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1、2019-2020年高中英語Module 4 6th period優(yōu)秀教案 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIntroduce some useful expression in order to make students practicespeaking Everyday Englishbetter.(km io prci. i cc沈】用i丨丨百 :)加L kii r.ii:汁書心i川.Teaching Aims1.The si.ilcir.s All be ahlu io丨:也II上lid Dtslcr (Lore Everyday l ish

2、.2.Train i.上Esi .ide.r.s訂臼-.k iig ah i I i3.Lrid)le ;hcm iTv兒山.T汕丄s卜tnimiui,Teaching Important Points1.LCEHTI.(:).isc sccic- uscii.jl express ior::2. Train the s1.i.ile.ii.s,迅mk iig nb i二LnTeaching Difficult Point()w to trai n tho stndenr.s spupikf ng r-ihi 1 i r.y.Teaching Methods1. Aski ng andAnwi

3、:ji rifs kulpIhi?匸丄idTiih irLprovu i.huii汕腫 .hili j.2. Work in groups of four to practise their coope利l ion al) I i:y.Teaching Aids1.JK1rnul i noda2.;he lj cickbfxiiilTeaching ProceduresStep 1 GrcLiiig.sGroot the whole classH.Susua.St.ep2?evi sinnT: We have lea nt the grammar: The Prese nt Prefect T

4、en se. Now let s do the followi ng Gxercise.(SIKJWitOILLhe screen.)plete the conversation. Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets, and“for ” orsince” *h(?re appropritiio.M: Hi,K: Hi, m.M: I haven t seen (not see) your brother around for a long time. (1) _ he_ (move)to a new n eighbou

5、rhood?K: No, he (2)_ (move) to a new coun try! He (3)_(be) in Australia (4)_last year*M: Australia! That s a great country. (5)_ you ever_(be) there?K: No, I (6)_ n ever_ (be) there, but I (7)_(decide) to go later thisyear,M: Great! (8)_ your brother_ (se nd) you any photos_he moved there?K: Yes, in

6、 fact, I (10)_ just_(receive) some. Here they are. This is his newhouse. He (11)recently(finish)il.(Check the cinsweis with the whole c_c.iss.)Suggested answers :1.has,moved 2.has moved 3.has been4.since5.Have,beeni, h:7.havedecided H.SL.H9.since10.have,received 11.has, I 1 i $hcilStep 3 Everyday En

7、glishUseful expressions for greet ingsForm t*l1.Good day, I2.Good morning / after noon / evening.Ma am.3.How are you?4.How is your family?5.How is your back?6. :. I i i i 卜::; ; i H :: :7.How are things with you?8.How was your weeke nd?9.How nice to see you aga in!10.his :.i迫時.“尖二 i. wj.iH-In forma

8、1. Hi, Tom. How are you doing?2. Hey, Tom. I t s a nice day, isn t it?3. Hello, Tom.Haven t see n you for ages.How is everyth ing going?4. Hi, Tom. What are you bee n doing?5. Morning, Tom. Are you doing all right?6. Hey, Tom. What have you bee n up to these days?7. What s up?8. What s happening?9.

9、How s it going?10.What s going on?11. How are things with you?12.What s new?Iseful expressions for giving direel ions1.2. Turn (to the) rigi:I:i i :- I i i ; : -:i .-.3.- ii:4. :i -:i.5.5.i- : I I I :i !. i:I -6.i -! - !.:. -r - II 8 .Would you like a ride? I can let you off at:2 i ;力它9IIseful expre

10、ssions for leiing local ions1. - - |2. It s on the right / left. On your right/left in the eastern/western/southern/northern/part of the city*T: Let s look at these useful expressions.(Make sure the students understand the meaningsT: We have lear ned some useful expressi ons.(/in youESOthe? fol I(mr

11、i corrort I y?(show)and how to usn tlium. J Pl ut-isu makoHshort, cliHJoguo in pnirs.(After a while get some pairs to report their an swers.)Step 4 Prac-ti c-eT: Next exercise.(Sh(?w it on Lhe screen.)Choose the correct answer:1.“Am I right in thinking (that).?” means _A. Is it true that.?B.Ibelieve

12、 that,.,2.“A great many things ” means_A. a lot of thi ngsB.great things3.“To do well ” means_A.to be successfulB.Io be healthy4.“As a result ” means _,A.because ofthisB. we have had good results5.“Congratulations! ” means _ !A.You1ve done something very good*B. Ver y interosting6.“ It s fascinating

