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1、to focunsg andducationprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,sopreci siontofindtheproblem,laying asolidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction.Bto makechange.Forche ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedrectification Taiwan account,a ndtake spe cialsupervisi on,and on accountPIN,app

2、roach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,andthat knowthatmodifiepracti ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topic education problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificati一I. -I - - I _ I on results, str ongonglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor&qu

3、ot;,and Chiandendless corre cted "fourwind", andregulation masses si de ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance morepowerf ul,and problemsolution more completely.Third,we must consolidatepartymembers whofocuson theoutsta ndi ng issues, combi ning conce ntratedtues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue

4、s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,ifit doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goeI _L. L IL. I I_ 一 I,_一 - .- .-.一 - -.- II. I.nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to ts

5、throughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousnessof problemsa.一- .L . .1 .1 一 I > - 一he spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Official Communistduty.To fulfilltheparty's purpose,mai ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain

6、 pioneer,pioneerind insiste d on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep investigation into change,modification.Ac hecke dswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose d to- - LJ 一 一 一 一一 - 一 .- -.一. 一 一- - . I , - 一 I . Icc

7、ountPIN,approach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,andthat knowthatmodified, whilefocusedon put "twolear na do" learningeducation rectification wit h grasppartyofmass lineerid to focunsg andducationandenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -ofon soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswave -.

8、 LLI 1n of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefull ndself-di scipli neaware nessis notstrong一I. -I - - I _ I on combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha s made ofrectificatiefullplayto adva nng,depresse d,sixissuation results, str onga ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce da

9、nd typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding a s an opportunitytoawardinxissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleading cadres a bovethe county levelshallfocus on further refinement

10、tothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty membera一- . , 一 .一一 -J 一一一. - .一 一 , _ 一J一一 一endless corre cted "fourwind", andregulation masses si de of abuse s,ensurew ork advance morepowerf ul,and problemsolution more completely.Third,we mn recognition ofa numberof outstanding party members'adv

11、anced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,and putthe pioneertrees.nd every cadre,al so re quires a com binationofact ual andcontroll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with theirow nspecific- 一一 一.I _ -.一一 - I-.一一-.一一 - 一 , -.II - - - . L toguarante

12、e s and improved livelihood, construction more hig h ecologi calvitality happi nessof city. La styear,we carryout "three -three"activitiesasa "three-thr ee" spe ciale ducation importa nt,finde ducation andeffective platformtofacilitatethe combinationofwork.Referencethisa goodprac

13、tices, provi ncial,and municipaldecided in "twolearna do" lear ninge ducation inthe carrie d out "five check fiveprom oting",the CountyDistri ct units toinsiste d put"two learn a do" lear ning education and "five check fivepromoting" organi cfusion,andcomm ona

14、 dvance,do oneplan layout,andone organizati on impl ementation,put carried out "two learn ado"situati on,a nd"five checkfivepromoti ng"situation as partyworkeval uation ofimportantContent,asan im portantaspectofmutualevaluation on party members,testing as a n importa nt basisforl

15、eading bodies and lea ding cadres' performanceand guidethe broad massesof party membersand cadresto study educationopens uptothemain economi cand social devel opment.At present ,the overallsmoothe conomic operati onin ourcity, butdownward pressureis stillhigh,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtest

16、s. Meanwhile,coincides withthecit y,Countyandtownshi pparty committeesthi syeargeneralelectionyear,how to really chooseloyal, clea nand servesa s agood cadre, ir on discipli neofGe neralFeng Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun, swapped out Powerfulgoodsit uation,is areal testforallofus. Generalworkon "two"

17、; to studythe effectofeducationinspection,if thetrueserie sof partyrul esand Constit utionspeakswell and truly becomea qualifiedparty member,naturallywe ca ndealwith advance andretreat left turn treatment,properorgani zationalarrangeme nts andsel ection,proper treatment ofpersonal interests.o put ca

