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1、PEP 六 年級上冊 Unit 3 My weekend plan當堂檢測詞匯語法句型對話詞匯復習What are you going to do today?Im going to .visit my grandparentssee a filmtake a tripgo to the supermarket詞匯復習Where are you going ?Bookstore . Im going to buy dictionarycomic book word book post card選詞填空。1. _ are they going to do in the park? Theyre

2、going to have a picnic.2. _ are you going next week? Im going to Tangshan.3. _ is Mike going to the bookstore? Hes going at 8:30 on Sunday morning.詞匯復習 where what whenWhatWhereWhenback語法復習1. What are you going to do? Im going to+活動內容2. Where are you going? Im going+地點3. When are you going? Im going

3、時間Summary:語法復習意義是“什么”,要根據(jù)問的內容來回答。如:Whats your name? my name is 意義是“在哪里”,具體回答地點 如: Where is your school? My school is near the bookstore.WhatWhere語法復習When意義是“什么時候”,具體回答時間 。如: When are you going to school tomorrow? Im going to school at 7:00.1、這三個詞是特殊疑問詞。2、特殊疑問詞要根據(jù)問的內容做具體回答。 語法復習 一般將來時 概念: 表示將要發(fā)生的動作或存

4、在的狀態(tài)。結構: will be going to + 動詞原形標志語:tomorrow,this afternoon, this evening, the day after tomorrow,this weekend next week (month, year ),back1. What are you going to do tomorrow? 你明天打算做什么?2. Im going to have an art lesson. 我要上美術課。3. Were going to draw some pictures in Remmin Park. 我們要到人民公園去畫畫。句型復習4.

5、Were going to the cinema. 我們打算去電影院。5. Where are you going? 你們打算去哪?6. When are you going? 你們什么時候去?7. Have a good time! 祝你玩得高興!8. I have to do my homework now. 現(xiàn)在我必須做我的作業(yè)。句型復習9. My cousin Jack is going to visit me next week. 我的表弟杰克下周要來看我。10. Were going to see a film about space travel. 我們將要看一部關于太空旅游的電

6、影。11. I have lots of comic books about space. 我們有許多關于太空的漫畫書。句型復習13. Its half price then. 那時半價。14. My family are going to get together and have a big dinner. 我的家人將聚在一起,吃一頓豐盛的晚餐。15. My grandmother will tell us a story about Change. 我奶奶將給我們講嫦娥的故事。句型復習句型復習16. F is for family. F代表家庭。17. Well all be toget

7、her tonight. 今晚我們都將聚在一起。18. We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon. 我們吃月餅,講關于月亮的故事。19. You can be together with your family too. 你也可以和你的家人聚在一起。back一、按聽到的先后順序給下列句子排序。( ) Im going to have an art lesson.( ) What are you going to do in your lesson? ( ) Sound great! Im going to see a film tomor

8、row. ( ) What are you going to do tomorrow? ( ) You too. I have to do my homework now. Bye .( ) OK. Bye.( ) Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.( ) Have a good time!對話復習12345678二、聽錄音,回答問題。1. Whats Johns cousins name? _2. Where are the two boys going ? _ 3. Are they going to see a film ab

9、out the animals? _4. When are they going ? _對話復習 Jack. They are going to the cinema.No, they arent.Next Tuesday. 三、聽錄音,判斷正誤。正確的打, 錯誤的劃。( ) 1. Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.( ) 2. Wu Yifans family will have a big dinner.( ) 3. Yifans mum is going to make mooncakes.( ) 4. Yifans grandma is going to tel

10、l a story.( ) 5. Robin and Yifan are going to read a story about Family. 對話復習back一、選出畫線部分發(fā)音不同的單詞。當堂檢測( ) 1. A. head B. meat C. see D. meet( ) 2. A. take B. travel C .lake D. space( ) 3. A. bus B. must C. duck D. car( ) 4. A. not B. post C. no D. go( ) 5. A. pork B. fork C. word D. northABDAC二、單項選擇。(

11、 ) 1.What are you going to do after school. A. Im going to buy a book. B. Im a student. C. I go home.( ) 2. Im going at 4 oclock _ the afternoon _ Friday. A.in; in B. at; on C. in ;on. AC當堂檢測( ) 3. Are you going to buy _ books? Yes. I want to buy _ story books. A. some, any B. any, some C. some, som

12、e( ) 4. Shes going to _the Great Wall next week. A. visit B. visits C. visitingBA當堂檢測三、讀句子,選出正確的答語。當堂檢測( ) 1. What are you going to do? ( ) 2. When are you going to school? ( ) 3. Where are you going this Saturday? ( ) 4. How do you go to the park?A. By bus. B. Take a trip. C. Of course. D. Spring.E

13、. To Beijing. F. Yes, I am. G. At 2:30. H. My aunt.BGEA當堂檢測( ) 5. Are you going to buy any books? ( ) 6. Who are you going to visit? ( ) 7. Which season do you like best? ( ) 8. Can you read this for me ? A. By bus. B. Take a trip. C. Of course. D. Spring.E. To Beijing. F. Yes, I am. G. At 2:30. H.

