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1、八年級下冊短語詞組Unit1 Will people have robots1. have a robot有一個機(jī)器人2. in 100 years 在100年之內(nèi)3. live to be 200 years old 活到200歲4. study at home on computers 呆在家里通過電腦學(xué)習(xí)5. fall in love with sth. 愛上某物6. fewer people 更少的人7. less free time更少的時間8. less/more pollution 更少/更多的污染9. more tall buildings 更多的高樓10. live in a

2、n apartment/on a space station 住在公寓/空間站11. as a reporter 作為一名記者12. work near here 在這附近工作13. keep a pet parrot 養(yǎng)一只寵物鸚鵡14. during this week 在這一周期間15. live alone 一個人住16. in college 在大學(xué)17. space station空間站18. look smart 看上去聰明19. wear a suit 穿著西服20. dress more casually 穿著更隨便21. fly a rocket to the moon 乘

3、飛船飛往月球里22. win the next the World Cup 贏下一屆世界杯23. the head of the movie companies 電影公司總經(jīng)理24. twenty years from now 從現(xiàn)在算起20年25. for my job interview 為了我的工作面試26. wear a uniform to school 穿著校服去上學(xué)27. come true 變成現(xiàn)實(shí)28. be able to 能夠. . 得以. .29. help with the housework 幫助做家務(wù)30. get bored 變得無聊31. in the fut

4、ure 在將來32. Predicting the future will be difficult 預(yù)測未來將會很難33. many famous predictions 許多著名的預(yù)測34. have ones own robot 有某人自己的機(jī)器人35. hundreds of 數(shù)以百計(jì)的36. just like 正如37. seem impossible 看上去不可能38. see actors talk 看相聲39. win award 贏得獎品40. live in an apartment 住在公寓里41. no sound in movies 無聲電影42. never be

5、 used by most people 從不被大多數(shù)人利用43. in some science fiction/ movies在一些科幻小說/電影中44. do the most unpleasant job 做最不愉快的工作45. It may take hundreds of years 可能花費(fèi)幾百年的時間46. will be able to talk to people 將能和人類交談47. in 25 to 50 years 在25至50年的時間里48. do such jobs 做這樣的工作49. have less work to do 有更少的工作去做50. have m

6、any different shapes 有不同的形狀51. after an earthquake 地震之后52. help look for people under buildings 幫助尋找埋在樓下的人53.space rockets太空火箭54. electric toothbrushes 電動牙刷55. over and over again 反復(fù)56. five years ago 五年以前57. last year/summer/winter/spring/autumn/Monday 去年/去年夏天/上個周一58. interesting people 有趣的人59. wit

7、h my best friends 和我最好的朋友們60. at the weekends在每個周末61. in five years 在五年以后62. fewer trees 較少的樹63. live on a space station住在太空站64. in high school 在高中65. places to live 居住的地方66. a place to live 一個居住的地方67. computer programmer 電腦程序設(shè)計(jì)師68. look smart for my job interview看上去為我的工作面試很聰明69. I agree. 我同意。70. I

8、disagree. 我不同意。71. next time/Monday/month/year/summer 下一次/下個周一/明年/明年夏天72. keep a pet飼養(yǎng)寵物73. fly to the moon for vacation飛往月球去度假74. science fiction 科學(xué)幻想小說75. have pets 飼養(yǎng)寵物76. one day/sometime 將來有一天/將來某一時刻77. use sth to do sth 使用某物做某事78. make a belief 確信/相信79. again and again 一遍有一遍80. seem possible 看

9、起來很可能的81. some day 將來某一天82. the day after tomorrow 后天83. this afternoon 今天下午84. this evening 今天晚上85. this year 今年86. before long/soon 不久以后87. in the future 在將來88. in the future time 在將來某一時刻89. in two weeks/days 兩天以后/兩天以后90. 100 years from now 從現(xiàn)在算起100年以后91. uncountable nouns 不可數(shù)名詞92. make a list 列表9

