



1、(外研版必修4)高三英語一輪單元復(fù)習(xí)教案:Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbalCommunication知識詳解1 involve vt. 包括;涉及;使參與(回歸課本P22)Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person , but theyalways involve the hands.亞洲人打招呼是不包括接觸他人身體的,但經(jīng)常會用到手。歸納總結(jié)例句探源 Every day each of us makes decisions that involve tak

2、ing a chance.每天我們每個(gè)人作出的決定都包含碰運(yùn)氣的成分。 ( 牛津 P1078)I was so involved in my book that I didn t hear you knock.我全神貫注在看書,沒聽到你敲門。 Don t involve me in your quarrel.不要把我卷入你們的爭吵。 Most people don t realize the amount of effort that is involved in writing a novel.大多數(shù)人都不明白寫一本小說要花多少心血。即境活用1 All the children were i

3、n the school English competition held on Sunday.A attendedB joinedC involvedD connected解析:選 C。句意為“所有的孩子都參加了學(xué)校星期天的英語競賽”。注意題中使用了被動(dòng)結(jié)構(gòu),A、 B 首先被排除;D 項(xiàng)常見的搭配是be connected to 或 be connected with ,不與介詞 in 搭配;be involved in."參加了”。2 .in reading the book all evening , he took no notice of everything.A Invo

4、lvingB InvolvedC InvolveD To involve解析:選B。 be involved in doing sth. 表示“專心于干某事”,故 B 項(xiàng)正確。3 dealn 協(xié)議,交易v 經(jīng)營;買賣;處理(回歸課本P22)Weshakehands when we make a deal.達(dá)成了協(xié)議,我們就握握手。歸納總結(jié)例句探源(高考大全國卷 I )They learn not only how to run a coffee shop but also how to deal with their affairs.他們既學(xué)習(xí)如何經(jīng)營咖啡店,也學(xué)習(xí)如何處理自己的事務(wù)。 He

5、knew a good deal more than I did.他懂得比我多很多。 The company has made a new deal with a buyer in America.這家公司與美國的一位買主做了一筆新生意。易混辨析do with , deal with在表示“處理,對待”時(shí), do with 和 deal with 在陳述句中可以互相替換。但是在特殊疑問句中,表示“怎么處理,怎么對待”時(shí),用法不同。即 do with 中, do 是及物動(dòng)詞,其后需接賓語,而deal with 中 deal 是不及物動(dòng)詞,其后不能接賓語。 Last summer I took a

6、 course on what to do with poisonous gases.=Last summer I took a course on how to deal with poisonous gases. What do you do with the difficulties you face?=How do you deal with the difficulties you face?即境活用3Take it; it is really a bargain.You won t get a cheaper one in this world. OK, it s a .A pri

7、ceB prizeC dealD truth解析:選Co考查名詞詞義。根據(jù)語境可知“買賣成交”,因此用deal。而price “價(jià)格”;prize “獎(jiǎng)品”; truth “事實(shí)” ,都與語境不符,故答案為C。4.The classroom is very noisy, but the green headteacher doesn t know.A how to do with it B what to deal with it C how to deal with it D what to do with 解析:選C。 “怎樣處理某事”有兩種表達(dá)方式:how.deal with sth.

8、和 what.do with sth. ,故選擇C。3 favour(favor) n幫助,恩惠,贊成,關(guān)心,偏袒v支持;喜愛;偏袒,有助于(回歸課本P28)Can I ask you a favour?我能請你幫個(gè)忙嗎? 歸納總結(jié) 例句探源 Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?今天你能幫我個(gè)忙去學(xué)校接山姆嗎? She always favours her youngest child.她總是偏愛她最小的孩子。 ( 朗文P694)She s very much in favour with the managem

9、ent at the moment.她目前很受管理層的喜愛。 Yet polls still show a narrow majority of Europeans in favour of taking in more countries.可是民意調(diào)查顯示依然有過半數(shù)的歐洲人同意接納更多的國家。即境活用5 A fashion this year may be next year.A out of favour ; into favourB in favour; out of favourC in favour of; of favourD to favour ; out of favour解

10、析:選B。 in favour “受歡迎的,流行的”; out of favour “失寵的,不受歡迎的”。4 request vt. 請求;要求 n請求;要求;邀請(回歸課本P28)Mr.and Mrs.Harry Blunkett request the pleasure of your company at the weddingof.哈里?布倫基特夫婦誠邀您光臨的婚禮。歸納總結(jié) You are requested not to speak aloud in the reading room.你不要在閱覽室大聲喧嘩。 The staff immediately requested tha

11、t he reconsider his decision. 員工立即要求他重新考慮他的決定。 ( 朗文 P1737)They have made an urgent request for international aid. 他們緊急要求國際援助。 Further details will be sent on request.詳細(xì)資料承索即寄。 He was there at the request of his manager.他按照經(jīng)理的要求到了那里。6 (高考湖北卷)Duty is an act or a course of action that peopleyou to take

12、 by socialcustoms, law or religion.A persuadeB requestC instructD expect解析:選D。句意:所謂職責(zé),是人們希望通過社會習(xí)俗、法律或宗教而讓我們采取的一種 行為或行動(dòng)方式。本題考查動(dòng)詞辨析。expect sb.to do sth. “期待 /盼望某人做某事”,符合題意和搭配。request sb.to do sth. 表示 “ (以口頭或書面形式)要求,(尤指)請求某人做某事”, 如:I requested him to help. 我請求他幫忙。persuade sb.to do sth. 說服或勸說某人做某事;instr

