1、 濱江學院本科生畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)外文文獻翻譯題 目 The reform of commercial banks marketing model (譯:商業(yè)銀行營銷改革模式)院 系 濱江學院 專 業(yè) 學生姓名 學 號 指導(dǎo)教師 丁江賢 二 一七 年 五 月 二十 日(排版基本與論文本身基本相同)商業(yè)銀行營銷改革模式羅斯.皮特 , 哈金斯.西爾維婭 現(xiàn)代西方商業(yè)銀行與客戶關(guān)系的形成經(jīng)過了一個變化的過程。70年代,銀行與客戶的關(guān)系是以銀行為主的,當時客戶的融資選擇很少,一般就是銀行貸款,所以客戶對銀行的依賴多于銀行對客戶的依賴,客戶對銀行忠誠度很高,即一般不輕易換關(guān)系銀行。在英國,當時銀行間競爭不
4、二階段是70年代中后期至80年代,實行的是以銷售為主導(dǎo)的戰(zhàn)略。1975年巴克萊銀行提出要占有市場,提高市場占有率,認為只要有市場,就可以有發(fā)展。然而市場份額的擴大沒有給該行帶來應(yīng)有的利潤回報,因為盲目追求客戶數(shù)量和業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)模,使不良客戶大量增加,壞帳增多,結(jié)果導(dǎo)致利潤下降。第三階段是90年代,特別是90年代中期以來,該行提出了以市場為主導(dǎo),以客戶為中心的市場開發(fā)戰(zhàn)略,即根據(jù)確定的目標客戶的需要,開發(fā)滿足客戶需要的產(chǎn)品,并為客戶提供全面的金融服務(wù)。 一、商業(yè)銀行市場營銷策略的國際比較 外資商業(yè)銀行市場營銷理論的發(fā)展經(jīng)歷了五個階段:廣告宣傳階段、友好服務(wù)階段、金融創(chuàng)新階段、服務(wù)定位階段、分析計劃和控
5、制階段,形成了完善的商業(yè)銀行營銷體系。本文將選擇具有代表性的外資商業(yè)銀行營銷策略作簡單介紹。 (一)美國商業(yè)銀行的營銷策略 美國商業(yè)銀行專家指出,注重商業(yè)銀行的運營監(jiān)測、發(fā)掘和提供滿足顧客需求的產(chǎn)品是商業(yè)銀行經(jīng)營管理的重點,故銀行營銷工作從以下幾個方面展開:1、提供具針對性的服務(wù)方式。細分客戶市場。2、提供系列化業(yè)務(wù)的服務(wù)。將各類服務(wù)項目和金融產(chǎn)品進行組合和配套,從整體上解決和滿足顧客在企業(yè)的不同生命周期中遇到的不同需要。3、培養(yǎng)“關(guān)系經(jīng)理”。與不同行業(yè)、地區(qū)的社會各層次的客戶建立關(guān)系,實現(xiàn)賬戶滲透和業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展,保證已有客戶的同時,使?jié)撛诳蛻糇兂涩F(xiàn)實“用戶”。4、建立良好信譽,加強公共關(guān)系。 (
6、2) 加拿大商業(yè)銀行的營銷策略 加拿大皇家銀行、加拿大帝國商業(yè)銀行、蒙特利爾銀行行和蘇科蒂爾銀行四家商業(yè)銀行享譽全球。研究結(jié)果表明,它們的成功要訣在于實施正確的國際化競爭戰(zhàn)略和銀行營銷策略。早在上世紀80年代,加拿大商業(yè)銀行的業(yè)務(wù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略就開始了徹底改革,并推行國際化營銷策略。如1980年,帝國商業(yè)銀行進行機構(gòu)重組,建立新的國際經(jīng)營機構(gòu)進軍全球市場。1982年,蒙特利爾銀行將服務(wù)對象范圍擴大為全球社團法人和政府??频贍栥y行建立起世界范圍的信息系統(tǒng),實施全方位服務(wù)的金融機構(gòu)戰(zhàn)略。 (3) 日本商業(yè)銀行的營銷策略 日本商業(yè)銀行營銷專家認為,銀行營銷策略可總結(jié)為:1、建立支持營銷戰(zhàn)略實施的管理體制,
7、以確保營銷策略的推廣。2、增強渠道建設(shè),開辟市場盈利新增點。日本的商業(yè)銀行通過重組分支網(wǎng)點,建立了“耳目商店”、百貨公司型的“金融廣場”、“家庭銀行業(yè)務(wù)”等等,有效的吸引了客戶。3、增強商業(yè)銀行內(nèi)部的研究能力和產(chǎn)品開發(fā)能力。日本的商業(yè)銀行開創(chuàng)了銀行領(lǐng)域的新產(chǎn)品“內(nèi)部辦公室業(yè)務(wù)”,即商業(yè)銀行為企業(yè)提供專業(yè)化的事務(wù)性工作代辦業(yè) 務(wù),以降低企業(yè)的投資支出(如工資等),達到銀行和企業(yè)間的雙贏。4、打造企業(yè)文化,塑造金融機構(gòu)的卓著信譽。(4) 、香港商業(yè)銀行的營銷策略 香港發(fā)達的金融市場造就了匯豐銀行、恒生銀行、東 亞銀行等國際知名的商業(yè)銀行。研究它們的營銷策略發(fā)現(xiàn):1、市場定位明確。如匯豐銀行的市場定
8、位是“環(huán)球金融,地方智慧”,以此強調(diào)它既是一家國際銀行,同時也強調(diào) 地域差異。2、人性化服務(wù)貼心周到。如恒生銀行被稱為亞洲服務(wù)最佳的銀行;匯豐銀行為卓越客戶更是提供全球性 的尊貴服務(wù)。3、樹立良好的公眾形象,注重企業(yè)文化在日常業(yè)務(wù)上的滲透,為客服提供“精品”服務(wù),感受“貴賓待 遇”。1、 確立以客戶為中心的經(jīng)營理念,并作為銀行最基本的經(jīng)營原則這一理念包括如下方面:銀行以滿足客戶需要為先,滿足客戶需要優(yōu)于銀行產(chǎn)品推銷,銀行客戶關(guān)系戰(zhàn)略集中于銀行的目標客戶;銀行根據(jù)客戶面臨的難題及市場環(huán)境變化而改變;為客戶提供解決問題的方案和辦法是銀行的責任;銀行要協(xié)調(diào)、調(diào)動全行各方面的資源為客戶提供服務(wù),滿足客
9、戶多方面的需求;銀行內(nèi)部為此要加強合作,形成團隊精神。2、 按客戶群而不是按銀行業(yè)務(wù)設(shè)立機構(gòu)巴克萊銀行的機構(gòu)設(shè)置為四大部門:零售銀行、公司銀行、投資銀行和資本市場。其中投資銀行和資本市場業(yè)務(wù)基本上集中在總行,零售銀行和公司銀行業(yè)務(wù)則在總行、大區(qū)分行、分行分層次、分地區(qū)合理劃分。零售銀行內(nèi)又設(shè)立零售客戶部、客戶服務(wù)部、理財服務(wù)部、信用卡部、產(chǎn)品開發(fā)部、人力資源部、公共關(guān)系部、業(yè)務(wù)支持系統(tǒng)等部門,公司銀行內(nèi)設(shè)置公司服務(wù)部、大公司客戶服務(wù)部、人力資源部、公共關(guān)系部、財務(wù)部、風險管理部、國際業(yè)務(wù)部、市場開發(fā)部等。3、 實行客戶經(jīng)理制從以產(chǎn)品為中心轉(zhuǎn)向以客戶為中心以來,西方各大銀行普遍推行了客戶經(jīng)理制。
11、(收人或金融資產(chǎn)5萬英鎊以上)設(shè)立了要客經(jīng)理,為特大戶(收入或金融資產(chǎn)在25萬英鎊以上)設(shè)立了私人銀行部。該行在全英設(shè)立了42個與分行并行的要客中心,700多名要客經(jīng)理,每人配一名助理,每個要客經(jīng)理大約負責300名要客,為要客提供全面的服務(wù)。4、 產(chǎn)品開發(fā)以客戶為中心,為客戶提供配套、組合式的金融服務(wù)銀行的產(chǎn)品開發(fā)不是銀行自身的需要,而是為滿足客戶的需要,因此西方商業(yè)銀行都強調(diào)產(chǎn)品開發(fā)不能從銀行自身發(fā)展出發(fā),而要從客戶需要出發(fā)。銀行根據(jù)客戶分類和不同客戶的特點,以“量身定做”的方式開發(fā)適合不同客戶群需要的產(chǎn)品,更好地滿足客戶需要。銀行一般都致力于成為客戶的關(guān)系銀行,相應(yīng)地客戶就成為銀行的關(guān)系客