10、3. science fiction movie 科學(xué)幻想電影94. take the train to the school 乘火車上學(xué)Unit 2 What should I do?1. stay at home 呆在家2. every night 每天晚3,play CDs 播放CD4,too loud 太吵5.out of style 過時的6,enough money 足夠的錢7. want to surprised him 想使他意外8,go to his house 去他家9,give him a ticket 給他一張票10,a ball game 一場球賽11,on the

11、phone 通過電話12,talk about their problems 談?wù)撍麄兊膯栴}13, talk about it on the phone 通過電話談?wù)撍?3,don't have any money沒有錢14,get some money 得一些錢15,pay for 支付16,summer camp 夏令營17,get a part-time job 做一份兼職工作18,have a bake sale 賣燒烤19. get a tutor得到一份家教20. be original 新穎的21. be in style 時髦的22,the radio advice p

12、rogram 電臺建議節(jié)目26,the same as 與。一樣27,the same clothes as 與。一樣的衣服28,get different clothes 買不同的衣服29,have a problem 有麻煩30,at school 在學(xué)校31,find out 發(fā)現(xiàn),找出32,last week 上周33. Everyone was invited except me除我之外每個人都被邀請了34. I'm very upset 我很難過35. fail my test 考試不及格36,after-school activities 課后活動37,busy enou

13、gh 足夠忙38,after school 放學(xué)后39,get home 到家40. the same age as me 與我同歲41. get on well with sb 與某人相處很好42. want to fight with my cousin 想和我的表哥打架43.give me some advice給我一些建議44. take her daughter to the piano lesson 帶我的女兒去上鋼琴課45. The tired children don't get home until 7:00 疲憊的孩子們直到七點(diǎn)鐘才到家46. have a quic

14、k breakfast 快快的吃完早飯47. pushy parents固執(zhí)的家長48. send their kids to all kinds of classes 把他們的孩子送往各種培訓(xùn)班49. compare them with other children把他們和其他的孩子相比50. try to plan their kids lives 試圖計(jì)劃他們孩子的生涯51,as much as possible 盡可能多52,too much pressure 太多的壓力53,get their kids a bit more time 給孩子更多的時間54. need organiz

15、ed activities 需要有組織的活動55,take part in 參加56,all kinds of 各種各樣的57,on the one hand 在一方面58,on the other hand 在另外一方面59,by oneself 親自60,have free time to relax有空閑時間放松61. over the phone 通過電話63. argue with sb. 和某人爭吵64. to ones surprise 使某人驚訝的是65. write letters/a letter 寫信66. write sb. a letter寫給某人一封信68. cal

16、l sb. up 給某人打電話69. ring sb. up給某人打電話70. a ticket to一張去的票71. a ticket for一張的票72. feel sb.do sth 感到某人做某事73. feel sb.doing sth感到某人在做某事74. There are lots of things you could do. 有許多你可以做的事情。75. borrow sth. from 從借入76. make/earn some money 掙錢/賺錢77. pay some money for sth付錢買78. look for 尋找79. get a job as

17、a tutor找到一份家教的工作80. in fashion流行/時髦/時尚81. be in trouble有麻煩/陷入麻煩之中82. fail to pass the exam考試不及格83. know about/of 知道有關(guān)/了解有關(guān)84. know sth about /of知道有關(guān)/了解有關(guān)的情況85. a mother of three children一位三個孩子的母親86. join a club加入/參加一個俱樂部87. buy gifts for my family給我的家人買禮物88. need some money to buy 需要一些錢來買89. get som

18、e money to do sth弄到一些錢來做某事90. from activity to activity從活動到活動91. Its time for sth./doing sth.到做某事的時候了。92. Its time to do sth.做某事的時候到了。93. I left my homework at home.我把我的作業(yè)落在家里了。94. have the same haircut as I do. 和我留著一樣的發(fā)型95. learn sth from sb./sth.向?qū)W習(xí)96. learn how to do sth. 學(xué)習(xí)怎樣作某事98. fight for sb.