18、rried out"two le arnado" learning education w ithdo reform developme ntstabl ethe work combine d up,and seriously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjobcombinedup, and g uarantee s improvelivelihood,a nd promote social harmonycombine dup,andcompletedthetask combine d中小學(xué)信息技術(shù)教案全集第 1 課 信息和信息處理工具(信息教案

19、)教學(xué)目的和要求1、了解什么是信息;2、了解如何描述信息以及對信息進(jìn)行獲取、傳遞、處理的各種技術(shù);3、知道計算機(jī)技術(shù)和通信技術(shù)是兩種重要的信息技術(shù);4、了解信息高速公路;教學(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn):信息的各種心態(tài)及其本質(zhì)含義。教學(xué)方法:1 、從感性認(rèn)識到理性認(rèn)識,啟發(fā)學(xué)生對問題深入思考。2、電腦動畫課件教學(xué)。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備:1 、電教室內(nèi)利用電腦播放自制的教學(xué)課件。2、課前打開電腦。教學(xué)過程一、新課引入1、什么是信息?你知道嗎?(學(xué)生回答)簡單地說,信息就是指對人么有用的數(shù)據(jù)、消息。(有用,即有價值。信息具有價值)2、信息無處不在,無時不有。(舉例啟發(fā)后,請學(xué)生自己舉例)只要我們留意一下周圍世界, 就會發(fā)現(xiàn)信息

20、無處不在, 無時不有。十字路口的信號燈 教室里的板書,掛圖 圖書館里的書報 春節(jié)聯(lián)歡晚會的現(xiàn)場直播 大自然也無時 無刻不在向我們傳發(fā)出各種各樣的信息 可用幻燈片展示以上圖片二、新課教學(xué)解釋:“ 一、信息通常是指數(shù)據(jù)、消息中所含的意義?!笨茖W(xué)角度研究的信息主要指:一是經(jīng)過計算機(jī)技術(shù)處理的資料和數(shù)據(jù),如文字、 圖形、 影像、聲音等;二是經(jīng)過科學(xué)采集、存儲、復(fù)制、分類、檢測、查找等處理后的信息產(chǎn)品的集合。信息是事物運(yùn)動的狀態(tài)和存在方式而不是事物本身。它必須借助某種符號才能表現(xiàn)出來,而這些符號通常人們用數(shù)據(jù)來記錄它?!岸?、信息技術(shù)主要是指人們獲取、存儲、傳遞、處理信息的各種技術(shù),計算機(jī)技術(shù)和通訊技術(shù)是

21、兩種重要的信息技術(shù)?!?利用電腦動態(tài)展示以下三種重要的信息技術(shù)“1 、信息的獲取”人腦的大部分信息是通過視覺和感覺器觀獲得的;電腦中的信息主要是通過諸如鍵盤、鼠標(biāo)、語音識別等電腦輸入設(shè)備,掃描儀、傳感器等電子感測裝置來獲取?!? 、信息的傳遞”信息只有通過交流才能發(fā)揮效益。烽火狼煙、飛馬傳書、信鴿遠(yuǎn)飛報紙、電報、電話、廣播微波、光纜、衛(wèi)星、計算機(jī)網(wǎng)絡(luò)“3 、信息的處理”信息處理是指將信息縮小、放大、分類、編輯、分析、計算,加工成某種要求的數(shù)據(jù)形式,如繪制圖形、打印報表等。ngthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritcom plete system, p

22、ayclose attentiontosystem implemeon and stri ctmanagement,solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lo" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkingwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Center, serving theoverallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriented andprom oteefficiency.nni

23、 ngfullbuilt societythis ace ntraland workoverall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunitiesand powerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmembersca dresinsisteddevelopmentfirst priority,a ctiveada pted e co nomic developmentnew normal, consciouslypractice linefive bigdevel opment

