingsD、 something( )27、 _ would you like _ breakfast?A、 What,withB、 What,forC、 What,atD、 How,for()28、 I want someA、 meatsB、 watersC、 cakesD、 breads( )29、 What about _?A、 som

13、ething to eatB、 to eat somethingC、 something eat D、 eat something( )30、 “Do you want _ orange?”“No,I'd like _ bottle of orange、”A、 a,anB、 an,anC、 the,anD、 an,a六、從欄中選出能對欄中的句子做出正確反應的應答語。(18分)(I)( )1、 Don't be late again、A、 A new watch、( )2、 May I have a cup of tea?B、 Me,too、( )3、 I like the re

14、d fan、 C、 I see、( )4、 What's that on the desk?D、 Sure、( )5、 Where's Dad? E、 Perhaps he's in the study、( )6、 Shall we go to the zoo by bike? F、 It's Bob's,I think、( )7、 Whose kite is this?G、 Good idea、( )8、 Can I have a look at your dress?H、 Yes、 Here you are、(II)( )1、 Could you h

15、elp me, please?A、 OK、( )2、 Thanks a lot、 B、 You're welcome、( )3、 Let's put the books in the box、 C、 It's Monday、( )4、 Can you carry it? D、 No,it's full、( )5、 Who's on duty today? E、 lam、( )6、 Is it empty? F、 No,it's light、( )7、 What day is it today? G、 Certainly、( )8、 Is that

16、 bag heavy? H、 No、 Li Lei isn't here、( )9、 Are we all here today? I、 No,thanks、( )10、 Let me help you、J、 Yes,I can、七、在下列各句A、B或C中找出與劃線部分意義相近的詞或句子。(14分)( ) 1、 Wang Hai English、A、 likesB、 is good atC、 is writing( )2、 I'd like some melons、A、 I wantB、 I likeC、 I need( )3、 Let me see、A、 look atB、

17、watchC、 think over( ) 4、 How does she go there?A、 get upB、 doC、 get( )5、 We have three lessons this afternoon、A、 textsB、 glassesC、 classes( )6、 We'll go and get some bananas、A、 sellB、 wantC、 buy( )7、 -A: It's hot inside、 Please open the window、 -B: Pardon?A、 Please say it again、B、 I'm so

18、rry、C、 All right、( )8、 Where are you from? I'm from China、A、 I'm from Chinese、B、 I'm Chinese、C、 I'm in China、( )9、 Tom! This is my uncle、A、 my father's brother、B、 my mother's sisterC、 my father's sister、( ) 10、 What's the time? It's a quarter to one、A、 1:15B、 1:45

19、C、 12:45( )11、 What's the weather like in Shanghai?A、 What's the weather in Shanghai?B、 How is the weather like in Shanghai?C、 How is the weather in Shanghai?( )12、 Can I play the video games now? I'm afraid you can't、A、 You're welcome、B、 That's OK、C、 Please don't、( )13、

20、We're going to the cinema、A、 We're going to do it、B、 We're walking in the cinema,C、 We're going to see a film、( )14、 Our teacher walks to school on foot every day、A、 Our teacher goes to school on foot every day、B、 Our teacher works every day、C、 Our teacher likes walking every day、八、連

21、詞成句,注意大小寫和標點符號。(10分)1、 things,in,are,the,now,the,car_2、 you,what,wrong,is,with_3、 you,let,help,me_4、 is,the,what,weather,today,like_5、 you,me,please,could,help_6、 are,what,they,colour_7、 many,minutes,hour,there,how,are,in,an_8、 him,give,please,water,a,of,bottle_9、 to,I,put,the,ball,in,the,box,want_1

22、0、 fox,wolf,friends,and,are_九、選擇正確答案。(10分)Jack is a teacher of English、 He is not young,but he is not old、 He has a round face and black hair、 He is tall、 There are fifty students in his class、 They all like him、Now it's in the afternoon、 Look,some students are working in the classroom、 Jack is

23、there,too、 He is helping them to study English、 He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of them all、( )1、 What does Jack do?A、 He is a worker、 B、 He is a teacher、C、 He is a doctor、 D、 He's a nurse、( )2、 What colour is his hair?A、 It's black、 B、 His heir is white、C、 It is brown、 D、 He ha

24、s yellow hair、( )3、 How many students are there in his class?A、 There are fifteen students in his class、 B、 There's fifty、C、 He has fifty、 D、 There're fifty in it、( )4、 Jack is a good teacher,isn't he?A、 Yes,he isn't、 B、 No,he is、C、 Yes,he's、 D、 Yes,he is、( )5、 What are the stude

25、nts doing in the classroom?A、 They are walking there、B、 They are doing their lessons、C、 They are helping their teacher、D、 They are good friends of Jack、2012小升初英語測試題2一、語音。A找出劃線部分發(fā)音不同的詞,把序號填在括號里:( )1Atwo Bruler Cbroom Dgoodbye( )2Ahat Bblack Cgame Dcat( )3Ajeep Borange Cage Dbag( )4Ateam Bhead Csee Dp

26、lease( )5Ahave Bcake Cgrade Dtoday( )6Aput Bduty Cgood Dwoman( )7Agive Bright CEnglish Dpicture( )8Aapple Bask Cfather Dbanana( )9AChinese Bchair Cteacher Dschool( )10Athem Bthank Cfather DthatB根據(jù)所給音標,寫出劃線部分的音標:( )1shirt shoe English she( )2nice light white five( )3but cup under mum( )4bird girl her