19、/sth為而戰(zhàn)100. some advice on一些有關(guān)的意見101. compare sth./sb. to把比作102. under the pressure of在的壓力之下103. many different kinds of 許多不同種類的104. have time/trouble/problems/difficulties (in doing sth.有時間/麻煩/問題/困難做某事105. be fit for適合106. complain about 抱怨107. pullout of 把從拉出來108. push out of把從拉出來109. be crazy at/

20、 about非常喜歡110. compare A with B把A和B相比111. try doing sth試著做某事112. try to do sth試圖做好某事113. keep out不讓進(jìn)入/阻止進(jìn)入114. either or或者或者115. succeed in sth/doing sth在某一方面取得成功/成功做某事116. fail to do sth做某事失敗117. ask sb.for sth向某人要某物118. ask sb. to do sth叫某人做某事119. get sb. to do sth讓某人做某事120. My friends were planni

21、ng a birthday party for my best friend.我的朋友們正在為我的最好的朋友計(jì)劃組織一個生日聚會。121. plan for為而計(jì)劃122. I cant think what I did wrong.我無法想象我所做的什么地方錯啦。123. invite sb. to do sth邀請某人做某事124. invite sb to邀請某人到125. I dont know what I do.我不知道該做些什么。127. talk about sth. with sb. 和某人談?wù)撚嘘P(guān)什么128. be angry about / at sth./ with s

22、b生某事的氣/生某人的氣129. return sth to sb把某物還給某人130. return sb. sth= give sth back還給某人某物131. return to = go back to 返回到133. phone sb. 給某人打電話Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?1、in front of在.的前面(外部2.in barber shop理發(fā)店3. in the bathroom/kitchen在浴室/廚房4. stand in front of the library站在圖書館前面5. sleep l

23、ate睡懶覺6. cook dinner 作飯7. get out of shower從浴室出來8.talk on the phone通過電話交談9. land on the Center Street 降落在中心大街10.the Museum of Flight航天博物館11.go into a souvenir shop 進(jìn)入一家禮品店11. buy a souvenir 買紀(jì)念品12. call the police/TV station 給警察/電視臺打電話13.take off 起飛14. walk down the street 沿街散步15. have an unusual ex

24、perience 有一次不尋常的經(jīng)歷16. Isn't that amazing ?難道那不是瘋狂的嗎?17.right in front of me 就在我前面18. be surprised to do sth 作某事感到很吃驚19. too scared太恐怖了!20. see a cat in a tree 看到樹上有一只貓21. at the train station在火車站22.shout his name叫他的名字23.hear the news of the important events 聽到重要新聞消息24. on April 14th, 1968. 在1968

25、年4 月14 日。25. in the modern American history 在美國現(xiàn)代歷史上26.In the city of Memphis.在孟斐斯(古埃及城市,廢墟在今開羅之南城27. hear about the event 聽到這件事27.have fun in the playground 在操場上玩的開心28. take place about 30 years ago.發(fā)生在30 年前29 .jump down 跳下來30.take a photo照相,拍照31. police officer 警官32.New York 紐約33.run away 逃跑,逃掉34.

26、 Beijing International Airport 北京國際機(jī)場35. at the doctor's 在醫(yī)務(wù)室36. at that time那時37. in silence默默的38. in more recent times 在更近的日子里39.was destroyed by terrorists被恐怖分子破壞40. as terrible as 像.一樣恐怖42. all over the world 全世界43. in space 在太空44. last about 22 hours 持續(xù)了大約22小時45. in the front of 在.的前面(內(nèi)部46.

27、 at/in back of 在的后面(外部47. at/in the back of 在.的后面48. at the front 在前面49. in front 在前面50. in the barbers 在理發(fā)店51. make/cook supper/make /cook a meal/do some cooking 做飯52. call ones name 叫某人的名字53. hear of 聽說54. in the city of Beijing 在北京市55. from then on 從那時起56. at that moment 在那時57.keep silence/order/

28、quiet 保持安靜58. in universe 在宇宙中59.Im sorry at the bad news 聽到這個壞消息我感到很難過60.all over the country 整個國家61.stay up late 很晚才睡覺62.talk over the phone 通過電話交談63.buy something for sb 給某人買某物64.buy sb sth 給某人買某物65.walk alone the street 獨(dú)自走在街上66.on the 14th of April 在四月十四日67.jump off/jump down from 跳離68.see sb d

29、o sth 看見某人做某事69.while,when當(dāng).時候70.at around ten oclock in the morning 在上午大約十點(diǎn)整71.at nine oclock last Sunday morning 在上周日上午9點(diǎn)整72.newspaper reporter 報(bào)社記者73.outside the station 在車站外74.say to sb =tell sb 告訴某人75.be helpful for sb to do sth 對某人做某事有幫助76.It is a good idea( for sbto do sth that 對某人做某事是個好主意77.

