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2、題,又符合英文寫作的習(xí)慣。論說文框架結(jié)構(gòu):3段,160200詞第一段:引言/起始/淘金段,圖畫描述,3句1. 總體描述:人物/動物/事物動作環(huán)境 1句2. 挖掘細(xì)節(jié)詞、串連成句: 1句3. 文字說明/象征寓意: 1句第二段:主體段,意義闡釋,5句1. 主題句:象征寓意,1句2. 論證:3句1)因果論證2) 舉例論證 3) 聯(lián)系現(xiàn)實:圖畫作文創(chuàng)作原則(以小見大,把握象征寓意,個體想為群體,具體想為抽象)4)正反論證3. 小結(jié):概括論證,總結(jié)本段 1句 第三段:結(jié)論段,建議措施,4句1. 結(jié)論句:1句2. 針對雙方提建議:2句3. 包裝結(jié)尾、展望未來:1句nOnly in this way can

3、 we solve this problem.nIt is high time that we solved this problem.專題一 第一段套話如何描述首段寫法首句總體描述圖畫,點出人物、動作和環(huán)境;次句挖掘細(xì)節(jié)詞、串連成句,將圖中細(xì)節(jié)一網(wǎng)打盡;(根據(jù)情況而定)末句點出文字說明或象征寓意。可以發(fā)表議論,最好不要太多。描述圖畫的常用詞n有關(guān)圖畫的名詞n描述圖畫的形容詞n修飾動詞的副詞n“寓意”、“字幕”如何翻譯?替換picture的詞語ndrawing 指用線條或色彩繪成的圖畫。ncartoon 指幽默或諷刺性漫畫。(amusing drawing in a newspaper or

4、magazine, esp one that comments satirically on current events (報刊上的)漫畫;(尤指)時事諷刺畫。)nportrait 指肖像,只用于指人。描述圖畫的形容詞 nthought-provoking發(fā)人深省的nenlightening 有啟迪作用/使人感悟的ncompelling/striking/intriguing引人注目/引起興趣nprofound含義深刻 =far-reaching implicationsninstructive有益的(=informative)(搭配ADV: extremely, highly, most,

5、 particularly, very/quite )namusing 令人發(fā)笑的, ridiculous 荒謬可笑的nilluminating (particularly revealing or helpful) 富有啟發(fā)性的;很有助益的;nimpressive 印象深刻的, exaggerative 夸張的修飾動詞的副詞:ngraphically/ vividly生動地nsymbolically象征性地nconspicuously/clearly /explicitly清晰地nsubtly巧妙地,精細(xì)地寓意: moral/ implications/ messagehave a prof

6、ound implicationbe pregnant with meaningentertain a thought deeply字幕:nCaption: words printed with an illustration or a photograph in order to describe or explain it (附於插圖、照片上的)說明文字(附於插圖、照片上的)說明文字1) We are informed by the caption that “_”. 2)The caption reads/indicates that “_”.Simple and funny as th

7、e cartoon is, it reflects that .The picture implicitly raises the question of the importance of .The picture seems to be humorous at first glance/sight,but on second thoughts (=after reconsideration), you can find the fact that_.由淺入深之句型 第一句第一句 概括性句子怎么寫?概括性句子怎么寫?As is vividly depicted in the cartoon

8、above, 描述圖畫 . The cartoon subtly 巧妙地 and symbolically 象征性地 depicts a thought-provoking scenario 場景 in which + 描述圖畫 . What is clearly illustrated/ presented /portrayed/described in the drawing above is that + 描述圖畫.It is symbolically/ explicitly明白地/ vividly illustrated/ demonstrated in the drawing tha

9、t + 描述圖畫主體段落如何寫?主體段落如何寫?第二段:主體段,意義闡釋,5句1. 主題句:象征寓意,1句2. 論證:3句1)因果論證2) 舉例論證 3) 聯(lián)系現(xiàn)實:圖畫作文創(chuàng)作原則(以小見大,把握象征寓意,個體想為群體,具體想為抽象)4)正反論證3. 小結(jié):概括論證,總結(jié)本段 1句 topic sentencedevelopment: sub idea 1development: sub idea2 & contrary ideabrief conclusionLinking devices What can be inferred in this picture is virtua