27、 thirteen( )5white what which where( )6you yes yellow young( )7coat picture cake cat( )8ten desk pen twelve( )9green good give bag( )10orange wrong sorry clock二、詞匯。A寫出下列名詞的復數(shù)形式:1box_ 2pencil-box_3bus_4man_ 5woman _ 6boy_7coat_ 8watch_B填寫所缺字母,并譯成中文:1fr_ _ nd( ) 2b_h_nd( )3p _ ct _ re( ) 4st_d_nt( )5a

28、b _ _ t( ) 6c _ _ t( )7s _ster( ) 8m _ _ t( )9What are th _se? Th _ re b _ ds( )10I can t f _ nd my w_ tch( ) 11th_ir sh_es( )12so _e fl _ ers ( ) 13pl _ g _ mes( )14Th _ y are y _ ur b _ kes( )C根據(jù)要求寫詞:1their(同音詞)_ 2white(反義詞)_3they(賓格)_ 4different(反義詞)_5us(主格)_ 6am(原形)_7Chinese(名詞)_ 8class(復數(shù))_9me(

29、主格)_ 10can t(音標)_11here(反義詞)_ 12too(同音詞)_D根據(jù)中文意思,選擇正確單詞,把序號填在括號里:( )1足球 Abasketball Bball Cfootball Dflower( )2桌子 Awindow Btable Cdoor Droom( )3女兒 Adaughter Bsister Cbrother Dafternoon( )4手表 Awhat Bwatch Cmatch Dwindow( )5三十 Athirteen Bfourteen Cthirty Dthree( )6襯衫 Askirt Bshirt Cshoe Dblouse( )7照片

30、Agame Bpicture Cdoll Dphoto( )8他們的 Aits Btheir Cthey Dthem三、按要求改寫下列句子。1The blouse is green(對劃線部分提問)_ _is the blouse?2Its eight thirty-five對劃線部分提問)_the time?3The woman is Han Meimeis mother(對劃線部分提問)_is Han Meimeis mother?4We can see some pictures in the room(對劃線部分提問)_ _ you_in the room?5Im fifteen(對劃

31、線部分提問)_ _ _you?6That is an orange bus(改為復數(shù)形式)_ _orange_7Is that cat black and white?(改為陳述句)_ _ _black and white8Those are pictures of their families(改為單數(shù)形式)_is a picture of his_9 Those are their Chinese books(改為一般疑問句)_ _their Chinese books?10 This is my pencil-box(改為意思相同的句子)This_ is_11I am Miss Gao(

32、改為否定句)_ _Miss Gao12Those are English books(對劃線部分提問)_are those?四、連詞成句。A:Model: all they here areThey are all here1Mr White, and, good, are, friends, Mr Black_2clock, on, desk, is, Lily s, her, too_3they, in, pencil-box, think, are, I, her_4black, their, cars, are_B:Model: yellow coats their areAre th

33、eir coats yellow?1their, what, shirts, are, colour_2is, it, Li Lei s, sweater_3the, box, yellow, are, the oranges, in_4the, they, same, all, school, are, in_五、選擇填空。( )1This is_dress It isnt_Amy, your Bmy, yours Cmy, you Dhe, hers( )2Lily is a new student_is EnglishAHe BShe CHer DHis( )3Jim and I_ st

34、udents We_in the same classAare, are Bam, are Care, is Dis, are( )4_the bike? Look! It s under the treeAWhere is BWhere are CWhat is DWhat are( )5_your brother here? _,he isn t hereAIs, Yes BAre, No CAre, Yes DIs, No( )6What is thirty and twelve? Its _Afourty-one Bforty-two Cforty-one Dforty two( )7

35、Excuse me, Jack Where is the bus? _.AIn the tree BOn the tree CNear the tree DIn tree( )8Look,thats _apple here.Under_tree,you can see_catAan, a, the Ba, the, a Can, the, a Dthe, a, an( )9_is the time? _is about seven twenty-fiveAWhich, It BWhat, This CWhat, It DWhere,It( )10_are good friendsAI and

36、he BHe and I CI and his DHe and my( )11Who is the young man? He s_Atwenty Ba teacher Cmy brother Din the room( )12The coat_like_Alooks,hers Blook, her Clooks, her Dlook, shes( )13Can I see your photo? Yes_AThank you BGive you CHere you are DYou are here( )14_look_the blackboardALet, at BLets, at CLe

37、ts, like Dlet, on( )15Is her sister a teacher or a student? _ANo, she s a teacher BNo, she isn t a teacherCShe s a student DYes, she s a teacher( )16What s_the picture?Ain Bafter Cover Dabout( )17Is this watch_? No, it isn t It s_Ayour, his Byours, his Cyou, his Dyours, shes( )18Thank you_AThat s ri

38、ght BAll rightCNot thank DThat s all right( )19 Thats_jeep Its a carAa not Bnot Cnot a Dnot an( )20What s that on the floor? It s_orangeAan Ba Cthe Dthis六、選句子補全下列對話。1How old are you?_ (Fine, thank you; I m twelve)2What s the time? _ (It s fine; It s five)3Who s the woman?_? (Where; Which woman)4Is t

39、his your sister?_(Yes,she is; She is Lucy)5What colour is the skirt?_ (Its white; Its a dress)6_ ? (Who are they; Whose are they)They are mine7Who s on duty today?_ (Yes, I am; I am)8Are the twins eleven?_ (The twins are young; Yes, they are)9_? (What s on the floor; Where s the blouse)It s on the floor10Jim, your picture is very good_ (Oh, thank you; Oh no,it isn t)七、完成句子。1The brooms are_(在后面)the door2Her shoes are_(在下面)the bed3Please_(坐下)over there4Who s that? That s_(李老師的弟弟)5I think he s_(在家)6Please_(看) the blackboard八、補全對話。1A:What s the time, pl


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