30、on this day ,on that day 在這一天. 在那一天78.die of 死于疾病die from 死于災(zāi)禍79.have meaning to most Americans 對大多數(shù)的美國人有影響80.Not all events部分否定81.remember sb to sb代某人向某人問好82.the first Chinese astronaut in space 第一位中國太空宇航員83.the flight around the earth 圍繞地球的飛行84.do sth for the first time 第一次做.85.say sth to sb 對某人說.

31、Unit 4 He said I was hard- working1.have a surprised party 舉辦一場驚喜聚會2. be mad at 對.非常憤怒、惱火3. first of all首先,第一4 pass on 把.傳給.5.bring some drinks and snacks to Marcia's house把一些飲料和小吃帶到Marcia的房子6. work on a homework project研究家庭作業(yè)計(jì)劃7. be supposed to do sth認(rèn)為必須做某事,認(rèn)為應(yīng)該做某事,認(rèn)為.必要8.hard-working 工作努力的9.

32、do well in 再某方面做的好,擅長10.be in good/por health 身體健康/虛弱的11.get nervous= feel nervous變的/感覺緊張12. have a hard time with sth 在某方面感到很困難13. have a big fight with sb與.打大一場14. copy one's homework 抄某人的作業(yè)15.do her own work 做他自己的工作16. in a poor mountain village在貧困的山區(qū)17. sound like fun to you 聽起來很像你想的那樣好18. t

33、he Peking university graduate北京大學(xué)畢業(yè)生19. as a volunteer on a one-year-programmer作為一個一年起教育援助計(jì)劃的志援者20.the Ministry of education教育部長21.send 100 volunteer to teach in China's rural area派100 個志愿著到中國貧困地區(qū)去21. end-of-year exam 年終考試22. report card 成績報(bào)告單23.get mad 變瘋24. get over恢復(fù),克服25.send.to 把.送給26.agree

34、 with her daughter's decision 支持他女兒的決定27.most of the students 大部分學(xué)生28. between.and在兩者之間29. sea level 海平面30.open up my student's eyes打開我學(xué)生的視野31.Chinese Young Pioneer中國少先隊(duì)30.care for wild animals in danger 照料,照顧瀕臨危險(xiǎn)的動物31 live in school dormitories住在學(xué)校宿舍32.do better in 在作的更好33.for ever永遠(yuǎn)34. be

35、crazy at / about對。癡迷35. at first首先36. ask the directions to問路37. take a message to sb /for sb給某人捎個口信38. pass on sth to sb傳給某人某物39. tell the truth說實(shí)話40. tell a lie說謊41. copy down /write down抄下。記下42. make a decision / make a decision to do sth下決心/下決心做某事43. make up ones mind 下決心44. make up ones mind to

36、 do sth下決心做某事45. have a influence在某方面有影響46. care about介意。在乎47. be careful to do sth小心做某事48. be in danger在危險(xiǎn)中49. at the end /in the end最后,最終50. be good at 擅長51. be weak in在。弱52. take it easy別緊張53. have a difficulty in在某方面有困難54. fight for為。而戰(zhàn)斗55. agree with sb同意某人56. not any more/ any longer不再no more

37、= no longer不再57. school report學(xué)校成績單58. take a note做筆記59. send sb to do sth派某人去做某事60. have a hard time to do sth做某事很困難61. do a homework project做一項(xiàng)作業(yè)62. A calls you with a message for CA打電話叫你個C捎個口信63. the envelop from school in the mail來自學(xué)校的郵件64. be surprised to do sth做某事而感到驚奇65. Its right for sb to d

