1、nt,informationsystem rmanagement personnelbleforconfi dentialmaUsernameand pa ssw ordoft hecomputerfornetwork,.|_nd measuresestaenoseysnesmursea informnatiomneasseurblished by,a nda num ber ofpragmatic,.IL - I.isresponsicurity of bined part-timewI . I- -ByXX,educati on i nformation an
2、denagement, passworkforcee ducation information,the- - - _ 一. - prote ction ofthedigital- . LI 一qui pmentCentre XX netw ork netw orksecurity and information sendentright,campusconstructi ona nd sustainabl e devel opmesecurity requirements, issuenformationte chnolmation technologyseI I -I.L.its pr op
3、rietar y,and relea seof pr ovisi ons isleaks,investigatedforredefinedtsponsibilit y.Accor dingtowhe informatis (units)total site 20, 19ofwhichder forXXe ducati onal metropolitan area一-, L, I.一werenotclassified securityprdingt o thisunitsaotection assessmenetwork a nd informationsecurity emergency re
4、sponsecoorne wor a n normaon secur y emergency respon ctual, e stablishe d ha sunits personnel management,ofw hich 1 (XXe ducatiecoorna on,dinati on, command.T heteamassist leaL. I -oom management, adera nd deputy leade r,responsi blefornetw orkXXnetworksend equipment management,and media management
5、,and netwcuritya nd i nformation .Team. Information se- 一.- I .ork security construction managotal education informationsystems1 (XXeducatiamo.nnoeclrmomueandt,oan snd shpipecudritdyimweorkConference heldeach semestensi onma nagement, ands with e-Government, resourr,and depl oyment ofinformation sec
6、e library, testcurity ofdocumentdatabase, mailserviceoped hascomputerand thenetwsissued on areg ularba sis. Informationsecurity assessme . .一- _一 一 一. 一 L .s,suchase -book s,allintra netservorkof network securityresponsintis included ibilityheld sy stem,signednthe a nnual index.Strictlyim- I - -L
7、177;1school shave computer netw.I.11 .bandwidt h,ca nmeetthe一 - needsofteaching一 I 一-on (chua ntaughtletter (2013) 18t一一 一I 一 .1h,) requirements, I一 .city6a teaching, 一 . L . I -poi ntsimplemedigitaleducatipoint sdigitalresourcesfull cover pr oje ct of implementatisourcesi n modern distanceeducatidi
8、stanceeducatinterforeducationalinformatieducation teaducation digitalresourcescoveri ng project managementand implementatis,I Cengements Gongon view s ofnotificatisin modern distancecity specific situation,developedion a nd eontea chi ngprojectlea dinggroup,XX,chairedtXX, Direct orofthe Cessue dha s
9、XXCity Bureauon teachingcastnetw orksintot he cla ssrooms,real._ L . _一 一hu Guiyan,re sponsi ble for di stanceeducati ondigitalresources coveri ng projectwork.ducati on onfull started implementatiL . - .11.curity protecti on levels,w ithoutthir d-level information systems.platform),contai nsfeatureo
10、rks, closed-cir cuittelevisi on network一 1 . 1. 一 - I 一-一on.A ccordingt o provi ncesarrangementon resour ces full cover proje ct, combined Ion pr ogramme, Establi she dXX,full coverageofdigital ren and resource netw ork)forclassifiedsehas networkbility;w ebsite ofinformationcurityL.ofschool(unit s),
11、requireme nts theschool(units)heSecretaryfore ducation. Establishe d,digital resources iliitmapleme(nutatin)areaon,nmodernon, education informati onsteer ing,ste ering, steering with theend,pr incipals ofeducation i nformation i nto performance assessmentand school levelm onitori nga nd eval uation,
12、to develop ascie ntific, operationale ducatima nagement ofeducation information and a pplications. ByMar ch2016,100 oftheteachers, Iparti cipated in a nationaleducati onal technol ogytraini ng fornd middleschooltea chers' educationaltechnologyproficie ncytestcertificate.At present,allschools hav