13、uctsb.to do sth. “吩咐 /命令/指導(dǎo)某人做某事”,都不符合句意。7 .The newly?founded chess club formaly us to attend the opening ceremony.A requestedB requiredC demandedD commanded解析:選A。 request 常用于正式場合的請求。句意為:這家新成立的象棋俱樂部正式邀請我們參加開幕式。5 give away 暴露 (自己的情況);泄露;贈送;頒發(fā)(回歸課本P22)People give away much more by their gestures than

14、by their words.人們通過姿勢表達(dá)的意思要比通過話語表達(dá)得更多。歸納總結(jié) (朗文 P874)He said he hadn t told her, but his face gave him away.他說他沒有告訴她,但是他的表情說明他在說謊。 He gave away most of his money to charity.他把大部分錢都捐贈給慈善事業(yè)了。 The headmaster gave away the prizes at the sports meeting.校長在運(yùn)動(dòng)會上頒發(fā)獎(jiǎng)品。 They argued back and forth until finally

15、 Jack gave in.他們反復(fù)爭論,直到最后杰克讓步為止。 I was so frightened that my legs gave out , and I reached for the door.我嚇得兩腿發(fā)軟,便伸手去扶門。8.If a person has not had enough sleep , his actions will give himduring the day.A awayB upC inD back解析:選Ao句意是:如果一個(gè)人沒有足夠的睡眠,在白天,他的行為就會表露出來。此句 要用give away表示“泄漏;出賣“;give up放棄;give in屈

16、服;讓步;give back收回。9 (江蘇啟東中學(xué)) As an old customer, would you some books for free to us? No problem.We d love to.A pay offB call offC give awayD put away解析:選Co give away解釋為“送掉,分發(fā);泄露,出賣”;A解釋為“還清債;結(jié)清賬;努力等有報(bào)償” ;B解釋為“叫(狗或人)走開(以停止攻擊);取消”;D解釋為“把收起來,放好,儲存?zhèn)溆谩薄_@里的意思是“免費(fèi)送一些書給我們”,所以選C。6 hold up 舉起,抬起;阻礙;使停頓;支撐(回歸課

17、本P22)One person then holds up his hand , palm outwards and five fingers spread.然后一個(gè)人舉起他的手,手掌向外,五指張開。 Our flight was held up by fog.我們的班機(jī)因有霧而停航。 The roof is held up by pillars.屋頂是由柱子支撐著的。 Please hold up your hands if you have any questions.如果有問題,請舉手。10 It s a pity that the building of the new road ha

18、s been by bad weather.A held outB held onC held toD held up解析:D。句意為“很遺憾,新路的建造因惡劣的天氣而受到阻滯”。hold up “延遲,阻礙”;hold out “給予,支持”; hold on “堅(jiān)持;抓住”。10.1 missed seeing my brother off at the airport because my car was in a traffic jam.A broken upB lifted upC held upD kept up解析:選 C。hold up "停滯";break

19、 up "分解";lift up "提升";keep up "保持"。句型梳理1【教材原句】Although these are very important , we communicate with more than just spokenand written words.(P22)雖然這些很重要,但我們并不只是用口語和書面語進(jìn)行交流?!揪浞ǚ治觥?1)more than 數(shù)詞,表示“超過,多于”,相當(dāng)于over。more than 形容詞,表示“很”或“非?!钡囊馑?。(2)在“morethan”中,第一個(gè)意思是表比較,可譯為

20、“比更”;第二個(gè)意思是肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,可譯為“是而不是, 與其不如”。(3)no more than +名詞或基數(shù)詞,意思是“不過;僅僅;只有“ ,相當(dāng)于only。有感情色彩, 側(cè)重?cái)?shù)量少。而“not more than +基數(shù)詞”,表示"至多,不超過",相當(dāng)于at most,只是 指出數(shù)量或程度,沒有感情色彩。 I m more than happy to take you there in my car.我非常高興用車把你送去。 There were more than 100 people at the party.有 100 多個(gè)人參

21、加聚會。 The consequence was much more than he imagined.結(jié)果遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)超過他的想像。 The new edition is not more expensive than the old one.新版本不比舊版本貴。 China Daily is more than a newspaper.It helps to improve our English.中國日報(bào)不僅僅是一種報(bào)紙,它還有助于提高我們的英語水平。 His whole education added up to no more than one year.他所接受的全部學(xué)校教育加起來不超過一

22、年。12 (高考浙江卷)It tookbuilding supplies to construct these energy?saving houses.Ittook brains , too.A other thanB more thanC rather thanD less than解析:選B。句意:建造這些節(jié)能住宅不僅僅需要供給建筑材料,還需要才智。more than意為 “不僅僅”。 other than 常用于否定句,相當(dāng)于 but; rather than 而不是;less than 少于。13 . Do you need any help , Lucy? Yes.The job

23、is I could do myself.A less thanB more thanC no more thanD not more than解析:選B-句意: 你需要幫忙嗎,露西? 需要,這項(xiàng)工作我自己做不來。A項(xiàng)意為“少于”;B項(xiàng)意為“多于”;C項(xiàng)意為“僅僅(only)”; D項(xiàng)意為“不多于”。2【教材原句】Indeed, body positions are part of what we call “ body language” (P22)實(shí)際上,身體的身勢就是我們所說的“身勢語”的一部分?!揪浞ǚ治觥縲hat 是連接代詞,引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,在從句中作主語、賓語、 表語或定語,常含有事情、狀況、言語、時(shí)間和地點(diǎn)的意思。如: What made the school proud was that more


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