38、o sth對某人來說做某事是對的66. Its wrong of sb to do sth對某人來說做某事是錯的67. by mail通過郵件68. It is / was + 強(qiáng)調(diào)部分+that +強(qiáng)調(diào)句型69. Its just that I find science really difficult只是我發(fā)現(xiàn)理科太難了70. a disappointing report一個令人失望的結(jié)果71. It all started when she asked me if she could copy my homework事情是這樣開始的72. ask sb if / weather問某人是否

39、73. experience different things 經(jīng)歷不同的事74. finish ones study完成學(xué)業(yè)75. agree sb to do sth 同意某人做某事76. talk to sb對某人講談77. return to /go back to返回78. I cant do anything about that/it我無能為力79. money for education教育經(jīng)費(fèi)80. start a bad habit / raise(get a good habit of養(yǎng)成一個壞(好習(xí)慣81. be sure =believe= make a belief

40、確信82. Its much better that / if.(主語,條件83. feel sick生病,感到遺憾84. There is no difference between and沒有區(qū)別85. put on 穿上Unit5 If you go to the party, you'll have a good time!1.wear jeans 穿牛仔褲2. take the bus to the party 乘公共汽車去聚會3.study for the test為考試學(xué)習(xí)4.make some food做一些食物5.watch a video看電視6. organize

41、/play the party games 組織/玩聚會游戲7.take away帶走8. make a lot of money 賺許多錢9.stay at home 呆在家10. be able to do sth能夠做某事11. get an education 接受教育12.ride one's bike 騎自行車13. have a great time 過的很開心14. the rules for school parties 學(xué)校聚會規(guī)則15. during the party在聚會期間16. shout at party 在聚會上大聲吵鬧17. bring your I

42、D card帶上你的身份證18. school clean-up 學(xué)校大掃除19. Children's hospital visit 拜訪兒童醫(yī)院20. as lucky as和 一樣幸運(yùn)21. enjoy oneself玩的高興22.How to get to your house怎樣到達(dá)你家23. 上大學(xué)go to college24. too much太多25.a professional player/ athlete一個職業(yè)運(yùn)動員26. seem like a dream job看上去像一份理想的工作27. make a living謀生28 doing sth you l

43、ove 做你喜歡的事29. give money to school and charities給學(xué)校和慈善機(jī)構(gòu)捐錢30. a great chance 一個很好的機(jī)會31. have many problems 有很多麻煩32. all the time 一直. 總是33. travel all over the world周游世界34. make life difficult使生活變的艱難35.have difficult time knowing36. in fact 事實(shí)上37.become rich and famous變的富有和出名38. Join the Lions 加入雄師俱樂

44、部39.get injured受傷40. an ideal job理想的工作41. in fact 事實(shí)上42.become a teacher 成為老師43. go to the movies 去看電影44. finish my homework完成我的作業(yè)45. get up late起床晚了46. get enough exercise 得到足夠的鍛煉47. I am a good cook 我是一名廚師48.help others 幫助他人49 .forget your address忘了你的地址50.dinning room飯廳51.mobile phone 手機(jī),移動電話52.la

45、ugh at 嘲笑53. dye their hair brown把他們的頭發(fā)染成棕色54. in order that/in order to /so as to 為了55. live on以為生56. explain sth to sb 向某人解釋57. by the /a chance 偶爾58. be against sb/ sth 反對某人/某物59. be/get dressed in/ be in/ have o n穿著60. take the taxi from the airport to the bank 從機(jī)場打的到銀行61. the school rules 學(xué)校規(guī)章6

46、2. shout at sb對著某人喊63. shout to sb朝著某人喊64. do some cleaning大掃除65. a visit to Beijing 去北京的參觀66. devote to 捐獻(xiàn)給.67. have (no problems/difficulties/trouble/time in doing sth 沒問題做某事68. travel to到旅行69. go to see a film去看電影70. enough to do sth 足以做71. a good time to have the party 舉行聚會的好時光72. the old people