12、戶,關(guān)系銀行是客戶的首選銀行,與客戶有密切的聯(lián)系,一個銀行甚至一個分支機構(gòu)就能滿足客戶所有或絕大部分的金融服務(wù)需求。為此銀行都大力加強產(chǎn)品開發(fā),努力為客戶提供全方位、多品種和“一站式”的金融服務(wù)。英國各大商業(yè)銀行近年都大力發(fā)展電話銀行中心、網(wǎng)上銀行、電視銀行等電子銀行體系,為客戶提供隨時隨地的銀行服務(wù)。附:(注意另起一頁)The reform of commercial banks marketing modelPeter S.Rose , Silvia C.Hudgins The formation of the modern western commercial bank and cust
13、omer relationship through a process of change.In the 70 s, the relationship between the customers and the bank of bank, when the customer financing options rarely, generally is a bank loan, so the customer dependence on Banks than bank dependence on customers, customer high loyalty to a bank, bank i
14、s generally not easily change relations.Britain, the competition between Banks is at the time, all the Banks to offer products, basic is the same price and service, non-aggression between each other. In relations with customers, decided by the Banks to provide customers products, price and time, etc
15、, customers can only passively adapt to.In the 80 s, the customer financing options increase, can in different ways and channels set money, competition between Banks also increased obviously, customers no longer overly dependent on one bank, but to choose to meet the need of a particular bank.Bank m
16、ainly promotion can attract customers and bring profitable products and services to the bank, which is dominated by products. Relationship between Banks and customers to choose each other, not fixed, loose trading relationship and banking products experts as the main contact point of contact with ou
17、r customer, but only when a deal.Into the 90 s, especially in mid and late 90 s, Banks are turning to customer relations as the leading factor, i.e., according to the customer as the center. During this period, customers of financial services demand increasingly diverse, selective also significantly
18、 enhanced, intensified competition between Banks. More the Banks provide only a single product and service, has been difficult to meet the demand of the diversity of customers increasingly change, to better meet customer demand, the bank will lose market competitiveness.Is prompting a growing number
19、 of Banks to change dominated by product marketing strategy in the past, and towards to the customer as the center.Look from the development experience of Britain's barclays bank, also largely reflects this change process. Barclays market development strategy since the 70 s, roughly experienced
20、three stages: the first stage is in the 70 s and before, practice is based on products as the leading strategy.When Banks do not consider what customers need, also is not adapt to the customer need to develop a product, but customers to adapt to the bank, the bank can sell produce products. Banks re
21、lative to the client in a fully active status, the customer to the bank to open an account, but also was introduced.The second stage is the 70 s to the 80 s, is based on sales of dominant strategy. 1975 barclays bank offered to occupy the market, improve market share, think that as long as there is
22、a market, you can have development.However, the expansion of market share did not bring the due returns, because blindly pursuing the customer number and scale of business resulted in a major increase of bad customer bad debts increasing, resulting in lower profits.The third stage is the 90 s, espec
23、ially since the mid - 90 - s, the bank take the market as the leading factor, is proposed to the customer as the center of the market development strategy, namely according to determine the needs of target customers, product development meet customer's need, and provide customers with comprehens