14、My aunt.FHDC四、按要求完成句子。1. They are going to the museum. (對劃線部分提問) _2. I am going to see a robot.(改為一般疑問句) _當堂檢測Where are you going?Are you going to see a robot?3. Im going to take a trip tomorrow. (對劃線部分提問) _4. They are going there next week.(對劃線部分提問) _當堂檢測What are you going to do tomorrow?When are t

15、hey going there ?五、連詞成句。 1. are, What, going, you , to, this, Sunday do (?) _2. draw ,going, We, to, are, pictures, some (.) _3. see, I, going, to, am, this, film, a , afternoon(.) _4. a , good, Have , time( .) _當堂檢測What are you going to do this Sunday?We are going to draw some pictures.I am going t

16、o see a film this afternoon.Have a good time.六、用“be going to”結構來寫一寫你的周末計劃。 要求:1、條理清晰、書寫工整、規(guī)范。 2、不少于5句。 _當堂檢測My weekend My name is I will be very busy this weekend . On Saturday morning, Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy some comic books. In the afternoon, Im going toThank you! Unit 3 My wee

17、kend planPEP 六年級上冊 單元加油站(一)一、聽錄音,給下面的圖片標上序號。 1. 2. 3. () () () 4. 5. () ()12345二、聽錄音,連線。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. tomorrow B. tonight C. next weekD. this morning E. this evening 三、聽錄音,補全句子。1. W:What are you_ to do_ ? M:Im going to_ _ _. 2. Were going to_ _in Linghu Park . 3. Mike_ to_ _ _ now . 4. Can John_

18、 _today?5. Shes going to_ _ _this evening .visit her grandparentsgoing tomorrowsee a filmdraw pictureshas do his homeworkgo fishing四、談論一下大家的周末能做哪些事情?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 五、爭做朗讀小明星。1. Sarah is on the phone with Mike . 2. What are you going to do today? Im going to see a film . 3. Have a good time!

19、六、選詞填空。1. She_ (are, is) going to the bookstore next week . 2. Amy and I _ (is, are) going to have a cooking class . is點撥:關鍵詞是Amy and I,主語為復數(shù),故be動詞用are。are3. That_ (sound, sounds) good .4. _(Where, Who) are you going tomorrow? sounds點撥:關鍵詞是That,主語為第三人稱單數(shù),故動詞用單三形式。Where七、單項選擇。() 1. What are you going

20、 to do? _A. Im going there on foot . B. Im going to buy a book . C. Im going there next week . B() 2. I have to_ my clothes . A. wash B. washing C. washes () 3. What are you going to do_ this evening?A. in B. on C. /() 4. Have a good time! _ A. Me too. B. OK . C. Thank you. ACC八、判斷下列對話與圖片是否相符,相符的打“”

21、,不相符的打“X”。() 1. Im going to go swimming! Sounds great! () 2. Im going to see a film tomorrow. Me too. () 3. What is your brother going to do? Hes going to draw a picture . () 4. What are they going to do? They are going to play football. 九、按要求完成下列各題。1. Peter is going to have an English class. (對畫線部分

22、提問) _2. Im going to take a trip this afternoon. (改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答) _ _What is Peter going to do?Are you going to take a trip this afternoon?No, Im not.3. I make a snowman every winter. (用next winter替換every winter) _I am going to make a snowman next winter. 十、閱讀下面的對話,判斷正(T)誤(F)。 A:JohnB:MikeA:What are

23、you going to do next Monday?B:Im going to visit my grandparents . A:How will you get there?B:I will get there by bus . A:Where do they live?B:Their home is near the post office . I turn left at the traffic lights in front of the bus stop, and then walk straight . Their house is on the right . A:Im g

24、oing to the post office, too . B:Great! Lets go together. () 1. Mike is going to visit his grandparents . () 2. Mike will get there on foot . () 3. John is going to Mikes grandparents home . () 4. The traffic lights are in front of the bus stop . () 5. John and Mike are going together to the post of

25、fice next Sunday . TFFTF聽力原文一、1. zoo2. cinema3. the Great Wall 4. bookstore5. park聽力原文二、1. Im going to see a film tonight. 2. Sarah is going to take a trip this morning. 3. Shes going to visit her grandparents next week. 4. We are going to the supermarket this evening. 5. My mother is going to clean