47、s home 敬老院73. play sports for a living運(yùn)動為了謀生74. end of year party年終聚會75. put on 穿上76. be wearing穿著77. make /have sb do sth 使/讓某人做某事78. on ones/the bike 騎自行車79. during winter vocation在寒假期間81. much too +adj/adv 太82. earn a living 謀生83. as a matter of fact 事實(shí)上84. be at the cinema看電影85. dinning hall 餐廳8

48、6. smile at sb 朝某人微笑Unit6 How long have you been collecting shells?1 a pair of一雙,一副2. run out of 用完,耗盡3. be interested in 對感興趣4 by the way順便說,順便問一聲5. thousands of people 數(shù)千人6.more than 多于7.collect shells收集貝殼8.raise money for charity為慈善事業(yè)酬錢9.skating marathon滑冰馬拉松10. the first one to start 第一個開始的人11.t

49、hree and a half year 三年半12.collect stamps 收集郵票13. anyone else其他任何人14.in fact 事實(shí)上15.a talent show 才藝展示16. what's your hobby 你有什么愛好17. in the way 阻礙18. in this way 用這種方法19. on the way to 在去的路上20. have/has been + ving 已經(jīng)在做事情21. Im talking to you from我正在地方向你報(bào)導(dǎo)22. the snow globe of the monster 怪物雪球23

50、. on my seventh birthday在我第七個生日24. something with in it /them 里面帶有25. start a snow globe collectors club組織一個雪球俱樂部26. organize a talent show組織一次才藝表演27. the school newspaper 學(xué)校板報(bào)28. free topics to different things 對不同事物的自由話題29. make a list 列表30. reading strategy 閱讀策略31. be in style具有的風(fēng)格32. be hard to

51、do sth很難做33. for a foreigner like me 對一個象我這樣的外國人來說Unit7 Would you mind turn down the music?1. clean the yard 打掃院子2. play baseball打棒球3. move your bike 挪動你的自行車4. turn down the music 關(guān)小音樂5。turn up 開大6. right away 立刻,馬上7.Would you like mind ding the dishes你介意洗盤子嗎?8.Would you mind wearing those old jeans

52、 你介意穿上這些舊牛仔褲嗎?9. get up 起床10. in a minute 在一分鐘之內(nèi)11.get out of the bathroom 走出浴室12. put on another pair穿上另外一雙13. look terrible 看起來很可怕14. be at a meeting 正在開會15. not at all 根本不;一點(diǎn)也不16. need your help17. feed the dog 喂狗18. return the book to the library 把書歸還給圖書館19. finish the task 完成任務(wù)20. no problem 沒問

53、題21. complain about sth./doing sth. 抱怨某事,抱怨做某事22.help me with my homework 在作業(yè)方面幫助我23.give you a terrible haircut 你的頭理的極為難看24.order a hamburger with French fries 叫一份帶暑條的漢堡包25.would you mind giving me a smaller one 你介意給我一個更小一點(diǎn)的嗎?26. wait in line 排隊(duì)等待27.cut in line 插隊(duì)28. have a long telephone conversat

54、ion 電話長談29. follow sb. around 跟隨在某人左右30. get mad/angry 生氣31. get annoyed 變的不耐煩34. go back to返回35. want to be polite 想有禮貌36. try to do sth. 盡力去做某事37. try not to do sth盡力不做某事36. spend some time花費(fèi)一些時間37. an English-speaking country 一個說英語的國家38.social behavior社會行為39. in every country or every situation在每

55、一個國家或在每一種情況下40. feel uncomfortable 感到不舒服41.in all situations在所有的情況下42. talk loudly 大聲談話43. movie theater 電影院44. even if 即使45. keep your voice down 小聲說話46. take care not to do sth小心不做某事47. in public (places 公開48. if possible 如果可能49. break the rule 違反記律49.give them some suggestions 給他們一些建議50. one of the most polite ways最有禮貌的方式之一51. put out the cigarette 把煙熄滅52. rule of etiquette 禮節(jié)規(guī)則53. drop litter 扔垃圾54. pick it up 把它撿起來55. mind doing sth介意做某事56. mind ones doing st


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