24、ive financial services.1、International comparison of commercial bank marketing strategyForeign commercial bank marketing theory has experienced five stages of development:Advertising, friendly service, financial innovation, service status.Section, analysis, planning and control phase, formed the per
25、fect commercial bank ,This article will select a representative sample of foreign commercial bank marketing strategies were briefly introduced.2、The marketing strategy of commercial Banks in the United StatesExperts point out that the commercial bank, focusing on commercial bank operation monitoring
26、, discover and provide to meet customer requirements of product is the key of the commercial bank operation and management, so the bank marketing work from the following several aspects.(1)、Provide targeted services and customer segments.(2)、Provide series of business services. Will be all kinds of
27、services and financial products are combined and form a complete set, on the whole solution and meet the needs of customers in the enterprise in different life cycle have different needs.(3)、Training "relationship manager". With different industries, regions, social relationships at all le
28、vels of customers, achieve account penetration and business development, guarantee for the customer at the same time, make the potential customers into reality "users".(4)、Establish a good reputation, to strengthen public relations.3、 Canada, the marketing strategy of commercial BanksRoyal
29、 bank of Canada, the Canadian imperial bank of commerce, bank of Montreal and Sue coty's bank four commercial Banks worldwide fame.Research results show that the internationalization of their key to success is to implement the correct competition strategy and the bank marketing strategy.In the e
30、arly 1980 s, the Canadian business development strategies of commercial Banks began to overhaul, and promote the internationalization marketing strategy.Such as 1980, the imperial bank of commerce to restructure institutions to establish a new international operators to enter the global market.In 19
31、82, bank of Montreal service object will extend to corporations and governments around the world. Coty, the bank established a worldwide information system, implement the strategy of all-round services of financial institutions.4、 Japan's marketing strategy of commercial BanksJapanese commercial
32、 Banks marketing experts think that Banks marketing strategy can be summed up as:(1)、The management system, support the implementation of marketing strategy to ensure the promotion of marketing strategy.(2)、Enhance channel construction, open up the market profit new point. Japanese commercial Banks
33、through the reorganization of the branch network, established the "eyes and ears" store, department stores, type "financial square", "family banking", etc., effectively to attract the customers.(3)、Strengthen the commercial Banks internal research and product developmen
34、t ability. Japanese commercial Banks created a new product in the field of bank - "internal business office", namely commercial Banks to provide enterprises with professional transactional work business agents, in order to reduce the enterprise investment spending (such as wages, etc.), to
35、 achieve win-win between Banks and enterprises.(4)、To build enterprise culture, shape the outstanding reputation of financial institutions.5、 Hong Kong bank marketing managementDeveloped financial markets contributed to HSBC in Hong Kong, the hang seng bank, bank of east Asia and other international
