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1、 PAGE 頁碼 17 / NUMPAGES 總頁數 17四年級人教版英語下學期期末復習輔導題班級:_ 姓名:_ 看圖題寫單詞1. 看圖讀句子,根據首字母提示,寫出句子所缺單詞。1. 2. 3.4. 5.1.The child likes t_a b_.2.The family are very h_. They are having a p_.3.The children are having an E_c_.4.The women like p_v_.5.Its seven oclock now. Its time to g_u_.2. 根據圖片補全單詞。1w_rk_r 2do_or3n_

2、se 4ho_s_5ho_s_ 6c_w3. 單詞拼寫。1.Peter_lunch at 12:00.2.My sister_her face every day.3.This boy_his teeth every morning.4.Joe_up at half past six in the morning.5.Tim_to school at a quarter past seven.4. 看圖寫單詞。1Mr. Smart_noodles.2Ms. Smart_Grandma.3Sam_TV.4Amy_a picture.5. 根據圖片填寫內容。1 23 46. 根據圖片和首字母提示寫

3、出單詞或詞組,補全句子。1This is the c_.2Its c_in Shanghai.3Its time for b_.4The g_are so nice.5The dress is too e_.7. 看圖片,選單詞。A. uncle B. aunt C. family D. baby brother E. parentsHi, friends. Come and meet my family.1(_) 2(_)3(_) 4(_)5(_)8. 看圖,回答問題,每題詞數不限。1What season is it?2How is the weather?3How many childr

4、en are there in the picture?4Are they in the canteen?5Can you see the sea?選擇題9. 選出每組單詞中不同類的一項。1A.ruler B.eraser C.we( )2A.gym B.playground C.where( )3A.forty B.second C.first( )4A.that B.way C.this( )5A.near B.under C.classroom( )10. Is this the computer room? ( )Yes, _.A.this is B.it doesnt C.it is

5、11. Is breakfast ready? ( )A.Yes, breakfast is ready. B.Its on the wall.12. 根據漢語意思,選擇正確的單詞。1好吃的( )A.good B.yum2胡蘿卜( )A.carrot B.tomato3這些( )A.this B.these4試一試( )A.try B.look at5看( )A.look at B.what13. _ is it? ( )Monday.A.How B.When C.What day14. 選出與所給單詞屬于同類的一項:Beijing ( )A.England B.London C.China1

6、5. Is that the computer room? ( )_A.Yes, it isnt B.Yes, it is C.No, it isnt16. Can I have _ milk, Mum? ( )Here you are.A.any B.a C.some填空題17. 讀問句,看圖回答問題(用完整的句子回答)。1Are they carrots?2What are these?3Are these potatoes?4How many sheep do you have?18. 選詞填空。1Let_(I/ me) clean the floor.2Its_(a/ an) eras

7、er.3Whats_(he/ his) name?4I can use_(chopstick/ chopsticks).5Where_(is/ are) the crayons?19. 補全句子。1Im from_(中國).2_(哪里)are you from?3_(長城)is very beautiful .4You can visit Disneyland in my_(國家).5I_(喜歡)taking photos.20. 看圖,補全句子或對話。1Where_thecomputerroom?Its_theartroom.2Itstime_.3_it_?Yes,itis4The_eigh

8、tyyuan.5What_these?Theyare_.21. 寫出更多字母ir, ur發(fā)/:/的單詞。1ir:2ur:22. 看圖,寫詞補全句子。1Its sunny and hot. I put on my_.2Its rainy in London. I can take my_.3Its snowy and cold. So I put on my new_and my beautiful_.23. 看圖,選詞填空。1Its six(forty/thirty). Its(snowy/rainy) outside.2I(get up/go to bed) and have(lunch /

9、 breakfast) at 7:00.3We have (an/a)(PE/art) class. Its(cloudy/sunny). We can go outside now.4We have a(library/playground). Its on the(one/first) floor.5Its 7:30 a.m. Its time to(go home/go to school).6Its snowy outside. Lets drink some(cold/hot) water.24. 根據圖片或中文提示完成句子。1I like_and Maths.2Its time f

10、or_.3_is fun.4How many_(課程)do you have?5Welcome back to_(學校).連詞成句25. am his pupil I favourite (.)26. would, what, you, like (?)27. are they uncle bookys (.)28. lesson, I, evening, dancing, have, a, this, (.)29. clean the Let me teachers desk(.)30. is, wearing, he, a, sweater, green (.)31. will, it,

11、be, hot, Sanya, very, in, (.)32. bag, and, go, log, the, get, on, my, (.)閱讀理解33. 看圖,讀句子,判斷下列句子的對錯。Look at the people in the park. What are they doing?( )(1)Some girls are rowing a boat.( )(2)Mr Smart is running.( )(3)Lingling is taking pictures.( )(4)Amy is singing.( )(5)Grandma is reading.34. 判斷下列句

