



1、學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載產(chǎn)科英文名詞解釋1. Fetal lie (胎產(chǎn)式) The term lie refers to the relati on ship betwee n the long axis ofthe mother and the long axis of the fetus.2. Fetal presentation (胎先露) The presenting part is the portion of the fetus that descend first through the birth can al.3. Fetal posito(胎方位)The exact fetal

2、positi on is determ ined by the relati on ship ofsome definite part of the fetus(the guiding point )to a fixed area of the maternal pelvis.4. Braxton Hicks 收縮 The pregnant uterus produces painless palpable contractions atirregular intervals from an early stage in gestation ,these Braxton Hicks Con t

3、racti ons,however, are not positive sig ns of preg nancy, since similar con tracti ons aresometimes no ted in cases of hematometra and occasi on ally with soft myomas ,especially the ped un culated submucous variety.5. Hegars sign(黑格氏征)On bima nual exam in atio n the uteri ne body feels doughyor ela

4、stic and sometimes becomes exceed in gly soft at about the sixth week after thelast period.6. Abortion(流產(chǎn))Abortion is term ination of preg nancy before 28 weeks of gestationand the fetal weight is less tha n 1000g.7. Missed abortion (稽留流產(chǎn))When the embryo or fetus dies and it is retained inuterus.8.

5、Habitual abortion (習(xí)慣性流產(chǎn))This is defined as 3 or more consecutive abortion.It is also called recurre nt aborti on.9. Placenta previa(前置胎盤)The entire placenta or part of it is implanted in the lowerportion of the uterus rather than in the upper active segmen,and at least a porti on of theplace nta pr

6、ecedes the prese nti ng part of the fetus after 28 week.10. Placenta abruption (胎盤早剝) Partial or complete detachment of the placentafrom a site of normal implantation in the corpus uteri before delivery of the fetus and mayoccur at any time after 20 weeks gestati on.11. Uteroplacental apoplexy(子宮胎盤卒

7、中)Hemorrhage in filtrates the uteri ne wall.Uterine tetany follows, the uterus appears purplish,copper-colored, ecchymotic, indurated and loss its con tractile powebecause of disrupti on of the muscle bun dles.12. HELLP syndrome The major symptoms are hemolysis, elevated liver en zymes,and low plate

8、lets syn drome.13. threatened labor (先兆臨產(chǎn))(1)lighteri ng; (2)false labor pa in; (3)show.14. Onset and diagnosis of labor(臨產(chǎn)診斷) The contractions of labor occur regularlyand usually in crease un til they recur every 5 to 6 minu tes and last from 30 to 40 sec onds, which cause progressive effaceme nt a

9、nd dilatati on of the cervix and desce nt of the學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載prese nti ng part.15. Mechanism of normal labor(分娩機制)The mechanism of labor is a term appliedto the series of changes in the attitude and position of the fetus that permits it to progressthough the irregularly shaped pelvic cavity.16. engagemen

10、t銜接)The mechanism by which the biparietal diameter, the greatesttransverse diameter of the head in vertex presentation , passes through the pelvic inlet isdesig nated en gageme nt.17. Internarotation(內(nèi)旋轉(zhuǎn))This movement is a turning of the head in such a mannerthat the occiput gradually moves from its

11、 orig inal positi on an teriorly toward the ,symphysis pubis or ,less commonly , posteriorly toward the hollow of the sacrum.18. OCT or CST (oxytocin chellenge test, or contraction stress t 縮宮素激惹試 驗)oxytoci n challe nge test(OCT)or con tract ion stress test(CST) . Measuri ng the FHRresp onse to the

12、stress of spontan eous or oxytoc in in duced con tractio n( UC) formsto basis of this test of fetal placental reserve.OCT positive:Recurrent (at least two) late deceleration of the FHR, i.e, slowing in theheart rate develops at about the middle of the con tracti on and retur ning to the baseli neaft

13、er the contraction subsides, in addition, the amplitude and the duration of thedeceleration must parallel the amplitude and duration of the underlying .Negative: At least 3 con tract ions in 10 minu tes, and each last ing at least 40 sec on ds,the FHR are observed without late decelerati on, A n ega

14、tive test with in a week ofdelivery provided reliable assura nee that the fetus will survive and probably toleratelabor and delivery well.19. NST ( Non-stresstest,無應(yīng)激試驗)NST is a test for gross evaluation of theuteroplace ntal and fetal reserve. Each determ in ati on requires simulta neous mon itorin

15、g of FHR and FMs. Reactive the FAD( fetal activity acceleratio n determ in ati on)must have a smooth, regular configuration and there must be 3 or more FADs per 20minutes with a duration of greater than 15 seconds and more than 15 bpm amplitude.Non-reactive this classification includes no fetal acti

16、vity either spontaneously or withstimulati on, and no dem on sthable FHR cha nge in resp onse to stimulati on.20. Physiologicretraction ring (生理性縮復(fù)環(huán)) As a result of the thining of the loweruteri ne segme nt and the thick ing of the upper. The boun dary betwee n them is markedby a ridge on the inner

17、uteri ne surface, the ringe is called the physiologic retraction ring.21. Pathologic retraction ring(病理性縮復(fù)環(huán))A pathologic retracti on rin g(b un dlering) develops duri ng obstructed but otherwise no rmal labor. The ring forms at thejunction of the active upper and the relatively passive lower uterine

18、 segmentsandactually is the lower border of the unu sually thick upper segme nt . because desce nt學(xué)習(xí)必備歡迎下載and expulsi on of the fetus are impeded. The lower seme nt becomes excessively lengthe ned and thinned and the upper segme nt shorte ned and thicke ned.U nl ess theobstructi on is overcome, the

19、uterus may rupture.The ring can be felt and sometimeseven seen as a ridge just below the umbilicus ;it becomes more obvious as laborpresses.22. Constriction ring(痙攣性狹窄環(huán))A constriction ring is tetanic annular contractionof smooth muscle that may occur at any level in the uterine wall. The ring does n

20、otchange position,and it may be applied so tightly around the fetus body that it preve ntsdesce nt.23. prolonged latent phase 潛伏期延長) The time required to complete effacement andto en ter the active phase is Ion ger tha n 16 hours.24. prolonged active phase (活躍期延長)After the cervix dilated to 3cm, lab

21、orprogresses over slow, the time of active phase lastes over 8 hours.The cervical dilatationprogresses at a rate less than 1.2cm/hr in primigravida and less than 1.5cm/hr inmultipara.25. protracted active phase (活躍期停滯)The cervical dilatati on does not cha ngeduri ng a 2-hour period.26. Prolonged sec

22、ond stage(第二產(chǎn)程延長 ) when the cervixfully dilates the con tractions become weak and the in tervells prolorg, the spa n of time is over 2 hours. Innullipara and over 1 hour in maltipara, it is called that the second stage is prolon ged.27. protracted second stage (第二產(chǎn)程停滯) when the cervix fully dilates

23、for one hour,the descending of featl head is arrested and the progress of labor stops, it is called thatthe sec ond stage is arrested.28. Prolonged labor(滯產(chǎn))When the course of labor lasts for more than 24 hours it iscalled prolonyed labor.29. signs of separation of placentOJ 臺盤剝離征象)(1)The rising up of the uterusas a small firmly con tracted mass, to a level above the umbilicus(2) le ngthe ning of thecord(3)A sudde n gush of the blood (4)tract ion upwards of the


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