



1、新概念英語青少版1B測試卷一、單項選擇1. _ you pass me a clean knife, please? A。 Must B。 Can C。 Are2。 I can't do this puzzle。 Can you _ me, please? A。 get B。 pass C. help3。 Where's the milk? -Its in that _ over there。 A. jug B。 packet C。 jar4. Can you _ some onions for me, please? A。 open B。 make C. chop5. _ y

2、ou got any paper? A。 Are B。 Do C. Have6. Do you want any juice? -No, _. I've got some。 A。 mustnt B。 juice C。 thanks7。 I cant help you, ladies。 This is a _ restaurant。 A。 help yourself B。 selfservice8。 Can you _ me your new mobile? A。 take B. show C。 put9。 Ive got toothache. I must see the _ toda

3、y。 A。 doctor B. dentist C. patient10. What _ is it? I cant remember! -Its Monday, of course! A。 time B。 today C。 day11。 Can I _ an appointment with the doctor on Friday, please? A。 do B. hope C. make12。 John, you _ awful! -I know. I feel awful, too!A。 feel B。 look C。 make13. We need a policeman, qui

4、ck! This is an _。 A. appointment B。 emergency C. assistant14。 Your appointment is _ Saturday. A。 at B。 to C。 on15。 The doctor can see you _ half _ nine. A。 at, at B. at, to C。 at, past16. It's 12:45. That's a quarter _ one。 A。 past B。 to C。 at17. I'm sure you can _ well in the exam。 A。 d

5、o B。 make C。 write18。 Which _ do you come from? I come from America。 A。 rank B。 event C。 country19。 Can we have a new car? -Perhaps. Let's wait and _. A。 see B。 look C。 watch20。 Can you _ French? -Of course I can? I'm French。 A。 tell B. make C. speak21. What time is it? -Look at the _ on the

6、 wall. A. watch B。 clock C. mobile22。 _ of watch have you got? I've got a very cheap one。 A。 what B。 what kind C. which23。 I've got some good CDs, but I havent got a CD _. A。 study B。 player C. radio24. Wheres my white _? -Its in the washing machine. A。 videos B。 blouse C. cat25. What _ for

7、breakfast? A。 you want B。 do you want C. want二、選詞填空returns difficulty autumn hate good atwashhurrytakequestiondosee as well playdangerousfind useless pass like how put1。 Can I ask you a _?2。 Many happy _ of the day!3。 Be careful! This road is very _!4。 Theres just one _: we need a lot of money.5。 He

8、r birthdays in November。 That's in _.6。 Can you _ me that magazine from the table?7。 Do you like fish? -No, I dont。 I _ it。8。 Your hands are very dirty. Go and _ them。9。 We must _! We're very late for college!10。 My homework is very difficult。 I cant _ it.11。 I can balance on a ball _。12. Sh

9、e can't ride a bicycle。 Shes _ at it。13。 Pauls very _ football。14. Can you balance on a ball _ this?15。 Come on! _ a photo of us!16. _ are you? I'm very well, thank you。17。 Oh, no! I cant _ my mobile!18. Are your bags heavy? _ them in the car!19。 Can you _ football?20. What can you _ with th

10、e binoculars?三、閱讀理解Polly and Annie are in the selfservice restaurant。 Their table is near the window, and their lunch is on the table。Polly's fish and salad are very good, and Annies soup and meat and vegetables are very good, too.Oh, look! There are some lovely cream cakes. Do you want one, Polly?I dont know。 I'm still hungry。 And theyre fresh No! I mustn't. But perhaps a cup of coffee。They want some coffee, but the assistant cant take it to them: they must help the


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