13、 ” means _ ”A.It s strangeB.It s very interesting7.“We make it (1400) ” means _”A.We* 11 make (1400) thingsB. We thi nk the an swer is (1400)(/;. thu stiuients to f-inSWOTthe qnost.iOES)Suggested answes;1. Is it true that.?2. a lot of things many a許多的,many a+ 單數(shù)名詞 + 單數(shù)謂語動詞e.g. Many a book has beenwr

14、itte n on the subject. a great/good many想當(dāng)多,很多, a great/good many+ 復(fù)數(shù)名詞一 復(fù)數(shù)謂語動詞 e.g. A good many boys are playing on the playground. (a lot of+可數(shù)名詞 / 不可數(shù)名詞)3.3.ol lbs4.YouFEdone sonetjin very good5.It s:工.ending6. We think the an swer is(1400)Step 5 Punetion(inc SpcEikingT: Please look c.t this t減*(

15、Teacher shoves fo 1 owl ng on tiln screen.)Describe the locati on of the followi ng Ian ds, seas and cities in relati on to New Zeala ndA. Pacific Ocean B. Tasman SeaC. Welli ngt on D. Auckla ndE.ilWell, you re given three minutes to do it.Three minutes later,I ll ask some of yo u todescribe the loc

16、ation of them. Are you clear?Ss:T: Begi n, please.(After 3 minu tes.) Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Well,who d like to describe the locati on of the Pacific Ocea n?S: I d like to. The Pacific Ocean lies to the north east of New Zealand|T: That s right. Where s the Tasmania Sea?S: It lies to the south and

17、west of New Zeala nd|T: Yes, you re right. Let s go on. What about Wellington?S: Welli ngton is one of the n orth isla nd|S: Auckla nd also lies on the North Isla nd.S: Christchurch lies on the South Isla nd|T: Very good |Step 6 Piac.lic.uT: Mow please pic-tu the next task.(Show it on the blackboard

18、 .;Answer the questions. 丸 lie WOILS 711. Where is Tian anman Square? (middle, Beijing2. Where are the British Isles?CCunt n l.uTcpi3. Is Guangzhou in the east of China?(SOLI_?I)4. What part of Chi na is the city Urumqi in?5. Do you know where the Summer Palace is? (suburb,險 i j i諄6. Can you see the

19、 high-rise呂層 仃卩l(xiāng)uior :oin i hu Hind? UKOSS Lhi wp-.i i?r)(.Ger rhe students To work in pa.irs.)Stop 7 HomeworkIn this class,we ve learned some useful expression and practiced how to show position anddirect ion. After class, you must remember them and use them correctly. At last,don t forgetto previe

20、w the next period . That s all for today.Cl i.SS I S uVUf.Step R The?胃n of the ti on r.bc BlModule 4 A Social Survey My NeighbourhoodThe Sixth PeriodI .Pacific Ocea nTasma n sea Auckla nd con ti nen tal Europenon hue stn .What s up?How are things with you?Walk straight on/aheadrIt s opposite/behind/

21、next/to/in front of the hospital.Step 9 Activity and intjuiryA stude nt is going to En gla nd. He wants to know more in formati on about the coun try. Workin pairs.StepsStudents ActingTeacher s Organizing1Task: educatio n, positi on, culture, customsguida nee2collecting informationcirculati on2019-2

22、020年高中英語Module 4 6th period教案外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIn troduce some useful expressi on in order to make stude nts practice speak ingEveryday English better.詁汕iprad ice shovr i rig ii(n and汕皿,i W. h工】.Teaching Aims1.The si .idcn.s All he ahlu lo丨:也IIr:.nd utslcr n/)rc Everyday IKf-l ish

23、.2. Train ihmpeak.ig汐丨匕.3.譏打hi sLicon;s io irfocucc arc show circciioi,Teaching lnportant Points1.Learn i.oJSCsccic- uscTul 財2.Tmir. i.上Esujklnis汕煦山ing淚Teaching DifficuIt PointHow to train the stud.vii.s s(.ik i -41 i 71 y.Teaching hods1. Asking andAnswij: ir:f- lo hc-1;)Lhu sl.i.idtni.s hLprovc ll:

24、c i i sp(ji i rif- ab i I i I v.2.ill百o:)Lu ol lo.ir io prrici.i sc- L:】“t屮ab: I i .y.Teaching Aids1.:lie rnulirieda2.lj tickb(xiiilTeachi n 呂 ProcudurcsStep 1 GrculiisGreet, the whole class恥n曲,Step 2 RevisionT: We have lea nt the grammar: The Prese nt Prefect Ten se.Now lets do thefollowing cxurcis

25、c.(Show iLOILLhe screen.)plete the conversation.Use the Present Perfect Tense of the verbs in brackets, andHfor* orlbsince1where卩 proprifite*M: Hi, .K: Hi, 1M: I havent seen (not see) your brother around for a long time.(1)_ he_ (move) to a new n eighbourhood?K: No, he (2)_ (move) to a new cou ntry!

