麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah課件_第1頁(yè)
麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah課件_第2頁(yè)
麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah課件_第3頁(yè)
麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah課件_第4頁(yè)
麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、麗聲三葉草分級(jí)讀物第三級(jí)Where Is Hannah? 漢娜在哪里?Enjoy a VideoChildrens GymWhat can you see on the cover?Whats Hannah like?Picture WalkWhat did Hannah see? thick matRead P6-11Reading TimeWhere did Hannah go?What did she do?trampolinego up and downropeswingladdergo up laddersRead and WriteWhy do we need a notice b

2、oard? a notice board How did mum feel?Lets read in loud, anxious voices.“Hannah! Hannah! Where are you?” said Mum.Why did mum laugh at last?Listen and ReadTip:Point with your finger.Where Is Hannah?I can go up and down on the trampoline.I can swing on the rope.I can go up ladders.Where are you?Lets

3、RetellIm way up here.What do you think of the woman in the red T-shirt?Lets TalkWhat will Hannah do next time?Lets MakeFold the paper.Write the title on the cover. You can draw something you like.Draw and color the trampoline, the rope, and the ladders. Cut and stick them.Lets MakeDraw some other equipment and color them. Put them in the pocket.Lets MakeDraw Hannah, Mum, and the woman. Color and cut them. Put them in the pocket.Lets MakeAt last, you can make some decorations.Lets MakeNow, you can make a new story.Lets MakeHomework 1. Listen and read


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