10、lly a prevalent social issue and the significance of _. The purpose of the picture is to inform/remind us of the fact that we should not neglect the significance of _. The unique metaphor in this enlightening drawing endows us with the notion that _.主題句(全段核心,全文關(guān)鍵,必寫)過渡句(“原因如下” )的表述:Several factors,

11、(both individual and social), could account for the (negative/ positive) phenomenon.The reasons for the phenomenon may be complicated, but we can , to a large extent,ascribe/ owe/attribute (歸結(jié)于) it to the following factors.下面具體指出幾個原因,第一個原因可以用下面具體指出幾個原因,第一個原因可以用 Among the most important reasons cited

12、 by people is. One of the most popular reasons is. 第二個原因可以用:第二個原因可以用: Another important reason is. Also playing a part is. 第三個原因可以用:第三個原因可以用: The third reason, which can not be neglected, is that. In addition, (名詞名詞) is also responsible for the phenomenon. last but not least, .What is clearly illust

13、rated in the drawing above is that a student holds the opinion that the basic math skill might be outdated by the time hes in the job market while his teacher is teaching mathematics.uWhat is conspicuously illustrated in the drawing above is that a student holds the opinion that the basic math skill

14、 might be outdated by the time hes in the job market while his teacher is teaching mathematics.uThe picture implicitly raises the question of the importance of the fundamental skills students learn in our classes.nThe purpose of the picture is to remind us of the fact that we should not neglect the

15、significance of fundamental skills. (主題句)(主題句)nThe reasons for the phenomenon can be attributed to the following factors. (過渡句)(過渡句)n找原因!找原因!2-3條條1. 學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)知識不但學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)知識不但能幫助我們獲得能幫助我們獲得高等的技能,還能高等的技能,還能培養(yǎng)我們的情操。培養(yǎng)我們的情操。2. 基本技能永遠(yuǎn)不會基本技能永遠(yuǎn)不會過時,因為它在過時,因為它在日常生活和工作中日常生活和工作中仍然具有實用性。仍然具有實用性。nmastering the basic ski

16、lls can not only help us acquire the advanced skills, but also cultuvate our characters along the way we learn it.nthe basic skills will never be out of date and they remain very practical in our daily life and work.1. 學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)知識不但學(xué)習(xí)基礎(chǔ)知識不但能幫助我們獲得能幫助我們獲得高等的技能,還能高等的技能,還能培養(yǎng)我們的情操。培養(yǎng)我們的情操。2. 基本技能永遠(yuǎn)不會基本技能永遠(yuǎn)不會

17、過時,因為它在過時,因為它在日常生活和工作中日常生活和工作中仍然具有實用性。仍然具有實用性。non the one hand, mastering the basic skills can not only help us acquire the advanced skills, but also cultuvate our characters along the way we learn it.non the other hand, the basic skills will never be out of date and they remain very practical in ou

18、r daily life and work.for one thing, for anothernAs is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, the boy expresses his worries about the disposal of nuclear wastes, while his father asks him to empty the dustbin in the room first.nThe unique metaphor in this enlightening drawing endows us with the noti

19、on that it is necessary to deal with trival things.nSeveral factors could account for the phenomenon.n找原因找原因1+21. 做小事能夠培養(yǎng)我們的情操,而這正是做大事所需要的。2. nAs is vividly depicted in the cartoon above, the boy expresses his worries about the disposal of nuclear wastes, however, his father asks him to empty the du

20、stbin in the room first.nFunny and common as the conversation sounds, it reflects that the father intends to advise his son to do small things before undertaking big.The cartoon subtly and symbolically depicts a thought-provoking scenario in which a teacher asks his student to read a work of literat

21、ure as if he were reading a long text-message. nAs is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,two men, dressed in traditional Arabian clothes, are watching the construction of ancient pyramid, which is the amazing achievement of teamwork.nAs is vividly depicted in the cartoon above,two men, dressed in traditional Arabian clothes, are watching the construction of ancient pyramid, which is the amazing achievement of teamwork.nIndeed, the pyramid could not have been built if there werent hundreds and thousands of people, indicating the importance of teamwork spirit.nI


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