13、eaccessto broa dba nd network s.Training classifi cation trai ningofteachers, schoolteachers,a cademi c leaders, information technology,tea chertrai ninga ndnetworkm anageme nt personnelfromthe County,within t he school ba cktoschool traini ngoncetrai ning is compl ete.Throughthism ode of classifica
14、ti ontrai ning,i nformationte chnol ogyappl ication ca pabilitytraining ofteachersin ourcity reache d100.XXseries ofeffectiveinformation第一章 復(fù)習(xí)思考題參考答案1、答:發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)(英文:Engine) ,又稱為引擎,是一種能夠?qū)⒁环N形式的能轉(zhuǎn)化為另一種更有用的能的機(jī)器。它將燃料燃燒的熱能轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)闄C(jī)械能的機(jī)器叫內(nèi)燃機(jī),故又稱為熱力機(jī)。目前汽車所采用的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)絕大多數(shù)是各種型式的往復(fù)活塞式內(nèi)燃機(jī)。內(nèi)燃機(jī)按其所用燃料、燃燒方式及結(jié)構(gòu)特征不同可分為:汽油、柴油及多燃料發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)
15、;點(diǎn)燃式與壓燃式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);化油器式與噴射式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);單缸與多缸發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);水冷式與風(fēng)冷式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);四沖程與二沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);雙氣門(mén)與多氣門(mén)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);頂置式氣門(mén)與側(cè)置式氣門(mén)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī);單排直列與V 形排列式發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。2、答:以桑塔納AJR 型汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)為例:汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)由兩大機(jī)構(gòu)和五大系統(tǒng)組成。( 1)曲柄連桿機(jī)構(gòu)。是發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)借以產(chǎn)生動(dòng)力,并將活塞的往復(fù)直線運(yùn)動(dòng)轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榍S的旋轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)動(dòng)而輸出動(dòng)力的機(jī)構(gòu)。( 2)配氣機(jī)構(gòu)。其作用是將足量的新鮮氣體充入氣缸并及時(shí)地從氣缸排除廢氣。( 3)燃料供給系統(tǒng)。根據(jù)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)各種不同工作情況的要求,配制出一定數(shù)量和濃度的可燃混合氣,送入氣缸燃燒,作功后將廢氣排入大氣。( 4)潤(rùn)滑系系統(tǒng),其作用
16、是減小摩擦,降低機(jī)件磨損,并部分冷卻摩擦零件,清洗摩擦表面。( 5)冷卻系。冷卻系的作用是將多余的熱量散發(fā)到大氣中,使發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)始終處于正常的工作溫度。( 6)點(diǎn)火系。點(diǎn)火系的作用是在壓縮沖程接近結(jié)束時(shí)所產(chǎn)生高壓電火花,按發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的作功順序點(diǎn)燃混合氣。( 7)起動(dòng)系。其作用是在任何溫度下都能使靜止的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)起動(dòng)并轉(zhuǎn)入自行運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)。stemsandvarious databack up, sothatthere wa s a har dwarefailurei na systemcra shcan resume quicklyand efficie ntly. Com puter la b maintena
17、ncemanagers establi sh a networka ntivirus system, AviraV irus systemona r egularba sis,a nd anti-vir ussoftware security assessme nt,time to upgrade.Computerlabmai ntenancemanagement for allequipment i nthe r ooma reg ulardust, repl acet he ol d label.Regularlyhostmprove,se curity preventioncapacit
18、yobvi ously enhan ced, security hi dde n and se curity a ccident obvi ouslyreduced,effective guarantees information he alth development.XXEducation Ce ntreregularly carryout day-to-day network securitymonit oring i nformation a nd equipment.By theappropriatetechnicalstaff, XXnetw ork engi ne room ma
19、intenancestaffonsite management andmaintenance ona regularbasi s,sche dule dviewi ngof netw orks,sy stems, data bases and associatedequipme ntoperatingconditions, and make are cord. Com puterla b mainte nance manager sregularlyr un a varietyof devicesservers,networkswitchesecurit y,andstrive to achi
