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1、Its magic time! (現(xiàn)在是見證奇跡的時刻!) 6A Unit 3 It was there!第一課時教學設計海師附小何海燕226600一、課題牛津小學英語6A Unit3 It was there! 二、教材簡解本部分對話內容是圍繞“尋找物品”展開的,從運動會入手,引出尋找物品這一話題,同時滲透了動詞be的過去式was和were,語言的交際性和實用性較強。三、目標預設1、知識與技能目標(1)能聽懂,會說,會讀和會拼寫單詞和詞組was,were,excited,a moment ago,just now。掌握動詞be的過去式was和were的用法。(2)能聽懂,會說,會讀單詞cam

2、era,film,ground,Sports Day,race,exciting。(3)能聽懂,會說和會讀日常交際用語It is Sports Day. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?(4)能聽懂,會說,會讀和會寫句型Wheres ? Its It isnt there now. It was Where are ? They arent there now. Theyre They were 2、能力目標(1)進一步培養(yǎng)學生良好的語音,語感。(2)進一步培養(yǎng)學生把所學知識應用到日常生活情景中的能力。(

3、3)初步培養(yǎng)學生的預習能力,組織和合作能力。3、情感目標(1)激發(fā)學生幫助他人之心。(2)培養(yǎng)學生積極參與小組活動的意識,明白“團結就是力量”。四、教學重點和難點1、掌握動詞be的過去式was和were的用法。2、能聽懂,會說,會讀和會拼寫單詞和詞組was,were,excited,a moment ago,just now。3、能聽懂,會說,會讀和會寫句型Wheres ? Its It isnt there now. It was Where are ? They arent there now. Theyre They were 五、設計理念本課以始終貫徹“玩中學”和“做中學”的理念,借助

4、視頻,聲頻,圖片,動畫等教學媒體巧設情景,引導學生主動探究,創(chuàng)造性地學習,時時刻刻體驗英語學習的快樂,讓英語學習真正做到“為了一切的孩子,為了孩子的一切,一切為了孩子”。六、設計思路本課以魔術為切入點,通過自我介紹與動畫展示,呈現(xiàn)was和were的用法及excited,然后切入課文,將所有的重點和難點均在游戲中層層分解,各個擊破。七、教學過程Step1. Warming up and presentationT: Boys and girls, I want to know something about you. Please say something about you or your

5、classmate.S: T: Now, do you want to know something about me?S: Yes.T: (PPT呈現(xiàn)簡短的自我介紹Im Ann. I like magic and travelling. Im very excited now.) Excited, do you know? Follow me, excited.S: Excited.T: Excited是形容人的。We can say, the boy in black is very excited. Who can make a sentence with this word?Ss: 【

6、設計意圖】熱身環(huán)節(jié)中自我介紹或互相介紹的設計正是貫徹了英語課程標準中在二級課程目標中提出的“能用簡單的英語交換有關個人的簡單信息”。同時讓學生在老師的自我介紹中水到渠成地學習excited并用excited造句,有效體現(xiàn)出“詞不離句”。T: (呈現(xiàn)兩張圖片) Look, this is Su Yangs photo. Where is she now?S: Shes in the classroom.T: (操作電腦,讓蘇陽從大屏幕上消失)Now, its magic time. Wheres she now?S: Sorry, I dont know.T: She isnt in the c

7、lassroom. But she was in the classroom a moment ago. (PPT呈現(xiàn)She was in the classroom a moment ago.) Was是am,is的過去式,a moment ago means片刻之前。S: Was, was, she was in the classroom.S: A moment ago, a moment ago, she was in the classroom a moment ago.T: Where are the students now?S: They are in the computer

8、 room.T: (操作電腦,讓學生們從大屏幕上消失)Its magic time. Are they in the computer room?S: No, they arent in the computer room.T: They were(are的過去式) in the computer room just now(剛才). (PPT呈現(xiàn))S: Were, were, they were in the computer room.S: Just now, just now, they were in the computer room just now. 【設計意圖】從學生最感興趣的

9、魔術切入新知識的學習,將學生對魔術的熱情巧妙地轉為學習的熱情,并將本課的重點was, were的用法和重點詞組a moment ago及just now進行滲透,為下個環(huán)節(jié)奠定堅實的基礎。Step2. Presentation and practiceT: Su Yang isnt in the classroom, the students arent in the computer room. Where are they now . (鏡頭切換到本課插圖)S: They are in the playground.T: Today is Sports Day.S: Sports Day.