26、 the room tomorrow. 聽力原文三、1. W:What are you going to do tomorrow? M:Im going to see a film. 2. Were going to draw pictures in Linghu Park. 3. Mike has to do his homework now. 4. Can John go fishing today? 5. Shes going to visit her grandparents this evening. Thank you! Unit 3 My weekend planPEP 六年級上

27、冊 單元加油站(二)一、聽錄音,給下面的圖片標上序號。 () () () () ()24135二、聽錄音,選出正確的答句。() 1. A. Im going by bus. B. Im going with my mother C. Im going to buy a book. () 2. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can. () 3. A. Im going to Beijing. B. Tomorrow. C. Here you are. () 4. A. Im going there by train. B. Im going ther

28、e on foot. C. Im going there by bike. () 5. A. Yes, she can. B. Yes, I can. C. No, he cant . CCAAB三、聽錄音,完成下列表格。WhereWhatWhenJohn1. _this afternoonMike2. _see a filmAmysupermarket3. _Sarahlibrary4. _Chen Jietake a trip5. _next Sundaytomorrowread booksbuy a comic bookcinema四、準確讀出下面詞匯。1. storybook 2. c

29、omic book 3. dictionary4. word book 5. postcard 6. newspaper五、爭做朗讀小明星。1. Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival . 2. We have a big dinner . 3. We will all be together tonight . 4. Im going to have an art lesson tomorrow . 六、重新排列下列字母組成詞匯。1. o,w,o,d,b,r,k,o _2. i,o,o,c,m,b,c,o,k _3. d,c,t,i,i,o,a,n,r,y _4. o

30、,a,r,d,p,c,s,t _word bookcomic bookdictionarypostcard七、單項選擇。() 1. F is_ family . We will all be together tonight . A. to B. for C. of() 2. Ill tell him a story_ animals . A. about B. in C. forBA() 3. You can_ with your family . A. is B. be together C. together () 4. Please dont disturb_. A. I B. my

31、C. me () 5. Im going to learn_ to do some kung fu . A. when B. how C. whereCBB八、選擇合適的疑問詞填空。1. A:_is he going tomorrow? B:Hes going to the shoe store . 2. A:_is she going to buy? B:Shes going to buy a new book . WhatWhoHowWhenWhereWhereWhat3. A:_are you going to do your homework? B:Im going to do hom

32、ework at 8:00 . 4. A:_are you going? B:We are going on foot . 5. A:_is she? B:She is my teacher . WhatWhoHowWhenWhereWhenHowWho九、按要求完成下列各題。1. I will tell you a story. (寫出同義句)I _ _ _ tell you a story . 2. Shes going to take a trip this weekend . (對畫線部分提問)_ _ _ going _ _ this weekend?am going toWhat i

33、s she to do3. She is going to Hainan . (對畫線部分提問)_is_ _?4. Im going to the cinema after school. (對畫線部分提問)_ _ _ going to the cinema?5. Hes going to have an art lesson tomorrow. (every day 替換tomorrow)He_ _ _ _ every day . Where she goingWhen are youhas an art lesson十、閱讀短文,回答問題。My name is Tim . Tomorrow

34、 is Sunday. I have no lessons. My parents arent going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is going to buy something for next week . My father is going to visit my aunt and uncle. Im going to play computer games with my sister. We are going to have a big dinner tomorrow even

35、ing. After that we are going to the cinema. I think we are going to have a nice weekend .1. What day is it today?_2. Is Tims mother going to buy anything for next week?_3. What is Tims father going to do?_Its Saturday. Yes, she is. Hes going to visit Tims uncle and aunt. 4. When are they going to ha

36、ve a big dinner?_5. Are they going to have a nice weekend?_ Yes, they are. Theyre going to have a big dinner tomorrow evening.聽力原文一、1. word book 2. newspaper 3. dictionary 4. postcard 5. comic book聽力原文二、1. What are you going to do?2. Can you wash the clothes?3. Where are you going tomorrow?4. How ar

37、e you going to Beijing from Hainan?5. Can you play with us?聽力原文三、 I have many good friends. They are very busy. John is going to buy a comic book this afternoon. Mike is going to the cinema. He is going to see a film. Amy is going to the supermarket next Sunday. Sarah is going to the library. Shes going to read books. Chen Jie is going to take a trip tomorrow. Thank you! Unit 3 My weekend planPEP 六年級上冊 三步法寫周末計劃題目:你喜歡周末嗎?你有什么周末計劃?請把你的周末計劃用日記寫出來吧。三步法寫周末計劃用日記形式寫周末計劃,我們先要了解日記的格式。日記通常由書端和正文兩個部分組成。英語日記的書端是專門寫日記的日期、星期和天氣的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期,右上角寫上當天的天氣情況。小學生寫英文日記時,對書端可以簡化,寫一個就行。書端、正文我


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