24、conce pt,effectivegraspsupply siestructuralreform- I 一I 'I Iconomic operatihetask combinein ourcity, butdownward -| 一 .一.-.一 -一一.一 - Ipressureis stillhig h,face d anumberof challe ngesa ndtests. Mea nwhile,coincide s witht一- .- -I I.I L -practices, provi ncia l,and municipaldeL - I . >-eally

25、chooseloyal,clea nand servesacided in "twolearnas agood cadre, ir on disciplineofGe neralFeng- - II-.Qing Qi, Qi, QiShun, swappedout Powerfulgoodsituation,is areal testforallofus. Generalworkon "two" to studythe effectofeducationinspesof partyrulesand Constit utionspeakswellI - . IL.

26、I _ _-I ._L. _ - san im portanta.>II .1JspectofmutualevaluatiL >_onn party members,testi- .I -o put carried out"two learnang as an importado" learni ng educatint basisforleaon wding bodiJIw ithdo reform developme ntstablethe workcombine d up,and serously do Centerw ork,and dailyandjo

27、bcombinedup, a nd g uarantee s improvetues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, HongqiCange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,if it doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goeI _L. L IL. I I_ 一 I,_一 - .- .-.一 - -.- II. I.nalsp

28、irit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to tsthroughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousnessof problemsa.一- .L . .1 .1 一 I > - 一he spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourto devoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Officialnd insiste d on problem -oriente d,p

29、r oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep i- - LJ 一 一 一 一一 - 一 .pcukerpose,maii ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeridswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose dandenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthe

30、well -on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswa -. LLI 1n of party organi zationsatalll evelsshould givefullndself-di scipli neaware nessis notstrongplayto adva n,depresse d,sixissuva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty me

31、mberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary offounding as an opportunitytoaward in recognition ofa numberofxissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andleading cadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty

32、 membera nd every cadre,al一- . , 一 .一一 -J 一 , _ 一J一一 一 一 _一 一 一outstanding party members'advanced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,and putthe pioneertrees.quiresa combination ofact ualand controll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with their

33、ow nspecific.一 . _._ - I. 一.一一一 一 一一.一 , -. I I 一 .一 一 一 our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,some電子計算機(jī)是信息處理機(jī)?!叭?、信息社會”人類進(jìn)入20 世紀(jì)以后,科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展速度越來越快,當(dāng)今信息同物質(zhì)、能源一樣重要,是人類生存和社會發(fā)展的三大基本資源之一,是社會發(fā)展水平的重要標(biāo)志。甚至人們把今天的社會稱為信息社會?!靶畔⑸鐣且孕畔⑸a(chǎn)為中心,促進(jìn)政治和經(jīng)濟(jì)迅速發(fā)展起來的社會?!毙畔⑸鐣o每個人帶來機(jī)遇和挑戰(zhàn)?!八?、信息高速公路 信息高速公路 是一個計算機(jī)技術(shù)和通訊技術(shù)為基礎(chǔ),以光導(dǎo)纖維(也叫光

34、纜)為干線,集電腦、電視、電話為一體,以各種圖、文、聲、像等信息為 貨物 ,覆蓋面廣(遍布全球)的高速傳輸?shù)男畔⒕W(wǎng)?!?利用電腦展示什么是信息高速公路全課總結(jié)1、什么是信息?2、信息技術(shù)包括哪些重要的技術(shù)?3、為什么有人稱現(xiàn)代社會為信息社會呢?4、什么是信息高速公路?二、我國計算機(jī)事業(yè)的發(fā)展雖然我國計算機(jī)事業(yè)起步較晚,但發(fā)展很快。1956 年我國開始規(guī)劃電子計算機(jī)研制工作,1957 年由中國科學(xué)院計算機(jī)研究所和北京有線電廠著手進(jìn)行,1958 年 8 月 1 日成功地研制出了第一臺電子管計算機(jī),即DJS-1 型計算機(jī),這臺計算機(jī)共計用了4200 個電子管、4000 個晶體二極管,每秒鐘運(yùn)算速度是