20、evenetws,corerouting,firewall.I > _.ork everyonek nows,hardware maisucha sequipme ntfailure,should.-I- - - . 一 -Jheguar d,to impr ove networka nd informationsecurity, ebe processe din atimely ma nneri n ordertoe nsure safeand relia ble operation ofthesystem.In XXcity ind information system securi
21、ty.Tracking ree,e ducati onalmetropolitann collaboration,workcloselywith emerge ncy safetyplorkcentermachinernd datastores a nd applications tXX education m etropolitan areanetwshselroantegowfi54oset up in XX City metropolitaork, regul arlycarry outemergencydrills, a nd carried outspe cialfunds ever
22、yyear tn area net workcentermachineroom.WindowsSoprote ctthe securityof information.Aerver2003,window sServer2008, wioperatingsystem,thedatabaseforS QL S erver2008,Officesoftware, such angfornetw orkmanagersi n the city,formi ngtechnologyw ith astrongonalandtechni calteam,school network managosoftOf
23、fice software. S chools(units) ofcomputer,iers on commoninformation te chnology applicati on capa bilityasa means t oboost tea chi ngoftea chersto use informati on,E ducation Bureau ofXX titleand moderneducationalte chnologytea cher asse ssment levelsli nkedtot heexaminati on; launched a provi ncial
24、 m odel schoolofmodern educationtechnologyselecti on,a dvanced uniti n e ducati on a year(indivi dual) awar d.To expe dite education informatization work ,the cityestablishe d theschoolrunni ng level ofsupervisi on a nd a sse ssment system.Informationeducation in school performance eval uation,educa
25、ti on a ssessmentinformati onw ork morethantocut weight 10.Practiceis areg ularroom supervisinformation systemsecuritypr - -oducts for domestinetworkfail uresand becapablek of evernytoCnen.ter on rencl udi ngthe use of 360 a nd ki ngsoft Inter net se curity software.- J > -I .II 一 - 一一一Issues tha
26、t ca nnotbere solve d, timelyforms ofmeetings,suchas meetingXXeducation metropolitanareanetw orkused by thes,analysis,a nd sol utionsthr ougserverforHPh a meeting,firewall andinformatiwithout rolli ng up theabil ity to solve probl ems,and feedbacktosuperi orsinon se curity pr oductforHuaweia nd Cisc
27、opr oducts.Intwritingdepartment storesolve.Thrheirdailywork,topublicizerelate-examination,weareweldgeand information security considerations.notraerqlyuiwrietdh),rreeggairsdtrtation nouminbstearltlati onlaware, relativela ckofinvestme ntin e ducation,facilities andequipme ntforfurtherEnhance dglobal
28、 aware ness of netw orkand informationnt s inc m dd i n te a nnua ide. St mpement the ifrmHonle_iynd measures esaennossn:. -.-Tblshhd »I.Is ronscm bindpattme-”, aden-g-etppss-net-,l - . . d nne <d_at erne- II . . . L I .o-sco - ci cuitteevs on ne-r-o-foce e a . I . L . L .onpre - Xn or- ne-
29、.r- - curi- a-on -nnent rgtcampus cnstuc eddves - r. .-mentsi - eI formain te cno-is- ad re.vs cui y, et us X Ci-C.ete -r e ducai yg. deine s se c-ic- o- pa cispr ocedu.s ad e-i-etccr dng t - ho is - chageof -hos inchage-ho is-hois -sons 一 . Lnt be fr.-ho -de ia. .ne-r- a I _ny emeg.ly cor, . . . .
30、. . I L 一 ,一ne fr iduainai ifmaion a nd eddastnnt- o-s int t he ca -roms eai ze te tr . . . 一 .'choossaeintnebad-dt h,-.m-tte.L I - .uct ol dV. esour- cover . . .of te scad a as in moden dsaneducton ta ci.g u-coveae -ar- mpementa.LL.on tea cigduain -ouceng gru, dV- esfuicve pr”. . .一su ccs i mod
