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1、參杞阿膠酒SHENQI EJIAO WINE(怡安養(yǎng)顏酒)(YEEON YANGSHEN WINE) 中藥滋補精華漿Chinese Herbal Tonifying Essence Syrup 本品得自清代名醫(yī)念安秘方真?zhèn)?,選用人參、枸杞子、阿膠等多種名貴中藥材及純正米酒,采用現(xiàn)代中藥的參漉提取技術(shù),先進的生產(chǎn)工藝,原方煉制而成。本品因其獨特的功效曾被清廷選為皇室御品,百余年來暢銷港,澳,臺及東南亞各地。The product derives from secret prescriptions of a famous doctor- Nian An in Qing dynasty.

2、Using Ginseng, Barbary Wolfberry Fruit, Donkey-hide Glue, etc, different kinds of valuable and rare Chinese herb with rice wine, the product is refined by advanced production technology and modern extraction techniques from the original prescription. Due to the unique effects, its selected as Qing d

3、ynasty royal product, and has been selling well in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other Southeast Asia areas for over a hundred year.清 代 名 醫(yī) 念 安 秘 方Secret Recipe by Qing Dynasty Famous Doctor Nianan主要成分 人參,阿膠,冬蟲夏草,石斛,黃芪,當歸,川芎,白芍,熟地黃,何首烏,枸杞子,龍眼肉、黑棗、黃精,淮山藥,白術(shù),桃仁,牡丹皮,天門冬,玉竹,百合、蓮子、白果、芡實,茯苓,五味子,酸棗仁,槐花、菊花、木

4、瓜、甘草,烏雞,米酒,蜂蜜等。Main Ingredients Ginseng, Donkey-hide Glue, Chinese Caterpillar Fungus, Dendrobium , Milkvetch Root, Chinese Angelica, Szechwan Lovage Rhizome, White Peony Root, Prepared Rehmannia Root, Fleeceflower Root, Barbary Wolfberry Fruit, Longan Aril, Dateplum Persimmon, Solomonseal Rhizome,

5、Common Yam Rhizome, Largehead Atractylodes Rhizome, Peach Seed,Tree peony Root Bark, Cochinchinese Asparagus Root, Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome, Lily Bulb, Lotus Seed, Ginkgo Seed,Gordon Euryale Seed,Indian Bread,Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit,Spine Date Seed, Pagodatree Flower, Chrysanthemum Flower, Co

6、mmon Floweringqince Fruit, Liquorice Root,Black Chicken, Rice Wine, Bee Honey, etc.性 狀 本品為棕紅色的稠液體,味甜微苦。Description This product is thick liquid of brownish red, sweet and slightly bitter.產(chǎn)品型號 1、濃縮型;2、超濃縮型;詳見各包裝盒標示。 Type Specification 1. Concentrated; 2. Hyperconcentrated; Detaials on the packing.包裝規(guī)

7、格 1、玻璃瓶包裝;2、(1)125毫升/瓶,(2)500毫升/瓶,(3)750毫升/瓶,(3)1000毫升/瓶;詳見各包裝盒標示。 Packaging 1.Glass bottle; 2.(1)125ml/bottle, (2)500ml/bottle, (3)750ml/bottle, (4)1000ml/bottle; Detaials can be found on the packing酒 精 度 ³28度。Alcohol % by volume ³28% vol天 然 成 份100% 健 康 配 方Natural Ingredients 100% Healthy

8、 Recipe功能主治 滋肝補腎,補氣益血,調(diào)經(jīng)止帶,滋陰養(yǎng)顏,寧心安神,強身健體。Indication Nourishing liver and replenishing kidney, tonifying qi and generating blood, regulating menstruation and reducing leucorrhoea, skin and beauty care, calming nerves, body building用法用量Dosage and administration一、 用法: 口服,請搖圴后服用。1. Direction: Drin

9、k after evenly shaking*個性化服用方法:1.喜歡喝酒的消費者:請按下列所示各用途的用量倒于杯中,加入適量的米酒搖圴后服用。2.喜歡甜味的消費者:開啟瓶蓋,加入適量的蜂蜜或冰糖使其溶化搖圴后服用。3.不喜歡喝酒的消費者:請按下列所示各用途的用量倒于杯中,加入適量的礦泉水或涼開水搖圴后服用。* Special instructions: (1). For who like wine: add some rice wine and shake well according to the following instructions.(2). For who like sweet