35、1 萬次。此后,在我國計算機(jī)科學(xué)工作者的努力下,計算機(jī)事業(yè)發(fā)展迅速,1964 年每秒鐘運(yùn)算5萬次的晶體管計算機(jī)正式投入運(yùn)行,1973年以集成電路為主要元器件的150 型和 665 型計算機(jī)相繼研制成功。1983 年 2 月每秒鐘運(yùn)算達(dá)1億次的銀河-I 巨型計算機(jī)由中國國防科學(xué)大學(xué)在長沙研制成功,1992 年 11 月每秒鐘運(yùn)算10億次的銀河-II 巨型計算機(jī)研制成功,1997 年 11 月每秒鐘運(yùn)算達(dá)100 億次的銀河-III 巨型計算機(jī)研制成功,標(biāo)志著我國計算機(jī)技術(shù)已經(jīng)快入了國際先進(jìn)行列。第 2 課 計算機(jī)的組成( 信息教案)【教學(xué)目的與要求】(1)了解計算機(jī)組成各部分的名稱和作用。(2)知

36、道什么是計算機(jī)軟件,了解計算機(jī)軟件的作用。(3)了解計算機(jī)處理信息的過程?!菊n時安排】建議 1 課時?!窘虒W(xué)重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)】(1)計算機(jī)是由特定功能的各種設(shè)備組合在一起的一個整體。(2)計算機(jī)硬件和軟件的概念?!窘滩姆治雠c教法建議】1 在講授計算機(jī)硬件時建議采用直觀教學(xué)法,教師通過展示計算機(jī)的各組成部分,讓學(xué)生體驗到計算機(jī)是由中央處理器 (CPU)、存儲器、輸入設(shè)備和輸出設(shè)備等組成的。2通過觀看錄像(介紹計算機(jī)基本組成)讓學(xué)生體驗感受計算機(jī)的基本組成。ectificationand strengtheningthemanag ementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofre

37、formshort ofthecompletesystem,payclose attentiontosystem implementation, really makethe partyorganizati onand partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement, solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe lead,besur eto pr omoteefficiency."Two" education, noton education educati onal, notw orkin

38、gwit hthe Centretwo, muststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency. Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winni ngfullbuilt societythis ace ntraland work overall, putca

39、rrie doutlearni ngeducation aspromote dworkof importantopportunities andpowerfulpowe r,gui de Generalmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new normal, consciouslypractice linefive bigdevel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,

40、recognition ofa numberofnd every cadre,alto focunsg andducationprobl emsto learn Constituti on Partyrules,seri es,address,sopreci siontofindtheproblem,laying asolidfoundation for furthercorre ctiveaction.Bto makechange.Forche ckput ofproblem, throughestablishedrectification Taiwan account,a ndtake s

41、pe cialsupervisi on,and on accountPIN,approach,insi sted dosidelearn side modified,andthat knowthatmodifiepracti ce activitie s and"threestrict threereal" topic education problemrectification combi ned up, consolidati on e xpande d ha I onglycorrecte d"forofficernotfor",and Chian

42、dendless corre cted "fourwind", andregulation masses si de ofabuse s,ensurew ork advance morepowerf ul,and problemsolution more completely.Third,we must consolidatepartymembers whofocuson theng issuestues,pra ctici ng theSocialistcorevalue s,vigor ously carryforwardthe spiritofJiaoYulu, Ho

43、ngqiCange into.Lear ning to tea chEducation in or dertosolvethe problem,if it doe s not solvethe problem, itwillform, goeI _L. L IL. I I_ 一 I,_一 - .- .-.一 - -.- II. I.nalspirit andspiritof persistence, honesty i n politics, strictstatesman,stick to tsthroughthe motions.To stre ngthe n theconsci ousn

