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1、2009 年通遼一中(北校區(qū))初中招生考試試卷A.a, the, a,a , the一二三四五六七八總分得分評卷人一、按要求寫出相應的單詞。(10 分)1、foot (復數(shù))_3、they (形容詞性物主代詞2、good (最高級)_4、sing (現(xiàn)在分詞)_5、first (基數(shù)詞)_6、 do(第7、young (反義詞)_8、can not (縮寫形式)10、this (對應詞)_得分評卷人9、go (過去式)_,the, the,the, a2、_is the young man? He is kates brother3、Please _ the door.ope n4、I _ l

2、ike the cat.notnot5、They _ next week.footballplay ing footballgoing to play football6、Look! The baby _ .A.dri nks milkmilkdri nkingmilk7、_ your sister like tea? No, she likes coffee.A.do二、單項選擇。(10 分)1、Theres _ apple treein my garde n, under_ tree, there is _ young man.,the, the,the, a8、He _ many goo

3、d friends in London.A.there areis9、What is the time?_A.I ts half to seve n.B.s at seve nthirty.s half pastseve n.s an hour.10、How did you get there?_得分評卷人三、英漢互譯。(10 分)5、on saturday morning_6、a pair of_7、look for_ 8、在周末_9、做作業(yè)_10、play football_得分評卷人四、用介詞填空。(10 分)1、Whats wrong _ them?fiveweektaxi.1、感冒_

4、2、go swimming_3、今天早上_4、回家_2、You cant swim _ the lake.3、Johns birthday is _ May.4、_Sun day morning, Tenny goes to her gra ndmashome, and she is back _ eight oclock _the eve ning.5、 I like playing with snow _ winter.6、 _ night, my father usually watches Tv.7、 He usually goes to work _ foot, but I usua

5、llygot to work _ bus.得分評卷人五、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10 分)1、You can carry that box.(否定句)2、 They are going to play football.(改為一般疑問句,并做肯定回答)3、I get up atsixthirty.(就劃線部分提問)4、There are some girls in my class.(一般疑問句)5、I am a policeman.(復數(shù))得分評卷人六、根據(jù)所給情景選擇正確答語。(15 分)1、_當別人夸獎你是一個好孩子時,你應該說: _A.Oh ,no., I am.you, please.2、_ 當

6、你下午見到老師時,可以說: _A.Good after noon, teacher.morning, teacher.eve ning, teacher.ni ght, teacher.3、_ 告訴你同學你通常步行上學。 _A.I usually go to school on foot.usually go to bookstore by subway.usually goes to school on teet.4、想知道小紅周末去干什么,你該問她: _A.What is Xiao Hong to do this weeke nd? are you going to do thisweek

7、e nd?is she going to do this weeke nd?5、當你見到某人表示很高興時說:_A.How are you?to see you!得分評卷人七、連詞成句。(15 分)1、are, tall, you, How2、he,to, goes,school, foot, on .3、is,matter, the,what ?4、taller,you, is,tha n,who5、bus, is, where, stop, the得分評卷人八、閱讀理解。(15 分)This is Billy and his brothers bedroom. Its notverybig,

8、 butit istidy (整潔). There are twobedsin the room.Thereis a deskbetwee n(在中間)thebeds.Thereare some bookson thedesk.SomeareEn glishbooks.Some areChi nesebooks,Thereis aphoneon thedesk, too.There are twochairsbeside the desk, one is for Billy, and the other (另一 把) is for his brother.There is a map of A

9、merica on the wall. There is a map of the world on thewall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much.判斷對錯:()1、The bedroom is small, and its clean.()2、There are two desksin the bedroom.()3、There arent anyChinesebooks on thedesk.()4、There are two maps on the wall.()5、There isnt a phone

10、in the bedroom.小學英語測試卷答案一、 按要求寫出相應的單詞。 (10 分,每題 1 分)1、 feet 2、best 3、their 4、singing 5、one 6、does 7、old8、 cant 9、went10、that二、 單項選擇。(10 分,每題 1 分)1 5DBCBC610 CCCCC三、 英漢互譯。(10 分,每題 1 分)1、 have a cold2、去游泳 3、this morning 4、 go home5、在星期六早上6、一雙.7、尋找8、on the weekend9、do homework 10、踢足球四、用介詞填空。(10 分,每空 1 分)1、with2、in3、in 4、 On、 at、in 5、 in6、At 7、on、by四、 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10 分,每題 2 分)1、You cannot carrythatbox.2、Are theygoing toplayfootball?Yes, they are.3、When doyou getup?4、Are there any girls in your class?5、We are policemen.五、 根據(jù)所給情景選擇正確答語。 (15 分,每題 3 分)1 5 CAABC七、連詞


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