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1、Unit 2Unit 2I used to be afraid of the darkI used to be afraid of the darkRevisionRevision1、飛機(jī)、飛機(jī)2、使害怕、使害怕3、開著的、開著的4、昆蟲、昆蟲5、糖果、糖果6、嚼,咀嚼、嚼,咀嚼7、口香糖、口香糖8、聊天,閑談、聊天,閑談9、每日的、每日的10、連環(huán)漫畫、連環(huán)漫畫11、死,死亡、死,死亡12、買得起、買得起13、造成,使發(fā)生、造成,使發(fā)生14、有耐心的、有耐心的15、決定,決心、決定,決心16、必要的、必要的17、注意,專心、注意,專心18、浪費(fèi),濫用、浪費(fèi),濫用19、正,恰恰、正,恰恰20、

2、他自己、他自己airplaneterrifyoninsectcandychewgumchatdailycomicdeathaffordcausepatientdecisionnecessaryattentionwasteexactlyhimself1、過去經(jīng)常_2、入睡_3、最后_ 4、下決心_5、即使_6、不再_7、放棄_ 8、對(duì)感到自豪_9、留心_ 10、 花費(fèi) 做 _11、支付_12、在游泳隊(duì)_13、極度恐懼的_14、對(duì)感興趣_ 15、一個(gè)15歲的男孩_used togo to sleepin the endmake a decisioneven thoughno longergive

3、uptake pride inpay attention tospend doingon the swimming teampay forbe terrified ofbe interested ina fifteen-year-old boy一一.根據(jù)句意及所給提示填寫單詞:根據(jù)句意及所給提示填寫單詞:1. The river is very deep. You need to pay more a_ to your son.2. Dont eat too many c_. Its bad for your teeth.3. Her dog always c_ a lot of troubl

4、e.4. The boy refused my help, he said he could deal with the problem h_.5. In kindergartens, the teachers are very p_.6. I dont want to make a wrong _(decide) and regret it.7. Paula and Tina are _ (friend) to me .8. Mike is very _ in the _ movie. (interest) 9. I used to be _ (terrify) of _ (speak) i

5、n front of a group.10. Andy likes_ (chat) with his friends on the Internet.11. The _ (die) of the pet dog made Steve sad.12. My life has _ (change) a lot . 13. They couldnt afford _ (buy) a ticket to the concert.14. Dont be _(worry) about your son. ttentionandiesausesimselfatientdecisionfriendlyinte

6、restedinterestingterrifiedspeakingchattingdeathchangedto buyworried二二.根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子:根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子:1.His mother looked after him _ _ _ _ _.(盡可能好地)2.She _ _ _ to go to college.(下決心)3. His father has already_ _ _ (放棄吸煙).4.You _ _ _ _(過去很矮), didnt you ?5.Did you use to _ _ _ _ _?(害怕黑暗)6. I go to sleep _ _ _ _

7、 _.(開著臥室的燈) 7. My life has changed a lot _ _ _ _ _(在過去的三年里).8.His mother_ _ _ _ _(不能支付得起)his education.9.I want to make my mother _ _ _ _ _.(更多注意我)10.My father will_ _ _ _ _(為每件好的事情而驕傲that I do.as well as she couldmade a decisiongiven up smoking used to be short be terrified of the darkwith my bedro

8、om light onin the last three yearscouldnt afford to pay forpay more attention to metake pride in everything good1. alone,lonely 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;2. die, dead, death ,dying 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;3. take , spend, pay , cost 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;4.反義疑問句反義疑問句 (通過復(fù)習(xí),現(xiàn)在來談?wù)勀銓?duì)這些語法點(diǎn)的理解。)(通過復(fù)習(xí),現(xiàn)在來談?wù)勀銓?duì)這些語法點(diǎn)的理解。) 1. alone,lonely 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;2. die, dead,

9、 death ,dying 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;3. take , spend, pay , cost 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別;4.關(guān)于關(guān)于反義疑問句反義疑問句。一、一、 alone / lonely lonely 是形容詞是形容詞 ,意為意為“孤獨(dú)的,寂寞的孤獨(dú)的,寂寞的”說明一個(gè)人的心說明一個(gè)人的心 理理感受感受,帶有濃厚的感情色彩帶有濃厚的感情色彩;也可修飾地點(diǎn),意為也可修飾地點(diǎn),意為“人跡稀少的,人跡稀少的,荒涼的荒涼的”。alone 既是形容詞又是副詞,作副詞時(shí),既是形容詞又是副詞,作副詞時(shí), 意為意為“單獨(dú)地,獨(dú)自單獨(dú)地,獨(dú)自地地”,相當(dāng)于,相當(dāng)于by oneself ,作形容詞時(shí),意為作形容詞時(shí)

10、,意為“單獨(dú)的,獨(dú)身單獨(dú)的,獨(dú)身的的”,表示客觀情況,不帶感情色彩。,表示客觀情況,不帶感情色彩。1.He was _ in the room .2.Though he lives _, he doesnt feel_.3.We must do our homework _. alone lonelyalonealone二、二、die,dead,death 和和 dying 的區(qū)別的區(qū)別: 1. die v. 死,死亡死,死亡, 短暫性動(dòng)詞,它的過去式是短暫性動(dòng)詞,它的過去式是died. Eg: His grandfather died three years ago. 2.dead adj.