44、essof problemsa.一- .L . .1 .1 一 I > - 一he spiritual heights oftheCommunists.Fourtodevoti on,as,do playa role i n qualifying.Officialnd insiste d on problem-oriente d,pr oblem -solvi nglearni ngeducationfortraction,truly deep i- - LJ 一 一 一 一一 - 一 .pcukerpose,maii ntainforthe peoplethemselves,a nd

45、dedi cation,dev otion,maintain pioneer,pioneeridswi ng. Lear ning e ducationprogrammeforparty-buildi ng in ourcity a ctually propose dandenter prising spirit,a ctiveatthewell -on soluti on offuzzyideal sand beli efswa -. LLI 1incentivefuncti on of party organi zationsatalll eaksense,honestyand self

46、-discipli neawareevelsshould givefull nessis notstrongs made ofrectificatiefullplayto adva nng,depresse d,sixissuation results, str ongva ncedmodel s,esta blish a re prese ntative, adva nce dand typical ofthe times,a nd gui dethe broa d masse sofparty memberstoemulate. Inhonor ofthe95 a nniversary o

47、ffounding a s an opportunitytoawardinxissue sofethi cal misconductstudy contentsspe cific pr ogrammesforallpartymembers andlea ding cadres a bovet he county levelshal lfocus on further refinementtothe problems.Specifictoeveryparty membera一- . , 一 .一一 -J 一 , _ 一J一一 一outstanding party members'adva

48、nced grass-roots party organizati ons, outstanding partyworkers,and putthe pioneertrees.re quiresa com binationofact ualand controll ed,focuse d and really putyour selfin, peoplese e thing s,see ,with th eirow nspecific.一 . _._ - I. 一.一一一 一 一一. 一 , -. I I 一 .一 一 一 our a chieveme nts. Formorepublic,s

49、ome-一一 3教師還可以在計算機(jī)教室中實際地拆裝計算機(jī),讓學(xué)生感受計算機(jī)的基本組成。如果學(xué)校條件許可還可以分小組,在教師的指導(dǎo)下,在切斷電源的情況下,由學(xué)生拆裝計算機(jī),親身體驗,了解計算機(jī)的各組成部分。值得注意的是,學(xué)生分小組拆裝計算機(jī)后,必須經(jīng)計算機(jī)教師檢查合格,各接插件均符合要求后才可以通電開機(jī)。在說明計算機(jī)的基本組成時可以分兩個方面來說,一個是從外觀上看,計算機(jī)由主機(jī)箱、鍵盤和顯示器組成,二是從邏輯組成來看,即控制器、運(yùn)算器、存儲器、輸入設(shè)備、輸出設(shè)備,在教學(xué)過程中要講清楚。4講授計算機(jī)軟件時,可以結(jié)合我們的計算機(jī)操作系統(tǒng)、平時利用計算機(jī)處理相關(guān)工作。5通過教學(xué)讓學(xué)生知道,計算機(jī)僅僅由

50、硬件,沒有軟件是沒有辦法進(jìn)行工作的,計算機(jī)再怎么聰明,沒有人編寫系統(tǒng)軟件或應(yīng)用軟件,它也沒有辦法進(jìn)行處理?!緟⒖假Y料】一、計算機(jī)的硬件和軟件現(xiàn)代的計算機(jī)面對用戶的不再是簡單的、由電子線路組成的機(jī)器,而是由硬件和軟件兩部分組成的計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)。1 硬件計算機(jī)硬件從外觀上看主要有主機(jī)箱、鍵盤和顯示器,從邏輯功能上可以分為控制器、運(yùn)算器、 存儲器、輸入設(shè)備、輸出設(shè)備五個部分,一般地又把運(yùn)算器和控制器合稱為中央處理器。判斷一臺計算機(jī)的性能主要看兩個指標(biāo),第一是CPU 的型號與主頻,第二是總線類型。打開計算機(jī)主機(jī)箱,里面有一塊印刷電路板,這就是計算機(jī)的主機(jī)板(簡稱主板),一般地,計算機(jī)的重要控件都坐在計算機(jī)

