



1、六B練習(xí)冊:選擇填空。( )1. A: _? B: It is cloudy. A. Whats the weather? B. How is the weather about? C. What was the weather like? D. Whats the weather like?( )2. A: Was is cold yesterday? B: Yes, but its _ today. A. cold B. colder C. much cold D. too cold( )3. Whick season do you like _, spring or autumn? A.

2、 best B. better C. the best D. good( )4. How many _ are there in a year? A. season B. seasons C. spring D. winter( )5. Its windy _ autumn in Nanjing A. in B. at C. on D. of( )6. They want _ this week A. to go fish B. go fishing C. to go fishing D. to fishing( )7. I _ buy a new watch. A. dont need B.

3、 dont need to C.neednt to D. needs( )8. In Harbin, it sometimes snows very_. A. heavy B. heavier C. heavily D. heaviest( )9. We _ the class meeting in the park next week A. is going to have B. are going to have C. is going to be D. are going to be( )10. I like spring best _ I can go rowing A. so B.

4、why C. because D. or( )1. He _ English and Maths in his_. A. study, study B. is studying, study C. study, studying D. studying, studying( )2. Sam is _ than Peter _ playing table tennis. A. good, at B. better, at C. better, on D. good, on( )3. -Could you pass the postcard to me? -_. A. Here you are.

5、B. Thats all right. C. Youre welcome D. I have no idea.( )4. He runs _ faster than the other players. A. much B. more C. many D. very( )5. Can you finish _ the book in three days? A. to read B. reading C. read D. reads( )6. They often watch TV _ Saturday evenings. A. on B. at C. in D. by( )7. Whats

6、_ the newspaper? A. on B. at C. in D. by( )8. I would like to know _ about you. A. many B. lot C. more D. a lot ( )9. We give our teachers some cards _ best wishes. A. in B. for C. by D. with( )10. Where _ Lucy _? A. do, lives B. does, lives C. does, live D. are, living( )1. Can you tell me the way

7、the cinema? A. on B. in C. to D. with( )2. Lets go to the city post office, but how can we ? A. go to there B. get to there C. go to the there D. get there( )3. is it from here? About five kilometres away. A. How far B. How old C. How many D. How much( )4. They want buy some presents their friends.

8、A. to, to B. to, for C. , for D. for, to( )5. How can I the shopping centre? A. get B. go C. to go D. get to( )6. Go along this street and then right at the fourth crossing. A. turn B. walk C. get D. take( )7. How many are there in your school? Twenty. A. classroom B. classrooms C. a classroom D. so

9、me classrooms( )8. To get there , you can take bus No. 5. A. slow B. late C. fast D. faster( )9. can I get to the cinema and way shall I go? A. How, which B. What, which C. Where, which D. Which, what( )10. Whose box is nicer, yours or ? A. me B. my C. our D. hers( )1. Jim Social Science. A. is good

10、 at B. are good at C. do well in( )2. They Japanese . A. does well in B. be good at C. do well in( )3. Ben as fast as Jim. A. swim B. swims C. swimming( )4. Whose bag is heavier, or ? A. his, hers B. his, her C. my, your( )5. Does Jim get up than Ben? A. early B. late C. later( )6. Does the girl dol

11、ls? A. likes B. like C. liking( )7. The traffic is than yesterday. A. heavy B. heavyer C. heavier( )8. Would you please the new words for us? A. to read B. read C. reading( )9. They do some exercise every morning, theyll stronger soon. A. turn B. get C. have( )10. You have five minutes them. A. reme

12、mber B. to remember C. remembers( )1. On Monday morning, Nancy a walk in the park. A. went B. go for C. took D. take( )2. Su Hai is than Helen. A. younger B. young C. youngger D. old( )3. He is the only child his family. A. in B. on C. under D. as( )4. What it is! A. beautiful stamp B. a beautiful s

13、tamp C. beautiful stamps D. beautiful a stamp( )5. I a brother. A. has got B. has got C. has D. having( )6. Su Hais younger than Su Yang. A. twenty minutes B. twenty minute C. twenty minutes D. twenty minutes( )7. They sat on the chair and a chat. A. had B. have C. got D. met( )8. is Nancys cousin?

14、Five years old. A. How much B. How old C. How many D. How ( )9. Do you have any storybooks copybooks? A. and B. of C. with D. or( )10. Su Hai and Su Yang look . A. same B. the different C. the same D. with same( )1. Do you like this blue jacket that yellow one? A. or B. as C. on ( )2. Im as as you,

15、but Im than you. A. tall, stronger B. taller, stronger C. tall, strong( )3. Your have six books, but I have than you. A. much B. man C. more( )4. Whose school bag is , yours or mine? A. heavyer B. heavier C. heavy( )5. Look! hands are bigger than . A. His, her B. His, hers C. Hers, his( )6. Tom is t

16、hree older than Danny. A. year B. weeks C. day( )7. Do you have any brothers sisters? A. or B. and C. for( )8. Monday morning, I went a walk in the park. A. In, on B. On, for C. On, to( )9. Su Yang a sister. Her names Su Yang. A. has B. have C. is having( )10. I want her one day. A. meet B. to meet

17、C. meeting( )1. I like kites very much, you? A. what B. how C. what are D. how about( )2. Please dont late again. A. am B. is C. be D. are( )3. a beautiful dress! A. Whats B. What C. How D. How about( )4. Liu Tao is two years than Nancy. A. smaller B. bigger C. old D. older( )5. He wants to do some

18、exercise weekends. A. at B. on C. in D. of( )6. He is talking his cousin it. A. to, with B. to, about C. with, to D. with, about( )7. David is good English, but he doesnt do well PE. A. at, on B. at, in C. at, with D. in, at( )8. The green kite can fly than that red one. A. high B. fast C. higher D.

19、 as high( )9. Do you have any problems your homework? A. with B. of C. in D. at( )10. is great fun. A. Run B. Running C. Runing D. Runs( )1. I often go to see plays with my friends _ weekends. A. for B. in C. at D. on( )2. How are you going _ there? A. gets B. getting to C. to get D. to get to ( )3.

20、 -Is that Gao Shan? -_. A. Yes, I am B. No, I am not. C. Yes, speaking D. Yes, that is.( )4. David is making plans _ his class meeting. A. with B. to C. for D. of( )5. You are late, please come to school _ next time. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. be early( )6. What are you going to do _ this mo

21、rning? A. in B. on C. at D. /( )7. Shall we _ you? A. join B. to join C. take part in D. to take part in ( )8. There is going to _ in the school tomorrow. A. a concert B. be a concert C. have a concert D. concert( )9. Helen _ any classes on Saturdays and Sundays. A. is going to B. has C. dont have D. doesnt have( )10. Would you like _ the sports meeting? A. to take part in B. take part in C. to join D. join( )1. Yesterday morning, Nancy,_ the newspaper at home. A. reads B. is reading C. read D. readed( )2. Who do you want _ A. to write


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