12、子是否符合短文內容。Its a very nice day in October. The students are having a maths class. But Bob is looking out of the window and watching the clouds move (移動) across the blue sky. Boy, what a day to play football! he thinks. Just then(就在那時) the bell rings and wakes(叫醒) him from his daydream(白日夢). He closes

13、 his notebook sadly, stands up, and walks slowly to his next class.( )(1)It is a very nice day when(在時候) Bob has class.( )(2)Bob likes playing football very much.( )(3)He cant play because(因為) he is ill.( )(4)Bob is very careful in the maths class.( )(5)After maths class, Bob plays football with fri

14、ends.35. 閱讀,判斷正誤。Tom usually gets up at 6. He walks to school and learns English and Maths at school. In the evening he usually does his homework. But yesterday he didnt get up at 6. He didnt walk to school and didnt learn English and Maths. He stayed at home and watched TV. Because yesterday was Su

15、nday.( )(1)Tom usually gets up at half past six.( )(2)He walks to school.( )(3)Yesterday he walked to school.( )(4)He didnt stay at home yesterday.( )(5)Yesterday was National Day.36. 閱讀短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。The Wind And The SunOne day the wind says to the sun, “Look at that man.He is walking along the ro

16、ad. I can get his cloak(披風) off more quickly than you can.” “We will see about that,” says the sun.“I will letyou try first.” So the wind tries to make the man to take off(脫掉) his cloak.He blows and blows, but the man only pulls his cloak more closely around himself. “I give up,” says the wind at la

17、st. “I cannot get his cloak off.”Then the sun tries. He shines as hard as he could. The man becomes hot and takes off his cloak.1The man is walking along the road.(_)2The man is cold.(_)3The wind can get the mans cloakoff more quickly than the sun can.(_)4The sun thinks the wind is right.(_)5The win

18、d makes the man to take offhis cloak.(_)37. 根據短文內容,選擇正確答案。Mr Lin is a driver. He drives a bus every day. He is a hard-working (勤奮工作的) man. He gets up at 5:30 in the morning. He starts to work (開始工作) at 6:00. He is very nice. He says Good morning to passengers (乘客). He always helps old people. He is

19、tired after work. But he still helps Mrs Lin at home. And he loves his son. Jack is Mr Lins son. He likes Chinese and I like English. We study together (一起). We are good friends.(1)Mr Lin is a _.( )A. doctor B. bus drive C. taxi driver(2)What does Mr Lin do at 6:00 in the morning?( )A. He is trie B.

20、 He gets up. C. He starts to work.(3)How is Mr Lin?( )A. Nice. B. Not goo C. Sa (4)Who is Jack?( )A. Hes a passenger. B. Hes Mr Lins son. C. Hes a driver.(5)What does Jack like?( )A. Chinese. B. English. C. Passengers.38. 閱讀對話,判斷正誤。A: Excuse me, girls. Is there a post office here? I want to send a p

21、ostcard.B: Yes, there is. Its behind the supermarket.A: Is there a bakery there? I want to buy some cakes, too.B: Yes. Theres a bakery next to the post office.A: Are there any book shops and fruit shops, too?B: Let me see. There arent any fruit shops on this street, but there a big book shop here. I

22、ts near the park.A: A park? Whats in it? What can you do there?B: We can ride the bicycles, play football and fly the kites there. Lets show you the way.A: Thank you so much, girls.B: Its our pleasure.( )(1)We can send a postcard in the post office.( )(2)The post office is in front of the supermarke

23、t.( )(3)There are some cakes in the bakery.( )(4)There are some fruit shops there.( )(5)The park is next to the post office.39. 閱讀下文,判斷正誤。This is my friend. Her name is Supergirl. Shes twelve years old. She has long hair. Its black. She can run very fast. She can swim and dive,too. She can fly very

24、high in the sky,but she cant cook(煮飯). She has a dog. His name is Superdog. Its only two years old. It can fly,too. Supergirl and Superdog are good friends.( )(1)Supergirl is thirteen years old.( )(2)Her hair is long and black.( )(3)She can swim,cook and run.( )(4)The dog is young.( )(5)Superdog is

25、my good friend.40. 閱讀理解(閱讀短文,選擇恰當選項)。Tom and Jerry have got fifty yuan. They want to buy some nice foo D. Tom wants to buy a fish. It costs twenty yuan. Jerry isnt happy. He thinks the fish is very expensive. Jerry wants to buy a bag of nuts (堅果). His favourite food is nuts. Tom isnt happy because T

26、om doesnt like nuts. What will they buy? At last, they decide (決定) to buy fish and nuts.(1)Tom and Jerry have got _.A. five yuan B. fifteen yuan C. fifty yuan(2)Tom wants to buy _.A. a sweet B. a fish C. some nuts(3)The fish costs _.A. two yuan B. twelve yuan C. twenty yuan(4)Jerry likes _.A. meat B. nuts C. fish(5)At last, they will


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