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1、最好的小學英語學習工具小學二年級英語測試題(測試完可以看口邊的單詞)一、看單詞畫圖:1.bi n2.water3.bus4.apple5.light6.bird7.jelly8.dog9.egg10.ha nd、選擇正確的單詞序號填入括號內(nèi):1. stop2. slow3. road4. swim5. juice6. pla ne7. play8.fast9.sleep10.ferryA慢的()B果汁()C輪船()D飛機()E游泳()F快的()G公路()H睡覺()I玩 ()J停()三、根據(jù)說給情景,選擇正確的句子,將序號填入括號()1.當朋友問你住在哪里:可以說:A. Where do you

2、 live? B. Where do you go?()2.老師請你擦桌子,可以說:A. Sweep the floor, please. B. Clean the desk, please.()3.媽媽給你說吃一些面條:可以說:A. Have some soup B. Have some no odles()4.你想買一個熱狗,可以說:A. May I have a hot dog? B. Have a hot dog.最好的小學英語學習工具)5.你想讓同學和你一起唱歌,可以說:A. Come and play with me. B. Come and sing with me.( ) 6.

3、你想說我喜歡游泳,可以說:A. I like to swim.B I like to dance.( ) 7.爸爸讓你上車,可以說:A. Get in the car.B. Get off the car.( ) 8.你給同學說我們乘出租車去公園,可以說:A. We go to the park by car. B We go to the park by taxi.( ) 9.你想給姐姐說紅燈停,可以說:A. Red light. Stop!B. Red light. Go!( ) 10.你想說看,綠燈,我們可以走了,可以說:A. Look! It 's green. We can

4、go. A. Look! It 's green. We can stop.四、選擇正確的答句,將答句前的序號寫在括號內(nèi):1. I live _Beijing.A. inB. on2. _ the desk, please. A. CleanB. Sweep3. _ I have a hot dog? A. MayB. Can4. Have _ juice. A. aB. some5. I like _ play. A.toB. 不填6.Come and dance _m,e please. A.to B. with7. We go to the zoo _ bus.A. byB. o

5、n8. Get _the car. AinB. on9. Look _ the light.A. atB. in10.Look!It _ red light,we can go.A. is B. are最好的小學英語學習工具:最好的小學英語學習工具:五選擇想對應的答語,將答語前的序號填在括號內(nèi)。0 I.Where do you live?()2.May I have a pizza?()3.How do you go to the park?()4.Do you love Xi An ?()5.Can you sing a songA. Yes. I can.B. We go to the p

6、ark by car.C. I live in Beiji ng.D. Ok. Here you are.E. Yes. I do.最好的小學英語學習工具:最好的小學英語學習工具:六、選出與中文相對應的英文選項,把序號寫在題前括號內(nèi)()1.我喜歡寫字。()2.吃一些面條。()3.你住在哪里?()4.我可以要一些牛奶嗎?()5.過來和我一起唱歌。()6.你怎樣去公園?()7紅燈.停!()8.看,車開的真快.A. Look ! The car is fast.B. Come and si ng with me.C. I like to write.D. Where do you live?E. H

7、ow do you go to the park?F. Red light. Stop!G. Have some soup.H. May I have some milk?最好的小學英語學習工具:最好的小學英語學習工具:小學二年級英語單詞表:序 號英文中文序 號英文中文1a big mouth一個大嘴巴40fruit shop水果店2a bottle of jam一瓶果醬41go shopp ing去購物3a red nose一個紅鼻子42go to school去學校4a white bird白鳥43hands dow n放下手5an apple pie一個蘋果派44hands up舉起手6

8、ask and an swer問和答45have a breakfast吃早飯7at the circus在馬戲團46have a pic nic舉行一個野餐8big and blue大又藍47have dinner吃晚餐9big and tall又大又高48have lunch吃午飯10birds n est鳥巢49here we are我們在那兒11black hair黑頭發(fā)50in her cage在她的籠子里12blow a kiss飛吻51in the classroom在教室13boiled dumpli ng水餃52in the country park在鄉(xiāng)村公園14bread

9、with jam面包夾果醬53in the garde n在花園15break time休息時間54in the rain在雨中16brush your teeth刷牙55in the street在街道17chicke n wing雞翅56in the tree在樹上18chicks with the hen小雞跟著母雞57join the cups把杯子連起來19clap your hands拍手58jump high跳高20class time上課時間59jump ing up and dow n跳躍21clea n the blackboard擦黑板60lear n the lette

10、r學字母22clea n the table整理桌子61little fin ger / small babies小拇指23close the win dow關窗戶62look at the ani mals看這些動物24close your books關上書本63look in the mirror照鏡子25colour picture涂顏色64make a shopp ing list做一個購物 單26colour the circle給圓圈上色65make a teleph one做個電話機27come here過來66make two holes做兩個洞28count the chic

11、ks數(shù)小雞67middle fin ger中指29cut dow n砍倒68nep time小睡時間30cut the circle剪下圓圈69on the road在馬路上31dance with me和我跳舞70on the roof在屋頂32day and ni ght日日夜夜71ope n the door打開門33draw a circle畫個圓圈72ope n the gate打開大門34draw two dots畫兩個點73ope n the win dow打開窗35excuse me對不起74ope n your books打開書本36fall dow n倒下75play so

12、ccer玩足球37fly a kite放風箏76play with yo-yo玩溜溜球38fore fin ger / thin girls食指77primary school小學39fried bread stick油條78put on my shoes穿上我的鞋子79put on your coat穿上外套80read a book讀書81read and tick讀和打勾82red flowers紅花最好的小學英語學習工具:83ring fin ger / short mothers無名指84run after追趕85say a poem講個小故事86say a rhyme讀小詩87sc

13、hool bus校車88sing a song唱歌89sit dow n坐下90six legs六條腿91six san dwichs六個三明治92smell the air聞空氣93smile at me對我微笑94sn ack time點心時間95soybea n milk豆?jié){96spider web蜘蛛網(wǎng)97spin the spinner轉(zhuǎn)陀螺98spri ng rolls春卷99sta nd up起立100steamed buns饅頭101super market超市102super show超級演出103sweet sweets甜的糖104table tennis乒乓球105take off your shoes脫下鞋子106the Great Wall長城107the n atural word自然界108the red sun紅太陽109thumb / fat boys大拇指110turn off the tap關閉龍頭111tur n on the tap打開龍頭112two b


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