26、 He (3)_ (be) in Australia(4)_ last year,M: Australia! Thats a great country. (5)_ you ever_(be) there?K: No, I (6)_ n ever_ (be) there, but I (7)_ (decide) to golater this y 一:、M: Great! (8) _ your brother _(send) you any photos _ he movedthere?K: Yes, in fact, I (10)_ just_(receive) some. Here the

27、y are. Thisis his new house. He (11)_ rece ntly_ (fini sh) decorat ing it,(Check the cinsweis with Lhe whole)Suggested an swers1.has,moved 2.has moved 3.has been4.since5.Have,beenj*11 CU I7.have decidedS, Hits, sunL 9.s ince 10.have,received 11.has, IinishudStep 3 Everyday EnglishT: We have learneds

28、ome useful expressions. Can you use the following:crruct I y?show;Useful expressions for greetingsFormal1. Good day,丨2. Good morning / after noon / evening,Ma am.3. How are you?4. How is your family?5. How is your back?6. I m g : ::.:i:. : i:; - i:- :- i i , 一 丨9 | 丨i :心; :! I I. - : - ! i:.Usefu i

29、-1.-i2.It s on the right / left. On your right/leftin the3astern/western/southern/northern/part of the city.T: Let s look at these useful expressions.(Make sure the students understandrhe Tneiriing.g an臼how to v.se then,) l5l ecise shor; dialogue in pairs.(AfTerHwhi I e getSOTTK? pMirs to report the

30、ir answers.)Step 4 Piac.lic.cT: Next exercise,(Show iLOILLht? screen.)Choose the co rrect answer:1.“Am I right in thinking (that).?”means _A. Is it true that.?B. beli eve that.r.2.“A great many things ” means _rA.a lot of thingsB.Breat things3.“To do well ” means _ .A.to be successfulB.to be healthy

31、4.“As a result ” means _,A.because of thisB. we have had good results5.“Congratulations!” means _!A.You1v? done something very good.B.Very interesting6.“ It s fascinating ” means _”A.It s strangeB. It s ve 門 inttrestint7.“We make it (1400) ” means _”A.陀11 make (1400) thingsB. We thi nk the an swer i

32、s (1400)(/ioT thu stiulcnts toUTIswer thu qnosr.iOES)Suggested answes :1. Is it true that.?2. a lot of things many a 許多的,many a+ 單數(shù)名詞 + 單數(shù)謂語動詞 e.g. Many a bookhas bee nwritte n on the subject. a great/good many想當(dāng)多,很多, a great/goodmany+復(fù)數(shù)名 詞 + 復(fù)數(shù)謂語動詞 e.g. A good many boys are playing on the playgroun

33、d. (a lot of+ 可數(shù)名詞/不可數(shù)名詞)3.3.血譏卍沉川卜4. You ve done something ver v 訓(xùn)訶5.Tt. s very iineresTin6. We think the an swer is(1400)Step 5 Punetiori anc SpeakingT: Please look垃this tciskshoves fell cubing oil til n scro(?n.)Describe the locati on of the followi ng Ian ds, seas and cities in relati on to NewZ

34、eala ndA. Pacific Ocean B. Tasman Sea C. WellingtonD.ChristchurchWell, you re given three minutes to do it. Three minutes later, I ll ask some of you to describe thelocation of them. Are you clear?Ss:倫,T: Begi n, please.(After 3 minu tes.) Are you ready?T: Well,who d like to describe the locati on o

35、f the Pacific Ocea n?S: I d like to. The Pacific Ocean lies to the north east of New Zealand|T: That s right. Where s the Tasmania Sea?S: It lies to the south and west of New Zeala nd|T: Yes, you re right. Let s go on. What about Wellington?S: Welli ngton is one of the n orth isla nd|S: Auckla nd also lies on the North Isla nd|S: Christchurch lies on the South Isla nd|T: Very good |Step 6 PracticeT: Mow please pictu the next task.(Show it on the blackboard .;Answer the questions.I.;丸Lio


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