10、T: On Sports Day, what are Su Hai and Su Yang doing in the playground? Lets learn Unit 3 It was there!S: It was there!T: On Sports Day, the twins and some students are watching the running race.S: Running race.T: Su Hai is looking for something. What is Su Hai looking for? Lets watch the cartoon and

11、 try to answer this question. (PPT呈現(xiàn)What are they looking for? A: The camera B: The glasses C: The films D: The bag Learning tip: 傾聽有技巧,巧抓關鍵詞)The students watch the cartoon.T: Who can answer this question?S: They are looking for the camera and the films.T: (PPT呈現(xiàn)film) Read after me, film.S: Film.【設計

12、意圖】由熱身環(huán)節(jié)的操練自然而然地過渡到課文,使每個環(huán)節(jié)之間嚴絲合縫。Learning tip的設置,正是體現(xiàn)了英語課程標準中的“教師要有意識地加強對學生學習策略的指導,讓他們在學習和運用英語的過程中逐步學會如何學習?!盩: Please read the text by yourselves, then according to the text and judge. (PPT呈現(xiàn))Write T if the sentence is true. Write F if the sentence is false. 1. There was an exciting (令人興奮的,令人激動的) r

13、unning race. ( ) 2. Su Yang wanted to take some photos. ( ) 3. The camera is in Su Hais bag. ( ) 4. The films were on the ground(在地上). ( ) Learning tip: 略讀有訣竅,注意關鍵句。T: Lets read these sentences. The students read the sentences. (在讀句子的過程中學習exciting和on the ground )The students try to finish the exerci

14、ses.the cameranowjust nowthe filmsT: The camera isnt in Su Hais bag and the films werent on the ground. Where are the films and the camera? Please read after the cartoon and try to fill in the blanks. (PPT呈現(xiàn)) just nownowThe students read after the cartoon. 【設計意圖】牛津小學英語教材的特點之一是從視聽入手,注重聽說訓練,著重培養(yǎng)學生的語感。

15、基于這一點,我們應該讓學生多聽錄音,多感知純正的語音語調為他們良好的語音語調的形成夯實基礎。The students read the text again and fill in the blanks.T: Who can tell me the answers?The students answer the questions.T: Please according to this and use these drills to make some sentences. (PPT呈現(xiàn):The camera is But it isnt there now. It was The films

16、 are But they arent there now. They were Learning tip: 造句有講究,巧借思路圖) You can work in groups.老師在學生操練結束以后選擇幾位學生說一說。The students read the text in roles.【設計意圖】基礎教育階段英語課程的主要任務之一是使學生養(yǎng)成良好的學習習慣和形成有效的學習策略,發(fā)展自主學習的能力和合作精神。這個環(huán)節(jié)的設計就是為了讓學生在組內相互扶持,共同學習,人人進步。Step3: ConsolidationT: You all did a good job. Lets play a

17、 game. When I say,Its magic time! Every group can find an envelope on the desk. OK! Lets start! Its magic time!The students look for the envelope. T: There are some sentences in the envelope, you should fill in the blanks, then put the sentences in the correct order.The students finish the exercises

18、 in groups.T: Times up! Stop! The Group is the winner! Lets have a look.The teacher shows their answer to the others. Fill in the blanks, and then put the sentences in the correct order.Theyre watching the _ running race. It is _ Day. The boys and the girls are very _.The camera _ in Su Hais bag a _ ago. Its in Su Yangs bag now.Su Yang can _ _ up for Su Hai.Su Yang _ to take some photos, so shes _ _ her camera and the films.The films _ in Su Yangs bag _ now. Theyre on the ground now.Learning


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