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1、檢索人:張?jiān)床⒑惶镎砣耍喝~子萌PPT制作:武墨函、丁錦勤講解人:劉鎧愷Content Hans Vermeer and Skopos theoryChapter1 Chapter 2 three “skopos rules”Chpter3 comment on the Skopos theoryClick to add TitleChapter 1 Hans Vermeer and Skopos theory Part 1 Hans vermeer Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans-Josef Vermeer (September 24, 1930 - Heidelberg, Fe

2、bruary 4, 2010), German linguist and translation scholar. He was appointed Professor of General and Applied Linguistics at the University of Mainz in Germersheim (19711983). After that he held the chair of Translation Studies with special reference to Portuguese at Heidelberg University (19841992).

3、He was also a visiting professor at Leopold Franzens University in Innsbruck (19992002), Bosphorus University in Istanbul (20022003) and Okan University in Istanbul (20042008). He finally returned to the universities of Mainz and Heidelberg to teach in his final years. He established the skopos theo

4、ry.Part 2 翻譯目的論的產(chǎn)生背景翻譯目的論的產(chǎn)生背景 In 1970s, with the pragmatic turn both in linguistics (leading to a pragmatics-based text theory) and literary theory (leading to reception aesthetics text theory) as well as communication theory in mind, Vermeer and other Skopos scholars started to view translation as

5、 a purposeful intercultural communicative acting between individuals instead of something that is done to a text by a translator. Having been trained as an interpreter by Katharina Reiss, Vermeer took up general linguistics, then translation studies and also desired to break with linguistic translat

6、ion theory by proposing a new translation theory. Skopostheorie is explained in detail in the book A Framework for a General Translation Theory co-authored by Vermeer and Reiss in 1984.Part 3 The new theory Skopos theory What is skopos ? Skopos is the Greek word for aim or purpose and was introduced

7、 into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer as a technical term for the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating .Skopos theorytranslation is a kind of action that has a purpose. The focal points of this theory lie in three aspects: substance of translation, participant

8、s of the process of translation and principles of functional concept of translation. It introduced the idea that a translation should always be conducted to fulfil the purpose of theTT(target text) in the TTs situation. The prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (Skopos)

9、of the overall translational action.大王有令,有破刺客長(zhǎng)空者,賞千金,封千戶侯。By order of His Majesty, he who kills Sky will receive gold and land.這句臺(tái)詞中,千金,千戶侯都含有文化信息,若全部保留文化信息,其譯文應(yīng)該是:By order of His Majesty, he who kills Sky will be awarded one thousand tales of gold and be dubbed marquis (爵候,世襲貴族)with a possession of

10、 one thousand households將千金譯為gold,而不是one thousand tales of gold,將萬(wàn)戶侯譯為land而不是marquis with a possession of one thousand households,顯然是刪減了其中的文化信息,但基本意卻都在,絲毫不影響觀眾對(duì)故事的理解。這樣簡(jiǎn)單易懂的字幕就能使觀眾更充分的欣賞畫(huà)面、色彩和精彩的武打場(chǎng)面。There is no such thing as time travel. 你穿越劇看多了吧。原意是“穿越這種事根本就不存在啊?!薄按┰絼 痹趪?guó)內(nèi)觀眾中是比較流行的劇種,譯者直接用“穿越劇”來(lái)指代“

11、穿越”。產(chǎn)生幽默的作用The Skopos rule 目的規(guī)則Coherence (Intra-texual Coherence) 連貫規(guī)則The Fidelity rule( Inter-textual Coherence) 忠實(shí)規(guī)則/互文連貫性three “skopos rules” Chapter 2 目的論的基本原則目的論的基本原則 目的準(zhǔn)則目的準(zhǔn)則 目的準(zhǔn)則指翻譯應(yīng)能在譯語(yǔ)情境和文化中,按譯語(yǔ)接受者期待的方式發(fā)生作用。決定翻譯過(guò)程的根本原則是整個(gè)翻譯活動(dòng)的目的(skopos),即“結(jié)果決定方法”。這種目的有三種解釋:1)譯者的基本目的;2)譯文的交際目的;3)特定翻譯策略或手段要達(dá)到

12、的目的。但通?!澳康摹笔侵缸g文的交際目的。即翻譯過(guò)程的發(fā)起者,決定譯文的交際目的,發(fā)起者出于某一特殊需要,在理想狀況下,他會(huì)給出需要譯文的原因,譯文接受者、使用譯文的環(huán)境、譯文應(yīng)具有的功能以及與原因有關(guān)的細(xì)節(jié)等。所有這些構(gòu)成了“翻譯要求”。 舉例舉例 We care to provide service above and beyond the call of duty.-ups 一問(wèn):殷勤有加,風(fēng)雨不改(UPS快遞) 若直譯這則廣告,應(yīng)是“我們?cè)敢馓峁└哂诨蛘叱鲐?zé)任感的服務(wù)”。雖然譯文在語(yǔ)義和詞義上都屬于忠誠(chéng)對(duì)等翻譯,但四字結(jié)構(gòu)“殷勤有加,風(fēng)雨不改”更能向目的與消費(fèi)者傳達(dá)該公司的服務(wù)精神,

