冀教版八年級下冊英語 Unit5 Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale 習(xí)題課件_第1頁
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1、 冀教版 八年級下 Unit5 Buying and SellingLesson 30 A Cookie Sale答 案 呈 現(xiàn)溫馨提示: 點(diǎn)擊 進(jìn)入講評習(xí)題鏈接1Recently2village3supports4crazy678910Recently; raised; money forsold out; less thantoo dangerous to doSelling; is; to helpourselves; to buy 課內(nèi)知識夯實(shí)基礎(chǔ)5improve答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接1visiting2closing3B4less than題組專訓(xùn)突破考點(diǎn)5A678910invent

2、edinventionCDB1less2sold3Staying4bakers678910DBDAC課后鞏固拓展延伸5invented答 案 呈 現(xiàn)習(xí)題鏈接課文精華新編巧練1to pay2for3money4more678910soldsurprisedproductslesssucceeded5in寫必有法作文提分作文一、根據(jù)漢語提示寫單詞, 并背記相應(yīng)英語詞匯1. 【新題】 _(最近), Chinese often speak of poverty eradication(脫貧攻堅(jiān)).2. Walk slowly along the river and you can enjoy the

3、beauty of our _ (村莊).Recentlyvillage3. Our government _ (支持) young people to go to the west of China to work.4. Its _ (瘋狂的) of you to drive after drinking.5. Keeping English diary is a good way to _ (提高) English.supportscrazyimprove二、根據(jù)漢語意思完成句子, 并背記英語句子6. 最近我們?yōu)閷W(xué)校籃球隊(duì)籌集了一些資金。_ we _ some _ _ our school

4、 basketball team.Recently raised money for7. 不到一個(gè)小時(shí), 我就賣光了我的餅干! I _ _ of my cookies in _ _ an hour! sold out less than8. 每個(gè)人都認(rèn)為在自行車上做作業(yè)太危險(xiǎn)了。Everyone thinks it s _ _ _ _ homework on a bicycle.too dangerous todo9. 賣餅干是一個(gè)幫助他人的好主意! _ cookies _ a great idea _ _ others! Selling is to help10. 我們可以自己做餅干, 并用

5、這筆錢來買更多的書籍。We can make cookies _ and use the money _ _ more books.ourselvesto buy 1. I miss my grandfather very much. Im looking forward to _ (visit) him soon. 【中考淮安】visiting2. Would you mind _ (close) the door? 【2021龍東】closing3. _ is good for us.A. Read B. ReadingC. Reads D. To readingB4. 【新題】用5G技術(shù)

6、, 我們可以在不到10秒鐘的時(shí)間內(nèi)完成很多的事情。With 5G technology we can finish many things in _ _ ten seconds.lessthan5. More than 400 street gardens will be built in our city.Good news! It is becoming more and more beautiful. _A. Over B. Around C. Nearly D. AboutA6. Edison(愛迪生) _ (發(fā)明) the electric light. 【改編貴州】invented

7、7. Thanks to the _ (invent) of the smartphone, its convenient to take photos anytime. 【中考上?!縤nvention8. The young _ has invented over twenty _.A. inventor; inventors B. invention; inventionsC. inventor; inventions D. invention; inventorsC9. Always tell your parents _ you are going and _ you expect t

8、o be home. 【中考天水】A. what; where B. when; whereC. where; what D. where; when【點(diǎn)撥】句意為“總是要告訴你的父母你要去哪里, 以及你預(yù)計(jì)什么時(shí)間回到家”。根據(jù)語境可知第一個(gè)空格用where, 第二個(gè)空格用when。故選D。D10. Excuse me. Could you tell me _? In half an hour. 【中考內(nèi)江】A. what time does the plane take offB. what time the plane takes offC. what time did the plan

9、e take offD. what time the plane took off【點(diǎn)撥】考查賓語從句。賓語從句中, 從句應(yīng)用陳述語序, 可排除A、C; 由答語“半小時(shí)之內(nèi)”可知, 飛機(jī)并未起飛, D 項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤, 故選B。B一、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空1. They finished their work in _ (little) than 2 hours.2. We baked some cookies and _ (sell) out of them at last.3. _ (stay) up late is bad for your health.lesssoldStaying4. T