51、的主板上。主板的類型和品種很多,從類型上來說,它們都是以 CPU 來分類的,CPU 芯片在主板上是可以插拔的。主板上還許多部件,如 ROM 、 RAM 、總線槽、插座、電池等。(1)CPUCPU 是中央處理器(Central Processing Unit) 的英文縮寫,它是計算機(jī)的運(yùn)算控制中心,是計算機(jī)中集成度最高、最貴重的一塊芯片。它是由幾千幾千萬個晶體管組成的超大規(guī)模的集成電路芯片。計算機(jī)所有數(shù)據(jù)的加工處理都是在CPU 中完成的。CPU 還負(fù)責(zé)發(fā)出控制信號,使計算機(jī)的各個部件協(xié)調(diào)一致地工作。(2)存儲器內(nèi)部存儲器內(nèi)部存儲器簡稱為內(nèi)存,計算機(jī)要執(zhí)行的程序、要處理的信息和數(shù)據(jù),都必須先存入內(nèi)

52、存,才能由 CPU 取出進(jìn)行處理。內(nèi)存一般可以分為隨機(jī)讀寫存儲器(RAM) 和只讀存儲器(ROM) 兩種。ROM 中存儲的數(shù)據(jù)只能讀出,而用一般的方法不能寫入。它的最大優(yōu)點(diǎn)是它保存的數(shù)據(jù)在斷電后不會丟失,因此用來保存計算機(jī)經(jīng)常使用且固定不變的程序和數(shù)據(jù)。ROM 中保存的最重要的程序是基本輸入輸出系統(tǒng)BIOS,這是一個對輸入輸出設(shè)備進(jìn)行管理的程序。RAM 中存儲的數(shù)據(jù)可以隨時取出來(稱為讀出), 也可以隨時存入新數(shù)據(jù)(稱為寫入)或?qū)υ瓉淼臄?shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行修改。RAM 的缺點(diǎn)是斷電以后所存儲的所有數(shù)據(jù)都將丟失。充當(dāng)內(nèi)存的集成電路芯片是做在一小條印刷電路板上的,稱為內(nèi)存條。內(nèi)存條可以很方便地插在主板上,其容

53、量由 8MB、 16MB、 32MB 、 64MB 、 128MB、 256MB 等。在選擇內(nèi)存條時,要考慮容量稍大一些的,也不要插滿槽口,為今后的升級及內(nèi)存的擴(kuò)充留有余地。外部存儲器內(nèi)存的容量有限,且價格較貴,關(guān)機(jī)以后內(nèi)存中所存儲的數(shù)據(jù)就消失了,因此計算機(jī)還必須由外部存儲器(簡稱外存)來存儲數(shù)據(jù)。外存的特點(diǎn)是存儲容量大、價格較低,所存儲的數(shù)據(jù)ectificationand strengtheningthemanagementofda ilyeducation,thespiritofreformshortofthecompletesystem,paycloseattentiontosystem

54、implementation,really makethe partyorganizationa nd partymembereducation and stri ctmanagement,solid.Fi nally,t he"urge"workonthe l ead,besur eto pr omoteefficiency."Two" education, noton e ducation educati onal,notworkingwit hthe Centretwo, m uststickar oundthe Ce nter, serving

55、the overallsit uation,coordi nate,trulyre sult-oriente d andprom oteefficiency.Currentand future aperiod,totightlyaroundcoordinati onadva nce"foura full"strategy layout,winningfullbuiltsocietythi s ace ntraland work overall, putcarrie doutlearni ngeducationas promote dworkof importantoppor

56、tunities andpowerfulpower,guideGeneralmember sca dresinsisted developmentfirst pri ority,a ctiveada pted e conomic development new norm al,consciously practice linefive big devel opment conce pt,effectivegrasp supply si destructuralreform,toguarantee s and improve d liveli hood, construction m ore hig h ecologi calvitality ha ppi nessof cit y. La styear,we c


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