36、 well-known commercial Banks.Study found their marketing strategy.(1)、Market positioning is clear.Such as HSBC market positioning is "global finance, local wisdom", to emphasize it is an international bank, at the same time also stressed that regional differences.(2)、Humanized service cons
37、iderate considerate. Such as bank of hang seng bank known as Asia's best service; HSBC provides superior customer is global distinguished service.(3)、Set up good public image, pay attention to enterprise culture in the daily business on the penetration, to provide "high-quality goods"
38、service for customer service, "VIP to meet".1、Establish customer-focused business philosophy, and the basic operating principles as a bankThis concept includes the following aspects: the Banks to meet customer needs, meet customer needs better than bank products sales, customer relationshi
39、p strategy focuses on bank's target customers; Bank according to the customer's problems and change with the changing market conditions; Provide customers with solutions and way to solve the problem is the bank's responsibility; He all aspects of the bank wants to coordinate, to mobilize
40、 resources to provide clients with service, meet the needs of clients; Within Banks should strengthen cooperation, to form a team spirit.2、According to the customers not to be set up in banking institutions.Barclays bank institutions set to four departments: retail banking, corporate banking, invest
41、ment banking and capital markets. Which investment banking and capital markets business is basically concentrated in the headquarters, retail banking and corporate banking are in headquarters, regional branch, the branch hierarchy, reasonable division of the region. Within the retail bank and set up
42、 a retail customer department, customer service, financial services, credit card department, product development department, human resources, public relations, business support system, the company set up in the bank service department, the big company's customer service, human resources, public
43、relations, finance, risk.3、Implement customer manager systemFrom products as the center to customer as the center, western Banks widespread implementation of client manager system. Customer manager as an important bridge, contact the bank and the customer provides the omni-directional service for th
44、e customer. Customer demand for bank financial products don't have to looking for a bank's various products division, but by the customer manager can all be processed. Bank through the customer manager can also to overall grasp of the customer, unified customer strategy, rather than by each
45、product department directly face the customer like the past, the lack of contact and communication between different departments, thus it is difficult to make overall analysis and to customers. Task: to contact the bank customer manager, the general relationships between with customers; As a custome
46、r strategy, and financial staff; Research and analysis customer's needs and put forward the solution; Coordination and strive for the bank in all kinds of resources (i.e., products); Timely solve customer needs; Bank customers understand competition strategy timely put forward the countermeasures and Suggestions; Through management, service customer for bank to earn a reasonable return. Barclays bank for important personal customer (income or financial assets of more than 50000 pounds) has set up a customer manager, for large f
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