10、: open the bottle cap, add some honey or crystal sugar to dissolve and shake evenly.(3). For who dont like wine: add some mineral water or cold water and shake evenly according to the following instructions.二、 用量:請按下列所示各用途的用量服用,并可根據(jù)個體化差異及使用的需要酌情增、減用量和次數(shù):2. Dosage: According to the following differen

11、t purposes, recommended instructions as below. (Add or reduce daily dosage properly according to individual difference and demands)1. 用于抗衰老及美顏肌膚(預(yù)防和消除或改善黃褐斑,皮膚干澀、粗糙,無光澤、無彈性,面色萎黃,須發(fā)早白等):每次25-50毫升,每日早、晚各服用1次。(1) For delaying senescence, skin & beauty care (prevent,  improve or remove ski

12、n conditions : chloasma, dry & rough & dark & inelastic skin, sallow complexion, white beard & hair in young age, etc): 25-50 ml every time, each morning and evening.2.用于氣、血不調(diào),月經(jīng)紊亂:每次25-50毫升,每日早、晚各服用1次。(2) For disharmony of qi and blood, menstrual irregularities:25-50 ml, each mornin

13、g and evening.3.用于氣、血兩虛,肝、腎兩虧所致的心悸健忘,失眠多夢,頭暈耳鳴:每次25-50毫升,每日早、晚各服用1次。(3) For improvement on amnesia & palpitation, insomnia & dreaminess, dizziness & tinnitus caused by deficiency of Qi and Blood, liver-kidney depletion: 25-50ml, each morning & evening.4.用于延緩更年期及改善更年期綜合癥:每次25-50毫升,每日1

14、-2次。(4) For delaying climacteric and improve the climacteric syndrome: 25-50 ml every time, once or twice daily.5.用于病后身體虛弱,肢體乏力,精神疲倦,面色蒼白,免疫力低下:每次25-50毫升,每日早、晚各服用1次。(5) For body and immunity Strengthening after sickness, to improve the following symptoms - lack of strengh, mental exhaustion, pale co

15、mplexion, hypoimmunity:25-50ml, each morning & evening6.用于工作超量及熬夜過更、睡眠不足所致的過度疲勞及恢復(fù)體能:每次50-100毫升。(6) For physical recovery from over fatigue caused by overtime work, staying up late and lack of sleep: 50-100 ml every time. 注意事項 1、在感冒、發(fā)熱及月經(jīng)期間不宜服用。2、服用期間勿食用蘿卜及生冷食物。3、在駕車、操作機器及高空作業(yè)和/或帶有危險性工作時請勿服用。4、孕

16、婦慎用。Cautions 1. Do not take when having cold or fever. 2. Do not eat radish, raw or cold food while taking this wine. 3. Do not drive a car, operate machinery or aloftwork /have dangerous jobs after taking this wine. 4. Not recommended for pregnant women. 貯 藏 密封, 置于陰涼干燥處。Sto

17、rage Keep Sealed in a cold & dry place. 有 效 期 五年。Shelf life 5 years香港制造 H.K-34888789 Made in HK H.K-34888789提 示 Attentions1、 如瓶底有少量沉淀物系植物蛋白,不影響其品質(zhì),可放心飲用。1. If sediments exist (not affect the quality), shake evenly before usage.2、 長期服用可能會有燥熱等不適,可服用“怡安調(diào)和茶”滋陰降火進行調(diào)理;或暫停使用后可自行消失。2. If feel dryness-he

18、at after long-term used, you can improve by using YEEON TIAOHE TEA which can nourish yin and reduce fire; or suspend until the symptoms disappears.3、 本品系純天然成分的中藥滋補精華漿,可根據(jù)需要長期適量服用。3. It is pure Chinese herbal tonifying essence syrup and can be long-term used with proper dosage.4、本品不含任何化學(xué)成分及礦物質(zhì),服用安全,無毒副作用。4. It does not contain any chemical ingredient nor mineral substance, safe and has no sideeffect. 警 告 專利產(chǎn)品,仿冒必究。Warning Patent product, counterfeiting not allowed.出品及制造商Producer & Manufacturer香港 京都念安堂制藥總廠有限公司HONGKONG KINGTO LIMONTONG PHARMACY HEAD FACTORY LIMI


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