10、hey are good _ (bake). They can bake many kinds of delicious bread.5. That great inventor has _ (invent) many great things so far.bakersinvented二、語法專練(賓語從句) 單項(xiàng)選擇6. Can you tell me _ you finally solved the problem? By turning to my parents. 【2021丹東】A. when B. where C. why D. howD7. Tomorrow is Earth

11、Day. Lets discuss _. 【2021連云港】A. when shall we give out the leafletsB. what we can do to recycle thingsC. how should we save more energyD. whether can we make our city greener【點(diǎn)撥】句意為“明天是地球日。讓我們討論 ”。根據(jù)賓語從句應(yīng)用陳述語序這一規(guī)則, 可排除A 項(xiàng)、C 項(xiàng)和D 項(xiàng)。故選B。B8. Jenny just wondered _ Angela already knew about the event. 【中

12、考南京】A. how soon B. how manyC. how often D. how muchD9. The school suggested the students pass on _ they have learned to their parents. 【中考大慶】A. what B. thatC. which D. whereA10. Could you tell me _ for the coming holidays? Sorry, I have no idea. 【2021鄂州】A. where are you going B. where you goC. where

13、 you are going D. where you went【點(diǎn)撥】由空后“for the coming holidays(即將來臨的假期) ”可知句子使用一般將來時(shí), 排除選項(xiàng)B 和D。再結(jié)合賓語從句的陳述語序, 即“引導(dǎo)詞+ 主語+ 動(dòng)詞+ 其他”, 可知選C。C在空白處填上一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空Our school football team was going to play a game. Each player needed _1(pay) 150 yuan. The students decided to raise money _2 the team.

14、 Some students brought their pocket _3. But how did they make _4(much) money? to payformoneymoreAfter discussing it, they thought they had an interest _5 selling things. They bought products at a low price and _6 (sell) them at a high price. They were _7 (surprise) to find their _8 (product) to catc

15、h peoples eye. In _9 (little) than a week, they got enough money. They were happy because they _10 (succeed). They thought they had done the most valuable thing.soldsurprisedproductslesssucceededin一、話題分析本單元的話題是“買賣”, 談?wù)摿巳绾卫碡?cái)、如何籌款讓財(cái)富為人們的生活服務(wù)的正確人生觀。二、 寫作方法“總分總?cè)椒ā睂懼黝}活動(dòng)描述類作文第一步, 開篇點(diǎn)題: 總述活動(dòng)。第二步, 具體內(nèi)容: 分述

16、活動(dòng)情況。第三步, 表達(dá)感受: 總體概括活動(dòng)的意義和帶給大家的感受。三、素材積累主題活動(dòng)描述類作文常用詞匯: raise money, sell many products, make posters, create ads, catch ones eye, need to, pay for, come up to.主題活動(dòng)描述類作文常用句型: 1. There are many. in.2. Its very. for us to do.3. We can make.4. It makes our life more colourful.5. If customers. they will.

17、6. We are happy to.四、寫作任務(wù)周日上午, 你們班舉辦了愛心義賣活動(dòng)(charity sale) , 同學(xué)們把自制的飛機(jī)模型、風(fēng)箏等物品帶到了義賣現(xiàn)場。這次活動(dòng)所得的錢將全部捐給希望工程(Project Hope) 。請根據(jù)下面的提示描述一下本次義賣活動(dòng), 并談?wù)勛约旱母惺堋L崾? (1) 義賣活動(dòng)在周日上午8: 30開始。(2) 所有義賣產(chǎn)品都很便宜, 很多學(xué)生和老師購買了義賣產(chǎn)品。(3) 你的感受要求: (1) 短文包括所有提示內(nèi)容, 可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。(2) 語句通順、意思連貫、語法正確。(3) 詞數(shù): 80左右。五、寫作模板總述活動(dòng)Our class had a chari

18、ty sale in our school.分述活動(dòng)First, we made many things.; At 8: 30 a.m., the charity sale started.; At last, we will send the money to Project Hope.總結(jié)活動(dòng)I feel proud of what we have done.六、滿分作文_On Sunday morning, our class had a charity sale in our school. First, we made many things by ourselves in our free time, such as model planes and kites. At 8: 30 a.m., the charity sale started. Many teachers and students came and bought ma


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