11、 死的,死去的死的,死去的, Eg:His grandfather has been dead for 3 years. 3. death n. 死,死亡死,死亡 Eg: I was extremely sad when I heard his death. 4. dying 是是die 的現(xiàn)在分詞的現(xiàn)在分詞,也可作,也可作形容詞形容詞,意為,意為“垂死的垂死的”。 Eg: Doctors are saving the dying woman. 針對(duì)練習(xí)針對(duì)練習(xí) : 用用 die 的適當(dāng)形式填空:的適當(dāng)形式填空:1.His fathers _ made him very sad.2.He ha

12、s been _ for 2 years.3.He _ 2 years ago.4.The old man is _, he has something to say to his sons. deathdeaddieddying用用take, spend , pay , cost 填空填空I _ 100 yuan for this dress.She _ two hours shopping in the supermarket.The book _ her ten dollars.It _ her forty minutes to finish the homework.It take s

13、b some time to do sth.Sb spend some time /money doing sth Sb spend some time /money on sth.Sb pay money for sth.Sth cost (sb) money.spentcost .took三、三、take , spend, pay , cost 的區(qū)別:的區(qū)別:paidGrammar focus: used to do sth: 表示表示“過去常常做某事過去常常做某事”。 肯定肯定句句: I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my

14、 friends. 否定否定句句: He didnt use to have straight hair. (2種) He used not to have straight hair . 疑問疑問句句: -Did you use to play the piano ? (2種) -No, I didnt. -Used you to go to sleep with the light on ? -Yes, I used to. 1. used to do sth : 過去常常做某事過去常常做某事 2. be used to do sth : 被使用于去做某事被使用于去做某事 3. be us

15、ed to doing sth : 習(xí)慣于做某事習(xí)慣于做某事 翻譯句子翻譯句子: I used to get up early. The knife is used to cut fruit. Jim is used to riding his bike to school. 注意:注意: . be used to do sth = be used for doing sth : 被使用來去做某事被使用來去做某事 . be used to doing sth = get used to doing sth:習(xí)慣于做某事習(xí)慣于做某事used to, be used to do, be used

16、to doing,used to, be used to do, be used to doing,根據(jù)漢語提示完成英語句子根據(jù)漢語提示完成英語句子:(1) 傘是用來遮雨的。傘是用來遮雨的。 The umbrella _ _ _ keep out the rain.(2) 我習(xí)慣于吃比薩。我習(xí)慣于吃比薩。 I _ _ _ _ pizza.(3) 我過去常常在放學(xué)后跳舞。我過去常常在放學(xué)后跳舞。 I _ _ _ after school.is used to am used to eating used to dance1. used to do sth : 過去常常做某事過去常常做某事2.be

17、 used to doing sth=get used to doing sth :習(xí)慣于做某事習(xí)慣于做某事3. use : (v) 使用使用 主動(dòng)語態(tài)主動(dòng)語態(tài)- use sth to do sth :使用某物去做某事使用某物去做某事 被動(dòng)語態(tài)被動(dòng)語態(tài)- a. be used to do sth:被使用于去做某事被使用于去做某事 b. be used for (doing) sth:被使用于(做)某事被使用于(做)某事 c. be used as sth:被作為某物來使用被作為某物來使用 d. be used by sb:被某人使用被某人使用 知識(shí)拓展知識(shí)拓展: 關(guān)于關(guān)于useuse的短的短語

18、你語你知道多少?知道多少?根據(jù)下列表格信息,寫一篇文章來對(duì)比根據(jù)下列表格信息,寫一篇文章來對(duì)比 Jim Jim 的今昔變化,的今昔變化,注意使用句型注意使用句型: : “ used to, but now.used to, but now. ” ” I think Jim has changed a lot in the last 3 years. I think Jim has changed a lot in the last 3 years. _thennowshorttallquietoutingbe afraid of the darkbe not afraid of the dar

19、kwalk to schooltake the bus to school like playing sportslike reading bookshave much timehardly have time中考鏈接中考鏈接:1. 1.Jim spent two hours _that house. A. to draw B. draws C. draw D. drawing2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. liked C. like D. likes3. _work in Microsoft? A. Do you used toB. Do you use toC. Did you used to D. Did you use to


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