31、er n di Is(u.,ota se 20, 19 of-hch-ee not ca -dpr otcin a_i ":" -e'nt;:.orm.Wce",a.yUd.Fee-ie”:;.,os:t on .tat on 8tI, e - rmetsi. in dgta esuces managment adimp - eatctua,- sal-nt of - hic 1”. duat* 6a tacigdiat on, cmman d. The tem asist ea00r na on rn -d esuce e- o-or ca-edSeon
32、. A s,ice .una-caing-es Gng.om ma.g_.et ade a nd de.y . r -sons be- o- "net- -nd ftmana. macuiy prtect on lives, -in s-sl . . . r . l . l . l L ._ . .cui- a ndmain - Te-.maio- -cui- contuctoet, aota educ-ion in-.a-n s-S-s 1 XX .duaton c-| . . . L . I L . L 一 . 一 Lnagmet a.一ns-ui-Ccnfeece hed _c
33、 s_tend -me pla-m) cnti ns eaur.s ->h eGovenmet -our.11. _ .I. 一ay tstcui- of docmetdaabas, mai - ads ulaba ss. -n-r m<ton-u. _.s-uc -a -rv ceson a rrV-a: 0r -o- of ne-or- cui,re-onsnt s ic ibi- hed - stm, sgndaind- S3- L 一 . - .一has newrkcd ad latbst- - ese of -ma-" .of -cool unit eluiem
34、e ns te 1chool unison esuc_ f.l c-r prect cm bind I c- seciic s.ain, dee-ppd isuCiy.-u on techig esurc-ful c pr oe -eat ofdig-a resucs i n moden dsanne - aton he'ecea ducain. Es-lse d, d“a -ouc- in moden發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的一個(gè)工作循環(huán)如果是在曲軸旋轉(zhuǎn)兩周(720 ),活塞在氣缸內(nèi)上、下運(yùn)動(dòng)共四個(gè)活塞行程內(nèi)完成的,則稱為四沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的一個(gè)工作循環(huán)若在曲軸旋轉(zhuǎn) 周(360°),活塞在
35、氣缸內(nèi)上、下運(yùn)動(dòng)共二個(gè)活塞行程內(nèi)完成的,則稱為二沖程發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。曲軸轉(zhuǎn)角(0)沖程活塞運(yùn)動(dòng)氣門(mén)狀態(tài)氣缸內(nèi)壓力、溫度進(jìn)氣門(mén)排氣門(mén)壓力(MPa)溫度(K)0180進(jìn)氣向下開(kāi)啟關(guān)閉進(jìn)氣結(jié)束:0.080.90(0.800.95)180360壓縮向上關(guān)閉關(guān)閉壓縮結(jié)束:0.61.5(35)壓縮結(jié)束:600700(8001 000)360540做功向下關(guān)閉關(guān)閉最大壓力:35 (510) 做功結(jié)束:0.30.5 (0.20.4)最高溫度:2 0002 800 (1 8002 200)做功結(jié)束:1 3001 600 (1 2001 500)540720排氣向上關(guān)閉開(kāi)啟排氣結(jié)束:0.110.115(0.110.115
36、)排氣結(jié)束:9001 200(8001 000)指示性能指標(biāo)是指以可燃混合氣(工質(zhì))對(duì)活塞做功為基礎(chǔ)建立的指標(biāo),常用指示功和指示熱效率表示,是用以評(píng)定發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)工作循環(huán)優(yōu)劣的指標(biāo)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)有效性能指標(biāo)主要有有效功率Pe有效轉(zhuǎn)矩Me、平均有效壓力pe、有效燃同時(shí)它綜合反映了發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的料消耗率ge0它是以發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)曲軸輸出的凈功率建立的指標(biāo), 工作情況,對(duì)描述發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的性能特點(diǎn),比較、檢測(cè)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)性能,有著重要的指導(dǎo)意義發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)銘牌上標(biāo)示的有效功率、有效轉(zhuǎn)矩、有效燃油消耗率等性能指標(biāo)即為標(biāo)定指ct eei a -evs et.k lit-ui - tv .- tif t t在一個(gè)工作循環(huán)中,實(shí)際充入氣缸的空氣質(zhì)量c
37、-v iewJd 一sc -is-s es e-.t- -g - a- b t a-cisa xe - gitgee a ita c gu a i.c Se.- ae - c t li-c d.es -a c a ge gssa- e g a -itqp.-cg. dtive - ta stat -g eid s c- - -see t u-e-. . . - ai t st - x -yse -ui- acig e-a ai - ssa es - -e tedctet si.e t - e e c-t - egx 'veas.n eve ed ci e iaa ici. .g:- t
38、 -tgcdsare u s c-ud ev - -eW- e2-. insee" iEdciB -s d-a - gi-eedcia t-c- et-ce is se - -e t-it -uc.a a-.i-cti tri ig ea .s -cess-a -cd-i.- i cg t c e a igt-age-a t x dte u tse V ae t M i-iItsc -'ve -2 -aget i-g tc logt tr gve 208 0- l-ae u . . . .tai -it esaisi s- t s aigie Sv-S -e -g a igi
39、 c eeg - aca- e.ts -a- et-t cu t ec -oAG與大氣狀態(tài)下氣缸工作容積內(nèi)能Of- -aeuisce. .ig ota ai aa-e-a i-eyte cse-cyta t- V .t- - tvu - i-segais ati fta ct ass it ugaee cag - -R-gua-a c t-aget- - - rca-sesci . . .一paici V a u e isi -fei infoiaio.ucii t-C-teg s c r-e tt. v d is-ieigeu t t-tsc a -g.a-.uig eigi - -'
