



1、仙村中學(xué)教案設(shè)計 八年級 年級 英語科 設(shè)計者 吳演玲第 2課時課題:Uint7 The unknown world教學(xué)內(nèi)容:Reading(2):Reading(p99).Vocabulary C2(P100),comprehension D3(p.101) 教學(xué)目標(biāo)1.鞏固主閱讀篇章中核心單詞各短語的運用。了解科幻故事這類體裁的文章特點。 2.通過概括主閱讀篇章的段落大意,理解主閱讀篇章的內(nèi)容。 教學(xué)重點:理解主閱讀篇章的故事情節(jié),鞏固核心單詞和短語。 教學(xué)難點:根據(jù)圖片,關(guān)鍵詞,以時間為線索復(fù)述主閱讀篇章的故事前置作業(yè):找出下列的短語并把它譯成中文: 1. Keep quiet 保持安靜

2、 2. Because of 因為 3.make a terrible noise發(fā)出可怕的聲音 4.in fear恐懼地:害怕地 5.Refuse to do sth拒絕做某事. 6. Power line 輸電線. 7. mother ship 母艦 8.landing site降落場9.As soon as possible盡快 10.Agree with同意: 11.Disagree with不同意12.Weather ballon氣象氣球新課流程:1.導(dǎo)入。1. Do you believe aliens are real?Shy or why not? 活動一、Consolidat

3、e the reading,review the new word.1. Read the text ,pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation2. Ss use the guessing skill to guess the meaning of the new words.3. Ss try translating the passage of Vocabulary in C2.4. Ss finish the following exercises.C2 活動二、Review the past participle.Show th

4、e form to the Ss to read Base formPast tense Line Wake See Hear Say Hide Keep Be Be make run Tell Have Draw spread fly WokeSaw HeardSaidHid kept was Were made ran told had drew Spread flew12371011111415161718212525 活動四、While reading. A. Read paragraph 2-5 of the article,then discuss the following qu

5、estion 1. why was Tina sure something had landed in the forest near the hills?(Because she saw a yellow light in the sky and it suddenly dived towards the ground.)2. What did Tina and her brother do the next day ?(They explored the forest after school)3. When did they reach the forest ?(At 6 p.m.)4.

6、 What did they hear ?(Did they understand it ?(They heard some voices speaking a strange language.They didnt understand it )5. What did the alien look like ?(It was tall ,with a round head and a silver body )6. How did Tina and Tom feel when they saw the alien ?(They felt frightened.)7. Who discover

7、ed Tina and Tom ? (Another alien )8. What did the children do after that ?(They ran away in fear.) B.Read paragraph 6-8,and look at the picture of the article ,then judge the sentences true or false . 1.The children thought the aliens were very beautiful.(F)2. The aliens had no hair or feathers.(F)3

8、. Tom found something written on the spaceship(T)4. The children knew the meaning of the words on the spaceship (F) C. Read paragraph 9-10,then answer the following question : 1.How did the children go to school ?9 they flew to school) 2.What kind of creatures were the children ?(Birds)3. Where did

9、the spaceship come from ?(The Earth.) D.Read the article again and give out the idea of each paragraph Part 1(Paragraph 1):Tina saw something unusual at midnight.Part2(Paragraphs 2-6):Tina and Tom explored the forest and found two aliens.Part 3(Paragraphs6-9):Tina and Tom told their father what they

10、 saw and he refused to believe them.Part4(Paragraph 10):Tina and Toms father looked at the piece of paper with the word “EARTH”on it 活動五:After reading: 根據(jù)圖片和關(guān)鍵提示,以時間順序復(fù)述主閱讀篇章的故事。學(xué)生根據(jù)圖片 和關(guān)鍵詞提示復(fù)述主閱讀篇章的故事。老師已列出下列 關(guān)鍵提示Retelling the article ,according to the picture ,the key words.* At midnight ,a yellow

11、 light*The next morning,explore*At 6 P.m.reach*The next morning,tell their father . 活動六:Finish the Part of “Comprehension”D3.let the ss discuse the exercises. 布置作業(yè)。1. 根據(jù)時間線索,復(fù)述主閱讀篇章的故事.2. 把小組討論部分Comprehension練習(xí)D3的結(jié)果整理成發(fā)言稿.3. 完成<英語(八年級下冊)B>第121至122頁Reading B,C的練習(xí). 下節(jié)前置作業(yè):將下列的句子翻譯成英語:1. 第二天,西蒙醒得很早,因為他還有數(shù)學(xué)作業(yè)要做.(the next day)2. “本,你為什么老是朝窗處看?”布萊克先生問道.(look out of)3. 很多學(xué)生今天早上因為交通堵塞遲到了.(because of )4. 大


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