13、達(dá)到意義上的忠誠(chéng),是廣告在目標(biāo)文化的誘惑功能得以最大程度地實(shí)現(xiàn)。Coherence 連貫準(zhǔn)則Coherence (Intratextual Coherence) : a translation should be acceptable in a sense that it is coherent with the receivers situation, being part of the receivers situation.連貫準(zhǔn)則是指譯文必須考慮接受者的背景知識(shí)和實(shí)際情況, 最大限度地做到語(yǔ)義連貫, 以便譯文接受者能夠理解其義符合譯入語(yǔ)的表達(dá)習(xí)慣。The target text mus

14、t be translated in such a way that it is coherent for the target receivers, given their circumstances and knowledge. Translator should conform to the cannons and ethnic rules in the target language and culture, and reproduce the information offered in the source text in an acceptable and accessible

15、way to the target reader, taking their background knowledge and situational circumstances into account.The Fidelity Rule 忠實(shí)準(zhǔn)則忠實(shí)準(zhǔn)則 Fidelity rule (Intertextual Coherence) : a translation should be as faithful as possible to the original. 忠實(shí)準(zhǔn)則是指原文和譯文中應(yīng)該存在某種對(duì)應(yīng)關(guān)系, 并不要求原文和譯文在內(nèi)容上一字不差。 There must be an inte

16、r-textual coherence between the source texts and target texts, which is similar to the fidelity to the source texts. 例1. Waterloo Bridge魂斷藍(lán)橋(直譯為滑鐵盧橋) 不僅避開(kāi)了中國(guó)觀眾由于地域文化差異、歷史背景知識(shí)缺乏而引起的迷惑;而且藍(lán)橋蘊(yùn)含著中國(guó)文化的特色,與牛郎織女的鵲橋相會(huì)相仿,能夠使觀眾一看到片名就能心領(lǐng)神會(huì),而且具有很高的審美價(jià)值。譯者要把握觀眾的審美需求,達(dá)到形式美和內(nèi)容美的統(tǒng)一以及要考慮到觀眾的心理需求。最終在實(shí)現(xiàn)電影片名翻譯的目的:吸引觀眾看電

17、影。Relationships between the three rules It seems that Vermeer prescribes the hierarchical rule in line with action theory and literary reception theory: the Skopos is the boss, intratextual coherence the second and fidelity the lowest; the last two rules are subordinated to the Skopos of the transla

18、tion. 忠實(shí)準(zhǔn)則服從于連貫準(zhǔn)則,而這二者服從于目的準(zhǔn)則。 Chapter 3 Comment on the Skopos theory advantages of skopos theory Advantage 1Translation is a DECISION MAKING process. The criteria for the decisions are provided by the skopos, i.e. the concrete purpose and aims in a concrete translation commission. 目的論提供給翻譯界一個(gè)更為合理,科

19、學(xué)的判斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。目的論擺脫了對(duì)等論的束縛,判斷的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)不再是單純目的語(yǔ)和源語(yǔ)之間純文字間的對(duì)等,著重指出判斷翻譯的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是目的語(yǔ)的目的達(dá)到與否。 Advantage 2 Its emphasis on the intentional nature of translation offers a new way of examining and choosing finished translations as well as opening new research avenues in translation reception and translator training. 目的論為廣告文稿、

20、旅游介紹、政治文獻(xiàn)、食品等實(shí)用文體的翻譯奠定了理論基礎(chǔ)。 Eg. Where there is a way, there is a toyota.車(chē)到山前必有路,有路就有豐田車(chē) Apple thinks different. 蘋(píng)果電腦,不同凡“想”。(蘋(píng)果電腦) Advantage 3 Skopos theory has helped to bring the target text into focus. As a text, a translation is not primarily determined by a source text, but by its own skopos.

21、This axiom provides a theoretical argument for describing translations in terms of original text production and against describing them in the more traditional terms of EQUIVALENCE with another text in another language ( Jakobsen 1993:156). 它把翻譯的定義拓寬了,使得翻譯變成了一種語(yǔ)言和文化的雙轉(zhuǎn)換活動(dòng),創(chuàng)新了翻譯理論。For exampleIs life

22、worth living?It depends upon the liver!生命值得活下去嗎?那得看你怎么個(gè)活法。( 那 得 看 你 是 否 心 滿 意足。) Advantage 4 Translators have come to be viewed as target-text authors and have been released from the limitations and restrictions imposed by a narrowly defined concept of loyalty to the source text alone. 目的論提升了譯者的地位。譯

23、者根據(jù)翻譯行為的目的從而決定譯文的形式和內(nèi)容。并授予了譯者更為靈活、合理的翻譯準(zhǔn)則。 As attention has turned towards the functional aspects of translation and towards the explanation of translation decisions, the expertise and ethical responsibility of the translator have come to the fore. Criticism of skopos theory The emphasis on translation purpose has also been the source of many of the objections to its use. Some objections concern the definition of translation and the relationship between source text and target text. Some come mainly from linguistically oriented approaches to translatio


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