40、; -i se -gt t-dai fo ic -e a -s c-t . - ga -da-r u h.e as -tu e i iing er eaeeti-arei ggta-o um-ta-iti-ia-te-ti. .-u- -rtor g- a-es si - ca.gee d cit- t - e .r c-ii a -u tmanagement systems and measues esta I IShed by and anumbe of pragma) combine d pattme w .rktr e du - .n.foma.n, the| roteCi on of
41、 Ie d“a campus cnst .n and susainabe ve opme nt. SX Bureau attaches great importance .ma.ntecnolg,secui y informb_g> toensue ifrmain se-,of ive smet” IX, eucat onifmai on a nd lqu,met,e I te XX new ok new ok - cuiy and ifmiainlecui ,Accdi ng to the i nfmaine 'nolo. ,rqu - ment* siun adocumet
42、re quirs scoos (ui s mpement, dfmang-et pe snne s re sponsile fr cnfi nta ma naet pa ssword manng-e nt on cm | ute e njoos i ndee nde nt rght,U - r nnme and pa w I rd of the compue fr is prop-tay ad revs ons s prhiluc leks i<e、at> fr rrsponsi,AccdiIccrdig toifmainle .y gade proteci on a bou |
43、olcy ad stanad, orgaizat on cari - out ifrmain se',grde | rotecion seur manng-et systmcnstrcton, a nd ecnol ogy m-lues cnstucin and grde euain, mplmetai on bale proe cin .stmof te reusig scool eatquae Hou recnstrcton of opporuniis, .anpa nni I g eemenay and mdddescoos ccm pus n,wrk a nd e ducain
44、 c dmainetwk, aid lca br omcasbg netwk cmpa I y copeain, i nglroa -as TV newrk , wl phhsca fi 'e lyig tlac ichool, tmiimnetwrk scools h cmpute newors clooedc - >> eevs on ne wk, br oa new oks it o te cassooms eal the t"e pa y.Schoos sae Inere bannwidh, - n mt the ne ms if taci ng of t
45、e scool olce and at a ny tme. A_ording t Mii sy of Iduain onul stain tcnolgy se_r . > l. l. r ne d te informain -ity et us XX Ciy Cente fr eu - t.I. I . . IL . . Lcuity gu deines spe cfic work prctces pr o rrs adrrqurmens.cage wqlirmet s maks iformaton sstm seum of cs a che- d has phhsica fiber s
46、ho is unning a nd w ho i s resonsil e for, w I . I _L ho pri nci pls of wo iClea i.sy iformain -ding gr oup w as se up, chirdaL . I . _ L diia e duat onresuccs ff>ntl lob - u - aciiy u t 60 miin Yua accdiscool cnstucion sa nda ds of cimcve pre c of noiiat on ht eppsnewk as i cage of managmeng gr
47、oup -se-iy icdes (ccdent scoos (u dfnnd tng tte sandad hg h.aly pand nework acIs to al r ooms;cnicl ete 202) 74tb y te Educains,to dee ct reor adon Burau Cefhhad forhe role s and resonsiiiidisosa prses A_orXX e ducain "to newdsta Iduaton ta cn. XX ful cverge prec group,XX, Diec or of te Ce I er
48、 fr e . caina iformaton ad e qui pment chird Z hu ya, e sponsi be for di sa e_ - ton dgia e su s coerng protc wk.ng XX .-atona merpoiaad XX Prooi De parmet of Id . aiof ifmain -dig t sleaminain, theork and ifmain ichool unis banara new I rk reaizs Wa Zak ea new or nte mlchi ne room iqucut, asuance r
49、esonsiiiis t ichoolon on d XX prov eacig poisdgial Iducaisc a blishd has new ork se cuiy maags X ch scool_ . . 11 . .l.deshi . Deuy gru ea I . I .s(utota se 20, 19 of w.L > l - _ _der for XX at- etsystm.the scool (uis,iccdiona metopola I ara net wrk ad ifmain se>1 I L - . . I I - . I -.cuiy -e
50、ge ncy rrsponse coor diat on, cmmand. The tem a t ea - y . l ), . .f.hic wee not casi iy prI to scool s hudrds ofm-a.sofbra dband t te tal e ' wre ' (e We, vde, a ud o)ttetage, eecru pmet i n.he M nstyof e - cai on sa nr dzain manng-etplator m, te Centra Lirayodia ton esurcs ul c<erproec
51、implementain ve of notfcaion chuaoteci asesme I tag ht lete ,« 8t, rrqurrmes, Ic 1(X e - ta ndrrsour new ok) for cuh pr otctnnk-et, ade ad deon evs, wihou tind iqu pmet maaemepuy la de, re sonsbe frnt ad m.a manng-enetwk . nework se_ry and ioni c wie boar , mulimeda cassooms rrmoe inteactve vde
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